Covid19 : symptoms, prevention and remedies


Most people who get infected with SARS-COV-2-, the Corona virus that causes Covid19, don’t even have symptoms.

The reason is that Covid 19 is caused by omega 6 depletion. See here how you can solve that.People with enough Omega 6 don’t get ill from Covid19.

Also people with Covid 19 supposedly have Vitamin D deficiency. That’s the narrative. But what it really looks like is an oral Vitamin D overdose. Just see here what that shows up as and compare that with the Covid19 symptoms.

See here how you can solve that.

What makes it scary for those who do get ill is that it can go straight from a dry cough and a fever to pneumonia, without the usual steps of a runny nose and bronchitis, making it more like SARS than influenza.

That’s because Omega 6 is what lets oxygen through the cell membranes.

LDL cholesterol is what attracts Omega 6 to the cell membrane.

However, like lungs will breath in what ever air is presented to them, clean or polluted, LDL cholesterol lets in damaged Omega 6 as well. That does not attract oxygen, and takes up the place of undamaged Omega 6.

As a response the liver sends more LDL cholesterol to the suffocating cell.The damaged Omega 6 causes plaque, not the LDL cholesterol.

Why is Omega 6 often damaged? Through heating. You should never heat omega 6 or omega 3 containing oils like sunflower oil and rice oil,Through processing these oils have damaged Omega 6, even if they are eaten cold. See here which oils are healthy and which ones can be heated without becoming toxic/

Besides, Omega 6 should be balanced with Omega 3.

Here you find an easy way to accomplish that with flax seeds and sunflower seeds.

But what do people do? Lower their LDL cholesterol with statins!

That also causes Vitamin D deficiency, because Vitamin D is made by cholesterol.

And see there what Covid 19 really is: the result of lack of understanding how the body works, making an otherwise harmless virus deadly to those with compromised immune systems due to ignorant eating and health care.

The good news is that if you support your immune system in getting rid of the virus rather than suppressing its attempts to, you can sail through it without getting ill at all. In the summary at the end of this article you can see how.

This is an overview of the symptoms, prevention and remedies for Corona virus Covid19 2019-nCoV as given by medical doctors, the CDC and the WHO, followed by a comprehensive approach for beating the virus: Presuns for beating Covid 19 naturally

And see also How Flax seeds and Sunflower seeds can prevent illness from Covid19!

What are the symptoms of Covid 19?

DW says:

Common coronavirus covid19 symptoms can include:

— Fever
— Dry cough
— Shortness of breath
— Aching muscles
— Fatigue

Less typical coronavirus symptoms:

— Phlegm buildup
— Headache
— Hemoptysis 
— Diarrhea

Symptoms atypical for coronavirus:

— Runny nose
— Sore throat”

Healthline states: “Doctors are learning new things about this virus every day. So far we know that COVID-19 may not initially cause any symptoms.”

The cdc states “someone may carry the virus for 2 days or up to 2 weeks before you notice symptoms”

Healthline states: “Some common symptoms that have been specifically linked to the 2019 coronavirus include:

  • The WHO states: “signs and symptoms include: fever (87.9%), dry cough (67.7%), fatigue (38.1%), sputum production (33.4%), shortness of breath (18.6%), sore throat (13.9%), headache (13.6%), myalgia or arthralgia (14.8%), chills (11.4%), nausea or vomiting (5.0%), nasal congestion (4.8%), diarrhea (3.7%), and hemoptysis (0.9%), and conjunctival congestion (0.8%). People with COVID-19 generally develop signs and symptoms, including mild respiratory symptoms and fever, on an average of 5-6 days after infection (mean incubation period 5-6 days, range 1-14 days). “

COVID-19 versus the flu

Healthline states: “The 2019 coronavirus is much more deadly than seasonal flu.

An estimated 0.06 to 0.1 percent of people who developed the flu during the 2019–2020 flu season in the United States died (as of February 2020), compared to around 2 percent  (the WHO says 3.3%, see below) of those diagnosed with the 2019 coronavirus. ” [but that may also be caused by the unwise way it is treated (see below)]

The WHO states: “Most people infected with COVID-19 virus have mild disease and recover. Approximately 80% of laboratory confirmed patients have had mild to moderate disease, which includes non-pneumonia and pneumonia cases, 13.8% have severe disease (dyspnea, respiratory frequency ≥30/minute, blood oxygen saturation ≤93%, PaO2/FiO2 ratio <300, and/or lung infiltrates >50% of the lung field within 24-48 hours) and 6.1% are critical (respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure). Asymptomatic infection has been reported, but the majority of the relatively rare cases who are asymptomatic on the date of identification/report went on to develop disease. The proportion of truly asymptomatic infections is unclear but appears to be relatively rare and does not appear to be a major driver of transmission. Individuals at highest risk for severe disease and death include people aged over 60 years and those with underlying conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and cancer. Disease in children appears to be relatively rare and mild with approximately 2.4% of the total reported cases reported amongst individuals aged under 19 years. A very small proportion of those aged under 19 years have developed severe (2.5%) or critical disease (0.2%). As of 20 February, 2114 of the 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases have died (crude fatality ratio [CFR2 ] 3.8%) (note: at least some of whom were identified using a case definition that included pulmonary disease). The overall CFR varies by location and intensity of transmission (i.e. 5.8% in Wuhan vs. 0.7% in other areas in China). In China, the overall CFR was higher in the early stages of the outbreak (17.3% for cases with symptom onset from 1- 10 January) and has reduced over time to 0.7% for patients with symptom onset after 1 February (Figure 4). The Joint Mission noted that the standard of care has evolved over the course of the outbreak. Mortality increases with age, with the highest mortality among people over 80 years of age (CFR 21.9%). The CFR is higher among males compared to females (4.7% vs. 2.8%). By occupation, patients who reported being retirees had the highest CFR at 8.9%. While patients who reported no comorbid conditions had a CFR of 1.4%, patients with comorbid conditions had much higher rates: 13.2% for those with cardiovascular disease, 9.2% for diabetes, 8.4% for hypertension, 8.0% for chronic respiratory disease, and 7.6% for cancer.”

March 3 2020 Italian Governor Zaia from the Veneto region said: “80% of all sick people heal by themselves, 15% need medication and 5% need to have hospital attention. All 17 people who died already, had advanced health issues. No healthy person who caught the coronavirus has died. It’s an alarm with no foundation. In the beginning they reacted the way they did because they didn’t have any real information about the virus. But after seeing what it is, the information is too exaggerated.”

Not only the elderly, younger healthy people can also be hard hit by the coronavirus. Emergency doctor Ignace Demeyer of the OLV hospital in Aalst , Belgium warns about this. Patients’ lung scans are “downright terrifying”.

He shows these pictures Mar 16, 2020 in Ter Zake, a Belgium current affairs program.

To the left you see healthy lungs. In the middle and to the right progressively worse cases of Covid 19.

You see it from the top, and as if you are looking at a cross section of the body, with the heart in white in the middle.

The black is the air in the lungs.The white in the lungs is fluid from infection in the lungs. It can still be healed but it is dangerous.

Symptoms, prevention and remedies list

Apparently someone with a master’s degree who worked in Shenzhen Hospital (Guangdong Province, China) produced notes on the Corona virus for guidance. Those were tweaked and provided with references in the following list, and updated to the current knowledge in the Presuns.
1. If someone has a runny nose and sputum, it’s a common cold

2. Covid19 typically shows a dry cough with no runny nose

3. SARS is not heat-resistant and was killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun. Some assume the same goes for Covid19

4. If someone sneezes, it takes about which is 8 meters (is 26.2467 feet) before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne.

This was relevant when it was still thought the virus transmitted through droplets. However now it is understood to spread through aerosols.

A study on aerosols in the Lancet, published May 27 2020 states:

“We did a laser diffraction measurement using a spray droplet measurement system (Malvern Spraytec, Malvern, UK) to determine the size distribution of respiratory droplets in a single cough and during speech. In a cough from a healthy volunteer, we found two distinct types of drops, large droplets (100–1000 μm in diameter) and small droplets (1–10 μm), with the small droplets being much more prevalent (appendix p 1). During speech, only the small droplets were found (appendix p 1). Although large droplets have been specifically related to coughs,4 here we observe that both sizes of droplet are produced by coughing.Next, we used a SprayScan (Spraying Systems, Glendale Heights, IL, USA) laser sheet to track droplets by filming the scattering of laser light by droplets from a cough7 to determine the speed of the droplets and their trajectory. Large droplets were observed to fall onto the ground rapidly (appendix p 2). We found that although the speed of the drops ranged 2–7 m/s at the start of the cough, the visible large drops (typically 500 μm in diameter) do not travel far before their trajectory bends down due to gravity to rapidly fall onto the ground within 1 s. This observation can be explained by balancing the forces of gravity (F=mg; where F is force, m is mass, and g is acceleration) and air drag (F=6πηRU, in which η is the air viscosity, R is the radius of the droplet, and U is the falling velocity), from which it also follows that the small droplets of typical radius of 5 μm will take 9 min to reach the ground when produced at a height of 160 cm (ie, average speaking or coughing height). These small droplets are of specific interest because they have been associated with aerosol transmission of the SARS-CoV-2.8 We also investigated droplets coming from the nasal cavity, and found that with normal breathing no droplets are detected above the background noise level (2·3 [SD 1·5] droplets, and 2·6 [1·7] droplets for nasal breathing). From a sneeze, we found mostly very large drops, originating from both the buccal and nasal cavities, that are not persistent.The same laser sheet was used to investigate how long small droplets from a cough will float through the air. We used a specially designed spray nozzle from Medspray (Enschede, The Netherlands) to disperse a controlled quantity of small droplets into the air, reproducing the effect of coughing. The droplets have an average diameter of 5 μm and are dispersed homogeneously by the spray nozzle. We analysed the number of droplets passing through the stationary laser sheet suspended in the centre of the experimental chamber using an algorithm that detects the illuminations caused by the droplets. We repeated this experiment in three rooms with different levels of ventilation: no ventilation, mechanical ventilation only, and mechanical ventilation supported by the opening of an entrance door and a small window (appendix p 3). In the best ventilated room, after 30 s the number of droplets had halved, whereas with no ventilation this took about 5 min, in agreement with the air drag calculation that shows that 5 μm drops from the average cough or speech height take 9 min to reach the ground. In a poorly ventilated room, the number of droplets was halved in 1·4 min.Although we only studied healthy volunteers and did not study patients with COVID-19 or virus-laden aerosol droplets directly, our data on droplet size distribution and persistence does have implications on requirements to use face masks to prevent virus transmission. Transmission by aerosols of the small droplets studied here can only be prevented by use of high-performance face masks; a conventional surgical mask only stops 30% of the small aerosol droplets studied here for inhaled breath;9 for exhaled breath the efficacy is much better.10Additionally, the long airborne time of aerosols we found here affects the reliability of temporal and spatial contact data between individuals as monitored by proximity tracing via smartphone apps. These findings need to be considered in the development and implementation of these apps.This study shows that better ventilation of spaces substantially reduces the airborne time of respiratory droplets. This finding is relevant because typically poorly ventilated and populated spaces, like public transport and nursing homes, have been reported as sites of viral transmission despite preventive physical distancing. The persistence of small respiratory droplets in such poorly ventilated spaces could contribute to the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Our findings confirm that improving ventilation of public spaces will dilute and clear out potentially infectious aerosols. To suppress the spread of SARS-CoV-2 we believe health-care authorities should consider the recommendation to avoid poorly ventilated public spaces as much as possible. The implications are also important for hospital settings where aerosolisation by coughing and medical treatments and close contact with COVID-19 patients is very common.”

