Dr Sherri Tenpenny

Why I Explored Vaccine Problems

by: Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHMHave you ever heard the expression, “Some things you pick…and some things pick you”?  I got drawn into the ever-changing, emotionally charged vaccine debate after attending the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) meeting in September 2000. I was troubled by what I had heard and decided to search for answers by going straight to the leading vaccine “authority” in the country: the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Imagine my surprise—and dismay—when I discovered that most of what I had accepted as The Truth about vaccines really wasn’t the truth at all.   Here are a few examples:

  • Vaccines are not responsible for the eradication of diseases, such as polio and smallpox.
  • Vaccines have not been “proven” to be safe.
  • When a vaccine is called “effective”, it is not the same thing as being “protective.”
  • There are no true double-blind, placebo-controlled studies used in vaccine research. The new, investigational vaccine is compared against a vaccine with a “known side effect profile.” Therefore, “control group” is given a “placebo” that is another vaccine, not saline, sterile water, or no vaccine at all.
  • Vaccines are not “relatively harmless”…..tens of thousands have been injured and have died, as a result of vaccination.

The list goes on and on.  Since that first NVIC meeting, I have invested more than 20,000 hours of time into research, and that continues with a commitment of at least 2-3 hours per day, reading and researching vaccine-related information. I have spoken at 100s of conferences and been on 1000s of radio programs. I have been on TV shows, including DrOz and Pastor Leon Fontaine, sharing real concerns about what vaccines are doing to the human genome. The level of commitment required to keep abreast of the “vaccine issue” is huge. It’s a big topic, some of which includes the current pediatric vaccination schedule:

  • The increase in the childhood vaccine schedule: 
    • In 1985, there were only three vaccines that were routinely given: DTP, polio and MMR. They were spaced out and most children had 1-2 doses of a vaccine.
    • In 1991, Hepatitis b was added to the schedule and, with NO research to support safety, it was given to children less than 48 hours of age. That same year the HiB vaccine was started at 2 months of age, and 4 more doses before kindergarten. It was in 1991 the autism curve started to sharply go up.
    • In 2004, there were eight vaccines included in the routine childhood, and up to 20 more were anticipated to be developed for adolescents by 2010.
    • As of 2015, if children receive all recommended childhood vaccines, they receive 49 doses of 15 vaccines by age 6 and 69 doses of 16 vaccines by the time they graduate from high school. With no vaccines ever being tested for mutagenicity or carcinogenicity, are we seeing sicker children due to all of these inoculations?
  • Adult vaccines: Some of the vaccines on the pediatric schedule are also given to adults. In addition, there are at least 9 separate adult/travel vaccines.
  • New vaccines under development: There are reported to be more than 200 vaccines “in the pipeline.” In addition, new adjuvants, new additives, new culture media (including the use of human stem cells) and new delivery technologies are under continual development. In addition, there are entire cadres of bioterrorism vaccines being considered.
  • Vaccine politics: Exemption laws, national mandates (ex: passing HB277 in California is to become the Model Legislation for the country) and issues in the media are constantly in motion and need to be updated.
  • Medical issues: The skyrocketing autism epidemic, thimerosal/mercury toxicity issues, and the rampant childhood epidemics—asthma, allergies, eczema, ADD/ADHD and cancer—are all being scrutinized as part of the “vaccine-injury spectrum.”

Substantiating these connections with articles from the conventional medical literature is part of my ongoing research. To be involved with the vaccine issue requires not only intense commitment and dedication, but passion. I have all of these….so, as you can see, this is an issue that “picked me.”

I am frequently asked “my position” on vaccines. That position has evolved over time, but in a nutshell:

