Covid 19 origin theories and how to handle that

The first article

Corona Covid 19 or 2019 n-CoV origin theories and how to handle that

cannot be edited anymore, so I copied it here to have an editable version.


This article is to shed light on what Corona Covid19 is, where it came from, what it is really about and what we can do about it.

For symptoms, remedies and prevention of Corona Covid 19 , see Presuns for beating Corona virus Covid 19 2019-nCoV naturally and Building a Dandhea anti-Covid Day

So what is Covid19? If you listen to computer experts, vaccine salesmen and politicians, who have billions invested in and trillions to win from vaccines, Covid19 is a pandemic and we should all stay home or millions will die, and wait in fear and trembling for the vaccine to deliver us all from this horrible disease.

If you listen to medical doctors without a conflict of interests, it is nothing new, most people have no symptoms, and if they do, it is actually easier to treat than most pulmanory diseases.

What are the percentages of infections, people with no symptoms, with symptoms and deaths, and what does it depend on?

Some say 90% of people who are infected with it have no symptoms. Others say 25 to 80 % of those infected have no symptoms. In Iceland 50 % of those infected with SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms.

Healthline states: “In one study, researchers reported that 104 of 128 people (81 percent) on a cruise ship who tested positive the novel coronavirus were asymptomatic.

In another study, researchers reported that 42 percent of people who tested positive for COVID-19 were without symptoms.

What causes these differences?

Different factors can be at play when it comes to in how far people get symptoms from Covid19.

Research shows that Covid 19 is caused by omega 6 depletion. See here how you can solve that. People with enough Omega 6 don’t get ill from Covid19.

Also people with Covid 19 have Vitamin D deficiency. See here how you can solve that.

But what makes it scary for those who do get ill is that it can go straight from a dry cough and a fever to pneumonia, without the usual steps of a runny nose and bronchitis, making it more like SARS than influenza.

That’s because Omega 6 is what lets oxygen through the membranes.

LDL cholesterol is what attracts Omega 6 to the cell membrane.

However, like lungs that do not distinguish between clean and polluted air, LDL cholesterol lets in damaged Omega 6 as well. That does not attract oxygen, and takes up the place of undamaged Omega 6.

As a response the liver sends more LDL cholesterol to the suffocating cell.The damaged Omega 6 causes plaque, not the LDL cholesterol,

Why is Omega 6 often damaged? Through heating. You should never heat omega 6 or omega 3 containing oils like sunflower oil and rice oil,Through processing these oils have damaged Omega 6, even if they are eaten cold.

Besides, Omega 6 should be balanced with Omega 3.

Here you find an easy way to accomplish that with flax seeds and sunflower seeds.

But what do people do? Lower their LDL cholesterol with statins!

That also causes Vitamin D deficiency, because Vitamin D is made by cholesterol.

And see there what Covid 19 really is: the result of a lack of understanding how the body works, making an otherwise harmless virus deadly to those with compromised immune systems due to ignorant eating and health care.

The good news is that if you support your immune system in getting rid of the virus rather than suppressing its attempts to, you can sail through it without getting ill at all. Here you can see how.

The graph below shows the influence of age and morbidity from Covid 19.

Other factors that influence whether or not one has symptoms and how bad they are, are comorbidity, vitamin D levels, obesity, the way the disease is treated. Natural and generic remedies have a 100% success rate, while 9 out of 10 who are put on ventilators die.

How can there be so many cases?

By forbidding and sabotaging successful remedies and by mandating harmful ones.

How is that possible?

Because Covid19 has similar symptoms to a host of other ailments and is one of the branches of the same class of viruses that cause the common cold. Besides that being a carrier of SARS-CoV-2 does not mean that you have the disease, since corona viruses seldomly cause illness, so the tests are unavoidably inaccurate.

Why all the deceit?

There are a couple of possibilities, which will be discussed here, along with the points mentioned so far, as well as some others, such as which regions are effected most, who have the highest chances of getting infected and who have the highest risk of mortality and why.

But before we get into all that, let’s explore the facts, beginning with:

What is Corona?

The WHO states: “Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). “

Further research shows it might be more accurate to say that Corona viruses and Rhino viruses are different branches of class IV viruses according to the Baltimore virus classification. More about that later, when we say more about the problems for accurate testing for Covid19.

Wikipedia says: Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can be mild, such as some cases of the common cold (among other possible causes, predominantly rhinoviruses), and others that can be lethal, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Symptoms in other species vary: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract disease, while in cows and pigs they cause diarrhea. There are yet to be vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.

Coronaviruses constitute the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae, in the family Coronaviridae, order Nidovirales, and realm Riboviria.[5][6] They are enveloped viruses with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome and a nucleocapsid of helical symmetry. The genome size of coronaviruses ranges from approximately 27 to 34 kilobases, the largest among known RNA viruses.[7] The name coronavirus is derived from the Latin corona, meaning “crown” or “halo”, which refers to the characteristic appearance reminiscent of a crown or a solar corona around the virions (virus particles) when viewed under two-dimensional transmission electron microscopy, due to the surface covering in club-shaped protein spikes.”

WHO: Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.  Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans. 

Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. “

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Other namesCoronavirusCoronaCovid2019-nCoV acute respiratory diseaseNovel coronavirus pneumonia[1][2]Wuhan pneumonia[3][4]
Symptoms of COVID-19
Pronunciation/kəˈroʊnəˌvaɪrəs dɪˈziːz//ˈkoʊvɪd/
SpecialtyInfectious diseases
SymptomsFever, cough, shortness of breath, none[5][6]
ComplicationsPneumoniaviral sepsisacute respiratory distress syndromekidney failure
Usual onset2–14 days (typically 5) from exposure
CausesSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
Risk factorsTravel, viral exposure
Diagnostic methodrRT-PCR testingCT scan
PreventionHand washingquarantinesocial distancing
TreatmentSymptomatic and supportive
Frequency1,502,618[7] confirmed cases
Deaths89,915 (6.0% of confirmed cases)[7]

This is the official narrative. If you want to see what doctors without a conflict of interest advise, see Presuns.

When did Corona virusses first appear?

The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all coronaviruses has been placed at around 8000 BCE.

Human coronaviruses were first discovered in the late 1960s.[8] The earliest ones discovered were an infectious bronchitis virus in chickens and two in human patients with the common cold (later named human coronavirus 229E and human coronavirus OC43).[9] Other members of this family have since been identified, including SARS-CoV in 2003, HCoV NL63 in 2004, HKU1 in 2005, MERS-CoV in 2012, and SARS-CoV-2 (formerly known as 2019-nCoV) in 2019. Most of these have involved serious respiratory tract infections.

Jon Cohen, from Science Magazine states in an article from Jan. 26, 2020“Lucey notes that the discovery of the coronavirus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome, a sometimes fatal disease that occurs sporadically, came from a patient in Saudi Arabia in June 2012, although later studies traced it back to an earlier hospital outbreak of unexplained pneumonia in Jordan in April 2012. “

Where did Covid19 come from?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans.

The theory that the Corona Covid 19 or 2019 n-CoV virus would have started in Huanan, a sea food market in Wuhan, a city in Hubei, a province in China, faces a number of challenges, one being that the first Corona Covid 19 virus victim had not even visited this market, nor been in contact with anyone who had.

On February 18, 2020, The Daily Mail states“The first patient diagnosed with the novel coronavirus has been reported to be a bed-bound pensioner who had no connection to a food market in Wuhan where Beijing’s officials say the outbreak began.The revelation, made by BBC, echoed with the information disclosed in a previous medical research, which has prompted Chinese people to speculate about the possible alternative sources of the deadly disease.

According to public notices released by Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, the first coronavirus patient appeared on December 8 and most of the initial patients were linked to the seafood market .

But the BBC reported that the very first sufferer, also known as the ‘patient zero’, was a pensioner in his 70s who was bed-bound due to a stroke and suffered from dementia. 

The unnamed man fell ill on December 1, 2019 – a week earlier than officials’ claims – and had not been to the seafood market prior to falling ill, a doctor told BBC.

Prof Wu Wenjuan, a director at intensive care units of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital, told the news outlet yesterday (i.e. February 17, 2020) that the pensioner had had to stay at home due to his health condition and had no connection with Huanan.”

“Prof Wu is among a group of experts who last month published a bombshell study on peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet, revealing critical information that had never been released by the Chinese government.

‘The symptom onset date of the first patient identified was December 1, 2019. None of his family members developed fever or any respiratory symptoms,’ the report said.

The team surveyed the first 41 coronavirus patients who fell ill between December 1 and January 2 and discovered that 14 out of the 41 patients were not linked to the market.

Notably, among the first four cases treated between December 1 and December 11, only one of them had a connection to the market. 

Chinese health officials have not publicly commented on the study. “


December 1, 2019

Now December 1, 2019 is an interesting date. Why? Because:

China’s Mandatory Vaccination Law Went Into Effect on December 1, 2019

That is confirmed here:

“According to the Law, China is to implement a state immunization program, and residents living within the territory of China are legally obligated to be vaccinated with immunization program vaccines, which are provided by the government free of charge. Local governments and parents or other guardians of children must ensure that children be vaccinated with the immunization program vaccines (art. 6).

The Law will take effect on December 1, 2019 (art. 100).”


So is the Coronavirus outbreak a vaccine experiment gone bad?

Is that why Dr Li Wenliang, the first doctor to sound the alarm on the Corona Covid 19 2019 n-CoV, was reprimanded? Because the Chinese authorities did not want the date that vaccines became mandatory by law in China to be blemished by an outbreak of a potentially deadly disease, possibly caused by vaccines, or the process of making them?

To answer that, it is helpful to get some clarity on what the origin of Covid19 is.

The origin of Covid19

The bat origin theory where the virus leaked from the medical lab in Wuhan through a researcher who was bitten by an infected bat is countered by an Iraki study, which states “There is no doubt that there is a novel sequence in 2019-nCoV; we confirmed this via sequence alignment. Here’s the DOT plot:

The gap in the line shows a lack of sequence homology beween the most similar bat coronavirus and 2019-nCoV. ” Source

Science times section of the New York Times from 1992-2012 writer Nicholas Wade , who worked for Nature 1967-1971, and for Science 1972-1982, has written an article in which he concludes that evidence around the origins of COVID-19 is “fairly firmly in favour” of the virus coming from the lab at Wuhan. With other scientists contesting his reasoning, what does this scientific debate signify?

The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?

By Nicholas Wade | May 5, 2021

Various immunologists say in order for a virus to naturally evolve from the previous corona virus would take 800 years.

The following illustration shows their point. Whereas other mutations occur sporadically along the genome, the difference between the bat virus and the human one seems like a simple CRISPR cut paste action, so even if the article it was taken from says something different, what the immunologists say about it seems plausible.

Fig. 1

This corona virus has been around for 17 years, and hydroxychloroquine as a remedy has been known for a decade.

It is not a conspiracy theory that viruses are made in labs, the patents are online:

PubChemSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus(Patent)

“An outbreak of a virulent respiratory virus, now known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), was identified in Hong Kong, China and a growing number of countries around the world in 2003. The invention relates to nucleic acids and proteins from the SARS coronavirus. These nucleic acids and proteins can be used in the preparation and manufacture of vaccine formulations, diagnostic reagents, kits, etc. The invention also provides methods for treating SARS by administering small molecule antiviral compounds, as well as methods of identifying potent small molecules for the treatment of SARS.”

Investigative journalist Sam Husseini has had a storied career asking world leaders questions they would prefer to dodge, on subjects ranging from missing weapons of mass destruction to very real nuclear stockpiles. Now he takes on the “elephant in the room”: the extreme dangers posed by bio-research facilities not just in China, but all over the world…

Chiron Corporation (/ˈkaɪrɒn/ KY-ron)[1] was an American multinational biotechnology firm based in Emeryville, California that was acquired by Novartis on April 20, 2006. It had offices and facilities in eighteen countries on five continents. Chiron’s business and research was in three main areas: biopharmaceuticalsvaccines, and blood testing. Chiron’s vaccines and blood testing units were combined to form Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, while Chiron BioPharmaceuticals was integrated into Novartis Pharmaceuticals. In 2014, Novartis completed the sale of its blood transfusion diagnostics unit to Grifols and announced agreements for the sale of its vaccines unit to GlaxoSmithKline.[2]

More about Chiron

Science Magazine confirms the unlikelyhood of the virus having its origin in Huanan seafood market, and states in an article

By Jon Cohen Jan. 26, 2020 , 11:25 PM:

“As confirmed cases of a novel virus surge around the world with worrisome speed, all eyes have so far focused on a seafood market in Wuhan, China, as the origin of the outbreak. But a description of the first clinical cases published in The Lancet on Friday challenges that hypothesis.

The paper, written by a large group of Chinese researchers from several institutions, offers details about the first 41 hospitalized patients who had confirmed infections with what has been dubbed 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). In the earliest case, the patient became ill on 1 December 2019 and had no reported link to the seafood market, the authors report. “No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases,” they state. Their data also show that, in total, 13 of the 41 cases had no link to the marketplace. “That’s a big number, 13, with no link,” says Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease specialist at Georgetown University.”

Earlier reports from Chinese health authorities and the World Health Organization had said the first patient had onset of symptoms on 8 December 2019—and those reports simply said “most” cases had links to the seafood market, which was closed on 1 January.

“Lucey says if the new data are accurate, the first human infections must have occurred in November 2019—if not earlier—because there is an incubation time between infection and symptoms surfacing. If so, the virus possibly spread silently between people in Wuhan—and perhaps elsewhere—before the cluster of cases from the city’s now-infamous Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was discovered in late December. “The virus came into that marketplace before it came out of that marketplace,” Lucey asserts.”

“Kristian Andersen, an evolutionary biologist at the Scripps Research Institute who has analyzed sequences of 2019-nCoV to try to clarify its origin, says the 1 December timing of the first confirmed case was “an interesting tidbit” in The Lancet paper. “The scenario of somebody being infected outside the market and then later bringing it to the market is one of the three scenarios we have considered that is still consistent with the data,” he says. “It’s entirely plausible given our current data and knowledge.” The other two scenarios are that the origin was a group of infected animals or a single animal that came into that marketplace.

Andersen posted his analysis of 27 available genomes of 2019-nCoV on 25 January on a virology research website. It suggests they had a “most recent common ancestor”—meaning a common source—as early as 1 October 2019.”

It’s more likely the virus was designed, perhaps in the lab in Wuhan. Listen to this

Virusses can be patented, Event 201 has staged exactly the scenario we have now.

This is from China daily, May 28. 2018:

It was opened earlier that year, in January 6 2018

And then there is also the messy case with Dr. Lieber:
See also

In the mean time:

China must pay Britain £35 billion in coronavirus damages – report calls for UN to step in

And what is the next message?

Boris Johnson was in intensive care, with Covid19

In this series they tell us that there was also CDC lab next to the market in Wuhan! It was moved right before the pandemic. It is very risky to move house with these viruses.

27 scientists wrote a letter in the Lancet.

Peter Daszak said he thought the virus was made in the lab, then changed his mind.

There was also correspondence between Fauci and Marion Koopmans.

For more on Fauci, see the following video, published November 19 2021.

Robert Kennedy reveals Fauci’s crimes:

Before Fauci came into power in the 80 s, infections diseases were negligible, and CDC and Niaid were about to be disintegrated. They needed a pandemic and Fauci created them for them.

Zika was fake.

AIDS was caused by poppers, a drug used by gays. But Fauci tested fatal AIDS drugs on orphans, who died from it. He faked the trials for te deadly drug by giving blood transfusions to the group that tested it and not the placebo group, and then cutting short the trialsand giving the placebo group the drug as well.

Fauci funded the gain of function tests in the Wuhan lab.

Databases disappeared from the lab in Wuhan.

There is no way to check the lab.

Why would the Chinese government initially have tried to hide the outbreak?

The following market research shows how hopeful the Chinese were for the success of their vaccines:

“Chinese vaccine companies have broken the monopoly of their foreign peers on new vaccines like 13-valent pneumococcal vaccine and HPV vaccine, in their race to spend more on research and development. In current stage, Walvax Biotechnology’s 13-valent pneumococcal vaccine has been applied for GMP certificate and is expected to be the first approved homemade vaccine of such kind in China in 2019; Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise’s 2-valent HPV vaccine which was applied for launch in November 2017, undergoes the quick review by National Medical Products Administration, and is expected to be the first approved homemade vaccine of such sort in China in 2019.

China’s vaccine market will have a rosy prospect. The growing demand for vaccines comes with a large population base, the aging of population, more than 15 million newborns each year and the two-child policy. As people live a better life, they also demand more extra EPI vaccines.”


And with the green light for the world market given by the WHO the Chinese vaccine industry must have felt they had the world at their feet.

Because of a this classification change, Chinese manufactured vaccines were given the green light to be shipped in bulk to as many as 152 low and middle-income countries and could now bypass any inspection from any other country, including the U.S. — all because of the work of the Clinton Foundation.

Since 1987, vaccine quality for international procurement has been assured through the prequalification system that is managed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The “prequalified” stamp of approval means that these vaccines are consistently safe, effective and of high quality, and thus recommended for bulk purchase by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in 152 low and middle-income countries, the GAVI Alliance – which funds vaccines in 73 of these countries – and other agencies.

Since 1986, because of a government bail out because drug companies were no longer able to pay all the damages to the vaccine injured, vaccine damage claims are handled outside of the legal system and closed to the public  by vaccine industry dependent parties,  and, despite the sabotage efforts, still won by people suffering vaccine damage themselves or whose children have suffered vaccine damage. The damages are paid by tax payers money, not by pharmaceutical industries. Along with pay outs come gagging orders, forbidding vaccine damaged to speak out if they want to keep receiving payment, which they need to survive and pay for the vaccine injured, who are often severely handicapped for life. See  Vaccine Court has paid 3.7 billion in damages to families  see also

Vaccine maker Merck settled in China in October 2019 with an innovation hub in Shanghai and a second one in November in Guangzhou.

December 2, 2019 China gives Merck, BMS cold shoulder on reimbursement list as PD-1 battle enters new phase

Here an example of vaccine safety:

January 24 2017 China’s illegal vaccine sales culprit gets 19 years in prison

From June 2013 to April 2015, Pang, without any licenses and with the help of her daughter, purchased vaccines for rabies, encephalitis B, Hib, hepatitis B and rotavirus, and illegally sold them to buyers—including government-run facilities—across China for about 75 million Chinese yuan ($11 million), according to the court.

Pang’s business was based in Shandong Province, but because of the scope of the case, three state-level government agencies—the Ministry of Public Security, the National Health and Family Planning Commission, and the China FDA—participated in the investigation, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate closely supervised the prosecution.

The main reason for the heavy sentence is that the duo didn’t store and transport the vaccines under proper cold-chain conditions, an action that seriously jeopardized the safety of those vaccines. Plus, Pang was previously sentenced to a three-year imprisonment with 5 years’ reprieve in a separate case for the same offense, which added on to the verdict this time.

Pang and her daughter are certainly not the only ones facing charges. As of November 2016, 324 people have been arrested and 100 were under criminal investigation for dereliction of duty.

By April 2016, right after the news broke, 357 government officials were removed or punished with a demotion. However, the timing—nearly one year after the two suspects’ arrest—aroused huge public fury over authorities’ handling of the case.

Almost in sync with those legal measures, China started a vaccine distribution reform to establish a better traceability system.

That system’s elimination of different levels of distributors caused temporary shortages of vaccines at clinics in China. In an earnings call last July, Sanofi Pasteur’s EVP David Loew described the overhaul as having an “unprecedented impact,” while local vaccine players were busy setting up the logistical chain.

All not very convincing for the safety of vaccines and giving the impression a leakage from a lab, accidental or intentional, could be possible.

Other Covid19 origin theories

Other theories are that it is some bio weapon attack on China with a virus smuggled from a Canadian lab, or a bio attack from the US or a bio attack from China, and yet another is that it might be a cover up for real bio attacks on certain population groups. Another is that it is a psyop for introducing population control through forced vaccination and DNA gathering through tests, that can also be used to spread bio weapons. Yet others claim it is to protect the environment. People won’t take measures to save the planet, that will kill everyone in the long run, but they will for a virus, that can kill them and those they love in a matter of weeks. And yet others claim it is a cover up for the financial collapse that was inevitable because of the corruption. Is it any of these? Or perhaps a combination of two or more? Or is it a vaccination experiment gone bad? Or something we haven’t even thought of?

For the completeness of looking at all options, let’s check the information on each:

In Manila, Philippines Senate President Vicente Sotto III showed a conspiracy theory video that claimed the coronavirus was a form of “biowarfare” developed by the United States against China.

Sotto used his question time at a Senate hearing into the Philippine government’s measures against the novel coronavirus to play the video that he said his office had received, saying it was among his and other senators’ “concern.”

At the senate hearing, Sotto showed a coronavirus conspiracy video

“Both China and the US hinted at the other side’s potential liability in playing a role in bringing about a novel coronavirus in the lab specifically for the purpose of being used as a bioweapon. To add to the intrigue, a Chinese Scientist was released from BSL-4 laboratory in Manitoba, Canada for violating protocols, allegedly sending samples of deadly viruses to mainland China.”

“On January 26, The Washington Times published this article citing an Israeli defense expert claiming that China has likely proceeded with a bioweapons program, but ending the article with a quote to London’s Daily Mail from a US scientist Rutgers University microbiologist Richard Ebright that “at this point there’s no reason to harbor suspicions” that the lab may be linked to the virus outbreak.”

This is the article James Lyons Weiler, PhD, is referring to

Timeline of outbreaks

Whatever the source of the virus may be, this was the reality Wuhan February 23, 2020, after a month of lockdown, which started January 23 2020, just before the Chinese New year’s celebrations. A horror from the perspective of the care givers:

And this is more from the perspective of inhabitants:

Dr John Bergman explains why disinfecting streets is a terrible idea. You just kill weak bacteria and viruses, leaving the stronger strains to replicate and creating super strong strains of bacteria.

And this is what is going on in the rest of the world February 18, 2020.

Ninety-nine per cent of cases have been in China, where tens of millions of residents are in lockdown to contain the escalating crisis. The COVID-19 virus has killed at least 1,873 people

Ninety-nine per cent of cases have been in China, where tens of millions of residents are in lockdown , supposedly to contain the escalating crisis. The COVID-19 virus has killed at least 1,873 people

More than 73,000 patients have been infected, including nearly 1,000 outside of China

Almost 1,900 people have now died from the coronavirus rapidly sweeping the world

Two weeks later, March 13

Metro: Coronavirus map shows spread across world as international death toll hits 5,000

Read more:

Twitter: | Facebook:

Updated map - 5,000 deaths worldwide metro
This chart shows live updates of the number of cases, recoveries and deaths by Covid19

Corona virus cases world wide can be seen here:

203 Countries and Territories around the world have reported a total of 912,307 confirmed cases of the coronavirus COVID-19 that originated from Wuhan, China, and a death toll of 45,541 deaths.


Chloroquine and Vitamin C

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has now treated 699 coronavirus patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Z-Pak

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a board-certified family practitioner in New York, after he successfully treated 350 coronavirus patients with 100 percent success using a cocktail of drugs: hydroxychloroquine, in combination with azithromycin (Z-Pak), an antibiotic to treat secondary infections, and zinc sulfate.  Dr. Zelenko said he saw the symptom of shortness of breath resolved within four to six hours after treatment. Hydroxychloroquine is now being used worldwide, according to a map from French Dr. Didier Raoult

Now, Dr. Zelenko provides updates on the treatment after he successfully treated 699 COVID-19 patients in New York. In an exclusive interview with former New York Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, Dr. Vladmir Zelenko shares the results of his latest study, which showed that out of his 699 patients treated, zero patients died, zero patients intubated, and four hospitalizations.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has now treated 699 coronavirus patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Z-Pak [UPDATES]

The deaths have plummeted in France since they started using it:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is world-o-meters-outcome-of-cases-recovery-or-death-in-france-1.png

Chloroquine is succesfully being used in New York with success as well.