Normal surgical masks have pored of approximatelu 0.3-10 microns.

Viruses are 0.004 to 0.1 microns in size.

But since viruses travel in droplets, large droplets (100–1000 μm in diameter) and small droplets (1–10 μm), with the small droplets being much more prevalent (appendix p 1). During speech, only the small droplets were found (appendix p 1). Although large droplets have been specifically related to coughs,4

The visible large drops (typically 500 μm in diameter) do not travel far before their trajectory bends down due to gravity to rapidly fall onto the ground within 1 s. This observation can be explained by balancing the forces of gravity (F=mg; where F is force, m is mass, and g is acceleration) and air drag (F=6πηRU, in which η is the air viscosity, R is the radius of the droplet, and U is the falling velocity), from which it also follows that the small droplets of typical radius of 5 μm will take 9 min to reach the ground when produced at a height of 160 cm (ie, average speaking or coughing height).

This graph is often used to demonstrate the necessity of the use of masks:


But this difference may be a parallel, not a causal relation. It may be other measures that work, not the masks, and that, if the numbers are right, it is in spite of the masks, not because of them.

Using a mask prevents spreading your body fluids like saliva. Here it is said that big droplets cause aerosols, and that it is therefore good that masks stop these. But what happens if droplets get trapped in masks and re-breathed through? Denis Rancourt, PhD Physics, is clear: outside of health care settings, masks are dangerous and useless. Like Maurice de Homd he says aerosols are the main way Covid 19 spreads is aerosils, not fomites, not contact, not droplets. He says the exagerated non contact measures are ridiculous as well. The aerosols spread with a dry atmosphere. The aerosols the side of the mask as well and can even pass through the skin!

See his article here.

More about Denis Rancourt.

That doesn’t mean large droplets don’t cause spreading as well. Large droplets can cause small driplets, and a virus that lands in the throat can cause problems as well, That’s where drinking warm tea comes in, since the virus can not stand heat. If it has entered the lungs inhaling eucalyptus or smoke from sage or mallow can work.

The following study from June 16 2020 Accepted: May 2020

On respiratory droplets and face masks 

Physics of Fluids 32, 063303 (2020);

 Previous studies report limited effectiveness in using surgical masks to reduce respiratory illness,16–18 and clinical trials report little effect on infection rates with and without surgical masks.19,20 In contrast, laboratory studies concerning coughing and infectious subjects showed that surgical masks are effective at reducing the emission of large droplets21,22 and minimizing the lateral dispersion of droplets. However, they allowed simultaneous displacement of aerosol emission upward and downward from the mask.4 Several randomized trials have not found statistical differences in the effectiveness of surgical masks vs N95 filtering face-piece respirators (FFRs) at reducing respiratory diseases for healthcare workers.23,2

5. First it was thought that it survived on surfaces, So this was the old advice: if it drops on a metal surface it will live for 2 hours – on others longer, on your phone even 96 hours,  it can stay on surfaces —  such as metal, glass or plastic — for as long as nine days, according to a new study. (In comparison, flu viruses can last on surfaces for only about 48 hours.)so if you come into contact with any surface – wash your hands as soon as you can with vinegar and essential oil, f.e. of lavender, not just for the smell, but also because of the anti viral and properties of many essential oils. See here why that is much more effective than soap. Wash your hands frequently , preferably with vinegar.And while you’re at it, clean your phone and keyboard as well. Here’s how. Clean all surfaces you touch with vinegar or alcohol (see also ), or soda, lemon and vinegar. And instead of shaking hands and kissing when you meet people, consider the Wuhan shake.

New advice: the Corona virus does not spread easily through surfaces, So be hygienic, but don’t be frantic about it. You can shake hands, kiss and hug. It’s not dangerous.

6. First it was thought fabric it can stay infectious for 6-12 hours. Normal laundry detergent, soap nuts and vinegar for colored wash or soda and lemon with vinegar for whites, will kill it.

Now it is understood it does not stay infectious on surfaces at all.

7. First drinking warm water (or other warm and healthy beverages) is effective for all viruses, and especially Corona Covid 19 2019-nCoV, was advised, because it can’t survive heat . Try not to drink liquids with ice.Now we know it is much better to drink other healthy warm beverages, like green tea, which also has anti viral properties. To be specific, EGCG.

COVID-19 Therapeutics:  In many drug repurposing and potential therapeutics studies, researchers first use computational screening platforms that involves models of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in detail especially the binding sites of the spike proteins and to match molecular models of existing drugs, supplements, phytochemicals etc to see which have a greater affinity to bind to these sites, hence rendering the virus inactive or unable to bind to the human host cells and replicate.”

“In one interesting study conducted by Indian researchers from Era University in Lucknow, the team studied 18 natural dietary phytochemicals, nutraceuticals such as alpha-lipoic acid and also chloroquine and remdesivir interactions with the molecular docking sites of 7 identified spike proteins found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

“In the study the 18 dietary molecules studied were epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), piperine, apigenin, curcumin, gingerol-[6], beta glucan, resveratrol, myricetin, quercetin, genistein, diadzein, alliin, allicin, sulphoraphane, phycocyanobillin, ferulic acid and alpha lipoic acid.”

“Another study also showed that, kaempferol, quercetin, luteolin–7-glucoside, demethoxycurcumin, naringenin, apigenin–7-glucoside, oleuropein, curcumin, catechin, and epicatechin-gallate have been identified as significant anti-SARS-CoV agents with the help of also molecular docking studies.

“Among these dietary molecules, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is found abundantly in green tea, was found as most active agent against COVID–19.”

“EGCG showed highest binding affinity (–9.30kcal/mole) and lowest inhibition constant (0.152µM) for the  6y2e spike protein. Moreover, EGCG exhibited a strong molecular interaction with 6vw1 which is an important target of this new coronavirus. It showed highest binding affinity and lowest inhibition constant with –8.66 kcal/mole and 0.152µM values respectively. Further, EGCG displayed excellent interactions with 6vww wherein it showed highest binding affinity (–8.38 kcal/mole) with lowest inhibition constant at 0.724 µM concentration. Additionally, EGCG also exhibited good molecular interactions with SARS-CoV–2 proteins 6lu7, 6lvn, 6lxt, and 6vsb with the values of binding energies and inhibition constant as –6.99, –4.90, –7.57, –7.26 kcal/mole and 7.57, 255.95, 2.84, 4.75 µM concentrations. The computed activity of EGCG was found to be higher than that of both reference drugs, Remdesivir and Chloroquine.”

  1. Though EGCG is predominantly found in green tea, it also exists in small amounts in other foods, such as : Tea: white, oolong, and black teas. Fruits: cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, kiwis, cherries, pears, peaches, apples, and avocados. Nuts: pecans, pistachios, and hazelnuts.
  2. Curcuma is a root, it looks a lot like ginger and you can find that in the health store or supermarket. You can use it as a spice and you can also make tea from that.
  3. Apigenin is abundantly present in common fruits such as grapefruit, plant-derived beverages and vegetables such as parsley, onions, oranges, tea, chamomile, wheat sprouts and in some seasonings
  4. Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber found primarily in cereal grains like oatsbarley, and wheat. It is also in baker’s yeast and certain fungi like maitake, shiitake, and reishi mushrooms. Beta-glucan is most abundant in food in their raw and natural state, however, grains require cooking to be edible.
  5. Myricetin is a member of the flavonoid class of polyphenolic compounds, with antioxidant properties. Common dietary sources include vegetables (including tomatoes), fruits (including oranges), nuts, berries, tea, and red wine.
  6. Quercetin is the most abundant flavonoid in the diet. It’s estimated that the average person consumes 10–100 mg of it daily through various food sources ( 5 ). Foods that commonly contain quercetin include onions, apples, grapes, berries, broccoli, citrus fruits, cherries, tea, and capers 
  7. Piperine was discovered in 1819 by Hans Christian Ørsted, who isolated it from the fruits of Piper nigrum, the source plant of both black and white pepper. Piperine was also found in Piper longum and Piper officinarum (Miq.)
  8. Isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein are found in a number of plants including lupin, fava beans, kudzu, and psoralea being the primary food source, also in the medicinal plants, Flemingia vestita and F. macrophylla, and coffee. It can also be found in Maackia amurensis cell cultures.
  9. Isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein are found in a number of plants including lupin, fava beans, kudzu, and psoralea being the primary food source, also in the medicinal plants, Flemingia vestita and F. macrophylla, and coffee. It can also be found in Maackia amurensis cell cultures.
  10. Ferulic Acid is commonly found in commelinid plants (rice, wheat, oats, and pineapple), grasses, grains, vegetables, flowers, fruits, leaves, beans, seeds of coffee, artichoke, peanut and nuts.
  11. Alliin is a sulfurous amino acid naturally present in garlic and ajo de monte. In ajo de monte, alliin is present in the leaves and the roots.
  12. Alpha-lipoic acid is a natural protective antioxidant. Many foods have alpha-lipoic acid in very low amounts. They include spinach, broccoli, yams, potatoes, yeast, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, carrots, beets, and rice bran.
  13. Resveratrol is found in foods such as peanutspistachiosgrapes, red and white wine, blueberriescranberries, and even cocoa and dark chocolate, red grapes, peanut butter. The plants from which these foods come make resveratrol to fight fungal infection, ultraviolet radiation, stress, and injury.
  14. Glucosamine: fungi
  15. Gingerol is found in all Zingiberaceae family plant species and is in high concentrations in the grains of paradise as well as an African Ginger species. Cooking ginger transforms gingerol via a reverse aldol reaction into zingerone, which is less pungent and has a spicy-sweet aroma. Many of the family’s species are important ornamentalspice, or medicinal plants. Ornamental genera include the shell gingers (Alpinia), Siam or summer tulip (Curcuma alismatifolia), Globba, ginger lily (Hedychium), Kaempferia, torch-ginger Etlingera elatiorRenealmia, and ginger (Zingiber). Spices include ginger (Zingiber), galangal or Thai ginger (Alpinia galanga and others), melegueta pepper (Aframomum melegueta), myoga (Zingiber mioga), korarima (Aframomum corrorima), turmeric (Curcuma), and cardamom (AmomumElettaria).
  16. Sulforaphane food sources:

17. Allicin foodsources: Allicin is a compound produced when garlic is crushed or chopped. Available in dietary supplement form, it’s been found to reduce inflammation and offer antioxidant benefits. Fresh garlic contains an amino acid called alliin. When the clove is crushed or chopped, an enzyme, alliinase, is released.

18. PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are highly toxic industrial compounds. They pose serious health risks to fetuses, babies and children, who may suffer developmental and neurological problems from prolonged or repeated exposure to small amounts of PCBsThese chemicals are harmful to adults as well. Fish are the major dietary sources of PCBs , especially fish caught in contaminated lakes or rivers. Level of PCBs found in fish will vary with region and the type of fish native to that region.

19.Remdesivir is an investigational nucleotide analog with broad-spectrum antiviral activity – it is not approved anywhere globally for any use

20.Hydroxychloroquine is made from Quinine, which occurs naturally in walnuts and grapefruit.

Any of the e4dc herbal blends, like clove, cinnamon, peau d’arco, mistle toe and liquorice or warm lemon water, which is also great against nausea. And don’t throw away the peels. After a good scrub before you cut them, as indicated in point eight, after you are finished with the rest of the lemon, you can save the peel in a jar of water and keep them fresh for weeks before consuming them. Here are some tips how. And drinking Kefir also strengthens the immune system .

8. First it was advised to rinse fruit and vegetables thoroughly with soda or/ and vinegar before consuming. Next to the soap dispenser with vinegar, you can keep one with diluted soda at your kitchen sink to clean fruit and vegetables with.

Rinsong fruit and vegetables is always a goof idea, but not necessarily for covid 19.

9. Current remedies: elderberry, chloroquine, Vitamin C, essential oils (like Patchouli, Teatree, kills 96% of the virusses and bacteria with no side effects) , Zinc, Magnesium. Many doctors advise not to take anti fever medication. Take ice cold baths if you are too hot and can’t sweat to cool off because of loss of electrolytes because of vomiting or diarrhea. Replace the electrolytes with coconut water or lrmon juice. Fever is how your immune system fights disease. Don’t sabotage it. That’s what this lady did, and she was not even ill from the disease. The fever helps fight off the disease. As long as the fever does not reach over 105 Fahrenheit, or 40.5 Celsius. ( Help the body stay below 40.5 Celsius with a lukewarm bath or even ice or an ice bath when it gets too high. )

The e4dc anti cold oil gives relief without sabotaging the immune system. So that can be applied topically on chest, back and head every evening before bedtime and every morning before breakfast. The recipe is :

equal amounts of essential oil, one to seven drops depending on how much you want to make and strong you want to make it: peppermint, red thyme, benzoin, myrtle, juniper, myrrh, hyssop, niaouli, tea tree, chamomile, helicrysum, kayput. Base oils, equal amounts (for example 100 ml each) Sweet Almond oil, grape seed oil and marigold macarate.

10. The only benefit of face masks is to prevent people with symptoms from spreading the disease, and to prevent you from touching your face. Otherwise face masks will not protect you.

11.Corona Covid 19 is especially dangerous for people with a weakened immune system. (see, So srengthen it. Here are some poters goven by Jogm Bergman

More like SARS than Influenza

The earlier statements that it is like the flu virus are not accurate. (see


Italian virologist Maria Rita Gismondo says it is just an ordinary flu virus, and the panic is totally unnecessary

She also says “The only fatalities are people who were already weakened and would have died anyway. The Coronavirus hastened their demise, that’s all. ” )

In reality it is more like the SARS than the flu virus, in that it goes directly from cough and soar throat to pneumonia without the usual runny nose, bronchitis and heavy phlegm formation steps. That’s what makes it so scary, and all the more important to not take anything to suppress symptoms if you start having them. them. You can find relief that helps your immune system, like drinking warm fluids, like green tea or cinnamon and clove tea, or tea from most any organic herb blend and wisely applying organic essential oils that kill the virus, not your beneficial bacteria and strengthen your immune system rather than compromise it like pharmaceuticals do. Corona Covid 19 2019-nCoV cannot handle heat, so the fever is the way the body kills it , and coughing is its way to keep it out of your lungs. Don’t suppress that with coughing syrups, relieve it with the warm drinks I just mentioned. Your immune system knows what it’s doing and can handle this disease if you work with it, not against it.

Handled the right way, you are hardly sick at all

This lady, Jerry Jorgenson , had Corona Covid 19, and did not feel ill at all, Just a three hour fever of under 100 Fahrenheit (which translates to 37,8 degrees Celsius). She also had no medication. That’s probably why she sailed through it like a breeze. See

What can you do about it?

If you support your immune system, diseases like this are easily overcome. Look here how our awesome immune system protects us:

But under stress our immune system does not function properly, because then it does not make GcMaf, the protein that is necessary for making Macrophages. GcMaf is also in Kefir.

This is stress:

Dr. John Bergman says that many measures that are being taken now are actually making the virus spread faster. See

86,639 views•Mar 8, 20204.3K102SHARESAVE

The following excerpts are from Dr John Bergman’s I’m Not Afraid of the Corona virus – I have a Plan, which has unfortunately been deleted from you tube.

He also mentions the ineffectiveness of washing your hands with soap. Purell is not even effective after two minutes, and is very bad for the skin and toxic.
If you mix oils they have a synergistic effect. That’s why thieves oil worked against the black plague.
The natural oils of the skin also protect us from diseases.

It’s not the germ that causes disease. How do you know that? If you take Vitamin C, your immune system gets rid of the virus.

So look here for a more effective way to wash your hands.

Vitamin C has also been very effective in preventing death from covid 19.

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The reason for the many deaths from Spanish flu: anti pain medicine with Opium which suppresses the respiratory system.

In the same way, taking anti- fever medication raises the chance of covid19 becoming a serious disease:

Covid19 France. March 22, 2020:
14,459 cases, 562 deaths.
Around half the amount of deaths compared to Italy when it had about that number of cases (see attachment).
The US even has a lower deaths to contaminations ratio:
26.900 contaminations, 348 deaths.

How is this possible?

Maybe because they use Hydroxychloroquine like Dr. William Grace of New York’s Lenox Hill hospital who told Ingraham that they have 100 Covid19 patients and have had zero deaths after the use of Hydroxychloroquine with or without azythromycin
French researcher Professor Didier Raoult posts successful Covid-19 drug trial with Hydroxychloroquine with azythromycin:
Or the advice France’s health minister gave not to take anti inflammatory drugs to lower the fever

In France, the Hydroxy chloroquine combined with azythromicin treatment works for the severe cases and not taking fever reducers works to prevent people from getting seriously ill. Since they did that, the number of deaths has drastically decreased. (See

How Hydroxychloroquine works:

Zn Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture

Hydroxychlorquine grabs the Zinc and carries it through the cell wall.

The more Zinc was used , the less virus was produced. Zi Zunc inhibits viral reproduction.

Chloroquine Is a Zinc Ionophore

Increased Chloroquine caused increased Zinc levels in the cell, much more so than adding Zinc alone.

HCQ has a threefold effect:

1: it opens Zinc doors in the cell and thus supplies extra Zinc.

2. It heightens the pH in certain area’s of the cell, which deactivates virus

3. It stops virus from coming in the cell.

So if you want extra effect from HCQ, you need extra Zinc, which can be found in nuts, seeds, legumes, grains and eggs;

Hydroxychloroquine is a derivative of quinine , which can be found in walnuts.

The more hydrogen molecules, the lower the pH, the more acidic.

PEP= Post Exposure Prophylaxis: Hydroxy Chloroquine can also be used to prevent infection after exposure. Just one tablet a week will do the trick.

Tests have two aspects: sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity means that they correctly identify the positives and specificity is that they correctly identify the negatives. The tests there are now are just 70% reliable.

Advantages PCR test: positive is positive.

Disadvantages: Negative may still be positive

Takes long,. few testing sites.

There are also blood tests. But they are not very sensitive.

Dr. Rob Elens talked to the Swap and the NAG to change the advice, and also to the KAV (Royal Apothecary Association) to change the advice.

As a doctor you can prescribe hydroxychloroquine for reumatism,but not for covid19. does not work, does work.

Why and how Vitamin D is effective in protecting against Covid 19

The relationship between Vitamin D3 levels and immunity against Covid19 is well established.

Dr. Mike Hansen is a board certified practicing lung doctor who gives accurate information backed by research.

He gives a very clear explanation of the role of vitamin D in the immune system. I will write out his talks on vitamin D here, linking to his channel and the studies he cites:

Vitamin D3 is made in the skin through sunlight.

Vitamin D2 is in plants.

Calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is made in the dermis under the influence of sunlight, UV B rays to be specific, the rays that come between 10 am and 2 pm.

The active form of Vitamin D3, calcitriol, is mostly made in the kidneys, but also in the lymph nodes, alveolar macropgages and alveoli.

Without vitamin D3, your body breaks down bones to get it.