  • I oppose the “one-size-fits-all” public health policy imposed by states and implemented by physicians for all children. Vaccination is the only medical procedure in which family history of reactions is ignored.
  • I oppose a healthcare system that does not allow choice, and does not give fully informed consent over an injection that can cause a life time of illness, and even death.
  • I oppose a system that forces parents to inject their children, against their better judgment, in exchange for a public education they pay for with their tax dollars.
  • I oppose a system that forces parents to make decisions based on fear. Any physician who forces a parent to vaccinate through threats—threatening to turn them into Children’s services for “medical neglect” or threatening to dismiss them from their medical practice—is not the physician you want caring for your family’s health. I am opposed to those unethical behaviors.
  • I oppose a paternalistic healthcare system and paternalistic healthcare providers that insist they know what is best for a child, over the intuitive sense and educated research of a parent.
  • I support the freedom to refuse any medical procedure, including the right to refuse a vaccination, and I am willing to fight to defend that choice. Once people understand the real risk of the viral “vaccine-preventable” infections vs. the risks of vaccines designed to prevent the infections, I believe people should be allowed to make a choice regarding which risk they are willing to accept.
  • I support true informed consent, which means a person hears the full spectrum of pros and cons regarding a medical option and then is given the choice to refuse this therapy. Our current public health policy does not allow that option when it comes to vaccinating.
  • I am pro-information. Most of the information given to the general public by physicians and from public health officials is incomplete, even deceptive. Information stimulates discussion. Vaccination needs to be questioned and debated. Side effects need to be recognized and treated. A discussion cannot occur without allowing information to that shows problems associated with vaccines to be openly shared.

I sincerely believe that vaccines cause more harm to the health of the individual than the “protection and benefit” they are proclaimed to provide.  I am passionate about sharing the information I have unearthed because…

  • I have seen first-hand the havoc caused by vaccines and wrecked immune systems of the many children over the years at our clinic, Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center.
  • I have seen the desperation in the eyes of parents—desperate to get their “baby back” to the way s/he was before a vaccine.
  • I have cried with broken hearted parents who wished beyond all reason that they had taken the time to investigate the potential risk of vaccines before they were forced to make that “on-the-spot decision” of whether or not to vaccinate, knowing that with additional information, they would have chosen differently.

What started as an inquisitive investigation has evolved into Choonadi, an education company dedicated to bringing the debate surrounding vaccination—and other health controversies—to the forefront for examination and discussion. The Company does this through production and sales of educational materials: videos, DVDs, audio CDs, articles, manuals, and books. We are committed to keeping the information as well documented and as timely as possible, a daunting task considering the large volume of information published by the Vaccine Industry: the CDC, the pharmaceutical industry, the medical community and the media.

Deciding whether or not to vaccinate your child is one of the most important decisions you will make in your child’s life. It is my sincere hope that the information provided in this manual and on this website will help you to be more confident with the decisions you make.


Bought Experts Webinar -Vaccines

Points made here by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:

-The decision to give pregnant women flushots came after the insight that the earlier children are vaccinated, the higher the risk of autism.

-flushots are never effective. In theory they would be effective if someone has not had a flushot in the last five years, so the annual flu shot is never defendable.

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Dr. Hans van der Linde, voorzitter landelijke huisartsenvereniging, Het Pillenbedrog


Hans van der Linde–18 mei 2013

© anp

Met miljardenverslindende marketing propageert de farmaceutische industrie pillen waar ze vooral zelf beter van wordt. Ze schuwt daarbij de misleiding niet, waarschuwt huisarts Hans van der Linde.

U krijgt 5 artikelen van Trouw cadeau. Dit is nummer 4 .

Onbeperkt onze artikelen lezen? Digitaal Basis € 2.50 per week.

De geneesmiddelenmarkt is geen markt. Zo voldoet ze niet aan de gewone wetten van vraag en aanbod. Degene die het product gebruikt, kiest het niet. Degene die het product kiest, betaalt het niet. Degene die het product betaalt, gebruikt het niet. De afzet loopt via de voorschrijfpen van de dokter. Daarop mikt de marketing van de farmaceutische industrie, die het meeste verdient aan nieuwe, gepatenteerde middelen, waarvan ze de prijs eenzijdig kan bepalen.

Wij, artsen, schrijven die nieuwe geneesmiddelen voor. Daar dragen we verantwoordelijkheid voor, maar we worden er zelden op aangesproken. Die nieuwe middelen zijn altijd onbewezen veilig en onbewezen effectief. Pas na toelating tot de markt starten de fase-4-onderzoeken: grote, langlopende onderzoeken waarbij het middel voor de allereerste keer op harde criteria wordt getest, zoals langer en beter leven.

De afgelopen decennia stierven wereldwijd honderdduizenden patiënten door nieuwe geneesmiddelen die nog niet waren onderworpen aan fase-4-onderzoeken. Alleen al door Avandia, een middel tegen suikerziekte, kregen 47.000 mensen een dodelijke hartaanval, stelde een Amerikaanse Senaatscommissie in 2010 vast. Tachtig procent van de Amerikaanse suikerpatiënten en acht procent van hun Nederlandse lotgenoten slikte Avandia toen het in dat jaar van de markt verdween.