The French minister of health. Olivier Vérain,a qualified doctor and a neurologist sees a correlation between taking anti inflammatory medication and a higher risk of complications.

This is a correlation that was also noticed with measles. People who take no anti fever meds have less chance to die than those who do, and those with strong immune systems hardly have any symptoms at all , just as with Covid 19.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is fever-reducers-increase-measles-death-rrates-2.png

It is also confirmed by the cases of Covid 19 where people just have a fever, and no other symptoms.

And as boosting Vitamin A levels prevents and heals Measles, boosting Vitamin C levels has shown to prevent and heal even the worst cases of covid 19.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has now treated 699 coronavirus patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Z-Pak

Hydroxychloroquine only works when used in combination with Zinc, Dr. Anthony Cardillo says on ABC News

Dr Ayyadura Shiva says vitamin A and D work as well as Hydroxichloroquine but without the side effects.

It seems that it is very important when you use hydroxychloroquine. Too early. and it acts as an immune system depressant, and too late is not good too, while vitamin C can be used at any point.

Double Standard

So now there’s a cure! That must mean the ones who brought it are hero’s and the lock downs can end, right?


The cures are being forbidden.

Observe the double standard. Hydroxychloroquine sabotaged and forbidden while it is proven to work against Covid19

HCQ trials were sabotaged by deliberately quadrupling the maximum safe dose

while deadly drugs are being approved:

And all that when just healthy food and care choices can prevent and heal disease.

This graph shows countries that use Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc to fight Covid19 have a much lower death rate than countries that don’t:

A cheap, over the counter malaria drug that has been in use for over seventy years can now only be attained through prescription.

At the same time, vaccines are being rushed through and are in the planning to be mandatory..

Covid 19 panic:

March 13 2020 Denmark’s parliament on Thursday night unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law which gives health authorities powers to force testing, treatment and quarantine with the backing of the police.


Coronavirus mass graves in Iran allegedly shown in satellite images as experts question country’s official virus figures


US suspends travel from Europe, not from Britain

Rhode Island police, National Guard begin stopping cars with NY plates and going door-to-door to enforce quarantine

The numbers become even less convincing if you realize the tests are not accurate

A sobering fact about the Corona Covid19 2019-nCoV test: the maker of the test admits it is not accurate, as does the WHO. So anything that looks like a cold is identified as Corona.

Dr John Bergman also mentions the inaccuracy of the PCR test in his talk on Covid 19, March 8, 2020, which, unfortunately, has been cesored on you tube.

Below is the study from pub med:
[Potential false positive rate among “asymptomatic infected individuals” in close contacts with COVID-19 patients].

Objective: While the prevention and control of COVID-19 continues to progress, screening of the positive nucleic acid test in close patient contacts has been carried out in many parts of China. However, the percentage of false positive screening results has not been reported so far. But clarifying the percentage of false positives during screening is important in the control and prevention of COVID-19.

Methods: The numerical values ​​and the reasonable intervals of the various indicators that influence the percentage of false positives on the positive results (editor’s note, at PCR) have been estimated on the basis of the information available to us at the time. The percentage of false positives of positive subjects in active screening was deduced, and univariate and multivariate sensitivity analyzes were performed to understand the solidity of the results. Results: When the infection rate of close contacts and the sensitivity and specificity of the reported results were taken as estimation points, the positive predictive value of active screening was only 19.67%, while the false positive rate of positive results was 80.33%. The results of the multivariate-probabilistic sensitivity analysis supported the base-case results, with a probability of 75% for the false positive rate above 47%.

Conclusions: In close contacts of COVID-19 patients, almost half or even more of the “asymptomatic infected individuals” reported in positive nucleic acid test screening could be false positives.”

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is a lung specialist and politician, who explains how a new test for testing for Covid19 was made and approved hastily, while it is also unreliable:

He explains that the reason that testing is so hard is that Corona is extremely prevalent, and is nearly always present in the mix of viruses when someone dies of whatever kind of respiratory disease. He illustrates that with this chart. The green in this chart is the corona virus.

Dr Wodarg stresses that the Corona virus does not even have to cause symptoms.

Dr. Wodarg explains that there are approximately one hundred different viruses, but that only eight can be tested.

Many doctors say the same, but it’s strange that Dr. Wodarg keeps talking about a flu virus, because Corona viruses are not influenza viruses.

The Baltimore classification (first defined in 1971) is a classification system that places viruses into one of seven groups depending on a combination of their nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), strandedness (single-stranded or double-stranded), sense, and method of replication. Named after David Baltimore, a Nobel Prize-winning biologist, these groups are designated by Roman numerals.viruses are divided in 7 families:

In the big family tree of life , viruses are a class of their own, way down in the right hand corner of the chart below, because strictly speaking they are not alive and need a host to replicate.

Here the virus section is enlarged.It shows Corona is a class IV virus, while influenza is a class V virus. The common cold is also a class IV virus.

A side note, according to micro biologist and vaccine expert Dr. Shiv Chopra, like many other diseases, smallpox had disappeared not because of vaccines, but because because of hygienic measures.

In the images below you can get an idea of the size of a SARS-CoV-2 virus as compared to an aerosol, a droplet and molecules in the air we breath: oxygen hydrogen, carbon dioxide and argon.

Dr Wodarg says in a conversation with Nine for News, March 19, 2020: “The corona virus is not a major public health hazard. However, the corona hype ensures that our freedoms and personal rights are drastically curtailed through quarantine measures and restrictions.”

“We are inundated with frightening images in the media that mask fact-based investigations,” says Dr. Wodarg.

He notes that we deal with new viruses every year.

“The Corona virus was already among us
If viruses do not mutate, our immune system would immediately recognize them and make them harmless.”

“So far, little attention has been paid to research on the coronavirus.”

“Between 2005 and 2013, researchers in Glasgow looked at which viruses are involved in respiratory diseases.

Even then, the researchers encountered the coronavirus. So it was already among us”.

“Dr. Wodarg notes that about seven to fifteen percent of all patients in intensive care are infected with a coronavirus. So nothing new under the sun.”

“In addition, eight to ten percent of the population carries a pathogenic virus at any given time.:

According to Dr. Wodarg, it cannot be said with certainty whether a patient who has the coronavirus and dies actually died of that virus or of another virus.

Yet virologists, who need money for their institutions, claim that the virus is a major threat to public health. The politicians who make the laws are mainly informed by these virologists.

It is making it increasingly difficult for critics to show that nothing is wrong, Wodarg sighs.

We are not looking at this crisis in a rational way at the moment, he says”


This article March 12, 2020 from Modern healthcare says the same

Labs face challenges creating diagnosis testing for COVID-19

As does this one in the guardian:

Professor Dr Sucharit Bhakdi , specialist in microbiology and infection epidemiology. He is emeritus professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and from 1991 to 2012 was head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene there. [1], also explains that 90% of people who have the virus are symptom free, and that the people who do have complications have a host of other viruses, and it’s not Covid19 that is causing their death. He calls the measures against Covid 19 grotesk.

It will be clear what a contrast there is between independent medical professors and non medics with huge financial interests in vaccines.

To further complicate matters,


Phylogenetic network analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes

Peter Forster, Lucy Forster, Colin Renfrew, and  View ORCID ProfileMichael ForsterPNAS April 28, 2020 117 (17) 9241-9243; first published April 8, 2020

  1. Contributed by Colin Renfrew, March 30, 2020 (sent for review March 17, 2020; reviewed by Toomas Kivisild and Carol Stocking)


In a phylogenetic network analysis of 160 complete human severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) genomes, we find three central variants distinguished by amino acid changes, which we have named A, B, and C, with A being the ancestral type according to the bat outgroup coronavirus. The A and C types are found in significant proportions outside East Asia, that is, in Europeans and Americans. In contrast, the B type is the most common type in East Asia, and its ancestral genome appears not to have spread outside East Asia without first mutating into derived B types, pointing to founder effects or immunological or environmental resistance against this type outside Asia. The network faithfully traces routes of infections for documented coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases, indicating that phylogenetic networks can likewise be successfully used to help trace undocumented COVID-19 infection sources, which can then be quarantined to prevent recurrent spread of the disease worldwide.

Even if there were such a thing as a useful vaccine, these mutations make it difficult to make one.

Mehdi Bouhaddou, PhD@DoctorBou
 ( tweeted April 30 2020:

“Working with 100+ QCRG and @KroganLab scientists, we identified the human host targets of #SARSCoV2 viral proteins, mapped those to drugs/compounds, and evaluated their efficacy against live virus.”


It’s sad that in all these efforts to find ways to fight the virus they seem to be ignoring the ones that have proven to work against all strains, like Vitamin C and hydroxychloroquine and Zinc, not to mention the factor that prevents the disease from manifesting at all, which is a healthy immune system.

Some perspective

Even if the numbers could be accurate, which they can’t be if the tests are not accurate, how does that compare to other diseases and causes of death?

And you can go on.

How about the 17.9 million people a year who die from cardio vascular diseases? Or the one in 25 patients battling hospital-acquired infections ? Or the 290 to 650 million of people who die from the flu each year? Or the fact that with the flu shot people are 4 to 5 times more likely to get the flu or other more dangerous diseases than without the flu shot? Or the MMR Vaccine Causing Seizures in 5,700 U.S. Children Annually?

Or the millions of vaccine injured children?

Thirty-two million American children – a full 43% of them – suffer from at least one of 20 chronic illnesses not including obesity. Across the board, once rare pediatric disorders from autism and ADD to Type 1 diabetes and Tourette’s syndrome are soaring, though few studies pool the data. Compared to their parents, children today are four times more likely to have a chronic illness. And while their grandparents might never have swallowed a pill as children, the current generation of kids is a pharmaceutical sales rep’s dream come true: More than one million American children under five years old takes a psychiatric drug. According to a 2018 study, there were over 8 Million U.S. Children on Psychiatric Drugs and the number is rising. 

Maybe some visuals will help with seeing how serious the autism, caused by vaccines is. These are from Dr John Bergman at the health seminar, June 29 2018 .

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Many medical doctors come forward to say vaccines are dangerous and useless:

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You can find more statistics here and here

Why is this relevant? Because time and time again vaccines are being touted as the real answer to Covid 19, and we all need to wait anxiously for them to come.

Cures sabotaged and worthless measures promoted

And just as with childhood diseaseshealthy natural, alternatives to combat Carona virus Covid19 2019 n-CoV vitamin C and chloroquine.are either ignored or sabotaged , and vaccines are seen as the answer.

From Fierce Pharma:

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have drawn more attention—and certainly more presidential support—than any other drug during the global quest to find an effective coronavirus therapy.

Now, days after the FDA gave them an emergency approval to treat COVID-19, European regulators are limiting their COVID-19 use to clinical trials only.

The decision comes as limited data—some of it questionable—rolls in about the drugs and their potential as COVID-19 therapies. A French study that’s made headlines continues to draw fire, but brand-new data from China add to the positive case.

In guidance Wednesday, the European Medicines Agency restricted general use of the drugs—already approved to treat malaria and autoimmune diseases—to patients taking them for approved indications. COVID-19 patients can receive the drugs as part of clinical trials or through national emergency use programs, the EMA said.

The decision is intended to secure supply for patients who need the drugs to survive while allowing investigators to conduct proper clinical trials in COVID-19. Such trials are underway, the EMA notes, while countries such as the U.S. and France have allowed prescribing for COVID-19 patients in certain cases.  

Just this weekend, the U.S. FDA issued an emergency use authorization for the drugs. In making the decision, officials said the drugs hydroxy chloroquine and azitromycin  have shown activity in lab studies and anecdotal reports suggest they may offer some benefit to hospitalized COVID-19 patients. 

Some of the research—and confusion—stems from Professor Didier Raoult in France, whose work has resulted in both enthusiasm and skepticism around the medicines. In a Los Angeles Times column, writer Michael Hiltzik outlined flaws. In one of Raoult’s studies, for example, six patients dropped out in the first six days; those patients either died, were transferred to the ICU, couldn’t tolerate the drug, or dropped for another reason.

“Those six results, however, were not included in the results, meaning that Raoult ‘cured’ only 100% of those who didn’t get sicker, die, or leave the study,” Hiltzik wrote.

Meanwhile, a new study from Wuhan, China is drawing more positive attention. Researchers there tested the drug in a 62-patient controlled study of mild to moderate COVID-19 patients. The entire group received standard care, while half of the group received standard care plus hydroxychloroquine for 5 days. 

In patients who received hydroxychloroquine, time to clinical recovery and body temperature recovery time were “significantly shortened,” and those patients stopped coughing sooner, the authors said. 

Only four patients progressed to severe illness; all were in the control group. Two patients in the hydroxychloroquine group experienced mild adverse reactions. The authors wrote that the drug “could significantly shorten [time to clinical recovery] and promote the absorption of pneumonia” in patients with COVID-19. More research is needed, the authors say. 

“Considering that there is no better option at present, it is a promising practice to apply HCQ to COVID-19 under reasonable management,” the authors wrote. “However, large-scale clinical and basic research is still needed to clarify its specific mechanism and to continuously optimize the treatment plan.” 

The work hasn’t been peer-reviewed yet. Still, the result will “send a ripple of excitement out through the treating community,” Vanderbilt University infectious disease expert William Schaffner told the New York Times. 

President Donald Trump has been a consistent cheerleader for the drugs, tweeting last month that hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin could be “one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” Still, experts on the U.S. coronavirus task force cautioned about early, anecdotal evidence. This week, Dr. Deborah Birx, a health expert in the group, said there’s no “magic bullet” in the nation’s fight against the pandemic.

“There’s no magic vaccine or therapy,” she said, noting that the current U.S. battle will be won by social distancing measures.

Still, drugmakers are helping in the effort. Several have either pledged donations or scaled-up manufacturing of hydroxychloroquine. The U.S. FDA has reported early shortages.”

And what do The Netherlands do?

As of March 26th 2020, it has forbidden the prescription of chloroquine as a preventative measure for Covid19, previously an over the counter drug !

The same happened in France two and half months earlier. On January 13, Agnes Buzyn, at that time still France’s Health Minister, classified Chloroquine as a “poisonous substance,” from now on only available by prescription. An astonishing move, considering that it has been sold off the shelf in France for half a century.

From Asia Times, March 28 2020 “Thanks to a tweet by Elon Musk, President Trump says chloroquine should be available to all Americans. Sufferers of lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, who already have supply problems with the only drug that offers them relief, set social media afire with their panic.

US doctors and other medical professionals take to hoarding the medicine for the use of themselves and those close to them, faking prescriptions to indicate they are for patients with lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

Marocco buys the stock of Chloroquine from Sanofi in Casablanca.

Pakistan decides to increase its production of Chloroquine to be sent to China.

Switzerland discards the total lockdown of its population; goes for mass testing and fast treatment; and accuses France of practicing  “spectacle politics.” 

Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice, having been treated himself with Chloroquine, without any government input, directly calls Sanofi so they may deliver chloroquine to Nice hospitals. 

Because of Raoult’s research, a large-scale Chloroquine test finally starts in France, under the direction of INSERM, which wants to “remake the experiments in other independent medical centers.” This will take at least an extra six weeks – as the Elysee Palace’s scientific council now mulls the extension of France’s total lockdown to … six weeks.

If joint use of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin proves definitely effective among the most gravely ill, quarantines may be reduced in select clusters.

The only French company that still manufactures Chloroquine is under judicial intervention. That puts the Chloroquine hoarding and theft into full perspective. It will take time for these stocks to be replenished, thus allowing Big Pharma the leeway to have what it wants: a costly solution. “

HoW different from Canada, where chloroquine is being given for free. 

But what happened to the owners of this wonderful Canadian company two years earlier? This

And what is going on with the Dutch factory who produces Chloroquine? The owner is threatened and now gets police protection.

That’s what happens to people who have cheap solutions to problems Big Pharma wants to make trillions and trillions off of.

Thus, as with childhood diseases, the opposite from what is wise is being seen as the best way to cure and prevent Covid 19, and cheap, accessible medicines are even outlawed!

Your immune system functions best with rest and natural remedies. And what is done? Panic and toxic remedies.

And just as with childhood diseases, blaming, shaming and scapegoating of the innocent occurs when outbreaks do take place, usually caused by recently vaccinated people, even though they are known to shed the disease they are vaccinated against for several days after vaccination.

Spreading live virus never was, and never will be a way to eradicate disease, whether it escapes by accident from labs or is spread on purpose through vaccines. Healthy immune systems are what help us. That’s what the focus should be on. Not on destroying them with vaccines, and there is no doubt the new Corona vaccine will be more damaging than the disease itself.

But first, of course, we have to be convinced of the dangers of the disease which is only dangerous if you sabotage the immune system by taking medication to repress coughing and fever, and country after country goes in lock down.

Please note that suppressing the the immune system is very different from aiding the immune in getting rid of pathogens with herbs, whether it be in the form of tea or essential oils. Such measures may lower fevers and relieve coughs as well, but as a result of pathogens having been dealt with. That is very different from suppressing the immune system.

In fact, every stage of Corona Covid 19 2019-nCoV can be prevented and healed naturally!

But still since Friday March 13, France closed schools, but municipal elections March 15 continued:

And after forcing people to use useless anti bacterial sanetizers with the elections which were obligatory to use at voting locations on March 15th 2020 at the municipal electionsthey put the country on lock down March 16th 2019Anti bacterial is useless for viruses. No one allowed outside of their home for two weeks without a form stating why they are outside and fines for disobeying,. What a joke. Two weeks is the quarantine time . Anti bacterial sanetizers don’t work against viruses, so everyone who voted and was forced to wash their hands with this junk at the elections is infected. Why? To be able to say that “even isolation doesn’t work so the vaccines are necessary. ”

This is how effective soap is for cleaning hands:

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Sample images from a controlled study (Table 2) to determine the number of bacteria from contaminated hands transferred to an agar surface before (A and C) and after (B and D) hand washing with soap containing 4.51 log10 CFU/ml (A and B) or 7.51 log10 CFU/ml (C and D) of S. marcescens.

That’s without counting the harm soap does to the naturally occurring fats and beneficial viral and bacterial flora on your skin that protect you from disease and are an important part of your immune system. You need smart disinfectants, that kill pathogens without harming your skin or beneficial microbes. Vinegar and certain essential oils are perfect for that.

As a comparison, this study compared the activity different essential oils had against Borrelia, the bacteria that causes lyme disease.

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Object name is antibiotics-07-00089-g001.jpg

Effect of 0.2% essential oils on the viability of stationary phase B. burgdorferi. A 7-day old B. burgdorferi stationary phase culture was treated with 0.2% (v/v) essential oils for seven days followed by staining with SYBR Green I/PI viability assay and fluorescence microscopy.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is antibiotics-07-00089-g002.jpg

Effect of 0.2% essential oils on the viability of stationary phase B. burgdorferi. A 7-day old B. burgdorferi stationary phase culture was treated with 0.2% (v/v) essential oils for seven days followed by staining with SYBR Green I/PI viability assay and fluorescence microscopy.

The study found that essential oils were more effective against borrelia than anti biotics.

And this is how effective vaccines are for preventing disease. Not at all that is. They only do harm , and there are natural ways to really protect yourself from disease without harmful side effects.

There are also natural ways to prevent this virus from getting in the lungs , and natural ways to heal even if you catch it!

What else has been going on that we aren’t hearing about ?

From Healing Oracle March 10 2020: “In news this week among the noise about Coronavirus you may have missed it, but there was a landmark case against the vaccine industry that is being buried away by the mainstream media, proving it can no longer be denied that Vaccines cause Autism.

media infographic
Under siege, drug makers double down on advertising
Social Media Metrics and Site Traffic - Barry Hurd

Facebook Has New Features to Attract Big Pharma - ATTN:

Top 10 pharma companies in social media

Book traversal links for


Newspaper owners based in Belgium

The dailies in particular are reaping the benefits of digital and cross-media investments. The mergers and concentration of ownership have cut costs, helping to ensure the survival of titles that might otherwise have gone down.

All the major newspapers are in Belgian hands. The Belgian De Persgroep publishing company (DPG Media) took over Dutch publisher PCM Uitgevers (which owns Trouw and De Volkskrant) in 2009 and acquired magazine publisher VNU Media in 2012. De Persgroep now holds about 50 percent of the Dutch newspaper market. At the end of 2019 the group also acquired the Dutch titles of the Finnish magazine publisher Sanoma, including, the country’s largest news site.

Publishers standing up to Facebook and Google

To prevent a monopoly, in 2015 NRC Handelsblad newspaper was moved out of the PCM group and taken over by the Belgian company Mediahuis. The latter also bought De Telegraaf, the country’s leading newspaper, and now has a market share of around 39 percent in the Dutch newspaper market.

And finally a third player is now nosing his way into the Dutch press sector: media entrepreneur and billionaire John de Mol revolutionised the European television industry with TV formats such as Big Brother and The Voice. He already owns several TV and radio stations, and with his company Talpa Network he plans to make inroads in the press sector, and bought the national news agency ANP in 2018 as part of this initiative.

Alex Aza

In AUSTIN, Texas this week (March 5, 2020) in a federal lawsuit filed by the non-profit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has conceded it has no scientific studies to back up its long-declared assertion that vaccines given to babies do not cause autism.

Vaccinating or not is not a choice between two evils. There are natural ways to really prevent diseases, heal and really gain the lifelong immunity vaccines can never giveAnd the same goes for the Corona virus Covid19 2019n-CoV.

Whether Covid19 is a bio weapon or it has leaked from a lab accidentally or deliberately, or it is a vaccination experiment gone bad, many medical doctors and PhD’s agree the whole principle of vaccination was a scam from the start, and the sooner people start to focus on and accept the natural ways to become and stay healthy , the sooner outbreaks and panics like these can be a thing of the past.

That is, if it’s really about Covid19 at all, and this is not a trick.for what? Complete control? Stopping the gillet jaunes? Stopping the Hong Kong protests?

We are at war, presidents say. But with what? They claim a virus.

But it’s not the first time the word war is used in combination with a perceived health care crisis this past year. It was also used in a conference on reclaiming the confidence in vaccine safety, starting September 2019:

Global Vaccine Safety Summit:

In the presence of Her Majesty the Queen of the Belgians
• Jean Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission
• Video message Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund
• Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization

What was the problem?

People are starting to understand how unsafe vaccines are. Not just ordinary people, but health care professionals! They even hired an anthropologist to try and fix the problem. Label any vaccine criticism as misinformation and ban it from social media. That was the plan.

There was just one problem. “A lot of it is not misinformation”, said the researcher, professor Heidi Larson at the Global Vaccine Safety Summit, hosted by the WHO December 2 and 3 of 2019. Listen from 13:51. At 17:05 she shows how much faster the group of people who are anti vaccine is growing compared to those who are pro vaccine.

You can find her whole talk here. She is the last speaker on the last day of the global vaccine safety summit, December 3, 2019. So she thought it was better to call it “Seeding doubt.”

But as you will be able to hear if you listen to the rest of her talk, or any of the talks in this summit, they admit themselves that they have no scientific base to claim vaccines are safe. So exposing this is not seeding doubt. Hiding this is creating false absolutes. And the amazing part is, not much is hidden. The ingredients and dangers are right there on the inserts of the vaccines.

She let people answer whether they agree or not with the statement: “Vaccines are safe”. This was the outcome:

In the following graph the reasons for strongly disagreeing with the statement taht vaccines are safe are listed:
Heidi Larson admits doctors only get half a day of lectures on vaccines, and don’t feel up to answering critical questions from patients:

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What Heidi Larsson does fail to mention is the fact that Gardasil, an ingredient in the HPV vaccine that causes neurological damage in animals, so there is more reason to call the effects of Covid19 psychosomatic than that of Gardasil. But apparently the WHO has a double standard. When it comes to vaccine reactions they would rather call something psychosomatic, but when they have hope of creating a vaccine, everything is very serious, and any other remedy must be seen as inferior. But this summit proves they know themselves that vaccines are unsafe and there is no science behind it. The AVB ( Autralian Vaccination Risks Network) summarized this summit very well here.