Dendritic cells, Macrophages, T Lympjocytes, B Lymphocytes, all have vitamin D receptors.

  • Cited by 2
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Vitamin D receptor genotype influences risk of upper respiratory infection


. 2015 May 29;7(6):4240-70. doi: 10.3390/nu7064240.

Modulation of the Immune Response to Respiratory Viruses by Vitamin D

Vitamin D tells the cells to make

LL37 is the one and only active catholocidin in our body.

It’s been shown to disrupt the membrane of the influenza virus and inhibit virus reproduction as well as influencing the cytokine production.

Beta Defensin 2 gas been shown to have anti viral properties against influenza.

Lungs as target of COVID-19 infection: Protective common molecular mechanisms of vitamin D and melatonin as a new potential synergistic treatment

Rantes is like a magnet that attracts CD4 lymphocytes to participate in the cytokine storm, causing even more damage.

Vitamin D deficiency inhibits the maturation of macrophages as well as the production of hydrogen peroxide which is essential in killing viruses and bacteria.

Vitamin D also plays a role in keeping tight junctions between the lung cells, whixh is important to fight infection.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 prevents lipopolysaccharide-induced rat acute lung injury via suppressing the ERK1/2 and NF-κB signaling pathways

Some of the mice were normal mice, and others had there vitamin d receptor removed. Those without the vdr became ill, the others did not.

In another study rats were given active vitamin D, calcitriol.:

Vitamin D alleviates lipopolysaccharide‑induced acute lung injury via regulation of the renin‑angiotensin system

Raising vitamin D levels reduced infections.

The elderly make vitamin D more slowly, and people of color require much more sunlight to make it, which is why they tend to have lower vitamin D levels which could explain the high mortality among those groups.

Other sources that explain the role of vitamin D in combatting Covid19:

Vitamin D deficiency associated with an increased risk of tuberculosus and influenza.

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Dr Mike Hansen goes on to cite a randomized study where supplementing already critically ill patients with vitamin D seemed useless. So what is the problem here? Is it too late, or is it the manner in which the vitamin D is administered? Would sunlight be better?

Author Andreas Moritz gives the answer in his book: Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time


This may explain what happened in Ischgl;

Beginning from March 1, 2020, authorities in Germany and the Nordic countries began identifying the Tyrolean ski resort town of Ischgl as a major coronavirus hotspot. Several hundred infections were eventually traced back to the town with transmissions having occurred from late February onwards. After initially playing down the risks, authorities in Tyrol placed the entire town in quarantine on 13 March.[21]

On March 10, the government announced that all universities would close their classes at the latest by 16 March. All outdoor events with more than 500 people and all indoor events with more than 100 people were cancelled. All children older than 14 years old were ordered to stay at home, starting 15 March, with the younger children starting 17 March. This applied until 4 April.[22] Travel restrictions for people coming from Italy are established. The government asked the general public to avoid social contact and announced even further restrictions to be made soon.[23]

The Austrian ski town of Ischgl emerged as an early hotspot for the coronavirus outbreak in Europe | STR Austria Out/EPA-EFE

Over 42 percent in Austria’s Ischgl have coronavirus antibodies, study finds

The Alpine ski resort was an early hot spot for the virus in Europe.


6/25/20, 3:35 PM CET

Updated 6/25/20, 3:40 PM CET

More than 42 percent of residents in the Austrian ski resort of Ischgl carry coronavirus antibodies, the highest rate ever found, according to a study conducted by the University of Innsbruck.

Ischgl achieved worldwide notoriety in March after it emerged that an outbreak in the town helped spread the coronavirus across Europe. Critics say the local authorities reacted too late to early warning signs, resulting in thousands of infected tourists returning home from their skiing holidays.

The university’s study tested 1,473 people, almost 80 percent of Ischgl’s population, between April 21 and 27 and found that 42.2 percent had antibodies to the virus in their blood.

“This is the highest proportion of antibody-positive individuals in any region published to date,” Dorothee von Laer, who supervised the study as head of Innsbruck University’s institute for virology, told Austrian media.

She added that only 15 percent of those who tested positive for antibodies had been aware they had contracted the virus, further underlining the high rate of infections with no or mild symptoms.

The Ischgl study also found a lower infection rate for children in the town. Of 214 children tested, only 27 percent carried antibodies. There were also slightly more cases in men than in women.

Von Laer added that while the high prevalence of antibodies among the town’s residents afforded the population some protection, “this does not imply herd immunity.”

Only 15% of those infected had symptoms. Is that a high or low number?

Some say 90% of people who are infected with it have no symptoms. Others say 25 to 80 % of those infected have no symptoms. In Iceland 50 % of those infected with SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms.

Healthline states: “In one study, researchers reported that 104 of 128 people (81 percent) on a cruise ship who tested positive the novel coronavirus were asymptomatic.

In another study, researchers reported that 42 percent of people who tested positive for COVID-19 were without symptoms.”

So 15% is on the low side of the expected number people with symptoms. In the Diamond Princess it was 19%, in Iceland it was 50%.

As for deaths, in the Diamond Princess, it was 1% of those infected, while it was an elderly population, where the death risk is way higher than for younger people.

As for Italy, Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University explains that the reason for the full hospitals was that they admitted people with hardly any symptoms in the hospitals, which made them overly full when the pandemic really hit/ Also Italy has an elderly population and many smokers.

Different factors can be at play. In how far people get symptoms, and in how far the disease is deadly depends on many factors. The graph below shows the influence of age and morbidity from Covid 19.

Other factors that influence whether or not one has symptoms and how bad they are, are comorbidity, vitamin D levels, obesity, the way the disease is treated. Natural and generic remedies have a 100% success rate, while 9 out of 10 who are put on ventilators die.

Ischgl is on 1377 meters.

Altitude—at higher altitudes, a thinner atmosphere filters less UV radiation. With every 1000 metres increase in altitudeUV levels increase by 10% to 12%.

So extra UV, at high altitudes, means they all had high vitamin D levels, and were not susceptible to the virus.

Ischgl is a ski resort so people exercuse and eat well, which means that other necessary nutrients for immunity are consumed as well, as well as those necessary for proper vitamin D metabolism, like kefir, which provides vitamin K2. You need vitamin K2 to move calcium from the blood to the bones.

Another reason for the low number of diseased among those infected could be the fact that vaccination is voluntary, not mandatory in Austria

With 6% vaccination rate Austria has the lowest vaccine coverage in Europe.

A military study showed the flushot increases the risk of dying from Covid 19 with 36%.

So taking into account the higher altitude and the high vitamin D level, expected fitness and young age at people at a ski resort, 15% is what you would expect, especially with the healthy eating habits as can be deducted from having restaurants with kefir on the menu.

The following graph shows the Covid19 numbers for all of Austria:

Why vaccines are useless and dangerous.

Many remedies are being ignored, and it is falsely claimed that vaccines are a superior way for stopping covid 19.

But vaccines never have been and never will be instrumental in preventing any disease, ever, because by their very nature they are incapable of giving immunity. Quite the opposite. They wreck the immune system and cause the very diseases they are supposedly designed to prevent, besides causing a host of other problems.

This is why vaccines don’t give immunity:

Immunity comes from a Th 1 response from the immune system.

From wikip[edia: Th1/Th2 model

“Proliferating helper T cells that develop into effector T cells differentiate into two major subtypes of cells known as Th1 and Th2 cells (also known as Type 1 and Type 2 helper T cells, respectively).”

“Th1 helper cells lead to an increased cell-mediated response, typically against intracellular bacteria and protozoa. They are triggered by the polarising cytokine IL-12 and their effector cytokines are IFN-γ and IL-2. The main effector cells of Th1 immunity are macrophages as well as CD8 T cells, IgG B cells, and IFN-γ CD4 T cells. The key Th1 transcription factors are STAT4 and T-bet. IFN-γ secreted by CD4 T cells can activate macrophages to phagocytose and digest intracellular bacteria and protozoa. In addition, IFN-γ can activate iNOS to produce NOx free radicals to directly kill intracellular bacteria and protozoa. Th1 overactivation against autoantigens will cause Type 4 delayed-type hypersensitivity. Tuberculin reaction or Type 1 diabetes belong to this category of autoimmunity.[9]

“Th2 helper cells lead to a humoral immune response, typically against extracellular parasites including helminths. They are triggered by the polarising cytokines IL-4 and IL-2, and their effector cytokines are IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-25. The main effector cells are eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells as well as B cells, and IL-4/IL-5 CD4 T cells. The key Th2 transcription factors are STAT6 and GATA3.[10] IL-4 is the positive feedback cytokine for Th2 cells differentiation. Besides, IL-4 stimulates B-cells to produce IgE antibodies, which in turn stimulate mast cells to release histamine, serotonin, and leukotriene to cause broncho-constriction, intestinal peristalsis, gastric fluid acidification to expel helminths. IL-5 from CD4 T cells will activate eosinophils to attack helminths. IL-10 suppresses Th1 cells differentiation and function of dendritic cells. Th2 overactivation against autoantigen will cause Type1 IgE-mediated allergy and hypersensitivity. Allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and asthma belong to this category of autoimmunity.[9] In addition to expressing different cytokines, Th2 cells also differ from Th1 cells in their cell surface glycans (oligosaccharides), which makes them less susceptible to some inducers of cell death.[11][12]Th1/Th2 Model for helper T cells. An antigen is ingested and processed by an APC. It presents fragments from it to T cells. The upper, Th0, is a T helper cell. The fragment is presented to it by MHC2.[13] IFN-γ, interferon γ; TGF-β, transforming growth factor β; mø, macrophage; IL-2, interleukin 2; IL-4, interleukin 4

Type 1/ Th1Type 2/ Th2[9]
Main partner cell typeMacrophageCD8+ T cellB-celleosinophilmast cell
Cytokines producedinterferon-γ and TNF-βInterleukin-2 interleukin-10 production has been reported in activated Th1 cell.[14]interleukin-4interleukin-5interleukin-6interleukin-9interleukin-10interleukin-13
Immune stimulation promotedCellular immune system. Maximizes the killing efficacy of the macrophages and the proliferation of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. Also promotes the production of IgG, an opsonizing antibody.Humoral immune system. Stimulates B-cells into proliferation, to induce B-cell antibody class switching, and to increase neutralizing antibody production (IgG, IgM and IgA as well as IgE antibodies).
Other functionsThe Type 1 cytokine IFN-γ increases the production of interleukin-12 by dendritic cells and macrophages, and via positive feedback, IL-12 stimulates the production of IFN-γ in helper T cells, thereby promoting the Th1 profile. IFN-gamma also inhibits the production of cytokines such as interleukin-4, an important cytokine associated with the Type 2 response, and thus it also acts to preserve its own response.The Type 2 response promotes its own profile using two different cytokines. Interleukin-4 acts on helper T cells to promote the production of Th2 cytokines (including itself; it is auto-regulatory), while interleukin-10 (IL-10) inhibits a variety of cytokines including interleukin-2 and IFN-γ in helper T cells and IL-12 in dendritic cells and macrophages. The combined action of these two cytokines suggests that once the T cell has decided to produce these cytokines, that decision is preserved (and also encourages other T cells to do the same).