You can still find all the video’s of the vaccine safety summit of December 2019, next to the main video that starts playing when you open the site via this link. Luckily someone had the sense to record some of the WHO’s own criticism on vaccines as uttered in the summit and download it on you tube as you can see here:

As the WHO itself admits here that it infiltrates groups that discuss vaccines, and as I have noticed. takes down any video’s that prove that vaccines are bad, that even the doctors within the WHO think that, so please download any video’s with important information, because they’ll disappear. Companies with unlimited funds make sure of that.

Here you can here how the WHO operates:

So the WHO needed a new strategy: have people be prepared to take the risk of using vaccines. A totally unnecessary one, since there are natural ways to really protect yourself from diseases, and really get the immunity vaccines claim to give, but never give, since they only offer the th2 immune response, not the th1 immune response you get when exposed to a disease naturally, which gives life long immunity, and which more often than not, gives hardly any symptoms in a healthy immune system, while vaccines weaken the immune system and don’t give life long immunity.

How convenient, that immediately this “pandemic”comes along, so they can set the scene for their dream scenario of force vaccinating.

Jerry Day reads from this article in global research by Julian Rose, who says he is quoting a well respected scientist who prefers to stay anonymous. It keeps being deleted from you tube. This link was disabled:

Here it is on bitchute. Here it is on bitchute

“Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19

The following is from a medical forum. The writer, who is a widely respected professional scientist in the US, prefers to stay anonymous, because presenting any narrative different than the official one can cause you a lot of stress in the toxic environment caused by the scam which surrounds COVID-19 these days. – Julian Rose

I work in the healthcare field. Here’s the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply can not make accurate assessments.

This is why you’re hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That’s because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.

The ‘gold standard’ in testing for COVID-19 is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that have been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not the PCR that is currently being used or Serology /antibody tests which do not detect virus as such). PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.

The problem is the test is known not to work.

It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery.

Additionally, it’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible even if you ignore the other issues.The New Coronavirus Outbreak, COVID-19, Sounds Menacing and Is

The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.

And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.

If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if it is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.

If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis.

And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.

Do you see where this is going yet? If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus.

They are incredibly common and there’s tons of them. A very high percentage of people who have become sick by other means (flu, bacterial pneumonia, anything) will have a positive

PCR test for covi even if you’re doing them properly and ruling out contamination, simply because covis are so common.

There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia victims in hospitals throughout the world at any one time.

All you need to do is select the sickest of these in a single location – say Wuhan – administer PCR tests to them and claim anyone showing viral sequences similar to a coronavirus (which will inevitably be quite a few) is suffering from a ‘new’ disease.

Since you already selected the sickest flu cases a fairly high proportion of your sample will go on to die.

You can then say this ‘new’ virus has a CFR higher than the flu and use this to infuse more concern and do more tests which will of course produce more ‘cases’, which expands the testing, which produces yet more ‘cases’ and so on and so on.

Before long you have your ‘pandemic’, and all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn’t actually exist.

Now just run the same scam in other countries. Making sure to keep the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky and less able to think critically.

Your only problem is going to be that – due to the fact there is no actual new deadly pathogen but just regular sick people, you are mislabeling your case numbers, and especially your deaths, are going to be way too low for a real new deadly virus pandemic.

But you can stop people pointing this out in several ways.

1. You can claim this is just the beginning and more deaths are imminent. Use this as an excuse to quarantine everyone and then claim the quarantine prevented the expected millions of dead.

2. You can tell people that ‘minimizing’ the dangers is irresponsible and bully them into not talking about numbers.

3. You can talk crap about made up numbers hoping to blind people with pseudoscience.

4. You can start testing well people (who, of course, will also likely have shreds of coronavirus DNA in them) and thus inflate your ‘case figures’ with ‘asymptomatic carriers’ (you will of course have to spin that to sound deadly even though any virologist knows the more symptom-less cases you have the less deadly is your pathogen.

Take these 4 simple steps and you can have your own entirely manufactured pandemic up and running in weeks.

They can not “confirm” something for which there is no accurate test.”

Jerry Day goes on to argue that Covid19 is a scapegoat for the financial crash that was inevitable because of unbacked money.

He has some good points, although I don’t agree with his premise that money is made out of thin air without being backed by anything. It is backed by people’s hopes and dreams, and their ability to convince others that their idea’s are worth while. It is backed by dreams and faith, both precious commodities. And they are without limit, because each person who lives positively builds a foundation for future generations to continue on, and helps make life better.

I think that the problem is not unbacked currency, but the unfairness of distribution, where those wreaking havoc on the environment and violating fundamental human rights are favored to those who respect fundamental human rights and help the environment. The problem is drug companies who have zero liability and who make trillions by making people sick. that has to change. But instead they are causing this, and are about to profit from it, unless we come into massive action to reclaim are right to life.

It seems we’re at a cross roads. It’s like we were all sent to our rooms to think about what we have done to the world. After weeks of lock down the air is clean over China for the first time in decades.

We should not want to go back to normal. We should do better. Start living in harmony with nature. If we can do it for a virus, we should certainly be able to do it for the earth.

But this must not turn into a nightmare, with force vaccination, inserted chips and electronic passes where you can only participate in public life if you have been vaccinated.

With a healthy immune system and working with it instead of sabotaging it, we can handle Covid 19, and any of the diseases people are vaccinated for. The vaccines themselves are the biggest problem. Here you see why medical doctors and PhD’s without shares in big pharma think so.

Why would the FDA , the WHO and the CDC say something else? Because they all have ties with the pharmaceutical industry and benefit hugely from the sale in vaccines.

Conflict of Interests

Meet Julie Louise Gerberding (born August 22, 1955) an American infectious disease expert and the former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).

Head of CDC, under her tenure vaccine usage went up exponentially, when she left she immediately became president of Merck’s vaccine division and cashed in 2 million dollars worth of stocks. and still has 2 million more. She is the one who arranged all the forced vaccinations.

Remember Merck? Which settled in China October and November 2019, and had a fight with Chinese vaccine makers in December 2019? Just when a virus outbreak comes, blamed on China.

And here we have another one.

Albertus Dominicus Marcellinus Erasmus “Ab” Osterhaus (born June 2, 1948) is always introduced as leading Dutch virologist and influenza expert, while his actual training consists of being a vet and having written a thesis on viral diseases in felines. Still that is apparently enough to earn him an Emeritus Professor of Virology at Erasmus University Rotterdam since 1993, Osterhaus is known throughout the world for his work on SARS and H5N1, the pathogen that causes avian influenza.

Osterhaus has been criticised for what has been described as a ‘fear campaign’, for exaggerating the consequences of the 2009 flu pandemic and pushing for extensive measures, even though the pandemic influenza (H1N1) is now treated as if it were a common flu. (In case you are confused, the 2009 flu “pandemic is also known as Mexican flu, Swine flu, Pig flu and H1N1) Physician and microbiologist Miquel Ekkelenkamp called Osterhaus a ‘scaremonger’ in an opinion piece in and said: “‘Expert’ Osterhaus should be banned indefinitely from television. Everything he claimed turned out to be untrue: we’re not all going to die like we did in 1918, not everyone needs a vaccination, we are not going to give Tamiflu to everyone and the virus has not mutated into something much more dangerous.”[8] Osterhaus claimed he has not exaggerated the risks. During debate ‘De Kwestie live’ he said “I have named a wide spectrum of possibilities and minister Ab Klink decided to go for the worst-case scenario” [8][9]

In September 2009, a controversy arose when it became known Osterhaus has a 9.8% share in ViroClinics B.V, a pharmaceutical company that supposedly benefits from the 34 million vaccines Health minister Ab Klink bought based on his advice as government consultant. Osterhaus maintains he did nothing against the law and that he does not personally benefit from the order.”4 billion

Unfortunately, in that “wide scenario”. the adverse effects of the vaccine are not mentioned, while they were very well known. Narcolepsy is one of them.

And if he really thought the disease was so dangerous, why was he so delighted when he heard a four year old girl had caught it? See here.

Did he know the disease is not that bad? Or was he excited about having 9.8 % of the shares of the company where he ordered 34 million swine flu vaccines from?

Well, then he must be thrilled now he has ordered 300 million vaccines for covid19 from a new pharmaceutical company established by Janssen in Leidschendam

A drug company that sponsors him.

And like a true salesman he runs around saying how dangerous the disease and how necessary the vaccine is.

So these virologists and institutions are not objective. Just using their information without consulting independent sources as well is like only listening to commercials before making an important purchase. You wouldn’t even do that if you were thinking of buying a new fridge. And you would not even want to buy a jar of pickles from someone who has zero liability if it turned out to be poisonous. And that’s exactly how much liability vaccine makers have. Zero. Pay attention to what you believe.

A number of virologists who advise politicians work for big pharma as well and have stocks in the vaccines they sell. The FDA doesn’t test anything. It lets vaccine makers do their own tests . And if nineteen tests show a vaccine is deadly and one doesn’t, the drug companies are allowed to just give that one test, with no penalty. If people die, the drug may get pulled from the market, but just reappears under another name. Drug companies are not liable when vaccines fail. The taxpayer pays the fines. 4 billion dollars has already been paid out since they were installed in 1986 to prevent drug companies from bankruptcy, since they were unable to pay for all the damages. Since then the number of obligatory vaccines has gone from 6 to 69. The autism rates and auto immune diseases among those born after this period have risen exponentially as well.

An example:

Vioxx was approved by the FDA and killed 100.000 people.

A blockbuster drug launched five years ago as a revolutionary treatment for arthritis may have caused up to 140.000 heart attacks in US patients of whom 44 per cent died, scientists said yesterday,.

Shocker! Is Vioxx Coming Back… as an Orphan Drug?

— Milton Packer wonders whether its return represents innovation or opportunism

With all that income and no liabilities, vaccine makers buy virologists, senators and doctors left and right, and wind media outlets around their finger with their expensive advertisements, money these media outlets can’t do without, so they do whatever big pharma wants them to .

Honest MD’s and PhD’s Speak Out

All that can’t make them stop baffled medical doctors and professors who can’t be bought, from telling us that diseases vaccines give are far worse than the ones they claim to solve. It’s like Dr Shiv Chopra , PhD, microbiologist, former head of research in charge of vaccines at Health Canada says: “There are absolutely no good vaccines anywhere. They are dangerous for health. There is no science behind vaccines. They cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent, plus a host of other diseases. No vaccines are necessary.”

Our immune system is what really protects us against diseases: immune system uses the flora on the skin also. We have more friendly bacteria than cells in our body and more than one hundred times as many viruses than cells at any time. They are part of a healthy immune system, and even part of our bodies themselves.

This is the scale of bacteria and virusses

Disturb the beneficial microbes, and you disturb the immune system.

That’s why you should always seek remedies that spare the beneficial microbes while attacking the pathogens, just as the white blood cells do.

We each have trillions of friendly viruses and bacteria in our bodies at all times, which are perfectly capable with dealing with a few pathogens. But the more immune compromised our bodies become through toxins, vaccines, and lack of nutrients, the weaker our immune systems become. Other people are not the problem. Vaccines are.

So what do vaccines do? They not only attack beneficial microbes. They attack and destroy whole cells and organs.

Watch what thimerosal , a common vaccine ingredient, does to neurons.

That’s a baby’s smile there, disappearing for ever. An elderly person’s ability to recognize his or her own children, gone. A teenager’s sense of direction. Gone. And those are the things that can’t be measured. Because it’s usually the extraordinary abilities that disappear, since that is where the most blood goes. So if your baby said his first word at 3 months, was talking at 8 months, and then gets his Infanrix or DTAP a shot and doesn’t talk again until he is 5 years old and is never the same anymore, that’s not something that shows up in statistics, but parents and often the children know they aren’t what they were supposed to be anymore, which gives a deep feeling of loss and discomfort. What can be measured is autism, paralysis, seizures and death.

So while vaccines are promoted by vaccine salesmen as the only real answer to disease, medical professors explain why they are actually more dangerous than the diseases they supposedly combat, how they spread diseases rather than stop them, and often spread worse diseases then the ones they are taken to stop while unavoidable damaging the body and compromising the immune system.

Dr Shiv Chopra describes vaccines as a cluster bomb going off in your system, because the body makes its own proteins, and it can’t do anything with the foreign proteins dumped in the blood by vaccines. Whole proteins, and all the junk vaccines have in them, don’t belong in our blood, and it dumps it wherever it can, causing much damage to the body.

Good health starts with healthy nutrition, not vaccines. And with that we should think of our tiny helpers, the microbes as well, who thrive on prebiotics, or fibers.

The following is from Dr. John Bergman’s talk on Covid 19:

How to wipe out the corona virus THT in 10 min

Mar 13, 2020

First he stresses the importance of a healthy immune system:

Dual Nobel prize winner Professor Linus Pauling already stressed the importance of Vitamin C.

Then he comes back on the inaccuracy of the testing:

He explains why the tests are inaccurate and what they are trying to do about it:

The problem of false positives and why more than half may be false positives:

More reasons for false positives: the side effects of statins resemble pneumonia, and thus covid19.

Other medications that have side effects that resemble covid 19 symptoms:

Many seniors suffer from malnutrition, which also causes organ damage, another reason for a false positve:

Due to this malnutrition, many elderly suffer from vitamin B12 deficiencies, which has similar symptoms to Alzheimer’s disease.

Flu deaths in the elderly increase as the number of flu vaccines they have had increases:

Just as people with autism, people with Alzheimer have heightened aluminum levels in the brainFlu shots are high in aluminum.

Imminulogists Judy Mikovits and Dolores Cahill speak out on the corruption of the Covid 19 plandemic.


After much critcism on plandemic 1, like below from:

Dr. Mikhail “Mike” Varshavski D.O. Actively Practicing Board Certified Family Medicine Doctor living in NYC #1 Health/Medicine Influencer w/ 11,000,000+ followers An avid explorer of life. Just a man and his dogs against the world. Human first. My goal is to make the field of medicine relatable, understandable, and fun! Instagram: @Doctor.Mike Snapchat/Twitter/Facebook: @RealDoctorMike

He confirms most of what Judy Mikovits says, and where he contradicts her, history corrects him, for example when he claims that there were no solutions for diseases before allopathy. People have been turning to plants for cures since the dawn of mankind.

And Marshall Allan who works for propolitica since 2011, Marshall Allen investigates why we pay so much for health care in the United States and get so little in return. He is one of the creators of ProPublica’s Surgeon Scorecard, which published the complication rates for about 17,000 surgeons who perform eight common elective procedures. Allen’s work has been honored with several journalism awards, including the Harvard Kennedy School’s 2011 Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting and coming in as a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for local reporting for work at the Las Vegas Sun, where he worked before coming to ProPublica in 2011. Before he was in journalism, Allen spent five years in full-time ministry, including three years in Nairobi, Kenya. He has a master’s degree in Theology.\

I’m an Investigative Journalist. These Are the Questions I Asked About the Viral “Plandemic” Video.

Full of links from politifact

And a link to Judy Mikovitz’s complaint.

This the daughter the Whittemore’s were looking for a solution for, for which Dr. Judy Mikovits was hired.

The institute she was working for is the Whittemore Peterson Institute, of Harvey and Annette Whittemore. Here you see them.

Marshall Allen’s other articles

Before writing for propublica, he wrote for the Las Vagas Sun

Mikki Willis made a sequel in which he addresses and debunks the allegations.

Here Mikki Willis speaks with national intelligence analyst, founder of IQ100 Index (NYSE) Professor David E Martin.

Dr. David E. Martin is the Founder and Chairman of M•CAM Inc., the international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance. Actively engaged in global ethical economic development, Dr. Martin’s work includes financial engineering and investment, public speaking, writing and providing financial advisory services to the majority of countries in the world.

How the pattern Covid 19 is following resembles how other pandemics went

On the page on Dr. John Bergman on this website you can also read about the cutter incident, the zika virus fiasco, and see how all vaccines follow the same pattern: they are made to solve a problem that has already been solved by proper hygiene and nutrition, and replace the mild disease that is easily overcome with a far worse one that often results in permanent damage or death.

Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory Versus Antoine Béchamp’s host theory

The conflict in medicine began between Louis Pasteur with his “germ theory”, where you “catch diseases” and Antoin Bechamp with his “host theory”, where pathogens are attracted to diseased tissues as flies to garbage.

Béchamp was the intellectual of the two, and Pasteur more of a showman, who did not even try to be truthful.

Unfortunately, it was Pasteur who became mainstream, creating the mess we are left in today. Apparently at the end of his life Pasteur admitted Béchamp was right, as did R, Virchow, Let’s hope today’s doctors and policy makers receive the same clarity and honesty of mind, so we can get out of this mess.

Many honest doctors speak out for truth, with no financial rewards. But they get sued by the RIVM, the Dutch vaccine bureau. Like also happened with Dr, Hans van der Linden.

Even though the ones opposing big pharma are right, and even though the Dutch medical journal says flu vaccines are not proven to be effective, they keep being made, pushed and obligated.

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation likes to pay large sums of money to controlling agencies like the Dutch RIVM.

Professor Peter Gøtzsche also mentions the corruption in Big Pharma. Gøtzsche has a Master of Science in biology and chemistry in 1974. In 1977 Gøtzsche took a position at Astra-Syntex and was responsible for clinical trials. While at Astra-Syntex he started to study medicine and graduated as a physician in 1984.[3] He worked at hospitals in Copenhagen 1984-95. He co-founded with Sir Iain Chalmers and about 80 other investigators The Cochrane Collaboration in 1993. The same year he established The Nordic Cochrane Centre. In 2010, Gøtzsche was named Professor of Clinical Research Design and Analysis at the University of Copenhagen.[3] In 2017, he was elected a member of the Governing Board of Cochrane. In September 2018 he was expelled from Cochrane Collaboration. In 2019 Gøtzsche founded a new Institute for Scientific Freedom, whose goal is “to preserve honesty and integrity in science”.[5]

Gøtzsche, who had been elected to the Governing Board in 2017,[30] 

September 22 2018 Cochrane was delighted to announce that they have received a grant of USD $1.15 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Four days later, Gøtzsche was expelled from the Board and the organization after a 6 to 5 vote of the 13-member board at the annual meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland September 26, 2018.[31] The Board announced the step on September 26 expelling Gøtzsche because of an “ongoing, consistent pattern of disruptive and inappropriate behaviours …, taking place over a number of years, which undermined this culture and were detrimental to the charity’s work, reputation and members.”[2] The Board had also commissioned a legal review of his activities in the context of his relationship to Cochrane and found transgressions.

Gøtzsche, critical of the pharmaceutical industry and what he sees as its influence on medicine, expressed concern about “growing top-down authoritarian culture and an increasingly commercial business model” at Cochrane that “threaten the scientific, moral and social objectives of the organization.”[30] He stated that “Cochrane no longer lives up to its core values of collaboration, openness, transparency, accountability, democracy and keeping the drug industry at arm’s length.”[32] After the expulsion, four members of the Board resigned and two had to leave to restore a balance between appointed and elected members, throwing the organization into turmoil.[31]

Gerd Antes of Cochrane Deutschland interpreted the situation as a “governance crisis” and called for “the strict orientation on the objectives and fundamental principles of Cochrane” naming “(s)cientific rigour, knowledge with minimal bias, maximum trust and consistent safeguarding against interest-driven influence on the evidence” as primary.[33]

The new owners of the Cochrane institute, and responsible for firing Peter Gotzsche?

None other than Bill and Melinda Gates!

And what is their opinion about vaccines?

“Vaccines are a miracle—with just a few doses, they can prevent deadly diseases for a lifetime,” said Melinda Gates. “We’ve made vaccines our number-one priority at the Gates Foundation because we’ve seen firsthand their incredible impact on children’s lives.”$10-Billion-in-Call-for-Decade-of-Vaccines

What they may have seen is the impact of clean water and decent food on children’s lives, since that is always brought at the same time as vaccines, and like always, its benefits are mistaken for the benefits of vaccines. Where just vaccines are brought without improving access to clean water and healthy food, diseases get worse.

And what is Cochrane like now? A bland yes man to big pharma. Not a back bone in sight.

Seeing a pattern here yet?

Like the many doctors , whose integrity is not for sale, knights in shining armor, Peter Gotsche writes for people like us, to save us from the corruption of big pharma:


Corona: an epidemic of mass panic

Published on 

By Professor Peter C. Gøtzsche

In Spanish: Corona panico masivo

Almost everyone I talk to, lay people and colleagues (I am a specialist in internal medicine and have worked for two years at a department of infectious diseases) consider the Coronavirus pandemic a pandemic of panic, more than anything else.

On March 8, I published in the BMJ about this. I wrote: “What if the Chinese had not tested their patients for coronavirus or there had not been any test? Would we have carried on with our lives, without restrictions, not worrying about some deaths here and there among old people, which we see every winter? I think so.”

The WHO estimates that an influenza season kills about 500,000 people, or about 50 times more than those who have died so far during more than 3 months of the Coronavirus epidemic.

I also wrote: “Is it evidence-based healthcare to close schools and universities, cancel flights and meetings, forbid travel, and to isolate people wherever they happen to fall ill? In Denmark, the government recommends cancellation of events with over 1000 participants.”

It is much worse now. All gatherings in Denmark of more than 10 people are banned, even outdoors, and you can get a fine of 1500 kr (about $250) if you violate this rule. What a dream scenario for any ruler with dictatorship tendencies; all democratic demonstrations are unlawful. Football matches are still allowed, if there are only 5 players on each team and no spectators.

I joked about my tennis, but now my four times a week of tennis is gone even though we cannot be more than 4 people on the court at a time. Next I joked about golf, as I could not imagine anyone would forbid golf. They did, even though there are loads of people walking or running in the forest around our golf course, and even though you may still walk on the fairways, if you do not look like a golfer. Our CrossFit gym also closed as per government orders.

I had only one joke left, which I fired when my wife told me that in the lunch room of the department of clinical microbiology where she works, every second chair should be left empty while the conference room is overcrowded as usual, also in the intensive care unit at our hospital! I replied she should tell her colleagues that from now on, our prime minister will only allow one person at a time in Danish double beds. Keep the distance is our mantra, and people we meet in the forest make big bends to avoid coming too close to us. It is kind of funny.

In Italy, they borrow the neighbour’s dog to get a little fresh air because it is still allowed to walk the dog.

We closed our borders with Germany and Sweden, although we have more Coronavirus than they have. It was like when I saw they sprayed an Air India plane flying out of Heathrow to avoid bringing Heathrow malaria mosquitos into India. Why not close the island of Fyn, in the middle of Denmark, which is easy, as there is a bridge on each side that can be blocked by the military? Where does this stop? Logic was one of the first victims.

I shall not discuss here why the mortality is so different in Italy and South Korea, but I do find it very prudent that they told people to stay in their homes in South Korea if they fall ill, and only if they become very sick, will a car come and bring them to a hospital that is not overcrowded. If the infectious dose is high, mortality will also be higher because there will not be sufficient time to establish an immune response. Therefore, overcrowded hospitals will have higher mortality rates. The panic does just that: leads to overcrowded hospitals.

The panic looks like an unfortunate overreaction. We don’t even know if the risk of dying if you get infected with Coronavirus is higher than if you get influenza, or so many other virus infections, and most of those who die are old and suffer from comorbidity, just like for influenza.

Our main problem is that no one will ever get in trouble for measures that are too draconian. They will only get in trouble if they do too little. So, our politicians and those working with public health do much more than they should do. No such draconian measures were applied during the 2009 influenza pandemic, and they obviously cannot be applied every winter, which is all year round, as it is always winter somewhere. We cannot close down the whole world permanently.

Should it turn out that the epidemic wanes before long, there will be a queue of people wanting to take credit for this. And we can be damned sure draconian measures will be applied again next time. But remember the joke about tigers. “Why do you blow the horn?” “To keep the tigers away.” “But there are no tigers here.” “There you see!”

The harms include suicides that go up in times of unemployment, and when people’s businesses built up carefully over many years lie in ruins, they might kill themselves. The panic is also killing life itself. John Ioannidis’ article from 17 March is the best I have seen so far: “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data.”

And what was bad for the immune system again? Stress. Malnutrition. Fear. Exactly the circumstances that are created with this panicdemic’.

We can handle pathogens. Our immune systems have been doing that since humankind existed. What we can’t handle t]is the toxic soup vaccines make of our blood.

More doctors are speaking up. Like Dr Didier Raoult, MD, PhD

Didier Raoult is a French physician and microbiologist. He holds M.D. and Ph.D. degrees and specializes in infectious diseases. In 1984, Raoult created the Rickettsia Unit at Aix-Marseille University (AMU). He also teaches infectious diseases in the Faculty of Medicine of Aix-Marseille University, and since 1982 has supervised many M.D. and Ph.D. degrees.[2]

He has a long list of awards:


Since 2008, Raoult has been the director of the Unité de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Emergentes (URMITE; in English, Research Unit in Infectious and Tropical Emergent Diseases), collaborating with CNRS (National Center for the Scientific Research), IRD (Research for the Development Institute), INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and the Aix Marseille University, in Marseille. His laboratory employs more than 200 people, including 86 researchers who publish between 250 and 350 papers per year and have produced more than 50 patents.[3] Raoult has also been involved in the creation of eight startups.[4]

Dr Didier Raoult is very respected. He is the authority when it comes to viral diseases. Here he is five years earlier, with Ebola pandemic in Africa.

For Covid19 in France , he is the expert that is consulted.

This is what he says about Covid 19:

“Of all respiratory infections, it is probably the easiest to treat. “

Sucharit Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology and infection epidemiology. Bhakdi is emeritus professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and from 1991 to 2012 was head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene there. He is strongly opposed to the Covid19 policies and wrote this open letter to the German head of state:

Corona-Krise: Offener Brief an die Bundeskanzlerin von Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi

Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi, specialist in microbiology and infection epidemiology, headed the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz for 22 years. He wrote an open letter to the Chancellor with 5 questions that require immediate answers to determine how justified the current massive restrictions on our fundamental rights are. The video explains the questions and their background.

The full letter with the questions, backgrounds and references can be viewed here:

But then what about all the deaths?

Here the number of deceased people in The Netherlands are compared over 3 years:

The numbers are not higher. they are actually lower.

What about if you compare it per age group? After all, were the elderly with pre existing conditions not most at risk? Check the following graphs, showing deaths in Europe per age group:

No more than in other years. Even less.

That will probably change due to the disproportionate measures being taken, causing people to be without jobs, food or care, and causing stock market plunges, which in itself causes many deaths, Of course parallel relationships will all be called causal and everything will be blamed on Covid19, or whatever name they come up with next.

So then how do they get the high numbers, the panicking doctors?

The following message explains a lot:

For those who don’t read Dutch, a mother expresses her bewilderment about her epileptic child being classified as a covid 19 patient when she just came for her epilepsy, as normal. So they do the test on everyone, and while people are waiting for the test results they are forced to stay on corona wards with infected people. What a way to spread a disease.

This has a lot of similarities to the Cutter incident, where all the polio cases in the country were put in one place, which were actually caused by the vaccines, and then used again as a reason to vaccinate people, because they failed to mention it was adverse reaction to the vaccine.

Cutter Incident

So there is a history of fake panic and so called cures prevention methods that are worse than the disease.

Channel 4 News about the corona pressure in hospitals. Watch at 2m45s.
Apparently they have to use DUMMIES, dolls, for lack of real patients! Checj at 2.45

And more and more messages of Covid19 fraud are coming up, like of contaminated tests. See:

April 22, 2020, California ER Doctor Erickson testifies Covid19 is less lethal than the flu, and there is no scientific base for the lock down.

He seems to not understand how bad flu vaccines are, And he seems not to understand children are safer at home than in school. He also paints a very negative picture of being home. Testing everyone does not seem ideal, and he also has an interest in testing. So that is something to consider when we listen. Still he makes some valid points.

April 9 2020, Dr Scott Jensen, a medical doctor and a state senator for Minnesota tells Fox news about the financial incentives behind classifying deaths as being Covid19, even if they are not, and diagnosing and treating patients for Covid19, even if they don’y have it. CDC guidance sheet tells doctors to put Covid19 on death certificates as plausible and presumed. Diseases that would normally classified as heart failure or pneumonia are now being called Covid19. Medicare has now determined that if you classify a patient as having Covid 19, you get $13.000,-. If you put a patient on a ventilator, you get $39.000,-. That gives an awkward incentive to lie about deaths. In Italy doctors went back to reclassify deaths as being Covid19.

See: Minnesota doctor blasts ‘ridiculous’ CDC coronavirus death count guidelines

Here is a link to the pdf with the CDC guidelines for how to put Covid19 on death certificates.

Dr Birx admits that dying with Covid19 is equated to dying of Covid19

This extra money for putting people on ventilators becomes especially sinister when it is realized that only 10% of those put on ventilators survive.

This New York doctor, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, explains the problem:

He explains that the ventilators should be set on failure to absorb oxygen instead of respiratory problems.

One of the responders knows the answer:

This seems to have been published by Chinese researchers in late March? To quote: “The attack will cause less and less hemoglobin that can carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. The lung cells have extremely intense poisoning and inflammatory due to the inability to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen frequently, which eventually results in ground-glass-like lung images.” They claim “chloroquine” can stop the proteins created by the virus that attack the lung cells. less21REPLYHide 6 replies

So how dishonest is it to say it is probable that someone died of Covid19, when even now, April 14, 2020, a less 0,03% of the world population is tested positively with Covid19 and of that 0.03 % only 10% has symptoms, and of that 10%, even with all the false positives because of problems with the test and the financial incentives to inflate the numbers, there is only a 6.3% death rate?

If you want to check, these are the numbers I am working with:

April 14, 2020:

Coronavirus Cases:






Normally it would be very dishonest, but as they put everyone who comes in a hospital in the same space with people with Covid19, the chances of becoming infected rise exponentially. That would be criminal if they really thought Covid19 was that dangerous. And otherwise it is evidence they know it’s not and are just greedy.

Even with the financial incentives to inflate them, the numbers are far lower than were expected. See chart below:

Theories about Covid19 origins

With all this information, it becomes clear that Covid19 is a fabricated pandemic with inflated figures. In the mean time people come up with some interesting observations:

What determines where outbreaks occur?

In the mean time people are trying to find links between the places where the outbreaks are.

Geographical factors such as temperature and humidity

Social Geographer Maurice de Hond mentions a link was found between Covid19 cases, climate and humidity. The area’s where outbreaks are were all between 4 and 11 degrees Celcius (see below)

Another common factor is a humidity below 6 grams per kilogram.

The reasoning is that the relative dryness causes the virus to be airborne longer. Measures are suggested to have advice for when people can and cannot go outside.

Very interesting, but with healthy nutrition, such measures are not necessary, since when we are healthy our immune system is more than capable of dealing with pathogenic viruses.

He has gone further with his theory of spreading through aerosols, and there is now broad scientific recognition for this theory. It also explains why meat processing plants are the main place where Covid19 is spread, since there the conditions are ideal for the virus: 10 degrees Celsius, dry air and ventilation systems without filters.

Here you can find all of his interviews.

The new flu shot from 2018

Dr. John Bergman related the large number of elderly who had died in Italy with the new flu vaccine they had received since 2018.

This is the one he is talking about:

Abstract from the European Journal of Public Health:


The elderly, defined here as subjects aged ≥ 65 years, are among at-risk subjects for whom annual influenza vaccination is recommended. For the 2018/19 season, three vaccine types are available for the elderly in Italy: trivalent inactivated vaccine (TIV), adjuvanted TIV (aTIV) and quadrivalent inactivated vaccines (QIV). No health technology assessment (HTA) of seasonal influenza vaccination in the elderly has previously been conducted in Italy.Methods

An HTA was conducted in 2017 to analyze the burden of influenza illness, the characteristics, efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of available vaccines and the related organizational and ethical implications. This was then contextualized to the 2018/19 influenza season. Comprehensive literature reviews/analyses were performed and a static mathematical model developed in order to address the above issues.Results

In Italy, influenza is usually less common in the elderly than in other age-classes, but the burden of disease is the highest; >10% of infected elderly subjects develop complications, and about 90% of all influenza-related deaths occur in this age-class. All available vaccines are effective, safe and acceptable from an ethical standpoint. However, aTIV has proved more immunogenic and effective in the elderly. Furthermore, from the third payer’s perspective, aTIV is highly cost-effective and cost-saving in comparison with TIV and QIV, respectively. Nevertheless, vaccination coverage needs to be improved.Conclusions

According to this HTA, aTIV appeared the vaccine of choice in the elderly. HTA should be reapplied whenever new relevant data become available.”

Neo plastic cells gives a more constant product, but they are cancer cells.

It makes sense to relate vaccine deaths to a flu vaccine, since people who have a flu vaccine are four to five times more likely to get the flu and die from it if they get it.

Also the ones who had the flu vaccine have a higher chance of having complications from Covid19.

Others also notice that the countries with the most mandatory vaccines have the most Covid19 cases.

Some see a relation between 5G masts and Covid19 and say there are more outbreaks where 5G masts have been placed. Switzerland has even stopped the roll out of 5G over health concerns.

But others say we have had 5G for years: in the form of wifi:

CORONA CHRONICLES paints a grim picture of government spins from past to present.

Bill Gates owns 15% of the WHO. and is the second biggest contributor to the WHO. He calls the shots. Literally. See

Not just a country, an immune country! If he is caught doing a crime, the police van do nothing.

The following is half German, half English, and shows a whistle blower.

In 2009 when Bill Gates entered the WHO as immune member state, the definition of pandemic, was changed from deadly world wide disease, to just world wide disease, making it possible to declare any flu a pandemic.

Also the term immunity was changed to vaccination.

There is an alert on PCR test, which means they know it is false.

Project 201 was a practice exercise for a pandemic, done just months before Covid19, and it’s earily similar.

Bill Gates’s dream world would be my nightmare. See


Listen closely to what he says: vaccines that mimic the immune system. Why mimic a perfect, natural system, when all we have to do is not destroy our natural immune system to have immunity?

As far as the cover up for real (bio) attacks theory goes, there are enough human rights violations and conflicts going on in China to make that plausible. Think of the UghursHong KongTibet and Taiwan.

China reported 3200 Covid19 deaths, but “according to a Beijing report on March 20, 2020, for the first time ever, the number of Chinese cellphone users dropped by 21 million in the past three months. Their mobile accounts?  Gone!”

And so governments of many countries had troubles containing the terrorist attacks. France’s government had the Yellow Vests to deal with. And they all had their climate goals to reach. A virus taking care of all of that, with an extra population control mechanism to prevent future outbreaks and a sure money maker in the form of vaccines seems like a master plan to assure future control of the masses. Is this what Bill Gates discussed with all those world leaders he met with?

“With a $ 750 million donation from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) was founded in 2000, a partnership
in which national governments, the UN, WHO, the World Bank and the pharmaceutical industry participate and contribute financially. GAVI provides funding to a large number of developing countries
made available, with more than a billion dollars pledged in five-year commitments.”

What does Gavi do? According to their own website:

What exactly is Gavi?

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, is an organisation that improves access to vaccines for the world’s most vulnerable children. It was founded in 2000 to “save lives, reduce poverty and protect the world against the threat of epidemics.”

“Gavi partners with both the public and private sectors to achieve this mission. It works with nonprofits, advocacy organisations, governments, vaccine manufacturers, researchers and more to improve access to vaccines from all angles.

And what is clearly one of those angles to insure everyone gets vaccinated? ID2020

Sponsored by Microsoft, Gavi and accenture.

According to their own website , it’s nothing terrible:

“Since 2016, ID2020 has advocated for ethical, privacy-protecting approaches to digital ID.

For the one in seven people globally who lacks a means to prove their identity, digital ID offers access to vital social services and enables them to exercise their rights as citizens and voters and participate in the modern economy. But doing digital ID right means protecting civil liberties and putting control over personal data back where it belongs…in the hands of the individual.

Every day, we rely on a variety of forms of identification to go about our lives: our driver’s license, passport, work badge and building access cards, debit and credit cards, transit passes, and more.

But technology is evolving at a blinding pace and many of the transactions that require identification are today being conducted digitally. From e-passports to digital wallets, online banking to social media accounts, these new forms of digital ID allow us to travel, conduct business, access financial and health records, stay connected, and much more.

While the move to digital ID has had many positive effects, it has been accompanied by countless challenges and setbacks, including large-scale data breaches affecting millions of people. Most of the current tools are archaic, insecure, lack appropriate privacy protections and commoditize our data. But that’s about to change and ID2020 is leading the charge.

We are businesses, nonprofits, governments and individuals…working in collaboration to ensure that the future of digital identity is, indeed, #goodID.”

ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines

ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines

“The ID2020 Alliance has launched a new digital identity program at its annual summit in New York, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, vaccine alliance Gavi, and new partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief.

The program to leverage immunization as an opportunity to establish digital identity was unveiled by ID2020 in partnership with the Bangladesh Government’s Access to Information (a2i) Program, the Directorate General of Health Services, and Gavi, according to the announcement.

Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has received vaccination.

“We are implementing a forward-looking approach to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own personal information, while still building off existing systems and programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’ access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this approach.”

Gavi CEO Seth Berkley says that 89 percent of children and adolescents who do not have identification live in countries where the organization is active. “We are enthusiastic about the potential impact of this program not just in Bangladesh, but as something we can replicate across Gavi-eligible countries, providing a viable route to closing the identity gap,” he says.

A partnership was also formed earlier this year between Gavi, NEC, and Simprints to use biometrics to improve vaccine coverage in developing nations.

“Digital ID is being defined and implemented today, and we recognize the importance of swift action to close the identity gap,” comments ID2020 Executive Director Dakota Gruener. “Now is the time for bold commitments to ensure that we respond both quickly and responsibly. We and our ID2020 Alliance partners, both present and future, are committed to rising to this challenge.”

ID2020 also announced new partnerships and provided progress reports on initiatives launched last year. Since last year’s summit, the ID2020 Alliance has been joined by the City of Austin, UC Berkeley’s CITRIS Policy Lab and Care USA.

The City of Austin, ID2020, and several other partners are working together with homeless people and the service providers who engage with them to develop a blockchain-enabled digital identity platform called MyPass to empower homeless people with their own identity data.

A pair of inaugural pilot programs launched last year in partnership with iRespond and Everest have each made progress, ID2020 says. The iRespond program has improved continuity of care for more than 3,000 refugees receiving treatment for chronic conditions from the International Rescue Committee in Thailand, according to the announcement, while Everest has assisted with the provision of access to critical energy subsidies and a range of additional services with secure and user-centric digital identities without relying on a smartphone.

This post was updated at 4:58pm on March 26, 2020 to clarify that the program is intended to allow people to receive vaccination and prove they have received it, not to track individuals, as claimed by some conspiracy theorists.

According to their website digital identification through facial recognition prevents much identity fraud in third world countries ( see

Here’s what you need to know about Gavi

The Bill Gates ‘Stop ID 2020’ petition has been removed by!
The petition, with close to 200,000 signatures, has been closed and banned from There was a second petition started at the same site. That one is removed too. But read this article from 2014 that the founder of Change received millions of 💲from Bill Gates & Co founder gets $25M plus advice from likes of Bill Gates

The UpTake: High-profile tech founders—from Bill Gates to Pierre Omidyar to Arianna Huffington—just lined up behind a $25 million funding round for an online petition startup called that calls out everyone from big companies to law enforcement on actions the public doesn’t like. That may be because the B corporation startup’s founder is one of their own.

And what is the real reason for all of this?

This is from March 19, 2020

Bill Gates lets slip the real reason for the Pandemic i.e. Digital Certificate Of Movement, initially on your smart phone. Reading between the lines, this will be so as you are tracked on the 5G control grid and require compulsory vaccinations to keep your certificate valid.

Before we look at what he said and put it into context, here is the outline of what this is for and where it fits in:-

  1. The Pandemic is initially to restrict our movement, removing our freedom.
  2. To regain movement, we will require a digital certificate of movement on a smartphone (eventually on a microchip under the skin).
  3. The microchip will be for buying and selling, it will be switched off if you protest TPTB. In a cashless society you won’t be able to function.
  4. The 5G network is to track you, initially by your smartphone which you have to bring everywhere due to the digital certificate of movement, and eventually on your microchip.
  5. End Goal – Total Enslavement, the Deep State want to own us like cattle on 5G control grids, they can switch us on and off as they wish.

Here is what Gates said today:-

“Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”

The article below discusses the certificate of movement now required in France.

Coronavirus containment: the certificate of movement on a smartphone

“Due to the coronavirus pandemic, France is placed in almost total containment and the population now needs a certificate to move. But not necessarily need a printer, the smartphone is enough.”

To understand the broader context of the digital certificate of movement, it’s useful to go back over 10 years to an interview with a former friend of the ‘Deep State’ Rockefeller family, Arron Russo. In the interview he exposes the plans which a member of the Rockefeller family had leaked to him in private. One of the most important pieces of information was that in the future all humans would be required to have a microchip under their skin, and one of its main purposes would be for buying and selling. Any individual resisting the agenda of the Deep State would have their microchip switched off, making it almost impossible for them to function in society, thereby giving The Elite immense control over the population.

Note: The Rockefeller family have also been obsessed with pandemics (page 18) for years. just  like Bill Gates.

Of course, to keep your certificate of movement valid, you’ll need to keep up with your toxic social engineering vaccines, which will modify your fertility, IQ, lifespan, health etc in adverse ways, all under the guise of protecting you against various pathogens. Both the Rockefeller’s and Gates are known eugenicists, and are both heavily involved with vaccines, and both have admitted on video that they want the global population down to below one billion.

As you’ll see, it is vital to resist these plans, do not comply, if a significant % refuse to cooperate with their agenda then their agenda will fail.

TLDR – Reason for pandemic = Pretext for introduction of certificate of movement, so as we have to join vaccine social engineering program, get tracked on 5G grid and buy/sell with a microchip; fully enslaved by the Deep State. It is essential for yourself and future generations that you refuse to comply.

Background videos:-

David Rockefeller talks about over population and population control

Bill Gates wants depopulation, will use vaccines

He’s not the first to want this. In 1981 Jacques Atalli, then advisor of Francois Mitterand wrote the following:


He writes something like this:

In the future there has to be a way to control population growth. First get rid of the elder lt, who live far beyond their productive years./ Then the fat and the weak then the useless, then the idiots who will be convinced it is for their own good. Not with concentration camps, but with pandemics, that we should organize ourselves., Euthanasia will be an important way of controlling the population.

Event 201 – Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak?

Rockefeller Foundation Plan

Background Reading:-

The ID2020 Alliance: The Global Totalitarian Project Hiding Behind The Vaccine Drive

Rockefeller Foundation Scenario Planning Document, see page 18

Reuters says:

“Quantum dot dye,” is a technology founded by the Gates Foundation,

Kevin McHugh, one of the lead authors of the “quantum dot dye” research paper, said, “The quantum dot dye technology is not a microchip or human-implantable capsule and to my knowledge there are no plans to use this for coronavirus.”

Dr. Gorter earned his medical degree at the University of Amsterdam Medical School in the Netherlands, where he graduated as a family practitioner in 1973.  He completed his second postdoctoral training at the University of California – San Francisco (UCSF) Medical School in 1986.

Dr. Gorter served as a full UCSF faculty member from 1986 to 2008. Additional education includes a doctorate from the University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany in 1993, where he continues to serve as a faculty member. His training is foremost in conventional Western medicine with postdoctoral work in the United States, Germany and the Netherlands.

He also completed specialty training in anthroposophical medicine in 1973 in Arlesheim, Switzerland, with an emphasis on oncology. Dr. Robert Gorter has written numerous articles and abstracts, contributed to many books, and been featured on ABC, CNN and numerous television programs in the EU and the Middle East.

People under his care lived for 20 years while they were given up by the medical profession.

In the video below he explains:

  1. The open dialogue is the most valuable thing in earth. But that dialogue has stopped.
  2. The CGC has never been able to give 1 whole SARS-Cov-2
  3. Corona can only be determined after death.
  4. That the difference between flu an corona can be determined with a cheap test that only needs 1 drop of blood, nut that test is forbidden.
  5. The surplus death can be explained by the baby boomers who are now coming of age.
  6. Women with breast cancer became better with melatonin. And he also gives them CBD.
  7. 90 percent of the virologists agree with Gorter.
  8. 15 billionaires are behind 95 percent of the news coverage worldwide. They are in private hands and only publish what the billionaires want.
  9. Hitler says that for complete domination you need to control 2 things, the media and the food supply. Bill Gates is the biggest landowner in the world and Jeff Besos the second biggest.
  10. HIV is in the Corona virus, since Wuhan.
  11. Darpa is there to protect the US against Bio warfare.
  12. Klaus Schwab says he wants to use the corona virus for the great reset,
  13. With 3 ml of blood you can tell if you are immune after having had covid. But this test is also forbidden.
  14. In the vaccines there pieces of mrna, which will make prions after 3 years. Prions are rna molecules that stick together. And these are deadly. There 54 official publications that confirm this.Prions are 2 rna molecules thatb stick together.
  15. Prions can become airborne says the interviewer.
  16. Every virologist knows that having the infection is better than getting the vaccine.
  17. In India the people are dying who had the vaccine.
  18. MRNA mutate very quickly.,
  19. We are too late already.
  20. Prions can be spread through breathing and sexually.
  21. Science is politicized.
  22. Fauci published in 2008 that the masks were the biggest cause of death during the Spanish flu., He even says you have to wear two masks.
  23. Your eyes are as important as infection source as your breath,,
  24. Even Pfizer admits they don’t know the longterm consequences of vaccines.

Sequel to the converstaion.

Current State and Life After the lock down

April 8, 2020, the lock down in Hubei ended. Huanan has opened again. In Wuhan life is more or less back to back to normal except for the fact that people now have apps on their phone sending an alarm to authorities if they don’t keep to the social distancing rules! Many countries have past their peak in infections. Not all countries have gone in mandatory lock down. Sweden for example has not, and finds that other countries are taking a risk in doing so. Some other countries are out of lock down as well.

Currently Infected
Mild Condition
Serious or Critical
Cases with Outcome

Those figures may look a little different now that you know what they mean, that tests are unreliable, that they are actually testing for a virus so common everyone has it, that they are trying to hide cures in order to be able to push vaccines

World leaders and their advisers are speculating about how the post lock down should be, warning about how we should always be prepared for pandemics, , otherwise next time it will be worse.


Vaccine companies are fighting over who will dominate the market:
See BioNTech in China alliance with Fosun over potential coronavirus vaccine

Ludwig Burger

FRANKFURT (Reuters) – BioNTech struck a collaboration deal with Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical over the German biotech firm’s rights in China to an experimental coronavirus vaccine, the latest gambit in a global race to halt the pandemic.

FILE PHOTO: The headquarters of biopharmaceutical company BioNTech are seen in Mainz, Germany July 31, 2018. REUTERS/Ralph Orlowski
Once regulators approve the vaccine, Fosun will market it in China, with BioNTech retaining rights for the rest of the world, the German group said, adding that it was aiming to start testing on humans from late April.BioNTech also said it was in advanced discussions with its existing partner Pfizer over the development of the vaccine outside China. The U.S. pharma giant earlier this month identified BioNTech as a potential partner for the development.
Mainz-based BioNTech, founded in 2008 and listed on the Nasdaq exchange in October last year, said it intends to initiate clinical testing for the compound called BNT162 in Europe, the United States and China.
The race is on to develop an immunisation, which is seen as by far the most effective tool to halt the global spread of the pathogen.
U.S. rival Moderna, which is working with the U.S. National Institutes of Health, is the closest to human testing, announcing plans to start a trial in Seattle this month.