“While we know about the types of cytokine patterns helper T cells tend to produce, we understand less about how the patterns themselves are decided. Various evidence suggests that the type of APC presenting the antigen to the T cell has a major influence on its profile. Other evidence suggests that the concentration of antigen presented to the T cell during primary activation influences its choice. The presence of some cytokines (such as the ones mentioned above) will also influence the response that will eventually be generated, but our understanding is nowhere near complete.:

So doctors who aren’t bought by big pharma agree vaccines are useless and dangerous. Here are some of their reasons:

Vaccines bypass the parts the immune system that do give lifelong immunity, and cause, at best, an inflammatory response that further weakens the immune system.

Besides that, any antigens any vaccine may carry are useless, because antigens are proteins, and, as PhD, micro biologist, former vaccine expert at Health Canada, doctor Shiv Chopra explains, we all make our own proteins from scratch, so any whole protein that is dumped in the blood via vaccines is toxic and something the body tries to get rid of wherever it can, and so t is dumped anywhere it can get it out of the blood stream, along with all the other toxins vaccines carry in them.

Dr. Shiv Chopra describes this as a cluster bomb going off in the body, causing destruction in any of the body part it explodes: if it’s the brain, you become autistic if you are a child and get dementia if you are an adult. If it’s in the thyroid, obesity follows. In the pancreas they cause diabetes.

The reason that not everyone reacts as badly as others to vaccines has many reasons. For one, vaccines are unchecked, so who knows what’s in them. Some don’t contain anything at all,

Nephrologist Dr Suzanne Humphries ecplains it also depends on whether you get one of the first vaccines of the vile or one of the last, since the mixture is not homogeneous, and the thimerosal, which is 50 times more toxic than mercury, tends to sink to the bottom.

Vaccines can be polluted by wild viruses from the kidneys from the dogs, monkey’s. and the fetal material they contain.

There are safe ways to really prevent and, if necessary heal from covid 19 as well as any other disease.

Unsurprisingly, all the Covid19 vaccine trials are a disaster. See: and

So what is the answer?

The best weapon against disease is our immune system, and that is very negatively influenced by stress (see below).Keep your immune system strong with healthy diet and care. See

See “Keeping children healthy naturally” for ways to become and stay healthy naturally.

Try the natural remedies and preventative measures mentioned above.

With the proper measures, and if you work with the immune system, not against it, Corona Covid 19 2019 n-CoV can be a mild disease, from which some are hardly even ill at all.

Will a second wave be as bad as the first?

Dr Chris Masterjohn is a PhD in nutritional sciences, and he says that the second wave will never be as bad as the first.

Here the link between low omega 3 and Covid 19 is mentioned.

Omega 6 or Linoleic Acid , has even been shown to bind the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2, making it harmless.

People who suffer severely with SARS-CoV-2 are depleted of Omega 6, ( Linoleic Acid).

Here the process by which linoleic acid binds SARS-CoV-2 is explained one step at a time:

Omega 6 overload is what gives heart problems, omega 3 overload is what gives strokes., not the other way around. You can’t do without so you need to balance them. Here you see how and what with.

Merck’s new Covid pill looks to ease hospital strains, boosts Dow. 10 updatesMerck rose as much as 12% in New York trading, its biggest intraday gain since March 13, 2009. (AFP)3 min read. Updated: 01 Oct 2021, 10:50 PM ISTLivemint

  • A simple pill to treat Covid-19 has been sought since the start of the pandemic and today’s announcement was hailed as a major step towards that goal

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American pharmaceutical firm Merck has said that it will seek an emergency-use authorization from the FDA of its oral drug molnupiravir after it reduced hospitalisations and deaths by 50%, for patients with mild or moderate Covid-19.

A simple pill to treat Covid-19 has been sought since the start of the pandemic and today’s announcement was hailed as a major step towards that goal.MORE FROM THIS SECTIONSee All

From today, mandatory 10-day quarantine for all UK citi …

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Here’s your 10-point cheat-sheet to this big story:

1. Merck & Co shares posted their biggest gain in 12 years after the company’s experimental pill slashed the risk of getting seriously ill or dying from Covid-19 in a study, findings that could eventually yield a simple way to treat many virus patients before they ever reach the hospital.

The US pharmaceutical company rose as much as 12% in New York trading, its biggest intraday gain since March 13, 2009.

2. The Dow and the S&P 500 oscillated between gains and losses on Friday, as investors weighed a warning from Fitch over the United States’ debt ceiling against drugmaker Merck’s progress in developing an oral COVID-19 drug.

3. “We couldn’t be more thrilled with the results,” Merck Chief Executive Officer Rob Davis said in an interview. “You don’t have to go to the hospital, you don’t have to go to a center to have it infused. It’s a pill you can take at home.”

4. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, called the data impressive and indicated that regulators would move fast to review it once the application is submitted.TRENDING STORIESSee All

“We always hesitate to make any timelines,” Fauci said at a White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing on Friday, adding that the FDA, “in their usual very efficient and effective way, will examine the data as quickly as they possibly can.”

5. Albert Bourla, Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer, hailed the news saying, “If authorized, this could be another key development for reducing the impact of the pandemic.”

6. The Biden government has committed to purchase 1.7 million doses of the drug if it is authorized by the FDA. Merck has said it can produce 10 million doses by the end of the year and has contracts with governments worldwide. The company has not announced prices.

7. Merck and its partner Ridgeback Biotherapeutics said early results showed patients who received the drug, called molnupiravir, within five days of COVID-19 symptoms had about half the rate of hospitalization and death as patients who received a dummy pill. 

The study tracked 775 adults with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 who were considered higher risk for severe disease due to health problems such as obesity, diabetes or heart disease. The results have not been peer reviewed by outside experts, the usual procedure for vetting new medical research.

8. Patients take the pill twice a day for five days. Side effects were reported by both groups in the Merck trial, but they were slightly more common among the group that received a dummy pill. The company did not specify the problems.

9. Analysts also said such oral treatment options can tap a multi-billion dollar opportunity, as the existing monoclonal antibody therapies from companies like Eli Lilly and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc require inconvenient intravenous infusions.

“Preliminary modeling we have conducted shows molnupiravir could generate at least $10 billion in order flow by 2025,” SVB Leerink analyst Daina Graybosch said, adding that a preference for a pill and molnupiravir’s potential for stockpiling could also work in its favour.

10. If the medication reaches the market, it would mark an important milestone in the pandemic. While there are several drugs available to treat Covid-19, they can be either cumbersome to give to patients, or intended for use in only the most seriously ill.


Presuns for beating Corona virus Covid 19 2019-nCoV naturally

See How Flax seeds and Sunflower seeds can prevent illness from Covid19!

While it might be true that the panic about SARS-CoV-2 Covid 19 2019-nCoV is bigger than it should be, especially if natural remedies would be applied, and it seems that 90% of the people who contract it have no symptoms, and many who have complications have other conditions and die with Covid19, not from it, we aretold to believe that what is scary aboutSARS-CoV-2 Covid19 2019-nCoV is that in some cases it goes straight from a dry cough and a fever to pneumonia, without the usual steps of a runny nose and bronchitis, making it more like SARS than influenza. The WHO says asymptomatic transmission of Covid19 is very rare.

The good news for the 10% who do have symptoms is that if you support your immune system in getting rid of the virus rather than suppressing its attempts to, you can sail through it without getting very ill, just as Jerri Jorgensen did. Just a three hour fever of not even 100 degrees Fahrenheit, which translates to 37.8 degrees Celcius. No big deal at all. And if symptoms do occur, there are numerous treatment options, which will be discussed here.

Normally, viruses like the Covid19 causing virus SARS-CoV-2 go around the world in a monthOnce you have had it, you get lifelong immunity. But with the counterproductive measures that are taken now, the normal course of immunity is sabotaged, In fact the current course looks a lot like the Manhatten project , but then for making super viruses, with the masks outside blocking vitamin D making, the hand sanitizers with alcohol at the entrances of stores, where the alcohol dries out the skin and removes our natural barriers, and kills pathogens and friendly bacteria alike. There are much better ways to clean you hands, as you can read here. Since pathogens grow faster, the measures taken for this easily to conquer virus are creating super viruses. And the social distancing rules are keeping our immune systems out of practice, which makes them lazy and weal, like muscles that are never used. Luckily most measures are fairly ineffective, so our immune systems still get plenty of practice. But the more effective the measures for keeping us sterile , the worse off we are.

The usual Corona virus Covid 19 2019-nCoV prevention protocols fail to mention measures to keep your immune system healthy, and all they offer in case people are infected are isolation and hospitalization.

So while the usual preventative methods will also be mentioned, there are much better ways to protect yourself, like having a healthy life style and working with the immune system rather than sabotaging it.

The way to prevent and beat the Corona Covid 19 2019-nCoV can be summarized as presuns, which stands for Prevent, Support, Nourish System.

Preventdon’t harass,  Supportdon’t suppress, Nourish, don’t tease System.

What is meant by that?

Prevent, don’t harass means: take preventative measures that keep pathogens at bay without harming your body or your immune system. That starts with being informed, so you can take the right steps. If you live in The Netherlands, for example, you can find this graph on the RIVM site, showing that there is no more Covid19 in people with acute respiratory symptoms:

There are cold viruses year round:

Find such information and share it in your own country, so we can do something about misinformation and false panics.