BioNTech’s unlisted German rival CureVac aims to be ready by July to request the go-ahead for testing on humans of an experimental vaccine, while Johnson & Johnson has said it is optimistic it can start vaccine testing later this year.
Signs of a tussle between national governments over medical gear and rights to therapeutics have already started to emerge.
The German government is trying to stop the U.S. administration from persuading CureVac to move its research to the United States.
China’s Fosun will pay BioNTech up to $135 million in upfront and potential future investment and milestone payments for development achievement, BioNTech said, adding that the two companies will share future gross profits from the sale of the vaccine in China.
Fosun will also take a 0.7% stake from new shares in BioNTech for $50 million.

BioNTech said it plans to produce the vaccine for the clinical trials together with contract manufacturer Polymun GmbH at BioNTech’s manufacturing facilities in Europe.
BioNTech, CureVac and Moderna have specialised in so-called messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules which instruct human cells to produce proteins that trigger an immune response in the body against cancer or infectious diseases.

So now, without really understanding how the body works, they are starting to mess with our DNA.

The people organizing this don’t have the greatest track record when it comes to mass vaccination.

And while a DNA altering Covid19 vaccine may not have been tested on humans yet, invasive genetic manipulation has been tested on plants and animals for a long time now. The results are known. Plants become toxic, and both plants and animals become infertile.

Biologist Clemens Arvey explains the dangers of the planned RNA vaccine:

We know that our bodies are perfectly capable of handling pathogens, that we are good for each other, not dangerous, that it’s their vaccines that are the danger and the cause of weakened immune systems.

Even the ones making a point all seem just a little off, and they certainly are not telling the whole story.

There are the misconceptions of how the body works and what we need to be happy. There are the misconceptions about the human state and what are the dangers of society. And from all these misconceptions come the wrong conclusions who is a danger to whom and what needs to be done to be safe.
People who won’t get vaccinated need to be shunned of course like lepers of the olden days, with one little difference. It’s not actually the unvaccinated people who shed pathogens. It’s the vaccinated ones. And it’s not the vaccinated people who have life long immunity. It’s the unvaccinated ones. And yet unvaccinated people get bullied further and further out of society. They are the scapegoats. In the mean time we see the vaccinated children getting sicker and sicker, not developing properly, and the reason why is not a mystery. Vaccines are extremely detrimental to health and stunt growth and development. They have no benefits, just dangers.

So who will stop this nightmare? The billionaires making trillions off of other people’s ignorance won’t. They have no reason to. The brain damaged won’ t. They don’t see it, and they wouldn’t be able to do anything if they could. Those who do see it happening are often unable to get organized because they all differ so much in opinion over other matters that they fail to unite for health and human rights.

So here we sit shaking as lambs getting prepared for the slaughter. How ashamed would our ancestors be, and those who gave their lives for our freedom if we did not do anything about it?

The reason we were suckered into vaccinating our child was not because of big pharma, it was because of the indifference of people who pose as anti vaxers. Their luke warm attitude, talking about how it’s each parent’s own choice made us think it might not be so bad. It was not until our son’s music teacher told me that there was aluminum in vaccines and showed me piles of information that I realized how bad they were. I had done everything to avoid aluminum in diet and care products, and felt the health benefits of doing so, and now they were in vaccines? I felt betrayed by the health care workers of the anthroposophical child care agency to whom we had gone expecting support. But no, they advised vaccination. Probably to reach their goals to be allowed to continue. We, the outsiders, were sacrificed for the in-crowd.

So unless we who know better start caring more for each other, and for the poor souls who are ruining their health with vaccines, I don’t see how this will end.

It’s clear that this is all a set up to show how terrible it is not to vaccinate because then you are the horrible person who causes pandemics. While it is clear that these viruses are often lab made. It’s such a hoax.

So if the billionaires making us ill and profiting off the poisons they make us take won’t change, we have to. Instead of moaning , we have to organize, inform, strategize, just as they do, but to really save the world. Not pretend to while filling our pockets with other people’s misery.

And for that we need to stop scapegoat thinking. Discrimination is not just between races, it is also when you call wealthy people lizard people. We have to be safe people to join for ex pro vaxers who start realizing what a sham it all is, and not reject anyone for being in the wrong social class, or the wrong country, or having the wrong accent.

And if we don’t agree with the government, we have to organize a better one instead of shouting at them to do it. They obviously can’t, or they would. So grow up and get organized. If you want to convince people, try to see things from their perspective and negotiate. Understand that they may really believe the crap they’re trying to sell you, and put yourself in their shoes, and say what would convince you if you were them.

We have until they make their new vaccine, which will really change our DNA this time. I don’t know about you, but I have no intention of becoming a brain dead Frankenstein cyborg.

We need to realize most of us are born trillionairs, because having a healthy body , a sound mind, integrity, sincerity and innocence is priceless.

Vaccines aren’t the protective umbrella against disease, our immune systems and common sense are. And that’s what’s being robbed from us with vaccines. Their magical cure is poison. But who can blame them for not knowing? They’re not doctors, and they don’t have enough awareness to realize that money does not make them smarter than everyone else. If anything, they have a disadvantage, because who is going to correct them? Certainly not the ones hoping to get a piece of their wealth, which they throw around like candy for anyone who will do what they want.

Doctors suggested testing the vaccine on Africans. Even if vaccines would work, that alone should be a reason to not take part in it. But there are only reasons not to. Familiarize yourself with those reasons, and stick to scientific arguments, so you can convince the people who still think vaccines are safe. Have sound arguments, and explain them in a way a two year old can understand them. And stand by your fellow non vaxers, They’re being shunned by family, neighbors, friends, because people believe in a harmful lie, causing the innocent and healthy to be shut out, and demanding we all become unhealthy. Answer their messages and calls. We have to be able to rely on one another.

When pro-vaxers argue that not everyone gets vaccine damaged, remind them of the total lack of control. The inconsistencies in toxin levels are already known, and for all we know some people just get saline injections. No control means no control, also none over that.

Assess what their beliefs are and show counter arguments. You can save their lives, and if we can convince everyone, perhaps we can divert the doom certain powerful people have prepared for us. Show them the films of our immune system killing pathogens if they believe we need vaccines to be healthy, And show them the thimerosal destroying neurons if they claim vaccines are innocent. If they don’t get it, explain how neurons are needed for your brain to function. Use sane arguments, that survive these flow charts.

We should do more than go back to normal. Let’s go back to better.

Not to the dystopian police state based on lies they have planned for us, but a paradise on earth, based on fairness, truth, kindness and health, where laws are to uphold fundamental human rights and protect nature and all that lives. Let’s rally around ideals, not just around complaints. If we work hard, we can win this and save humanity and earth. Let’s go on to the quest for excellence instead of going on this faltering path to mediocrity at best and probably horror. It’s now or never.

Help provaxers understand that they are not listening to objective information when they listen to government institutions. They are listening to infomercials with huge interests in vaccines. There can be some truth to what they say, but we should take it with a grain of salt and do our own research in objective sources, just as we would do if we were to buy any household appliance.

Help them understand why vaccines are not the answer, and that there are safe ways to really stay healthy and really be immune to diseases, and that this is not through vaccination, since vaccinations never give lifelong immunity. They just give the Th2 response, inflammation, not the Th1 response you need for immunity.

Understand that pro vaxers often do understand the risks of vaccines, especially since they are listed on the inserts of the vaccines themselves. What they don’t know is that it’s not a choice between to evils. It is literally a choice between health and disease. Health if you stay vaccine free and well nourished, disease if you vaccinate.

Don’t be obnoxious about it. Don’t shut people out just because they are pro vaccine. Remember, you were once like them, and remember what arguments won you over. Most likely it wasn’t arguments or opinions. It was facts, So give people information, not just opinions. And if you give opinions, point them to solid sources of information to back them, so they can look for themselves and form their own opinion. Don’t just send them in the woods, saying “go find it on internet. ” There they will be bombarded with governmental infomercials, and they will see your lack of passion as evidence that vaccines can’t be that bad.

Be critical of your sources. It helps if someone is a professional in the field he or she talks about, but even then be wary of a conflict of interests. And someone does not have to be a professional to quote one, or to discern truths from lies. I always look for experience backed by science or vice versa. If someone has an opinion that opposes science as well as the experiences most people have, they better have some very good arguments backed by excellent sources and undeniable facts. If not, it’s not my job to find them, it’s theirs to supply them. That doesn’t mean you can’t find some true information between loads of half truths.

Some sources are wobbly. They will point in the right direction at one point, and then be totally off the next. You are not a sheep. Don’t follow people, be critical and alert, always. And be aware of controlled opposition. Some sources are purposely wobbly, so if you cite them people won’t take you seriously because of some nonsense they uttered on another occasion.

And don’t be a reaction. Be pro active. Bullies never see what you do as a reaction to them. They push you in a corner and then blame you for being there. So act as if you can’t lose. Dream your best dream and act towards realizing that.

Realize you have riches money can’t buy, so be unbuyable. Good health, sanity, innocence, integrity, honesty they are priceless and life is bleak without them. So no matter how much material wealth these agenda pushers may possess, remember anyone who is not honest is miserable. Don’t fear them, pity them, and show them a better way.

Remember, it’s not just the dreams that separate good from evil. It’s also how people go about attaining them. That goes for us as well. So be impeccable. We can do this.

And what happens if we don’t?
WHO Official: It’s Time To Remove People From Their Homes & COVID Task Force Admits Inflated Numbers

This is what they are planning: going door to door and putting people into isolation. For a virus that doctors say is innocent. To vaccinate them with a vaccine that has not been tested.


Michael “Mike” Joseph Ryan[1] (born 1965) is an Irish former trauma surgeon and epidemiologist specialising in infectious disease and public health. He is Executive Director of the World Health Organization‘s Health Emergencies Programme where he leads the team responsible for the international containment and treatment of COVID-19

Dr Fauci predicted a virus like this in 2017.

How could he have known this? Was it possibly because he himself funded the laboratory in Wuhan, among others, for the development of a highly infectious Corona Virus that would cross over from bats to humans as this Newsweek article claims?



“Just last year, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.

In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.

Many scientists have criticized gain of function research, which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans, because it creates a risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release.

SARS-CoV-2 , the virus now causing a global pandemic, is believed to have originated in bats. U.S. intelligence, after originally asserting that the coronavirus had occurred naturally, conceded last month that the pandemic may have originated in a leak from the Wuhan lab. (At this point most scientists say it’s possible—but not likely—that the pandemic virus was engineered or manipulated.)”

“The NIH research consisted of two parts. The first part began in 2014 and involved surveillance of bat coronaviruses, and had a budget of $3.7 million. The program funded Shi Zheng-Li, a virologist at the Wuhan lab, and other researchers to investigate and catalogue bat coronaviruses in the wild. This part of the project was completed in 2019.”

“A second phase of the project, included additional surveillance work but also gain-of-function research for the purpose of understanding how bat coronaviruses could mutate to attack humans. “

The project proposal states: “We will use S protein sequence data, infectious clone technology, in vitro and in vivo infection experiments and analysis of receptor binding to test the hypothesis that % divergence thresholds in S protein sequences predict spillover potential.”

In layman’s terms, “spillover potential” refers to the ability of a virus to jump from animals to humans, which requires that the virus be able to attach to receptors in the cells of humans. SARS-CoV-2, for instance, is adept at binding to the ACE2 receptor in human lungs and other organs.

“According to Richard Ebright, an infectious disease expert at Rutgers University, the project description refers to experiments that would enhance the ability of bat coronavirus to infect human cells and laboratory animals using techniques of genetic engineering. In the wake of the pandemic, that is a noteworthy detail.”

“Ebright, along with many other scientists, has been a vocal opponent of gain-of-function research because of the risk it presents of creating a pandemic through accidental release from a lab.”

“Dr. Fauci defended the work. “[D]etermining the molecular Achilles’ heel of these viruses can allow scientists to identify novel antiviral drug targets that could be used to prevent infection in those at risk or to better treat those who become infected,” wrote Fauci and two co-authors in the Washington Post on December 30, 2011. “

“Nevertheless, in 2014, under pressure from the Obama administration, the National of Institutes of Health instituted a moratorium on the work, suspending 21 studies.”

“Three years later, though—in December 2017—the NIH ended the moratorium and the second phase of the NIAID project, which included the gain-of-function research, began. The NIH established a framework for determining how the research would go forward: scientists have to get approval from a panel of experts, who would decide whether the risks were justified.”

“The reviews were indeed conducted—but in secret, for which the NIH has drawn criticism. In early 2019, after a reporter for Science magazine discovered that the NIH had approved two influenza research projects that used gain of function methods, scientists who oppose this kind of research excoriated the NIH in an editorial in the Washington Post.”

Listen to Fauci’s answer on a hearing about bio engineering a deadly virus that would wipe out humanity:


NIH acknowledges US funded gain-of-function at Wuhan lab, despite Fauci’s denials

Fauci repeatedly denied that US funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan

Why were scientists worried about the research? This Newsweek article from April 27 2020 explains:

“By March, the wild-virus theory was still the most likely explanation of the origin of SARS-CoV-2–but it was starting to look a little ragged around the edges. For one thing, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, not far from the animal markets in downtown Wuhan, houses the world’s largest collection of coronaviruses from wild bats, including at least one virus that bears a resemblance to SARS-CoV-2. What’s more, Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists have for the past five years been engaged in so-called “gain of function” (GOF) research, which is designed to enhance certain properties of viruses for the purpose of anticipating future pandemics. Gain-of-function techniques have been used to turn viruses into human pathogens capable of causing a global pandemic.”

“When Fouchier submitted his animal-passage work to the journal Science in 2011, biosecurity officials in the Obama White House, worried that the dangerous pathogen could accidentally leak from Fouchier’s lab, pushed for a moratorium on the research. Fouchier had done his work in BSL-2 labs, which are intended for pathogens such as staph, of moderate severity, rather than BSL-4, which are intended for Ebola and similar viruses. BSL-4 labs have elaborate safeguards—they’re usually separate buildings with their own air circulation systems, airlocks and so forth. In response, the National Institutes of Health issued a moratorium on the research.

What followed was a fierce debate among scientists over the risks versus benefits of the gain-of-function research. Fouchier’s work, wrote Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch in the journal Nature in 2015, “entails a unique risk that a laboratory accident could spark a pandemic, killing millions.”

Lipsitch and 17 other scientists had formed the Cambridge Working Group in opposition. It issued a statement pointing out that lab accidents involving smallpox, anthrax and bird flu in the U.S. “have been accelerating and have been occurring on average over twice a week.”

“Laboratory creation of highly transmissible, novel strains of dangerous viruses… poses substantially increased risks,” the statement said. “An accidental infection in such a setting could trigger outbreaks that would be difficult or impossible to control. Historically, new strains of influenza, once they establish transmission in the human population, have infected a quarter or more of the world’s population within two years.” More than 200 scientists eventually endorsed the position.

So that’s how Dr. Fauci could make such accurate predictions. He was arranging the development of the very virus he was warning for himself, and in 2017 he got the OK to go ahead!

His excuse that it was to find medicines to prevent such an outbreak is contradicted by the following:

“The proponents of gain-of-function research were just as passionate. “We need GOF experiments,” wrote Fouchier (not Fauci) in Nature, “to demonstrate causal relationships between genes or mutations and particular biological traits of pathogens. GOF approaches are absolutely essential in infectious disease research.”

“The NIH eventually came down on the side of Fouchier and the other proponents. It considered gain-of-function research worth the risk it entailed because it enables scientists to prepare anti-viral medications that could be useful if and when a pandemic occurred.”

By the time NIH lifted the moratorium, in 2017, it had granted dozens of exceptions. The PREDICT program, started in 2009, spent $200 million over 10 years, sending virologists all over the world to look for novel viruses and support some gain-of-function research on them. The program ran out of funding in 2019 and was then extended.

By the time the current pandemic hit, animal-passage experiments had become commonplace. Scientists in many of the more than 30 BSL-4 labs around the world had used them to enhance the transmissibility of respiratory-tract pathogens.

Did the work help during the current pandemic? In a recent article in the Lancet, Colin Carlson, an expert in emerging infectious diseases at Georgetown University, argued that work funded by PREDICT helped virologists rapidly isolate and classify the SARS-CoV-2 virus when it came out. However, the research “could have been better positioned for an overall impact.” Although the program found hundreds of new viruses, it’s nearly impossible for scientists to assess their risk to humans. The only way to tell is to “observe a human infection.”

Richard Ebright, an infectious disease expert at Rutgers, put it more bluntly. “The PREDICT program has produced no results—absolutely no results—that are of use for preventing or combating outbreaks. There’s no information from that project that will contribute in any way, shape or form to addressing the outbreak at hand. The research does not provide information that’s useful for developing antiviral drugs. It does not provide information that’s useful for developing vaccines.”

This commentary on the Newsweek article of April 28, 2020 is also interesting:

Bluetooth: Now lets ask this question. If Dr. Fauci did this research, which I know he did because I have been researching this as well. His research was for “treatment” with antiviral meds to treat coronaviruses. Well, if you look back at 2003 SARS…the patent states the treatment was Hydroxychloroquine!!! Why would Dr Fauci then say during a briefing that we needed to have a study for this drug? Also, the man should have known in the beginning what antivirals would help, right? Now all the sudden he (Dr Fauci) is touting Remdesivir (which is very expensive compared to HCQ). Why? Should we ask the question, “Who is invested in this medication’? And lets look who now has the Patent for Remdesivir…Wuhan Virology Instittute? And should we look who has an interest into that Institute? I think the rabbit hole goes deep..”

Is this true? Indeed: Research conducted during and after the 2003 SARS-CoV-1 outbreak in China demonstrated in vitro antiviral effects of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine against this virus.4,8 Chloroquine2,9 and hydroxychloroquine2,10 have been shown to also inhibit SARS-CoV-2 growth in cell culture.

And while cautioning for the cheap, proven to be effective Hydroxycloroquine.

And indeed Fauci says Remdesivir Now ‘Standard of Care’ for COVID-19.

Who is making Remdesivir? Gilead Sciences.

What are the links between Gilead Sciences to Fauci’s firm NIAID? An open letter April 29 2020 from the CEO of NIAID states“The results from the global, placebo-controlled trial run by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) are positive.”

February 26, 2020

Gilead Sciences Initiates Two Phase 3 Studies of Investigational Antiviral Remdesivir for the Treatment of COVID-19

This article from March 2020 states the Wuhan Institute of Virology (China) Sought to Patent Gilead’s Remdesivir but says nothing about them having it.

There is no reason for the Chinese to pursue it , because it has proved ineffective and they terminated the trials:

“In a trial in China over February-March 2020, remdesivir was not effective in reducing the time for improvement from COVID-19 or deaths, and caused various adverse effects, requiring the investigators to terminate the trial.[8]:

At present,Gilead Sciences is the patent holder for Remdesivir

Scientists want to see the evidence that shows remdesivir works for Covid-19

Here’s what we know: On April 29, the US company that makes remdesivir, Gilead, announced in a press release that it was “aware of positive data emerging” from a remdesivir study being run by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). A couple of hours later, NIAID’s director Anthony Fauci said the 1,063-person study found that patients given remdesivir recovered in 11 days on average, compared with 15 days for those given placebo. Based on these results, Fauci said he expects remdesivir will become the “standard of care” for coronavirus patients.  

The announcement was complicated by a smaller peer-reviewed study, published on the same day in the Lancet, showing that a smaller group of patients who received remdesivir in China did not recover faster than those on placebo. And Gilead said its own study showed that five days worth of remdesivir worked just as well as 10 days—but, crucially, the study didn’t compare the drug to a placebo. Without that, there’s no way to tell how well remdesivir works.

Here you can see why:

“The most common adverse effects in studies of remdesivir for COVID-19 include respiratory failure and blood biomarkers of organ impairment, including low albuminlow potassiumlow count of red blood cellslow count of platelets that help with clotting, and yellow discoloration of the skin.[8] Other reported side effects include gastrointestinal distress, elevated transaminase levels in the blood (liver enzymes), and infusion site reactions.[7]

Other possible side effects of remdesivir include:

  • Infusion‐related reactions. Infusion‐related reactions have been seen during a remdesivir infusion or around the time remdesivir was given.[9] Signs and symptoms of infusion‐related reactions may include: low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and shivering.[9]
  • Increases in levels of liver enzymes, seen in abnormal liver blood tests.[9] Increases in levels of liver enzymes have been seen in people who have received remdesivir, which may be a sign of inflammation or damage to cells in the liver.[9]

And this same Dr. Fauci, who against the advice of hundreds of scientists ,pushed for the development of the very virus that is now said to cause this pandemic is also very happy to use that virus as an excuse to implement far reaching privacy invasions and restrictions of movement.


So who are on this Covid19 task force?

CDC propagandist Anthony S. Fauci, MD received major funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—who also funded the Coronavirus patent holder The Pirbright Institute (UK)

Fauci just recently received $100 million grant from Gates. The Gates Foundation is also a major funder of The Pirbright Institute (UK) with DARPA, The Wellcome Trust (UK), DARPA, WHO, EU, DERA

The Pirbright Institute (UK) is the patentee of the CORONAVIRUS U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701

The CDC has a patent on SARS-CoV-2 from 2007/.

In the video in this link, David E. Martin, Ph.D., introduces evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is indeed a manmade bioweapon, and has been in the works for decades. Much of this research was funded by none other than the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

David E. Martin says the CDC has paid to keep this a secret.

June 5 2008 Darpa actively took interest in SARS-CoV-2 as a bio weapon. On that same day another patent on SARS-CoV-2 was issued.

Then between 2008 and 2018 73 more patents were issued for SARS-CoV-2 ,

In 2018 SARS-CoV2- was transferred from South Carolina to Niad.

In November 2019 Chapel Hill, Niaid and Moderna sequenced a corona vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, a month before the oitbreak. Mercj yjouhjy og the term “New Normal.”

In March 2019 the process was begun for manufacturing the Covid19 vaccine.

Dr. Debra Birx, the other doctor on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, has worked with Dr. Fauci on HIV/AIDS research and vaccine development, and also has financial ties to Bill Gates.

According to Patrick Howley, writing for the National File, Dr. Birx discarded several proposed models for the Coronavirus outbreak and chose a single model funded by Bill Gates, via the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

Fauci interrogated by the US senate for his funding of the Wuhan lab, Mat 15 2021.

They should have interrogated him for the backhanded way he pushed through the gain of function research after so many scientists had opposed it.

Why are government officials and billionaires creating pandemics?

In the video below, Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, whether he is really the the inventor of e-mail at 14 years of age, is challenged, talks about the real reason for the Covid 19 panic, which he calls a fake pandemic, designed to get complete control over the population:

Terms he mentions in this video: SDG3IA2030Cyto Solve , National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, Robert Kennedy endorses Hillary Clinton,

1962 President John F. Kennedy signed the the Vaccination Assistance Act into law. It allowed the CDC to support mass immunization campaigns and to initiate maintenance programs.

He goes on to say that we have 380 trillion viruses in our body, it’s called the virome, we have 60 trillion bacteria in our body, ( actually 3.8·1013 or 3.8 trillion) and 6 trillion cells (actually 3.0·1013 or 3 trillion ), which is what we’re made of.

The combination of bacteria, fungi and viruses is called the human microbiome.

Actually that is a little different:

“Prof Rob Knight, from University of California San Diego, told the BBC: “You’re more microbe than you are human.”

Originally it was thought our cells were outnumbered 10 to one.

“That’s been refined much closer to one-to-one, so the current estimate is you’re about 43% human if you’re counting up all the cells,” he says.

But genetically we’re even more outgunned.

The human genome – the full set of genetic instructions for a human being – is made up of 20,000 instructions called genes.

But add all the genes in our microbiome together and the figure comes out between two and 20 million microbial genes.

Prof Sarkis Mazmanian, a microbiologist from Caltech, argues: “We don’t have just one genome, the genes of our microbiome present essentially a second genome which augment the activity of our own.

“What makes us human is, in my opinion, the combination of our own DNA, plus the DNA of our gut microbes.”

Prof Rob Knight, from University of California San Diego, told the BBC: “You’re more microbe than you are human.”

Originally it was thought our cells were outnumbered 10 to one.

“That’s been refined much closer to one-to-one, so the current estimate is you’re about 43% human if you’re counting up all the cells,” he says.

But genetically we’re even more outgunned.

The human genome – the full set of genetic instructions for a human being – is made up of 20,000 instructions called genes.

But add all the genes in our microbiome together and the figure comes out between two and 20 million microbial genes.

Prof Sarkis Mazmanian, a microbiologist from Caltech, argues: “We don’t have just one genome, the genes of our microbiome present essentially a second genome which augment the activity of our own.

“What makes us human is the combination of our own DNA, plus the DNA of our gut microbes.”

Dr Shiva goes in to say Corona viruses create flu’s, but as we have seen, actually they create SARS.

Dr. Shiva claims the strain in Wuhan was different from the one in Iran or Italy, and that they all have a common strain in Fort Dietrick, North Carolina.

He also mentions Wuhan protests in July 2019:

When residents of Wuhan in China’s central Hubei province found signs that a waste-to-energy plant project had already started near their homes, protests broke out on June 28, 2019. For five days people took to the streets to protest the garbage-burning project in their backyards. The local government announced “the project would not start without the approval from the public” on China’s Twitter-like Weibo. Waste-to-energy plants are an answer to China’s land-consuming method of garbage disposal by landfill. In recent years, large protests broke out in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hubei, Beijing and Guangdong provinces. Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Linkedin:

There are 39 childhood vaccines, not one has been placebo tested.

We have the boogy man, the virus, and the saviour, the vaccine. That’s the narrative. But if you understand the immune system, that’s laughable. It’s people who are never ecposed to any pathogens who become immuno compromized . A weakened immune system starts firing cytokines, which also attack the body’s own cells. The immune system is compromised because of lack of vitamin A, D and C, and too much sugar in diet.

Fauci built his career on HIVPeter Duesberg says there is no link between AIDS and HIV.

Robert Gallo vilified Peter Duesberg, a friend of Dr. Shiva’s. Robert Gallo was brought up on charges of medical misconduct for lying about his research, and Fauci came to his rescue, promoting the AIDS scare with all the pop concerts and the whole hype. So he has a history of creating fears with bogus science of harmless viruses. HIV is harmless. People die from the medicine, AZT. Gays were immune compromised, having 1500 partners, using drugs, they were destroying their immune system.

Fauci boasted he had helped Eli Lilly sell Prozac by marketing it as a drug to help battered women, and by connecting non profits to it.

The pharmaceutical industry is not making money now, they have everything invested in vaccines because they have zero liability.

Reason no one is standing up to Fauci is because they owe their grants to him.

Fauci is practicing outdated, pre science , one size fits all medicine. It’s criminal.

Massachusetts is where deep state is.

Three groups of government: establishment, grassroots, and not so obvious establishment. People who talk the talk, but actually only help the establishment.

Covid19 is used to promote the deep state agenda.

Stifling freedom of speech creates consensus science: fake solutions to fake problems. The real problem is pollution, but they pretend it’s carbon dioxide. The real problem is immuno comprimisedness of the public because of poisoned air, food and water caused by the same lawyers who control, quarantine and vaccinate you. It;s a black and white choice: do you want truth, freedom and health or power, profit and to be controlled. Truth, Freedom and Health form a triangle. In freedom you can find the truth, and the truth can help you find how to get healthy, and with good health you have the power to fight for freedom.

Dr Shiva says we should learn how the immune system works and he wants to take on the corruption in the government and the media.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is sponsoring the Guardian’s Global development site is being heavily criticised in Africa and the US for getting into bed not just with notorious GM company Monsanto, but also with agribusiness commodity giant Cargill.

Trouble began when a US financial website published the foundation’s annual investment portfolio, which showed it had bought 500,000 Monsanto shares worth around $23m.

According to Dr Shiva, big pharma is failing big time. The drug making process is costly and high risk. People can sue them for the side effects. It is a failed model. Very different from vaccines, for which there are hardly any rules and for which there is no liability. That’s why they want everyone to use vaccines.

He presents these graphs to illustrate his point:

And these illustrations provided by Dr Shiva are to illustrate why it is dangerous and useless to put patients on a ventilator without addressing the sepsis of the lungs first:

The following article shown by doctor Shiva is on how a doctor dying from covid 19 was saved by using high dosage intravenous Vitamin C:

Dr Shiva goes on to explain why vitamin C is beneficial in all stages of Covid19. (Natural sources like fruit and vegetables are to be preferred, but if you go for synthetic, avoid calcium ascorbic acid and go for sodium ascorbic acid, or even pure ascorbic acid powder if you can handle it).

Back to the dying doctor who was saved with Vitamin C and an anti cancer drug Dr Shiva thinks was unnecessary:

Pharmaceutical companies pay a lot of money for adds, a billion dollars, which is why fb is taking down messages about vitamins.

Dr Shiva is very passionate about promoting Truth, Freedom and Health to counter the power and control system he sees developing with Covid19 aa an excuse and vaccines as a goal.

For those who speak Dutch, listen to what Professor Karel van Wolferen says about the reason for the corruption in the pharmaceutical industry and how governments are exploiting Covid19, and why:

This is from April 24, 2020:

And this from May 7, 2020

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation certainly comes up a lot. They hold the patent to another SARS virus, they pay all the key doctors and advisors to the government, invest heavily in vaccines, pay all the controlling agencies and throw out or sue any doctors who dare be critical of the pharmaceutical industry and he says life cannot go back to normal before everyone in the world is vaccinated.

So what is a man like Bill Gates concerned about?

An interview in the British Telegraph gives an answer:

Bill Gates: ‘My biggest fears about what’s coming next for this world’

“We are not fully prepared for the next global pandemic,” he says. “The threat of the unknown pathogen – highly-contagious, lethal, fast-moving – is real. It could be a mutated flu strain or something else entirely. The Swine Flu and 2014 Ebola outbreaks underscored the threat.”

There is another threat on his mind, one which has often been treated as the ‘elephant in the room’ in the world of international development.  Namely, the population explosion in Africa’s poorest countries and its future impact – either fueling poverty, political instability, conflict and refugees, or sparking a new boom in world growth as happened in India and China.”

He’s worried about disasters, especially pandemics as shown in this interview from 2010:

And here he seems to have figured out how the one can cure the other. See

Very surprising : Mr Vaccine does seem to understand the necessity of probiotics and the importance of microbes for our health:

This is from an article in Express, October 9, 2019:

“Earlier this week Mr Gates said he believes probiotics will help to solve malnutrition over the next two decades.

He said: “All of us rely on our body’s microbiome to function properly. We have more microbial cells living inside our bodies than human cells.

“These bacteria protect us from infection and are particularly essential to digestion. For example, your body literally cannot break down certain types of plant fibres without an assist from the bacteria in your gut.”

Mr Gates said that malnutrition is the “greatest health inequity in the world”, accounting for half of all childhood deaths in sub-Saharan Africa.

So he does know how the body works. Then you’d expect he would also know what a joke vaccines are.

According to this FEMA nurse, the Covid 19 vaccinations (they are developing 48), will contain the following ingredients:

Fetal tissues, fetal stem cells, humanized mice, which are mice with human DNA, human blood, human organs, human immune system, in fact a human in a mouse suithuman proteins injected into a plants vascular systemhumanized plants, and they will say that this is to protect you from Covid 19, the third is the Darpa hydro gel sensor. It’s injected into you, and because of the particals it starts to assemble and grow, fuses to your system. It becomes one with you, and grows with you. In this way you become one with artificial intelligence. The excuse is that health officials will be alerted as soon as you are ill. Everything will be surveilled with this.

Other foundations concerned with this are:


Investors & Partners

CEPI was founded in Davos by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and the World Economic Forum.

CEPI has secured financial investment from the Governments of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK and Switzerland, as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Wellcome. The European Commission provides substantial financial contributions to support relevant projects through its mechanisms. CEPI has also received donations from the private sector (Citadel, LuluLemon, WePlay and Ndemic) and individuals through the UN Foundation’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund to support our COVID-19 vaccine development efforts.

Close collaboration with global partners is also crucial to the success of our work to develop vaccines against emerging infectious diseases. That’s why work with industry, regulators, and other bodies to ensure that any vaccines we develop get licensed and can reach the people who need them.

With its $46.8 billion the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is the second wealthiest in the world. With $49.1 billion the Novo Nordisk Foundation in Copenhagen is the wealthiest. And what does it invest in? You guessed it: The Novo Nordisk Foundation is an international foundation focusing on medical treatment and research.

So the Gates’s and others behind all this biggest concern is overpopulation? Do they have a point? Let’s see. “Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It’s too little, too late. Removed from the debate is the only thing that MIGHT save us: getting a grip on our out-of-control human presence and consumption. Why is this not THE issue? Because that would be bad for profits, bad for business. Have we environmentalists fallen for illusions, “green” illusions, that are anything but green, because we’re scared that this is the end—and we’ve pinned all our hopes on biomass, wind turbines, and electric cars? No amount of batteries are going to save us, warns director Jeff Gibbs (lifelong environmentalist and co-producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for Columbine”). This urgent, must-see movie, a full-frontal assault on our sacred cows, is guaranteed to generate anger, debate, and, hopefully, a willingness to see our survival in a new way—before it’s too late.”

According to this film, these are some of the companies and organisations involved in fake green energy, that actually costs more fossil fuel and unrenewable sources than fossil fuels do.

Also some environmental organisations who are against fossil fuels are sponsored by the biggest polluters on the planet.

Dr Vandana Shiva explains the difference between a closed and an open Carbon Cycle.

So there are ways that we can really live sustainably, and that starts with changing our habits. The way we eat, the care products we use, the energy sources we use, how we treat nature, how we treat our own bodies, and it all starts with waking up, and being 100% honest and informed. For your vitamin C, you can take a pill, or buy some fruit or salad. You can also start eating the edible weeds in your garden which are packed with vitamins. To clean your house you can use toxic chemicals. You can also just use soda and vinegar. And the best part: you start to feel amazing, because these toxins all take a toll on your well being. And connecting with nature brings us back to why we are here in the first place. Our intelligence and empathy are to be good caretakers of the plants and animals around us. If we take our place as caretakers of nature, the world is better off with us than without.

If we don’t, we are pests to the environment. The sad part is that we are being exterminated like pests by the very ones who stimulated and profited from this parasitic behavior. And they are about to profit from our extermination, if we let them.

We need to understand nature, and understand what our part in it is.


Not surprisng: Gates is deep into CRISPR:

Genome engineering has been in development since the 1970’s

CRISPR, is an acronym for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats.

In 2012, Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier were the first to propose that CRISPR-Cas9 (enzymes from bacteria that control microbial immunity) could be used for programmable editing of genomes,[8][9] which is now considered one of the most significant discoveries in the history of biology.[10]

Here in a talk on March 23 2015 Jennifer Doudna explains what it is

Here she gives a Ted Talk about it November 12. 2015:

Basically what it comes down to is that very precise gene editing has become possible, which makes everything possible, from fighting disease to making designer babies. The Cas 9 protein in CRISPR is able to detect and cut uo parts of DNA which the body repairs, thus correcting genetic defects.

In the 2018 VPRO documentary – Hack your DNA with CRISPR – ,. we hear Emmanuelle Charpentier, who tells us how anyone with rudimentary knowledge of biochemistry can use CRISPR.

From 2014 onwards a patent battle tppk place over the CRISPR technique between Broad and Berkely, which was won by Broad in 2018.

SEPTEMBER 10, 2018, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard, agreeing with a lower court that Broad’s patents for CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing didn’t interfere with a patent application from CRISPR’s other inventors at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Vienna.

That decision is a victory for Broad scientist Feng Zhang and Editas Medicine, a company he cofounded to develop therapies that use CRISPR to treat genetic diseases in humans. But it leaves two other major CRISPR companies without a foundational U.S. patent on the technology they are based on. One is Intellia Therapeutics, cofounded by UC Berkeley’s Jennifer Doudna; the other is CRISPR Therapeutics, cofounded by Emmanuelle Charpentier, formerly of the University of Vienna.

In November 2018, a scientist in China, He Jiankui, reported that he had created the world’s first human babies with CRISPR-edited genes: a pair of twin girls resistant to HIV.

The director of the National Institutes of Health, Francis Collins, said the experiment was “profoundly disturbing and tramples on ethical norms.” He also added that we need to develop binding international consensus on limits for Jiankui’s research.

For many people, this was the first time they had ever heard of CRISPR. The world-wide spotlight of this gene-editing technology has brought forth many questions but the most imperative question of all is should we applaud it or denounce it?

Tampering with the human genome is still taboo, and in January 2020,

“A Chinese court has sentenced He Jiankui, the biophysicist who announced that he had created the world’s first gene-edited babies, to three years in prison for “illegal medical practice”, and handed down shorter sentences to two colleagues who assisted him. The punishments put to rest speculation over whether the Chinese government would bring criminal charges for an act that shocked the world, and are likely to deter others from similar behaviour, say Chinese scientists.”

PRESS RELEASES Merck Granted U.S. Patents for Foundational CRISPR-Cas9 Technology

Merck today announced that two of its CRISPR-Cas9-assisted genome-editing patents have been allowed in the United States.


  • Technology provides more tools to fight difficult-to-treat diseases
  • Life Science business actively licensing its CRISPR-Cas9 technology for therapeutic and other uses
  • Committed to ethical use of genome-editing technology

So there we are again, the patents safely in Big Pharma’s hands, away from the public, because, or horror, if just anyone could design anything. Is that the real reason for the lock down? The fear of the power people now have over their own destiny?

And what is CRISPR coinventor Jennifer Doudna doing now?

Testing, testing, testing for Covid19. 2000 tests a day she says (see video below?

What? Not working on a vaccine? OK< so here we have someone who said that cloning humans was already possible in the70’s, with a technique that could grow wings on people, collecting thousands of DNA samples a day. Hmmm,. what could she possibly be doing with that? testing for the common cold that Covid19 is? Or possibly something else? How much human DNA do you in fact need for a clone?

So let’s look at the bigger time line here.

In 1984, Anthony Fauci becomes director of NIAID ( the Nattional Institute for Infectious Diseases_

In 1986 the National Vaccine Injury Act was signed by Ronald Reagan to prevent pharmaceutical companies from going bankrupt because of all the loability claims from vaccine injured children.

In 1987 Hillary Clinton arranged for vaccines that were made in China to be pre qualified. The pharmaceutical companies did not have to pay for the damages anyway, so why even bother checking vaccines for safety, right?

Between 1986 and 2020, the number of mandatory vaccines for children have gone from 6 to 63, autism rates have skyrocketed from 1 in 10.000 to 1 in 5 children along with scores of other vaccine related injuries, and in spite of the tricks to prevent parents from reporting adverse vaccine reactions, vaccine court has paint out over 4 billion in vaccine damages, and in spite of the gagging orders punished by loss of funds for caring for all the disabled children, the anti vaccine movement is growing rapidly world wide.

August 2012 Biologists Emmanuella Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna publish a paper in Science, which showed that the stored viral sequence in a mature CRISPR RNA duplex does indeed direct its associated Cas9 enzyme to slice up the corresponding viral DNA whenever and wherever it manifests in a cell.

October 2019: Event 201 takes place , hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  

December 2019: China gets hit with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, that was already present in the Wuhan lab, funded by Fauci for gain of function research. The virus spreads over the whole world, is predicted to kill millions. It ends up being less than a million world wide, even with scores of inflated numbers counted. More and more doctors and other caretakers come forward to express their outrage at the terrible care protocols which are inhumane. Social distancing rules cause elderly to die alone. People have to wear masks and are fined if they don’t. Cheap drugs and other remedies that doctors claim that work are ridiculed and forbidden. Facilities making drugs that have been FDA approved and used for decades are suddenly forbidden. Bill Gates says the world can’t go back to normal until a vaccine has been developed.

May 11 2020 Merck gets the patent for CRISPR technology,

So now the liable free pharmaceutical industries not only have the power to destroy without consequence, they can now rearrange the human genome, mix it with whatever animal they like. The question is not of they would ever do such a thing, because history has already shown how moral they are. The question is, what could anyone do about it? And the answer is,nothing, since they have a free ticket to do whatever they like to whomever they like. That’s what being free of liability means. So it doesn’t matter for them if they are caught. they have a license to kill and mame. That’s how much responsibility they have for their vaccines, the ones they want to impose on us in order for life to go back to normal.

Repeating Cyclic Patterns

Whether it’s about vaccines, genocide or ritualistic child abuse, the same patterns emerge: abuse, denial , marginalizing and framing of the victims and those who help well as any whistle blowers, sabotaging reporting and then using that as evidence that it doesn’t happen, which brings us right back to denial allowing the oppression to continue.

This also happened in the second world war where people who helped Jews were called communists even if they were nothing of the sort.

Ritualistic child abuse victims are marginalized in the same way, the reporting sabotaged and then it is pretended that because there is not much reporting being done at the phony reporting agencies, often lead by abusers themselves, the problem thus does not exist.

In the same way those who oppose the human rights violations done or threatened to be done for Covid 19 are framed as extremists., while the opposite is true.

Ironically the same Dutch minister of justice who decided ritualistic child abuse need not be investigated for lack of prevalence broke all the Covid19 rules he so harshly imposes on the people.

All these seemingly unrelated events reveal the sinister bigger picture playing out before our eyes of a ruthless ruling class which has carefully planned to rob us of our humanity by altering our genes,which automatically would strip us of our human rights, since if you no longer have human genes, what are you? And their nifty little tatoos linking us up to their computers makes us organ supermarkets for them, being able to call anyone up whenever a millionaire needs our organs. No more ravaging of impoverished Indian villages, the whole world becomes their showroom. That’s what we are looking at here.

And just as they pollute area’s they want to exploit first, thus our blood has already been contaminated with the monkey and dog viruses in vaccines, as well as with foreign DNA. so they can say pure blood is already not pure, so that last step of genome change is not such a big deal.

So that’s why Bill Gates can laugh off all conspiracy theories that he is out to vaccinate us for profit. His plans are probably much bigger. Bigger than any of us dare think about. With CRISPR and cloning, he can repopulate the world with our DNA. Just pick and choose which of us is worth recreating, Keep the DNA from the tests and dispose of the original. Is that provable? Maybe not. But what are the consequences for him or any of them if it were? The fact that the answer is none should have everyone worried.

It’s funny how Bill Gates fans can give a deeper view of him than any of his enemies can, Look at how uncomfortable he is with any sympathy.

People have the wrong idea about Vitamin D, and so all exits are covered. That is corrected here.

So for years people have been misinformed about Vitamin D, and told to get supplements which cause toxicity, because Vitamin D from food is like Vitamin A and Vitamin D from the sun is like Bèta Carotene. You can store that and you body uses that at need.

But we have statins, blocking the cholesterol that makes Vitamin D, basically rendering the sun useless for us, probably to set the scene so that Bill Gates can block the sun and people will be OK with that.

A true evil genius has all his exits covered, and so the so called alternative protections against Covid19 are also covered.

Even the measures against Covid19 work to worsen the disease, Aspergillus is, a fungus that people breath in., especially indoors, and which is seen as a cause for disease. Essential oils help deactivate it, especially mint, which also helps with breathing. Cinnamon also works, but that is not as pleasant to put in a mask.

And being indoors lessens exposure to sunlight, lessening Vitamin D, which is so important for immunity. From an evil genius’s viewpoint, the problem with a lethal disease is that it does not spread as much, and the problem with a super contagious disease is that it is not deadly. So how do they solve that? With deadly measures for a relatively innocent disease.

And what does Bill Gates want to do in ? Block the sun with millions of tons of Calcium!

Bill Gates wants to inject millions of tons of chalk into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and slow down alleged global warming – but critics fear it could be disastrous.
After getting the entire world population in hisc grip with his Microsoft software and then buying up the entire Pharmaceutical Industry and bribing the entire Medical Research Industry and even governments with “philanthropy” and thereby getting the world’s population in its grip for what concerns their medicines when they are ill …… and then the entire Basic Food Industry and Chemical Industry has bought up their patents on GMO seeds and has now become the largest owner of agricultural land in the USA ….. ., Bill Gates is going to take the next step that will affect the entire world population.
Just wait until he starts “building and growing things” on his quarter of a million acres of farmland, Just wait until he forces everyone to eat his lab-grown fake meat,.! Just wait until he blocks the sun with a 12 ton chalk bomb.
The idea has been heavily criticized since its inception, project leader Frank Keutsch even called the need for this scale of geoengineering “terrifying”.
The first test of a project to inject millions of tons of lime into the stratosphere, in an effort to dim the sun and cool the Earth, could take place in June. Experts from Harvard University will test the system by floating a large balloon 12 miles above the Swedish city of Kiruna and dropping 2 kg of chalk dust into the stratosphere, reports the Daily Mail.
The goal of the estimated $ 3 million mission, backed by billionaire Bill Gates, is to make the chalk deflect some of the sun’s radiation, prevent it from hitting the surface, and cool the planet. The idea has been heavily criticized since its inception; project leader Frank Keutsch even called the need for this scale of geoengineering “terrifying”.
And experts have warned that the unusual technique could be disastrous to weather systems in ways no one can predict. The test mission, which is supported by a range of private donors including Gates, will be launched from Sweden as they can offer a launch by the end of this summer.
The test balloon will lift 600 kg of scientific equipment 12 miles above the surface of the polar city, and if all goes well, about 2 kg of dust will be released. This creates a dust plume several kilometers long – not large enough to have any influence on the intensity of the sun’s rays shining on Earth.
During that first test, the team will collect information about how dust particles react with the air. This can then be fed into computer models to determine what would happen if it were ever run to scale. Keutsch told the Times he wants to determine the actual effects because current models are “perhaps too optimistic” and make the technique appear attractive. It would take tons of dust and plumes many hundreds of miles to make a difference – the theory is that the dust would create a massive sunscreen.
Stuart Haszeldine, a professor at the University of Edinburgh, told the Times blocking the sun would do nothing to eliminate the root cause of global warming.
It would cool the planet by reflecting the sun’s rays, but once you do that, it’s like heroin – you have to keep using the drug to maintain its effect, he said.
Sir David King of Cambridge University told The Times there should be a moratorium on the rollout of the technique.
He said it could have disastrous consequences for weather systems in ways no one can predict, and therefore data must be collected through modeling and other techniques.
Hundreds of climate scientists are now demanding an immediate halt to Bill Gates’ genocidal “sun ray eclipse” project …………… One of humanity’s most important life sources, the sun, is under attack

It could for petty reasons, like making money with tests and supplements. It could also be more evil, like a cover up for the expected effects from the Gates and Harvard plans to block the sun with Calcium. If Vitamin D from the sun was insufficient before, no one can complain when it is the case after. The plans for this are June 2021, so time is running short. And it starts with realizing we do get enough Vitamin D from the sun whenever and wherever it rises, and that the times it does not in some countries far north and on the South Pole, people are better off with artificial UV light for Vitamin D than with supplements.

Also, calcium inhibits chlorophyll so it is an absolute assault on all life on earth to throw millions of tons of it in the atmosphere! This operation must be stopped!

Some say it has already started.

And where people have signs of Vitamin D shortage despite enough sunlight, the other factors of calcium metabolism should be considered: Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K2 Vitamin B5, not through supplements but through diet. And yes, there are enough nutrients in our food, as was also proved with the chicken experiment in Wageningen. Fertilizers ruin the environment, but they do not deplete nutrition, which is why the chickens who received conventional food were larger. They didn’t recover as well from disease because of the toxin overload.

Weather control is by no means new.