And here’s why you don’t have to be to worried about a positive test result:

So even though there are more cases, the tests are unreliable, and statistics show that even if they were, it is not causing symptoms or death:

Here is the  chart that shows the seasonality of different cold viruses again:. 

So there are pathogens around all year round. We can deal with them if we work with the immune system instead of against it.

Prevention is also being prepared and having a plan. So start with the support don’t suppress, and nourish, don’t tease protocols even if you are not infected, so you have the healthy habits that can save your life before your life depends on it.

Support, don’t suppress. Not all symptoms are the disease. Many symptoms are the action your immune system is taking to fight off the virus and keep it from invading your organs. If you suppress those symptoms without aiding the body in its fight against the virus, you are actually sabotaging your body’s attempts to become and stay healthy. It is far better to support the body’s efforts to rid itself of the virus, and do what you need to do to stay comfortable. The immune system is suppressed by stress. A pleasant effect is that whatever you do to support the immune system also gives huge relief and feels much better than the pharmaceuticals that suppress it. When you are kind to your body, it says thank you.

Nourish,don’t tease. Staying well nourished is key to staying healthy. Your body lets you know when it needs food or drink by being hungry and thirsty. At those moments, choose healthy, non-toxic, nutrient rich foods and healthy drinks that nourish the body instead of empty calories which take the hunger away, but deplete your body instead of nourishing it, or sugary, toxic drinks that may take the thirst away, but are a burden for your body to process.

The goal is to work with the immune system, not against it. The film below shows it at work.

Pretty impressive isn’t it? It seems to know exactly what it is doing. Attacking the pathogens, leaving the healthy cells and beneficial bacteria and beneficial viruses, or phages alone. Like your body’s own, very specialized, private army. Our immune system is a genius, which we have not quite figured out yet. And what do you do with geniuses? You let them guide you. You assist them if they need you, but you don’t get in their way. You follow their cues, you don’t force your ways on them.

And yes, you read that right. You will probably have known about beneficial bacteria but beneficial viruses, or phages are very important elements of our immune system too. We actually have a symbiotic relationship with viruses, bacteria and even with fungi. The beneficial ones are our powerful allies in staying healthy. Harm them, and the pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi have free reign, since they grow much faster than the beneficial ones. You thus have to be very careful not to harm them while assisting your amazing immune system in getting rid of pathogens.

Following that principle, I would like to filter and rearrange the tips given in the Corona virus Covid19 2019-nCoV: symptoms, prevention and remedies article by dividing them in in the presuns categories, and then add some more effective ones.

Prevent, don’t harass:

Basically it comes down to common sense, like being hygienic and staying home when you feel ill. There is old advice and new advice:

Old advice:
1. First it was said: Be hygienic and considerate.  If someone sneezes, it takes about 8 meters (is about 26 feet) before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne. You can also read that here. Cough or sneeze in a tissue and throw that away in a bin, or do so in your elbow, not your hand if you can’t get a handkerchief in time, and then wash your clothes as soon as you can. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. Normal laundry detergent, soap nuts and vinegar for colored wash or soda and lemon with vinegar for whites, will kill it if you wash it in 40 degrees Celsius (which is 104 degrees Fahrenheit) .or higher. That was the idea before. Some say it does not survive on surfaces, and this has also be confirmed by studies. But since the presence of pathogens is always a possibility, hygiene is a good idea anyway.

Some say the droplets are not the problem, it’s aerosols. But the very study they base this on was one in an airplane, and all airplanes already have HEPA filters. So there are clearly several means of transmission.

2. Old advice: First it was believed that if the SARS- CoV-2 containing droplets on a metal surface it will live for 2 hours – on others longer, on your phone even 96 hours it can stay on surfaces —  such as metal, glass or plastic — for as long as nine days, according to a new study. (In comparison, flu viruses can last on surfaces for only about 48 hours).Some studies on other corona viruses, including Sars and Mers, found they can survive on metal, glass and plastic for as long as nine days, unless they are properly disinfected. Some can even hang around for up to 28 days in low temperatures. But now it seems surface contact is not an issue with SARS-CoV-2. To be safe, if you come into contact with any surface –  clean your phone and keyboard as well. Here’s howClean all surfaces you touch with vinegar or alcohol, or soda, lemon and vinegar. Also be hygienic when it comes to using the bathroom. Put some toilet paper in the toilet to keep water from splashing up when you are doing a number two. Clean the toilet and wash your hands afterward, and then clean anything you touched before you cleaned your hands with vinegar and essential oil, and put some essential oil, like Lemon Eucalyptus in the toilet as well, leaving it fresh and clean for the next user. Boiling vinegar is perfect for cleaning toilets. Be careful for your eyes and don’t inhale it though. For cleaning your house, what you don’t want to do is use bleach. You don’t want to kill everything, because you want to keep beneficial bacteria and viruses alive. We have a symbiotic relationship with viruses and bacteria. They are not all pathogenic, many are beneficial. Killing the beneficial bacteria means the pathogens will win, because they grow faster.

Now there is some doubt as to how long it survives on surfaces. Sure, be hygienic, but you don’t have to go to extremes.

3. Wash your hands frequently preferably with vinegar and essential oil, for instance lavender. See here why that is much more effective than soap or sanitizers.

4. The old advice: Instead of shaking hands and kissing when you meet people, consider the Wuhan shake or the Whitehouse elbow. That’s the advice. The reality is that the immune system needs practice, and that it is more dangerous not to touch than to touch.

The new advice: If you have no symptoms, just shake hands, kiss or hug as a greeting, it is no problem! Asymptomatic infection is very rare.

5. Don’t touch your face with unwashed hands or when you are outside. If you are immune compromised, wearing gloves outside might be a good idea. Take them off and turn them inside out after you step on your bike or in your car again after a supermarket visit or wherever you went, and then either throw them in the trash bin if they are disposable (not in the sewer please!) or wash them if they are not. And once you are home don’t forget to wash your bank card and the token you used in your shopping cart as well.

6. The discussion around masks: debunking myths and bringing in facts: April 3, 2020) the CDC does not require masks, but advises them in crowded area’s. Now (August 26th) the requirements for mask wearing depend on the country, and even the municipality, and people are fined for not complying. Here are the rules for France for making your own mask . Here are instructions about which masks to use, and how masks are to keep droplets out, since that is how airborne viruses travel: through sneezes and coughs of infected people.  The main components of air are: oxygen, nitrogen and argon. The molecular sizes of oxygen, nitrogen and argon are 0.299, 0.305, and 0.363 nanometers (nm).The molecular sizes of oxygen and nitrogen are 0.299 and 0.305 nanometers (nm). A hydrogen atom, for example, is about 0.1 nanometers . The size of a corona virus is 0.125 micrometers , which is 125 nanometers but and airborne viruses travel through droplets or aerosols.

Aerosols are usually about 5 microns in diameter, which translates to 5000 nanometers (which is 0.005 mm), and droplets are usually larger than 20 microns in diameter, which translates to 20.000 nanometers (or 0.02 mm).

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So the holes in the mask have to be larger than 0.305 nanometers in order for air to pass through and smaller than 5000 nanometers to be effective against aerosols.This surgeon explains the scale of SARS-CoV-2 compared to Carbon Dioxide like this:

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But if you look at the numbers the scale is more like this:

Research shows that if people are infected with SARS-CoV-2, masks stop the spread through just talking and breathing. They don’t stop spread through coughing:

This makes me think about the principle of vaccines and herd immunity. Is that little bit of virus that asymptomatic people spread not exactly what you want to spread? Is that not what incites your body to make antibodies, without actually getting sick? Is that not precisely why housemates of those who get ill, don’t get ill themselves? Because their bodies had time to make antibodies as the virus load in the patient was building up? And when virus escapes anyway when people cough, then do masks not do the opposite of what you want them? From nothing, to a full load, which gives the body no time to make antibodies? I believe that this is the real reason masks are counter productive in stopping Covid. They may inhibit the spread of the virus, but they make the spread of the disease worse.

Some say the benefit of face masks is to prevent you from touching your face, others say on the contrary that face masks promote face touching. If you would want face masks to help kill pathogens, dilute some peppermint essential oil (arvensis, not poivrée) , like ten drops in water and put that in a dispenser and spray that over your mask when it starts feeling to warm and uncomfortable. It keeps the air you breath in cool, increases the absorption of oxygen in the blood so you don’t feel as short of breath and deactivates virus and kills bacteria. Mostly masks are just to form a physical barrier. The n95 masks are so hard to breath through doctors can only wear them for half an hour at a time before they get dizzy. Surgical masks are just to form a physical barrier. If you make a mask yourself, make sure that you always wear the same side on the outside and that you nor anyone else do not touch the outside and wash it after every use, or in the trash (not in the toilet or sewer please!) if it’s a disposable one. If you don’t do this properly, you are worse off with a mask than without one because a mask that is not clean forms a breeding ground for pathogens.

Or are you, since your immune system needs practice, and too much sterility makes you susceptible for disease, since it is not being trained to be able to deal with the pathogens in a low dose, and when it gets to the immune system through coughs it is a high dose and you get ill.

So in fact the following warnings are not the problem:

This doctor explains why the following is not true:

It would be the case if you would breath in a plastic bag, but not in a mask.

The small print on the packages shows how effective masks are for protection against viruses:

The following pictures would be true if viruses were smaller. But in fact they are much larger as we have seen above, and they travel through aerosols and droplets, and are 15000 times larger than oxygen or nitrogen. So in fact the following pictures are fallacies.

Yes , but corona viruses travel in aerosols that are r microns or droplets that are at least 20 microns. So those are the sizes you need to be considering. If masks are not effective against aerosols, that is a good thing, since then the spread of immunity is not sabotaged.

The above is not accurate since the Corona viruses travel through aerosols and droplets that are quite large compared to air molecules.

Some doctors say the lack of fresh air caused by masks suppresses the immune system, raising the risk of illness. So either masks are easy to breath through, and thus ineffective, because viruses pass through. Or they are effective, but then they are difficult to breath through. . Then if masks are too dense, air is forced along the sides. But even if masks would work, then taking extreme measures to keep microbes from spreading is not the best idea, since it is precisely this interaction of our microbes that keeps our immune systems strong. Decide for yourself how much sense wearing masks makes.

Here are instructions from the Mayo clinic when and how to where masks.

This is where masks are made.

This scientist shows how to make masks at home.

So masks do stop aerosols and droplets, and that’s how virus travels..

But then why are masks so uncomfortable? Could it be that aerosols also bring good elements to breath? Or could the coolness of the air be important for pleasant breathing? The air in masks tends to get very warm. And aerosols are also an important part of breathing , and that is sabotaged by masks that stop aerosols.

Another danger of mask wearing is when schools require children to wear them during physical activity. There have already been casualties from this. The WHO advises against wearing masks during physical activity, but there are still reports of school requiring children to wear masks during PE lessons,

More articles on the dangers of facemasks can be found here and here .

7. The old advice: Rinse fruit and vegetables thoroughly with soda or/ and vinegar before consuming. Next to the soap dispenser with vinegar, you can keep one with diluted soda at your kitchen sink to clean fruit and vegetables with.We have a symbiotic relationship with viruses, bacteria and fungi, and many are beneficial, so staying too sterile can actually weaken your immune system. Realize we are told to follow many silly rules now because it seems there is little understanding of how the body works. Follow the current rules to stay safe from the oppressive measures, and work hard on spreading knowledge so that even more harmful ones don’t follow.

The new advice: Washing fruit is always a good idea, not just for this virus.

8.Keep windows open and organize activities outside as much as possible. All infections occur indoors in dry air, through air conditioning, in places where other people are infected. So keeping rooms ventilated through open windows, and being outside as much as possible is the most effective prevention of Covid19, as well as many other airborne diseases.

Support, don’t suppress

  1. Corona virus Covid 19 2019-nCoV  symptoms seem to be more like the SARS than the flu virus, in that it goes directly from fever, dry cough and soar throat to pneumonia without the usual runny nose, bronchitis and heavy phlegm formation steps. Corona Covid 19 2019-nCoV cannot handle heat, so the fever is the way the body kills it , and coughing is its way to keep it out of your lungs. Don’t suppress that with coughing syrups. Instead, support it with warm drinks like green tea or cinnamon and clove tea, olive leaf tea or tea from most any organic herb blend and wisely applying organic essential oils that kill the virus, not your beneficial bacteria and strengthen your immune system rather than compromise it like pharmaceuticals do. Of all these , Olive leaf tea is the strongest. Your immune system knows what it’s doing and can handle this disease if you work with it, not against it, for instance by taking anti viral herbs and using organic anti viral essential oils that kill the virus but support beneficial bacteria and thus the immune system. Use them wisely. It takes some study, but it is well worth the effort. Pharmaceuticals tend to just suppress the symptoms, but do nothing to kill the virus. And antibiotics make no distinction between harmful and beneficial bacteria, thus often doing more harm than good. The fever is to rid itself from the virus, because the virus cannot stand heat. Take that cue, and drink healthy warm drinks, like anti viral herbal teas like clove and cinnamon , to kill it while it is still in the throat before it can reach the lungs. Coughing is to keep it out of the lungs. So don’t take coughing syrup, since that will suppress the cough and give the virus a free path to the lungs, where it does its damage.
  2. Fever kills the virus. so do not to take anti fever medicationFever is how your immune system fights disease in case your friendly bacteria, viruses and fungi need help.  Don’t sabotage it. This lady just let the fever run its course, and she was not even ill from the disease. Just a three hour fever of not even 100 degrees Fahrenheit, which translates to 37.8 degrees Celsius, no other symptoms.  The fever helps fight off the disease. As long as the fever does not reach over 105 Fahrenheit, or 40.5 Celsius. ( Help the body stay below 40.5 Celsius with a lukewarm bath or even ice or an ice bath when it gets too high. )Take ice cold baths if you are too hot and can’t sweat to cool off because of loss of electrolytes because of vomiting or diarrhea.
  3. Drinking warm and healthy beverages is effective in getting rid of pathogenic viruses in the throat, and especially Corona Covid 19 2019-nCoV, because it can’t survive heat. Malva, which you would normally drink cold, you could drink hot now. Green tea, which also has anti viral properties, and it contains EGCG, which also has anti covid properties. or try any of the e4dc herbal blends, like clove, cinnamon, peau d’arco, mistle toe and liquorice. Just drink that for 15 minutes, one cup after the other, until the soar throat is gone. If that does not work, put some lavender on your throat. After all this, you can also inhale eucalyptus globulus essential oil by putting some drops in a pan with water on the stove and inhaling the steam. Try to stop the virus as early as possible. Your body is already doing that, you help it. Prevent it from traveling to the lungs. Drinking Kefir also strengthens the immune system .
  4. The e4dc anti cold oil gives relief and support without sabotaging the immune system. So that can be applied topically on chest, back and head every evening before bedtime and every morning before breakfast. The recipe is :equal amounts of essential oil, one to seven drops depending on how much you want to make and how strong you want to make it: peppermint, red thyme, benzoin, myrtle, juniper, myrrh, hyssop, niaouli, tea tree, chamomile, helichrysum, kayput. Base oils, equal amounts (for example 100 ml each) Sweet Almond oil, Grapeseed oil and Marigold macarate. Check which ones work for you and leave out the ones that don’t suit you. You can find a list of anti pathogenic viral essential oils here and of anti pathogenic and vitamin rich wild herbs here. Fever going down because the virus is killed by essential oils and herbs is an example of supporting the immune system. It’s very different from suppressing.
  5. Current remedies: Honeysuckle and elderberry neutralize the Corona Virus.Elderberry is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and modulates the immune system: anti-bacterial, anti-viral and immunomodulatory non-clinical (in-vitro) effects of elderberry fruit and flowers (Sambucus nigra):



Hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin

hydroxychloroquine with zinc

Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and Zinc

Vitamin C stops the virus from replicating and kills the virus. Vitamin C will even cure pneumonia so it can cure even the very, very ill

Some say Vitamin A and D does the same as Hydroxychlotoquine but with no side effects

Here you see how hydroxychloroquine works

Olive leaf


Elens protocol: DIRECT with FIRST symptoms medication hydrochloroquine / Zincorotate / azithromycin (capitals indicate the essence)

Linoic Acidm which is Omega 6.

Patients suffering severely from SARS-COV-2 are depleted from Omega 6. Omega 6, should be taken with Omega 3. A very easy way is a table spoon of flaxseeds for the omega 3 and a tablespoon of raw organic sunflower seeds for omega 6 , The balance is then 1;1. It The Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio should be between 1:1 and 1;4. Here you can see how you can achieve that through diet.

5. The virus can come in through the eyes or the mouth. Your eyes tear to get it out. Help the eyes get the virus out by washing them with chamomile or Calendula herbs. You can put some in a sock, put it in hot water

When you have a dry cough, put Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil on your throat and chest. Inhale the Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil on your hands by cupping your hands and inhaling the oil. Then put some oil in a pan with steaming hot water, hang above it and inhale the Eucalyptus for 15 minutes. Put more drops in when the smell disappear.

What does not work, and what actually makes Covid19 more deadly: Vaccines and ventilators!

Nourishdon’t tease. Corona Covid 19 2019-nCoV is especially dangerous for people with a weakened immune system. A healthy immune system will deal with pathogens with no symptoms at all. Your immune system works best when you are feeling happy and relaxed, so keep your immune system healthy by taking good care of your self and those you love and surrounding your self with what you love and nurturing your self and your loved ones with a healthy, nutritious diet and non toxic care for your body and your environment, for example as described in the e4dc, rich in vitamin C from fruit and vegetables rather than supplements(Get it from organic, non gmo fruit and vegetables if you can, But if you supplement, use non gmo sodium ascorbate rather than calcium ascorbate, because calcium ascorbate gives a calcium overload to your system , here are some suggested sources) many of which can be obtained through wild-crafting and with a system for getting enough Vitamin D . Carrot juice is a safe way to keep your vitamin A levels up, since you can’t get an overdose if your body makes it itself from Bèta carotene. Other shortages associated with Covid19 are Zinc, Selenium and Quercitin . Some healthy, organic sources for Zinc are nuts, seeds, legumes, grains and eggsSelenium sources include brazil nuts, eggs, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, oatmeal, spinach, lentils, cashews and banana’s. Foods that commonly contain quercetin include onions, apples, grapes, berries, broccoli, citrus fruits, cherries, tea, and capers. Try to eat that with some fat, like the omega 3 oil in the e4dc breakfast, since that enhances the uptake of quercitinVitamin C also heightens the uptake of quercitinAmong the richest Vitamin C sources are: Kakadu plums, Acerola Cherries, Rose Hips, Chili Peppers, Guava’s, Sweet Yellow Peppers, Blackcurrants, Thyme, Parsley, Mustard Spinach, Kale, Kiwi, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Lemons, Lychees, American Persimmons, Papayas, Strawberries, Oranges. But anything in season, fresh and local is preferable over mass produce. Even the humble clover which you can easily forage is rich in vitamin C. Much of it is now being officially recognized and implemented in the Netherlands, only they use supplements instead of vegetables because they think there are not enough nutrients in vegetables. But organic polycultures are 700 times more nutrient dense than monocultures and contain more than enough nutrients to keep us healthy, plus the benefits for our health plants have that are absent in supplements such as micronutrients and fibres. For replenishing elektrolytes, choose:

  • Lemon water: At the first feelings of nausea to prevent vomiting. sqeeze a lemon in filtered water and drink that. And don’t throw away the peels. After a good scrub before you cut them, as indicated in point eight, after you are finished with the rest of the lemon, you can save the peels in a jar of water and keep them fresh for weeks before consuming them, which is a good idea since they are high in vitamin C. Here are some tips how.
  • Sodium: Pickled foods, cheese and Himalayan salt.
  • Chloride: Himalayan salt.
  • Potassium: Fruits and vegetables like bananas, avocado and sweet potato.
  • Magnesium: Seeds and nuts.
  • Calcium: green leafy vegetables.

Other beneficial foods and drinks: for EGCGwhich has been tested as the best Covid 19 inhibitor: (it also seems to facilitate zink’s permeating the virus)

  • Tea: green, white, oolong, and black teas, of which green tea has the most EGCG.
  • Fruits: cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, kiwis, cherries, pears, peaches, apples, and avocados
  • Nuts: pecans, pistachios, and hazelnuts

Curcumin as a permeability enhancer

Quinine, 300 mg a day. Walnuts have quinine and Zinc, along with having many other benefitsGrapefruit also contains Quinine, as does the bark of the cinchona treeChloroquine and Hydrochloroquine are synthesized forms of quinine.