Me: You know they have been modifying the weather for years don’t you?Them: You’re crazy!The Patent office: 🙄

0462795 – July 16th 1891 – Method Of Producing Rain-Fall

1103490 – August 6, 1913 – Rain-Maker

1225521 – September 4, 1915 – Protecting From Poisonous Gas In Warfare

1338343 – April 27, 1920 – Process And Apparatus For The Production of Intense Artificial Clouds, Fogs, or Mists

1619183 – March 1, 1927 – Process of Producing Smoke Clouds From Moving Aircraft

1665267 – April 10, 1928 – Process of Producing Artificial Fogs

1892132 – December 27, 1932 – Atomizing Attachment For Airplane Engine Exhausts

1928963 – October 3, 1933 – Electrical System And Method

1957075 – May 1, 1934 – Airplane Spray Equipment

2097581 – November 2, 1937 – Electric Stream Generator – Referenced in 3990987

2409201 – October 15, 1946 – Smoke Producing Mixture

2476171 – July 18, 1945 – Smoke Screen Generator

2480967 – September 6, 1949 – Aerial Discharge Device

2550324 – April 24, 1951 – Process For Controlling Weather

2582678 – June 15, 1952 – Material Disseminating Apparatus For Airplanes

2614083 – October 14, 1952 – Metal Chloride Screening Smoke Mixture

2633455 – March 31, 1953 – Smoke Generator

2688069 – August 31, 1954 – Steam Generator – Referenced in 3990987

2721495 – October 25, 1955 – Method And Apparatus For Detecting Minute Crystal Forming Particles Suspended in a Gaseous Atmosphere

2730402 – January 10, 1956 – Controllable Dispersal Device

2801322 – July 30, 1957 – Decomposition Chamber for Monopropellant Fuel – Referenced in 3990987

2881335 – April 7, 1959 – Generation of Electrical Fields

2908442 – October 13, 1959 – Method For Dispersing Natural Atmospheric Fogs And Clouds

2986360 – May 30, 1962 – Aerial Insecticide Dusting Device

2963975 – December 13, 1960 – Cloud Seeding Carbon Dioxide Bullet

3126155 – March 24, 1964 – Silver Iodide Cloud Seeding Generator

3127107 – March 31, 1964 – Generation of Ice-Nucleating Crystals

3131131 – April 28, 1964 – Electrostatic Mixing in Microbial Conversions

3174150 – March 16, 1965 – Self-Focusing Antenna System

3234357 – February 8, 1966 – Electrically Heated Smoke Producing Device

3274035 – September 20, 1966 – Metallic Composition For Production of Hydroscopic Smoke

3300721 – January 24, 1967 – Means For Communication Through a Layer of Ionized Gases

3313487 – April 11, 1967 – Cloud Seeding Apparatus

3338476 – August 29, 1967 – Heating Device For Use With Aerosol Containers

3410489 – November 12, 1968 – Automatically Adjustable Airfoil Spray System With Pump

3429507 – February 25, 1969 – Rainmaker

3432208 – November 7, 1967 – Fluidized Particle Dispenser

3441214 – April 29, 1969 – Method And Apparatus For Seeding Clouds

3445844 – May 20, 1969 – Trapped Electromagnetic Radiation Communications System

3456880 – July 22, 1969 – Method Of Producing Precipitation From The Atmosphere

3518670 June 30, 1970 – Artificial Ion Cloud

3534906 – October 20, 1970 – Control of Atmospheric Particles

3545677 – December 8, 1970 – Method of Cloud Seeding

3564253 – February 16, 1971 – System And Method For Irradiation Of Planet Surface Areas

3587966 – June 28, 1971 – Freezing Nucleation

3601312 – August 24, 1971 – Methods of Increasing The Likelihood oF Precipitation By The Artificial Introduction Of Sea Water Vapor Into The Atmosphere Winward Of An Air Lift Region

3608810 – September 28, 1971 – Methods of Treating Atmospheric Conditions

3608820– September 20, 1971 – Treatment of Atmospheric Conditions by Intermittent Dispensing of Materials Therein

3613992 – October 19, 1971 – Weather Modification Method

3630950 – December 28, 1971 – Combustible Compositions For Generating Aerosols, Particularly Suitable For Cloud Modification And Weather Control And Aerosolization ProcessUSRE

29142 – May 22, 1973 – Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

3659785 – December 8, 1971 – Weather Modification Utilizing Microencapsulated Material

3666176 – March 3, 1972 – Solar Temperature Inversion Device

3677840 – July 18, 1972 – Pyrotechnics Comprising Oxide of Silver For Weather Modification Use

3722183 – March 27, 1973 – Device For Clearing Impurities From The Atmosphere

3769107 – October 30, 1973 – Pyrotechnic Composition For Generating Lead Based Smoke

3784099 – January 8, 1974 – Air Pollution Control Method

3785557 – January 15, 1974 – Cloud Seeding System

3795626 – March 5, 1974 – Weather Modification Process

3808595 – April 30, 1974 – Chaff Dispensing System

3813875 – June 4, 1974 – Rocket Having Barium Release System to Create Ion Clouds In The Upper Atmosphere

3835059 – September 10, 1974 – Methods of Generating Ice Nuclei Smoke Particles For Weather Modification And Apparatus Therefore

3835293 – September 10, 1974 – Electrical Heating Apparatus For Generating Super Heated Vapors

3877642 – April 15, 1975 – Freezing Nucleant

3882393 – May 6, 1975 – Communications System Utilizing Modulation of The Characteristic Polarization of The Ionosphere

3896993 – July 29, 1975 – Process For Local Modification of Fog And Clouds For Triggering Their Precipitation And For Hindering The Development of Hail Producing Clouds

3899129 – August 12, 1975 – Apparatus for generating ice nuclei smoke particles for weather modification

3899144 – August 12, 1975 – Powder contrail generation

3940059 – February 24, 1976 – Method For Fog Dispersion

3940060 – February 24, 1976 – Vortex Ring Generator

3990987 – November 9, 1976 – Smoke generator

3992628 – November 16, 1976 – Countermeasure system for laser radiation

3994437 – November 30, 1976 – Broadcast dissemination of trace quantities of biologically active chemicals

4042196 – August 16, 1977 – Method and apparatus for triggering a substantial change in earth characteristics and measuring earth changesRE29,

142 – February 22, 1977 – Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

4035726 – July 12, 1977 – Method of controlling and/or improving high-latitude and other communications or radio wave surveillance systems by partial control of radio wave et al

4096005 – June 20, 1978 – Pyrotechnic Cloud Seeding Composition

4129252 – December 12, 1978 – Method and apparatus for production of seeding materials

4141274 – February 27, 1979 – Weather modification automatic cartridge dispenser

4167008 – September 4, 1979 – Fluid bed chaff dispenser

4347284 – August 31, 1982 – White cover sheet material capable of reflecting ultraviolet rays

4362271 – December 7, 1982 – Procedure for the artificial modification of atmospheric precipitation as well as compounds with a dimethyl sulfoxide base for use in carrying out said procedure

4402480 – September 6, 1983 – Atmosphere modification satellite

4412654 – November 1, 1983 – Laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids

4415265 – November 15, 1983 – Method and apparatus for aerosol particle absorption spectroscopy

4470544 – September 11, 1984 – Method of and Means for weather modification4

475927 – October 9, 1984 – Bipolar Fog Abatement System

4600147 – July 15, 1986 – Liquid propane generator for cloud seeding apparatus4633714 – January 6, 1987 – Aerosol particle charge and size analyzer

4643355 – February 17, 1987 – Method and apparatus for modification of climatic conditions

4653690 – March 31, 1987 – Method of producing cumulus clouds

4684063 – August 4, 1987 – Particulates generation and removal

4686605 – August 11, 1987 – HAARP Patent / EASTLUND PATENT – Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere

4704942 – November 10, 1987 – Charged Aerosol

4712155 – December 8, 1987 – Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma

4744919 – May 17, 1988 – Method of dispersing particulate aerosol tracer

4766725 – August 30, 1988 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

4829838 – May 16, 1989 – Method and apparatus for the measurement of the size of particles entrained in a gas

4836086 – June 6, 1989 – Apparatus and method for the mixing and diffusion of warm and cold air for dissolving fog

4873928 – October 17, 1989 – Nuclear-sized explosions without radiation

4948257 – August 14, 1990 – Laser optical measuring device and method for stabilizing fringe pattern spacing

1338343– August 14, 1990 – Process and Apparatus for the production of intense artificial Fog

4999637 – March 12, 1991 – Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth

5003186 – March 26, 1991 – Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming

5005355 – April 9, 1991 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

5038664 – August 13, 1991 – Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface

5041760 – August 20, 1991 – Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration

5041834 – August 20, 1991 – Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted

5056357 – October 15, 1991- Acoustic method for measuring properties of a mobile medium5059909 – October 22, 1991 – Determination of particle size and electrical charge

5104069 – April 14, 1992 – Apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraf

t5110502 – May 5, 1992 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

5156802 – October 20, 1992 – Inspection of fuel particles with acoustics

5174498 – December 29, 1992 – Cloud Seeding

5148173 – September 15, 1992 – Millimeter wave screening cloud and method

5242820 – September 7, 1993 – Army Mycoplasma Patent Patent

5245290 – September 14, 1993 – Device for determining the size and charge of colloidal particles by measuring electroacoustic effect

5286979 – February 15, 1994 – Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin

5296910 – March 22, 1994 – Method and apparatus for particle analysis

5327222 – July 5, 1994 – Displacement information detecting apparatus5357865 – October 25, 1994 – Method of cloud seeding

5360162 – November 1, 1994 – Method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water

5383024 – January 17, 1995 – Optical wet steam monitor5425413 – June 20, 1995 – Method to hinder the formation and to break-up overhead atmospheric inversions, enhance ground level air circulation and improve urban air quality

5434667 – July 18, 1995 – Characterization of particles by modulated dynamic light scattering

5441200 – August 15, 1995 – Tropical cyclone disruption

5486900 – January 23, 1996 – Measuring device for amount of charge of toner and image forming apparatus having the measuring device

5556029 – September 17, 1996 – Method of hydrometeor dissipation (clouds)

5628455 – May 13, 1997 – Method and apparatus for modification of supercooled fog

5631414 – May 20, 1997 – Method and device for remote diagnostics of ocean-atmosphere system state

5639441 – June 17, 1997 – Methods for fine particle formation

5762298 – June 9, 1998 – Use of artificial satellites in earth orbits adaptively to modify the effect that solar radiation would otherwise have on earth’s weather

5800481 – September 1, 1998 – Thermal excitation of sensory resonances

5912396 – June 15, 1999 – System and method for remediation of selected atmospheric conditions

5922976 – July 13, 1999 – Method of measuring aerosol particles using automated mobility-classified aerosol detector

5949001 – September 7, 1999 – Method for aerodynamic particle size analysis

5984239 – November 16, 1999 – Weather modification by artificial satellite

6025402 – February 15, 2000 – Chemical composition for effectuating a reduction of visibility obscuration, and a detoxifixation of fumes and chemical fogs in spaces of fire origin

6030506 – February 29, 2000 – Preparation of independently generated highly reactive chemical species

6034073 – March 7, 2000 – Solvent detergent emulsions having antiviral activity

6045089 – April 4, 2000 – Solar-powered airplane

6056203 – May 2, 2000 – Method and apparatus for modifying supercooled clouds

6110590 – August 29, 2000 – Synthetically spun silk nanofibers and a process for making the same

6263744 – July 24, 2001 – Automated mobility-classified-aerosol detector

6281972 – August 28, 2001 – Method and apparatus for measuring particle-size distribution

6315213 – November 13, 2001 – Method of modifying weather

6382526 – May 7, 2002 – Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers

6408704 – June 25, 2002 – Aerodynamic particle size analysis method and apparatus

6412416 – July 2, 2002 – Propellant-based aerosol generation devices and method

6520425 – February 18, 2003 – Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers

6539812 – April 1, 2003 – System for measuring the flow-rate of a gas by means of ultrasound

6553849 – April 29, 2003 – Electrodynamic particle size analyzer

6569393 – May 27, 2003 – Method And Device For Cleaning The Atmosphere

0056705 A1 – March 17, 2005 – Weather Modification by Royal Rainmaking Technology

6890497 – May 10, 2005 – Method For Extracting And Sequestering Carbon Dioxide

7965488 – November 9, 2007 – Methods Of Removing Aerosols From The Atmosphere

8048309 – August 28, 2008 – Seawater-Based Carbon Dioxide Disposal

8012453 – October 27, 2008 – Carbon Sequestration And Production Of Hydrogen And Hydride

7645326 – January 12, 2010 – RFID environmental manipulation

7655193 – February 2, 2010 – Apparatus For Extracting And Sequestering Carbon Dioxide

8079545 – December 20, 2011 – Ground based Manipulation and Control of Aerial Vehicle during nonflying operations

0117003 – October 5, 2012 – Geoengineering Method Of Business Using Carbon Counterbalance Credits – alternate link

8373962 – February 12, 2013 – Charged seed cloud as a method for increasing particle collisions and for scavenging airborne biological agents and other contaminants

0085296 – May 8, 2003 – Hurricane & Tornado Control Device

Elísabet Guðmundsdóttir,, plastic and reconstructive and pediatric surgeon in Iceland , graduated Cum Laude, who has also worked in developing countries to help with cleft pallet surgery and to educate other doctors is Willem Engel’s guest. She has been severely harassed after criticizing the narrative on Covid. She talks about how masks are petri dishes for aspergillus spores which cause cancer. The clinical symptoms of Covid are exactly the same as fungal infections. Aspergillus flavus mpstly and Aspergillus niger in 30% She also says that endometrioses can be cured by anti fungals. People who have this fungal infection would also test positive for Covid. Virus is breakdown of the DNA of the fungus. Aspergillus produces micro toxins. Covid is a fungus in the mask and Vitamin D deficiency. Ivermectin is used against Covid in Africa, that’s why no one in Africa has Covid. We are the animals now, they have done no animal testing for Covid vaccines. It is not a vaccine, it is gene therapy. Every single amino acid in the protein in the vaccine is identical to that in the placenta. Women who start making antibodies are making antibodies against their own placenta and will never be able to have children. Every single amino acid in the spike protein is exactly like the synthesin protein, the main protein in the placenta. Synthesin is the main protein in the placenta. If women start to make antibodies against this protein, they will never be able to have children again. Pollen and spores make aerosols. Fungi thrive on radiation. 1 to 10.000 aspergillus spores inside a room. You need to shift the house at least 10 times a day. The spores don’t effect you, but a mask is a petri dish for the spores. People with lupus, all had fungus. Same goes with cancer, Breast cancer is vitamin D deficiency. One pill Ivermectin a week prevents Covid 100%, three novel ‘wonder drugs’ artemisinin, ivermectin and praziquantel, mainly used against malaria, lymphatic filariasis (LF)/river blindness and schistosomiasis, respectively. All three, discovered and developed in the 1970s (though extracts of the plant Artemisia – qinghaosu –  See also Artemisia, an effective anti-maleria herb We can cure every disease. Disease does not really exist. The reason the put fluoride in water is to compete with iodine. Fluoride competes with Iodine and makes us immune compromised.

See also The truth about the Corona vaccines

Is Bill Gates working alone? Not at all. The links between the Gates’s and the most powerful families and co operations in the world is explained here by Eco hero Vandana Shiva.

President Magufuli of Tanzania’s PCR test criticism was posted on you tube May 3 2020.

He had sent in samples of a goat, a Papaya and a Pawpaw, and the Papaya was tested positive for Corona.

He died March 18 2021, only 51 years old. Covid? Or did he take Vitamin D the wrong way? That has the same symptoms. All exits are covered and the misinformation on how to take Vitamin D gives hypercalcemia, which causes Zinc shortages and has the same signs as Covid 19, (read more about that here )just as bad Omega 6 does or lack of real Omega 6 has. Read more about that here. All this was prepared for years and years. With the vaccine makers being free from liability since 1986 to false information about essential nutrients and toxins, gmo’s, corruption in big pharma,

Of course he will be succeeded by someone who will vaccinate instead of using artemisia based medicine, like Ivermectin, as many African countries are doing. Will the same lot befall them? I hope not.

The masks are starting to fall off!

“The Chinese Biological Laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxosmithkline, which (by accident) owns Pfizer!” (the one who makes the vaccine against the virus that (by accident) started in the Wuhan Biological Lab and which was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (coincidentally) promotes the vaccine!
“GlaxoSmithKline is ( coincidentally ) managed by BlackRock’s finance division, which (by chance) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which (by chance) manages AXA in France!
“Soros” (coincidentally) owns the German company Winterthur, which (coincidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz, which (coincidentally) has Vanguard as its shareholder, which (coincidentally) is a shareholder of BlackRock , “which (coincidentally) controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment capital.
“BlackRock” is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which – remember? Sells a miracle vaccine) and is (coincidentally) now the first sponsor of the ‘WHO !
Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China infected the whole planet. And all that may be a cover up for plans to block the sun and sabotage chlorofyl formation with Calcium, which potentially could end all life on earth.

Bill Gates’s problem was that people don’t just take vaccines if you tell them to. they have to be motivated. He says that in the following interview, fro 2017

A plandemic certainly takes care of that.

Other things Bill Gates is involved in:

In this video tech/CEO Naomi Wolf explains the technology of the proposed V Psprt . She explains the platform it uses is the same platform being used to enslave over a billion people in China now. It includes:- a rigorous -Social Credit System, – it will be one that rewards the discrediting of others– millions of 360 degree surveillance cameras outside and inside homes- It can find any dissident in minutes – It can collate groups of dissidents, shut and lock down anyone’s ability to buy/sell/move-This can open or close opportunities to a person and any part of their future, in a microsecond. – to restrict development edits- to constrain payment provisions from bank card credits and PayPal, or Apple-Pay etc..- to keep people in “continually locked CV status” based on their own secret algorithms – their pursuit to indulge in tyrannically imposed public, mass behavior modifications – the restriction of any type of discussion within any place, including your own personal space like at home- the restriction of any type of communications technology through text, or even alleged walking by one.- it is already tied to Apple pay and Google wallets – there would be no opt-out options.

She’s been de-platformed 5 times since beginning to share this information. This is the most dangerous technology she has ever seen. She says there’s no such thing as coming back from this.If this succeeds, there would be no such thing as refusing to opt-in. From then on, there would be No more Capitalism, No more Free assembly, No more Privacy, No more personal preferences nor even referencing any better choices without credit penalties. There would be no escape without substantial nuke’s-EPS, or solar CME’s wiping out everything else, too. It completely violates The American Disability Act. It violates the American 1st and 4th Amendments .It is advised to listen to her recommendations for further education on this topic.Search: Naomi Wolf this was originally posted on her personal page. FORBES published an article 4/6/21 saying there will not be a Federal Sponsored V.psprt. This occurs carefully worded. Be aware and watching for industry & corporations taking on implementation of any kind.

Bill and Melinda Gates separated May 2021, apparently because she was uncomfortable with his ties to Jeffrey Epstein and his behavior towards female colleagues.

What can we do?

It may be clear by now that this is a fake pandemic, with no way to test for SARS-CoV-2, tricks to make the numbers seem higher, a carefully planned coup buying up and infiltrating all controlling agencies, the Cochrane institute, the WHO, the CDC , the FDA, funding networks, politicians,to mask a failing financial system, to gain complete control.

Most Jews who were lined up in concentration camps didn’t know they were about to be gassed. They thought they were going to get a shower. Do you think it would have helped if they had said: but I don’t need a shower and this is not soap? Or do you think they would have been moved to the front of the line?

Actually activists were gassed along with the Jews. There is no reason that will be any different now. Millions who have been taken in quarantine in China have not returned, and there is reason to believe they never will.

So if we value having in tact brain cells and in tact immune systems, and being able to reproduce, we better start finding ways to survive as well as being prepared for the next step.

Most authorities and the whole WHO probably know very well any vaccine they come up with is garbage and Covid19 is innocent, but they have other agenda’s. They will probably excuse the genocide they are organizing with environment and over population arguments. But over population is not the problem in the world. It’s pollution, and that is not automatically a consequence of large numbers of people. It is a consequence of bad habits, most of which are caused by the very people filling their pockets with our extermination. So you have a very dangerous combination of greed and phony idealism, along with some other, very scary motivations. Their excuses are always the same, take you or your children out of your home to protect you, but then research shows the worst home is better than what these people have in store what ever their motivation may be.

Another reason can be that it is becoming painfully clear that the poisons they dare call food and medicine are anything but. Parents are outliving their children. And people who grow old do so with lists of ailments, and form a sad contrast with people who live toxin free and live to be 120 with no ailments whatsoever, healthy as teenagers. So this can be a way to muddle up the statistics, blame it all on a virus instead of their toxins.

More and more people are also catching on to the lies that are being spread, and just like a spoiled child who throws the board on the floor when he sees he can’t win, maybe they are doing one last, desperate attempt to stay in power.

It can also be fear of exposure. They might be very afraid of being persecuted for the millions of vaccine damaged, and be locked in to an “us or them” mode of thinking.

So do whatever you can to stop this.


First of, all, take good care of yourself and your loved ones, and don’t buy into any of the lies.

Download as much information as you can before social media black out comes.

Here are some sites where you can downloas youtube films:

Save from net is already glitching:

This another you tube video down loader

Here’s an alternative to you tube

This is Spiro Skouras’s bitchute channel:

Join forces with people who are taking action against the lockdown, like the lawyer Beate Bahner in Germany, who was filing a lawsuit against the lock down for violating fundamental human rights:

“Corona’s approach is UNLAWFUL and contrary to the Constitution”. Press release from the BAHNER law firm April 2020:

Beate Bahner from Heidelberg (photo), a lawyer specializing in medical law, announces that she will take legal action against the Corona regulation of the state of Baden-Württemberg:

The measures taken by the federal and state governments are clearly contrary to the Constitution and violate to a unprecedented extent many of the fundamental rights of citizens of Germany. This applies to all Corona regulations of the 16 federal states.

In particular, these measures are not supported by the Infection Protection Act, which was hastily revised a few days ago. Limiting entertainment options and issued contact restrictions for weeks based on the bleakest future models (without regard to business and critical expert advice) as well as the complete closure of businesses and stores without any evidence of a risk of contamination from these stores and businesses are unconstitutional to the highest degree.

Because the available figures and statistics show that the corona infection runs smoothly (or perhaps has already expired) in more than 95% of the population and therefore does not pose a serious risk to general public health.

Special attention, on the other hand, deserves risk groups of older people and people who already have a disease (about 4.5% of the population). These people must be protected by both the government and by actual measures by these risk groups themselves:

For example, through access locks at retirement homes, by explaining the transmission of the virus (only via infected droplets), by hygiene measures and rules to keep distance, and in particular by self-responsibility protection measures of these vulnerable people themselves especially in the period of the epidemic.

The medical staff in hospitals, doctor’s offices, retirement homes and nursing care must be provided with all the necessary tools, which the federal government has so far failed to achieve!

Beate Bahner announces that she is going to the Federal Constitutional Court:

The radical measures of curfew and curfew on 83 million people and the shutdown of almost the entire economy for many weeks by the government are not justified: neither by the development of numbers, nor by studies, or by any previous experience.

However, the really necessary measures have still not been implemented, as evidenced by the frequent complaints from clinics, retirement homes and medical practices. There is also a need for more testing in people who are exposed to contact with the risk group a lot: these are the caregivers and relatives, including the children, who want to visit their old relatives. There is also an urgent need to test the supermarket employees, who have daily contact with hundreds of people.

Furthermore, population samples are needed to determine the actual (probably many times higher) number of infections and thus the actual (probably many times lower) percentage of the seriously and very seriously ill as a result of the corona virus.

The percentage of sick people with a fatal outcome of Covid19 was determined by experts to be only 0.1% (this is one in 1,000 infected and therefore comparable to a serious flu epidemic). Above all, the autopsy of people who died of / with corona is urgently needed to determine where these mostly old people with mostly many diseases actually died.

Furthermore, a fair account of the death toll is necessary, because about 2500 people die every day, including 900 people in care homes. 900,000 people die every year in Germany! Therefore, a correct scientific approach and correct information for people is finally needed!