L-arginine. Food sources: Nuts and seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sesame seeds, dried walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, Chickpeas, Seaweed.

L-lysin: 1000 mg as prevention, 4000 to fight infections:

  • Cheese, particularly parmesan
  • Eggs
  • Spirulina
  • Fenugreek seed

18 other chemicals were tested on their anti SARS-CoV-2 activity compared with Chloroquine and Remdesiver. One of them was a poison, for the others the food sources can be found below and also here under point 7.

“In one interesting study conducted by Indian researchers from Era University in Lucknow, the team studied 18 natural dietary phytochemicals, nutraceuticals such as alpha-lipoic acid and also chloroquine and remdesivir interactions with the molecular docking sites of 7 identified spike proteins found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

“In the study the 18 dietary molecules studied were epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), piperine, apigenin, curcumin, gingerol-[6], beta glucan, resveratrol, myricetin, quercetin, genistein, diadzein, alliin, allicin, sulphoraphane, phycocyanobillin, ferulic acid and alpha lipoic acid.”

“EGCG showed highest binding affinity (–9.30kcal/mole) and lowest inhibition constant (0.152µM) for the  6y2e spike protein. Moreover, EGCG exhibited a strong molecular interaction with 6vw1 which is an important target of this new coronavirus. It showed highest binding affinity and lowest inhibition constant with –8.66 kcal/mole and 0.152µM values respectively. Further, EGCG displayed excellent interactions with 6vww wherein it showed highest binding affinity (–8.38 kcal/mole) with lowest inhibition constant at 0.724 µM concentration. Additionally, EGCG also exhibited good molecular interactions with SARS-CoV–2 proteins 6lu7, 6lvn, 6lxt, and 6vsb with the values of binding energies and inhibition constant as –6.99, –4.90, –7.57, –7.26 kcal/mole and 7.57, 255.95, 2.84, 4.75 µM concentrations. The computed activity of EGCG was found to be higher than that of both reference drugs, Remdesivir and Chloroquine.”

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If you have been paying attention you will notice that the first eight are more effective in eliminating SARS-CoV-2 than Hydroxychoroquine. Here they all are.

  1. Though EGCG is predominantly found in green tea, it also exists in small amounts in other foods, such as : Tea: white, oolong, and black teas. Fruits: cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, kiwis, cherries, pears, peaches, apples, and avocados. Nuts: pecans, pistachios, and hazelnuts.
  2. Curcuma is a root, it looks a lot like ginger and you can find that in the health store or supermarket. You can use it as a spice and you can also make tea from that.
  3. Apigenin is abundantly present in common fruits such as grapefruit, plant-derived beverages and vegetables such as parsley, onions, oranges, tea, chamomile, wheat sprouts and in some seasonings
  4. Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber found primarily in cereal grains like oatsbarley, and wheat. It is also in baker’s yeast and certain fungi like maitake, shiitake, and reishi mushrooms. Beta-glucan is most abundant in food in their raw and natural state, however, grains require cooking to be edible.
  5. Myricetin is a member of the flavonoid class of polyphenolic compounds, with antioxidant properties. Common dietary sources include vegetables (including tomatoes), fruits (including oranges), nuts, berries, tea, and red wine.
  6. Quercetin is the most abundant flavonoid in the diet. It’s estimated that the average person consumes 10–100 mg of it daily through various food sources ( 5 ). Foods that commonly contain quercetin include onions, apples, grapes, berries, broccoli, citrus fruits, cherries, tea, and capers 
  7. Piperine was discovered in 1819 by Hans Christian Ørsted, who isolated it from the fruits of Piper nigrum, the source plant of both black and white pepper. Piperine was also found in Piper longum and Piper officinarum (Miq.)
  8. Isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein are found in a number of plants including lupin, fava beans, kudzu, and psoralea being the primary food source, also in the medicinal plants, Flemingia vestita and F. macrophylla, and coffee. It can also be found in Maackia amurensis cell cultures.
  9. Isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein are found in a number of plants including lupin, fava beans, kudzu, and psoralea being the primary food source, also in the medicinal plants, Flemingia vestita and F. macrophylla, and coffee. It can also be found in Maackia amurensis cell cultures.
  10. Ferulic Acid is commonly found in commelinid plants (rice, wheat, oats, and pineapple), grasses, grains, vegetables, flowers, fruits, leaves, beans, seeds of coffee, artichoke, peanut and nuts.
  11. Alliin is a sulfurous amino acid naturally present in garlic and ajo de monte. In ajo de monte, alliin is present in the leaves and the roots.
  12. Alpha-lipoic acid is a natural protective antioxidant. Many foods have alpha-lipoic acid in very low amounts. They include spinach, broccoli, yams, potatoes, yeast, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, carrots, beets, and rice bran.
  13. Resveratrol is found in foods such as peanutspistachiosgrapes, red and white wine, blueberriescranberries, and even cocoa and dark chocolatered grapes, peanut butterThe plants from which these foods come make resveratrol to fight fungal infection, ultraviolet radiation, stress, and injury.
  14. Glucosamine: fungi
  15. Gingerol is found in all Zingiberaceae family plant species and is in high concentrations in the grains of paradise as well as an African Ginger species. Cooking ginger transforms gingerol via a reverse aldol reaction into zingerone, which is less pungent and has a spicy-sweet aroma. Many of the family’s species are important ornamentalspice, or medicinal plantsOrnamental genera include the shell gingers (Alpinia), Siam or summer tulip (Curcuma alismatifolia), Globba, ginger lily (Hedychium), Kaempferia, torch-ginger Etlingera elatiorRenealmia, and ginger (Zingiber). Spices include ginger (Zingiber), galangal or Thai ginger (Alpinia galanga and others), melegueta pepper (Aframomum melegueta), myoga (Zingiber mioga), korarima (Aframomum corrorima), turmeric (Curcuma), and cardamom (AmomumElettaria).
  16. Sulforaphane food sources:

17. Allicin foodsources: Allicin is a compound produced when garlic is crushed or chopped. Available in dietary supplement form, it’s been found to reduce inflammation and offer antioxidant benefits. Fresh garlic contains an amino acid called alliin. When the clove is crushed or chopped, an enzyme, alliinase, is released.

18. PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are highly toxic industrial compounds. They pose serious health risks to fetuses, babies and children, who may suffer developmental and neurological problems from prolonged or repeated exposure to small amounts of PCBsThese chemicals are harmful to adults as well. Fish are the major dietary sources of PCBs , especially fish caught in contaminated lakes or rivers. Level of PCBs found in fish will vary with region and the type of fish native to that region.

19.Remdesivir is an investigational nucleotide analog with broad-spectrum antiviral activity – it is not approved anywhere globally for any use

20. Chloroquine is made from Quinine, which occurs naturally in walnuts and grapefruit.

And don’t forget olive tree leaf tea. Research shows that components of the olive leaf (most prominently, oleuropein) may have beneficial effects on health – such as benefits for hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hyperlipidaemia.1-3

A study, published in 2018 has showed beneficial effects of continuous intake of olive leaf tea on haematological parameters.4

This study found that red blood cell count, hemoglobin and hematorcrit were increased significantly in the olive leaf tea group versus the green tea group at 6 and 12 weeks of intervention.

Read more about Olive Leaf here.

So together with the 8 already mentioned that makes a total of 9 substances found in over 40 common foods that are even more effective than Hydroxychoroquine!

Experimental prevention measures: air ioniser.

And also don’t forget your spiritual and emotional side. Humans are good for one another. We don’t just trade pathogens, we especially trade smiles and hugs that make oxytosin , beneficial microbes, and even the occasional pathogens we might involuntarily bring along are actually training our immune system in the th1 way that gives life long immunity. Don’t panic but pray. Instead of worrying imagine the fairest, truest, wisest, kindest, healthiest solution for everything and pray for that to happen, while doing your part in making it happen. Like your immune system, your mind is a powerful tool in becoming and staying healthy!

Be well and be blessed!


Covid19 -can easuly be prevented and healed See How Flax seeds and Sunflower seeds can prevent illness from Covid19!

And you can easily combat it in many ways , even if you do get symptoms.

The absolute worst thing you can do: vaccines and ventilators.

Be well and be blessed!

See: also

Corona Covid 19 or 2019 n-CoV origin theories and how to handle that

More news on Corona:

Coronavirus, cold, or flu symptoms? How to tell the difference

12 Coronavirus myths busted by science

Personally I dislike gargling with salt water. It gives me a sore throat instead of healing it. I have the feeling it destroys a protective film over the throat and makes it raw, but I have found no evidence for that in any research. I take a middle road and add it to the mouth wash in the e4dc. It feels good on my teeth. I leave it in my mouth for a few minutes but I don’t gargle with it.

Snopes claims gargling with salt water does not work.:

Why gargling with salt water or vinegar does not work with Covid 19

Bur Web MD explains why it does:

Again, with me some hot herb tea works much better.

Chloroquine: Cheap anti malaria drug succesfully used against Covid19 in China


Coronavirus Covid-19 : la liste des traitements actuellement testés

La chloroquine est-elle un bon traitement contre le coronavirus Covid-19 ?

Insert chloroquine

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Frequently Asked Questions

Covid19 articles on this site

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Published by

Anna Elize

I am a writer. My goal is spreading knowledge about becoming and staying healthy naturally, education and sustainable living. I research what top scientists say about it and try to make it easy to read and to apply for everyone. I don't spread my work until it has been checked and approved by Professors in the field I write about. Diet and care is just one of the subjects I often sink my teeth into: I also write about Yeshua's Teaching: And we have an association for sustainable living: To be clear: I don't sell any products I mention and have no personal interest other than feeling the truth should be told. Nothing I discuss is not backed by research. I don't make anything up, but quote what scientists say who have no other interests than telling the truth. I also don't think I'm smarter than anyone else. I just find that there is often a huge difference between what research says is best and what is common practice. That's a gap I try to bridge. And just think about it: who are really pretending to be experts when they aren't? Those who do the research and do and pass on what scientists say? Or the ones who don't and try to silence those who do? Don't judge. Do research. The truth will set you free. I have a Masters in English Language and Literature, and over 20 years of experience with toxin free diet and care.