Federal Health Minister Spahn must finally take the measures – which have hitherto been neglected – and to which his ministry was recently obliged in the new version of the Infection Protection Act: the immediate delivery of the necessary medical devices, laboratory diagnostics, devices and the delivery of personal protection aids and disinfection products!

The lock-down, which has never occurred in 70 years and is expressly not allowed by the Infection Protection Act, is disproportionate and grossly violates the constitutional principle of the principle of proportionality and the constitutional duty of the state to protect the rights and freedoms of the health of the citizens.

This government action violates all the principles of our constitution and our rule of law, which we proudly celebrated a few months ago with the 70th anniversary of the ground

Unfortunately Beate Bahner was arrested by the police on Sunday April 12 2020, at around 7.15 pm.

Beate Bahner made the news because she started a lawsuit against the lockdown in Germany. (source)

Among other things, she brought these motifs:

“Federal and state government measures are FLAGRANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL and violate a multitude of basic rights of citizens of Germany to an extent never seen before.”

“This is not justified by the development of the figures, neither by studies, nor by previous experience.”

The judge immediately rejected her application. Not substantial enough. (source)

“POL-MA: Heidelberg: Public Call for Crimes; Public prosecutor’s office in Heidelberg and the criminal police department in Heidelberg are investigating a lawyer from Heidelberg; Press release # 2
Heidelberg (ots)

Joint press release from the Heidelberg Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Mannheim Police Headquarters

Because of the suspicion of having publicly called for an illegal act, the public prosecutor’s office in Heidelberg and the state protection department of the criminal police department in Heidelberg are investigating a lawyer from Heidelberg. It is said to have publicly called for resistance against the state-issued Corona regulations via its homepage. In addition, she is said to have called for a nationwide gathering on Easter Saturday (press release No. 1 of 8 April 2020).

There are currently reports in public, especially on the Internet, that the accused are forced to be placed in a psychiatric clinic. To this end, the public prosecutor’s office in Heidelberg and the police headquarters in Mannheim state that neither the placement of the accused in a psychiatric clinic nor any other coercive procedural measure was ordered as part of the criminal investigation against the accused.

Contact: First Public Prosecutor Thomas Bischoff; Telephone: 06221 / 59-2015; Email:

Questions to:

Police headquarters in Mannheim
Public Relations Office
Norbert Schätzle
Telephone: 0621 174-1102

Original content from: Police Headquarters Mannheim, transmitted by news aktuell” 16th 2020 there was a protest in Heidelberg for Beate Bahner’s freedom.

I wish I could say unwaveringly : Support Dr Shiva Ayyadurai

He is running for senate:

He puts his finger on many sore spots, but is he really the right man for the job? Unfortunately he makes mistakes every time, like saying doctors who are participating in a discussion will not be on screen while they are, and in the following video he , unfortunately, uses the saying: “Let 1000 flowers bloom.”

If he is as politically savvy as he claims to be, then he should know;

The Hundred Flowers Campaign, also termed the Hundred Flowers Movement (simplified Chinese: 百花齐放; traditional Chinese: 百花齊放; pinyinBǎihuā Qífàng), was a period in 1956 in the People’s Republic of China[1] during which the Communist Party of China (CPC) encouraged citizens to express openly their opinions of the communist regime. Differing views and solutions to national policy were encouraged based on the famous expression by Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong: “The policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend is designed to promote the flourishing of the arts and the progress of science”.[2] The movement was in part a response to the demoralization of intellectuals, who felt estranged from the Communist Party.[3]

After this brief period of liberalization, Mao cracked down on those who criticized the communist regime. The crackdown continued through 1957–1959 as an Anti-Rightist Campaign against those who were critical of the regime and its ideology. Those targeted were publicly criticized and condemned to prison labor camps.[4]

He just makes mistakes every time. A shame. I really wish there were someone out there who was a reliable voice of reason.

So what is the course to go? Be vigilant. Hypervigilant even.

There is also this petition

We Call For Investigations Into The “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity

Created by C.S. on April 10, 2020

Find any local initiatives, and find the leaders who are taking global action against these atrocities. Or become one yourself if you can. And inform as many people as you can. Maybe authorities won’t listen. they already know and have their own agenda’s. But tell your household members, family, friends, anyone who will listen. Save and support as many people as you can.

Support honest polititans and global movements devoted to saving our lives and the world as a whole, like that of Vandana Shiva.

Support the real doctors, the ones who dare stand up against Big Pharma. It’s beyond comprehension which foul attacks these noble people have to endure, all because, unlike the pharma drones, they are doing their job. They do have a heart, and they heal people, with success. But of course, they get attacked. Why is Prof. Dr. Didier Raoult getting attacked? Why are his studies called bogus? Because he did not have a control group! Give me a break! The whole world is his control group! What kind of monster must someone be to withhold medication he knows can save lives from the dying? But this is the kind of abuse honest doctors face. They have a choice: jump on the pharma bandwagon and have money but lose their soul because they are not giving people the best help they can, and they know it. Or be sincere, and get vilified.

This is another initiative of doctors around the world to stop the Covid measures.

Here is the board meeting Leigh Dundas is talking about:

Look her up on

Unfortunately you can also read that she is a scientologist who incited violence during the White House riots

That can be seen here.

And read more about what is said about her here.

If none of this is true, than a great disservice is being done her, and we should expect being slandered if we oppose powerful institutions who are doing wrong.

But if this is is really true, and she did do all those awful things, then even someone who makes blunders like that is able to do good. How much more important is it then that we, who are reasonable and peaceful do what we can to save our democracy and our health.

Doing nothing won’t save you. You may be able to buy some time, but they will get you too, and you won’t even have put up a fight.

So unite fight for your rights, in the smartest possible way. Every right we have was fought for. Now it’s our turn.

There are already several wins for the ones opposed to the eugenics and total control plans of the global elite:

  1. Heidi Larsson. the WHO anthropologist who was sent to get social media to censor anti vaccine messages as misinformation, who came back saying: “but it’s not all misinformation,” and urging to allow discussion.
  2. The medical professors such as Dr. Didier Riault and Dr, Sikhart Bakhdi speaking out against the lock down and population control measures, as well as against the Covid19 vaccine they want to force on everyone,
  3. The medical doctors coming up with cures for Covid19 which are being allowed in spite of governments with interests in vaccines forbidding them.
  4. Sweden, which has taken no draconian measures, just reasonable ones , that people with Covid19 symptoms take their own responsibility , stay home, as would be only common sense to do with every disease, is doing fine, proving that all countries could have taken this route.
  5. The availability of information by doctors, explaining the difference between Th1 and Th2 immune responses which is why vaccines are so useless. and explaining the danger of foreign proteins and toxins in blood, which is why vaccines are so dangerous, and why we don’t need them.
  6. The images of how the immune system destroys pathogens and how vaccine ingredients destroy neurons as evidence of the capability of the immune system to protect us from disease, and the dangers and worthlessness of vaccines.
  7. The overwhelming evidence of conflict in interests, with virologists with shares in vaccines, the head of the CDC going on to being the head of Merck and vaccine lobbyists taking over research centers, and politicians being bought by vaccine makers, not to mention actual proof of phony pictures with dummies as patients, the statistics showing the number of patients is much lower than expected, proving the filled up hospital story is a hoax, and Dr Scott Jensen’s testimony of the financial rewards for classifying any death as a Covid19 death and any disease as Covid19.
  8. As of April 15th 2020, President Donald Trump has halted funding to the WHO! Unfortunately just for 60 days, but it’s a start.
  9. The knowledge of how the immune system works and how vaccines disrupt that.
  10. The fact that there are natural ways to stay healthy and gain the lifelong immunity from disease vaccines never give.
  11. The 50+ points PhD’s give why vaccines are useless and dangerous, including
  12. The disgusting ingredients of vaccines and the inhumane way they are produced.
  13. Another way out is in Bill Gates’s own statement to Reuters: “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.” Vaccinated people are known to shed the diseases they are vaccinated against, infecting everyone they come into contact with. The unvaccinated, due to their unspoiled immune systems, won’t get ill, but will get the lifelong immunity vaccines can never give, and thus will test either negative or immune for every disease. provided the tests are accurate and fair.“When asked about the claim, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation told Reuters, “The reference to ‘digital certificates’ relates to efforts to create an open source digital platform with the goal of expanding access to safe, home-based testing.”
  14. Say you don’t want to destroy your immune system, and remind them that even Bill Gates knows how important the microbes are for that. Vaccines destroy microbes.
  15. Realize that Agenda 2030 and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are fine goals that all countries agreed to and use that to our advantage so we are blameless. Using agenda 2030 to eliminate all private property is a nightmare, but using it as a way to realize the dream expressed in Micah 4:4, where each of us sit under our own vine and fig tree, and no one is afraid of another is a scenario, like the paradise of wisdom and freedom described in Isaiah 11:6 are ideals worth striving for.

We must use these wins to prevent the dystopian police state nightmare some global elites have planned for us, and create a fairer, cleaner world together than the one they forced on us with their toxic foods and and toxic vaccines and conflicts of interests.

Here and there tips come up for when they come door to door with police, forcing us to vaccinate. Like this one:

Let’s look that up: wikipedia says: “MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5) is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts, originally developed from research deriving lung tissue of a 14 week old aborted Caucasian male fetus[1][2], the current manufacturing process uses cell factories to grow MRC-5 without the need for any fetal cells”[3].

The footnote refers to

“Optimization of a MRC-5 Cell Culture Process for the Production of a Smallpox Vaccine.”

It does not say anything about not using fetal lung tissue, or doing anything to avoid that.

MRC-5 is literally human lung tissue, as you can read here.

So saying you have MRC-5 without human lung tissue is like saying you have eggs without eggs.

Wikipedia does this a lot. Check their footnotes if you want to be sure your information is accurate.

Some of the vaccines currently used to prevent diseases such as rubella, measles, rabies, poliomyelitis, hepatitis A, chickenpox or smallpox are produced using tissues from human abortions.

The vaccines consist of dead or attenuated live viruses that are introduced into the patient’s body to activate the body’s defences against that virus without becoming ill. Thus, if the patient subsequently enters into contact with the live virus, it will be unable infect him, since he has the necessary defences to cope with it, i.e. he is immunised.

To prepare the vaccines, the viruses must be cultured in cells in the laboratory. The ethical difficulty appears when these cells come from surgically-aborted human foetuse. Similarly, the viruses themselves can be obtained from aborted foetuses that have been infected with a particular virus. An article published in 2008 in Cuadernos de Bioetica includes detailed information on the different cells and viral strains originating from these sources.

Cells used and vaccines produced using aborted fetuses

The most widely used foetal cells are WI-38 and MRC-5. The WI-38 cells were derived by Leonard Hayflick in 1962 from the lung of a 3-month female foetus [2].The initials WI refer to the Wistar Institute, a body of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and number 38 to the foetus from which the cells were obtained. The MRC-5 cells were obtained in 1966 from the lungs of a 14-week male foetus [3].The initials MRC indicate Medical Research Council, a body from London. Other cells derived from surgically-aborted foetuses are: WI-1, WI-3, WI-11, WI-16, WI-18, WI-19, WI-23, WI-24, WI-25, WI-26, WI-27, WI-44, MRC-9, IMR-90, and R-17 (obtained from lung); WI-2, WI-12 and WI-20, (skin and muscle); WI-5 (muscle); WI-8 and WI-14, and WS1 (skin); WI-4, WI-9, WI-10, WI-13 and WI-15 (kidney); WI-6, WI-21 and WI-22 (heart); WI-7 (thymus and thyroids), WI-17 (liver); FHs74Int (small intestine); and PER.C6 (retina)1

This is what a 12 week old fetus looks like:

Baby at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At 12 weeks a fetus is about 5.4cm from head to bottom (crown to rump), the size of a lime, and weighs up to 14g .

This is what a 14 week old fetus looks like:

14 weeks pregnant: fetal development - BabyCentre UK

At 14 weeks the fetus is about 8.3 centimeters and weighs about 43 grams.

Latrogenic disease is the result of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures undertaken on a patient. With the multitude of drugs prescribed to a single patient adverse drug reactions are bound to occur. 

Personally I think that if we leave it at that, we don’t stand much of a chance. Many Doctors, especially the bought ones, break their Hippocratic oath all the time and have zero respect for patients. They get large sums of money for each vaccine they push, and couldn’t care less about your objections. They won’t care if you didn’t say no but gave arguments. They will call you belligerent for not cooperating and asking questions instead of rolling up your sleeve. And besides, as soon as you object against ingredients, they will just change them, while the whole principle of vaccination is flawed, since it’s not in the blood or muscles that immunity occurs.

I think we have more of a chance with using the 12 points mentioned earlier to sway the public opinion. That was what this whole “pandemic” was probably about in the first place.

At the Global Vaccine Safety Summit, hosted by the WHO December 2 and 3 of 2019, Heidi Larsson was concerned that the anti vax group (red) recruit 500 times faster than the pro vax (blue)

And it’s logical, when you have the truth on your side. As a matter of fact. if you want to hear how worthless vaccines are, listen to the WHO itself! In this part of the summit on vaccine safety, they discuss the lack of safety data on vaccines because of their pre-qualification, the lack of communication between vaccine makers and regulators, the problem that vaccine makers fund the regulatory agencies, the many vaccine injured which causes animosity towards vaccines. But we are told that should be considered collateral damage, and that people should learn to accept that as a necessary sacrifice that must be made for all the advantages vaccines give. Which we know now, are less than zero. Dr Patrick Zuber’s summary is not at all a representation of what is said in the meeting, since he only talks about how the WHO can use the media to polish the image of vaccines.

But we have to remember, vaccines are not their end goal. They are a means to their goal: total control through electronic monitoring systems, because we are seen as a pest. Not just to each other but to the earth, and they think they need to control us. But if you look at the facts, if you look at your ancestry, you will be most likely to find that we are not a pest for this earth, that we are not the ones poisoning it. In fact, the ones telling themselves they are exterminating us to save the earth are themselves the polluters. That’s what makes it even more evil, senseless and hypocritical.

So we have to start learning to live in harmony with the earth and teach others to. Learn how our immune systems work and how to stay healthy and teach others to. Because like pathogens wrong ideas are able to find feeding grounds in unhealthy environments. Let’s keep putting truth out there, so that their lies stop taking hold of nations, plunging us all into misery.

And let’s not forget the ones who actually think vaccines are a good thing. Listen to this doctor, who works for a vaccines centre, describing how employees work 20 hours a day to make a vaccine that saves lives. They really believe this.

Look at the quality of the comments:

“As a virologist working with a team of doctors on Covid-19 here’s a few tips I have as a researcher for you guys below : The virus affects these genes: Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) gene : is basically a master-switch which turns other genes on and off.AhRs are responsible for recognizing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are compounds that can cause cancer. AhRs signals the body to neutralize them.A group of Russian scientists has found that in pneumonia, the carries of the ‘A’ allele (‘AG’ and ‘AA’ genotypes) for the AHR SNP rs2066853 had a higher risk of developing ARDS.During Covid-19, the lungs no longer work properly because they get filled with fluid leaking from the blood vessels.AhR can protect the lungs by: Combating oxidative stress, Decreasing neutrophils (a type of white blood cells). CYP1A1 gene : belongs to a group of enzymes called CYP enzymes. CYP enzymes help eliminate toxins from the human body and are found in the lungs.A group of Russian scientists has found that the ‘A’ allele of rs2606345, a SNP in the CYP1A1 gene, was associated with increased susceptibility to pneumonia (3 studies each with several hundred people) Furthermore, in another study of 750 people, those with pneumonia who had the ‘AA’ genotype had a higher risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). IL17A gene : codes for interleukin 17, a pro-inflammatory cytokine that combats pathogens.Activated Th17 cells produce IL-17 to enhance the inflammatory response and recruit white blood cells such as neutrophils and monocytes. “Cytokine Storm” Uncontrolled inflammation caused by excessive cytokine release is the hallmark of Covid-19. The stimulation of white blood cells can cause a so-called cytokine storm and do more damage than the infection itself.Patients with Covid-19 usually have elevated IL-17 in the lungs and blood, which correlates with ARDS severity. ACE2 receptor gene : There are 6 major types of its allelles of which Caucasians or 65% of European populations carry this major allele.The major allele in all these variants is associated with greater expression of ACE2, which researchers theorize may increase susceptibility or severity of COVID-19 because this genetic variant potentially provides more entry points for the virus.Indians due to extensive racial admixture have a little advantage over Europeans since maybe less than 40% of us carry major of these.That being said Indians are also at risk owing to other factors I talked about. MX1 : MX1 codes for a protein called MX dynamin like GTPase 1 or interferon-induced GTP-binding protein Mx1, Mx1 is considered an effector protein of the interferon system; interferon alpha and beta (IFNα and IFNβ), also part of the innate immune response, activate Mx1 and put it to work.Mx1 interferes with viral replication, preventing new viruses from being made in the host rs17000900, the minor ‘A’ allele shows increased Mx1 antiviral activity when interferons are absent. Since coronaviruses appear to suppress interferons, one would expect that rs17000900-A would be associated with reduced rates of coronavirus infection. IL-6 : IL-6 also suppresses Th1 cells, while it induces Th2 cells. ID01 (Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenases) – heme gene modulating the expression of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) IRAK3 (Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 ) – protein gene related to Asthma, TNFSF10 – gene related to Thoracic Cancer, OAS1 – a gene related to Pulmonary functions, Enzymes like ST3GAL4 & ST6GAL1 – related to Lung functions Drugs being used currently to stop Cytokine Storm in India with positive results : Statin drug Rosuvastatin – Inhibits Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase to reduce pro-inflammatory cytokine and have reduced sepsis levels, Aspirin – Anti-platelet effects to reduce neutrophil recruitment by platelet activation, Siltuximab – cancer drug that stops CRB directly. Canakinumab – cancer drug that has anti-IL-1β antibody. Hydroxychloroquinone – Inhibition of Toll-like receptors and high mobility group box 1 (HMBG1) to reduce pro-inflammatory cytokine levels. Ivermectin – inhibits IMPα/β1-mediated nuclear import of viral proteins No matter what do not self medicate yourself Stay Safe, Reward our hardwork by staying at home while we do our work in the labs and hospitals to get this virus under control. Let us forget our differences and unite as one! Cheers from India.”

So if we want to stand a chance of swaying the public opinion, our knowledge and arguments need to be sound. If we quote scientists, we need to do so accurately, and we need to keep our facts straight. The truth must prevail, and we must not stand in its way but deliver it untainted.

What I often find is missing in vaccine manufacturers is connection, empathy and reverence for life. They can name all the parts of one gene and think they can manipulate life. Putting viral RNA producing blood cells in our blood stream? Really? What are we teaching our immune system with such an act? I think we are teaching it to attack red blood cells. It sounds like a recipe for acquired autoimmune hemolytic anemia, or AIHA. It also sounds like they will be creating what they say people are now while they really aren’t: breeding grounds for dangerous viruses. And no doubt that time they will have the vaccine ready immediately, since they put it in. And a whole line of medications to fight the vague symptoms of AIHA, which they will never call vaccine damage, but just psychosomatic, as they do with the HPV vaccine, even though research done in February of 2017 shows Aluminium adjuvant and HPV antigens has the ability to trigger neuro inflammation and autoimmune reactions, further leading to behavioral changes in mice! It is of course a little difficult to blame the reactions of mice to a vaccine toxin on social media, so of course the WHO does not mention this research as they add insult to injury by calling the hundreds of vaccine injured girls crazy, instead of taking responsibility for the harm they do. Here are 124 more studies all showing the harm HPV vaccine ingredients Gardasil and aluminum to the nervous system and brain.

So we have to be clear on the facts, and that starts with reverence for life, and that starts with knowledge. Here are some facts about our body that are awe inspiring, and also show why we should not be messing around with it:

There are half a trillion machines in the world. You have more “machines” in the form of proteins in the tip of your finger than there are machines in the whole world.

If you could scale up the size of a protein to a penny, the proteins in your body would fill up the whole Pacific Ocean.

Your Body’s Molecular Machines

Inner Life Of A Cell – Full Version

DNA animations by for Science-Art exhibition

From DNA to protein – 3D

This is the immune system

Immunology in the skin

Transport inside the brain: The basic mechanisms of neuronal trafficking

Equipped with this many processors, the brain might be capable of executing as many as 100 billion operations per second, a truly impressive number.

We are wonderfully and beautifully made in a way even the most clever person in the world cannot even begin to match. They are blundering around in our exquisite bodies and doing great harm while taking zero responsibility and having zero liability, all because they think we are too stupid to realize our habits need to change in order to survive on this beautiful earth. We are not too stupid. We can and we will. But not in their way. In our own!


Global leaders call this a war. But against what? It seems it is either a war against ignorance if the panic is really about a virus that can be easily stopped by working with the immune system and natural remedies, or one against greed if it’s about pushing vaccines, or one against evil if this is a trick to rob us of our rights and freedom and depopulating the world.

Or is it perhaps a way to save the environment? That would actually make some sense. Forbes says: the Coronavirus Lockdown May Save More Lives By Preventing Pollution Than By Preventing Infection. And this article shows Airborne Nitrogen Dioxide Plummets Over China during the Covid19 lockdown. And here you see it come back again after the lock down. So while it might be nonsensical for the virus and disastrous for the economy, it might be good for the environment?

An article in Scientific American from Apil 24 2020 shows that even if people were in lock down all year, that would only cause a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions.

More evidence people are not inherently bad for nature. Bad habits are bad for nature, and people can learn to live sustain-ably in harmony with nature while enjoying their fundamental human rights and freedom. That should be a better alternative than lock downs and fake panics about outbreaks. So then there is a war against lack of imagination and lack of trust that people can learn. Then we can only fight back by spreading knowledge as long as we can.

Or is this all to speed up the CRISPR technology, that has lit up the dollar signs in investors eyes ever since it existed?

And who are we going to listen to when it concerns health issues? Politicians, computer experts and virologists with shares in vaccines?

Or doctors with no other interests than to tell the truth?

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And easy to solve it is! Just some flax seeds and sunflower seeds!

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Anna Elize

I am a writer. My goal is spreading knowledge about becoming and staying healthy naturally, education and sustainable living. I research what top scientists say about it and try to make it easy to read and to apply for everyone. I don't spread my work until it has been checked and approved by Professors in the field I write about. Diet and care is just one of the subjects I often sink my teeth into: I also write about Yeshua's Teaching: And we have an association for sustainable living: To be clear: I don't sell any products I mention and have no personal interest other than feeling the truth should be told. Nothing I discuss is not backed by research. I don't make anything up, but quote what scientists say who have no other interests than telling the truth. I also don't think I'm smarter than anyone else. I just find that there is often a huge difference between what research says is best and what is common practice. That's a gap I try to bridge. And just think about it: who are really pretending to be experts when they aren't? Those who do the research and do and pass on what scientists say? Or the ones who don't and try to silence those who do? Don't judge. Do research. The truth will set you free. I have a Masters in English Language and Literature, and over 20 years of experience with toxin free diet and care.

12 thoughts on “Covid 19 origin theories and how to handle that”

  1. Viral: The Origin of Covid 19 | Matt Ridley |Dr Jordan B Peterson and Matt Ridley go in depth to explore the Covid 19 outbreak, scrutinizing the lack of criticism, the inherent red flags widely accepted as benign, the possible motive for a multi-government cover up, and ultimately the demise of the scientific enlightenment as it bends to a more fearsome pandemic: totalitarianism.

    Matt Ridley is a British writer, journalist, and public speaker. His books collectively have sold over a million copies, and have been translated into 31 languages. His books include The Red Queen, The Origins of Virtue, Genome, Nature via Nurture, Francis Crick, The Rational Optimist, The Evolution of Everything, and How Innovation Works. He is also frequently published in the Wall Street Journal, and in the Times (London), as a columnist. As a speaker, Ridley has seen over two million views for his TED talk, “When Ideas Have Sex.” Ridley focuses on the area of science for his writings, and held the role of science editor at the Economist for nine years. #310,


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