Een rechtszaak kwam er niet. Die werd voor 3,7 miljard dollar afgekocht door producent Glaxo, die al een veelvoud van dat bedrag aan dat middel had verdiend.

Bij de fase-4-onderzoeken vallen veel geneesmiddelen door de mand. Veel leed zou patiënten bespaard zijn gebleven, als die onderzoeken vereist waren geweest alvorens een middel op de markt te brengen. De wereldwijde marketing door de farmaceutische industrie maakt gretig gebruik van het tekort aan testgegevens in het begin.

Daarbij schuwt ze misleiding niet. Ze doet ongefundeerde beweringen die door het ontbreken van gegevens niet tegengesproken kunnen worden. Deze manipulatie werkt zo goed dat artsen de nieuwe middelen binnen de kortste keren massaal voorschrijven.

Gelukkig gaan er stemmen op om éérst de fase-4-onderzoeken af te wachten voor een product op de markt toe te laten. De Europese Commissie heeft enkele weken geleden besloten om patiënten met een omgekeerd driehoekje in de bijsluiter te waarschuwen voor producten waarover nog veel onzeker is. Een goede stap.

Farmaceutische bedrijven (en hun lobbyisten) verzetten zich daar fel tegen. Het aantal pillen dat tijdens de patentduur duur verkocht kan worden, zal erdoor dalen.

Om artsen te bewegen een bepaald middel voor te schrijven, maken pillenfabrikanten gebruik van farmamarketing. Daar gaan jaarlijks wereldwijd tientallen miljarden in om.

Bladen als Pharmaceutical Marketing (deze markt kent zeker twintig van zulke vaktijdschriften) leggen de fijne kneepjes uit van het werven van ‘mollen’. Een M.O.L. is een medische opinieleider, een persoon die een sleutelrol speelt en bij uitstek deskundig is op bepaalde gebieden van de geneeskunde, hét kompas waar artsen op varen, een gids en leermeester.

Het voorschrijfgedrag van de arts staat sterk onder invloed van deze opinieleiders en dat maakt hen van groot belang voor geneesmiddelenproducenten. Wie de markt wil veroveren, moet de opinieleiders voor zich winnen. Dat is de laatste twintig jaar gangbare praktijk.

Op ieder lucratief vakgebied hebben pillenfabrikanten wereldwijd planmatig nauwe relaties met mollen aangeknoopt.

Zij worden ingepalmd met profijtelijke onderzoeksopdrachten, hoogbetaalde deelname aan fase-4-onderzoeken, benoeming tot lid van een advisory of scientific board, vergoeding van buitenlandse reizen, bijzondere hoogleraarschappen en vele andere emolumenten. Dat alles schept een afhankelijkheidsrelatie met de producenten die zich vertaalt in behulpzaamheid bij marketing.

In ons land voltrok zich een ontwikkeling die heeft gemaakt dat Nederlandse universiteiten in sterke mate meewerken aan farmamarketing. Het begon allemaal in Rotterdam. In 1987 vergaderde het bestuur van de Rotterdamse universiteitsfondsen waarvan ik een kwart eeuw deel mocht uitmaken. Tijdens het diner na afloop vertelde rector magnificus Alexander Rinnooy Kan dat hij mee had geschreven aan een brochure, ‘Naar een ondernemende universiteit’. Universiteiten moesten de markt op en een ‘derde geldstroom’ genereren, geld uit de private sector, van bedrijven dus.

Die brochure heeft grote invloed gehad op onze universiteiten, vooral op de faculteiten geneeskunde en farmacie. Bij een terugtrekkende overheid kozen veel hoogleraren voor een relatie met de industrie. Een afhankelijkheidsrelatie, welteverstaan. De prijs die de academische geneeskunde daarvoor betaalt, is steun aan farmamarketing. Academici moeten heden ten dage ernstig rekening houden met de vraag of hun uitlatingen de industrie welgevallig zijn. Dat leidt ertoe dat hoogleraren vaak zwijgen als zij zouden moeten spreken en dat zij spreken als zij zouden moeten zwijgen.

Dit vormt een ernstige aantasting van de academische vrijheid, die de farmaceutische industrie in hoge mate vrij spel geeft.

Voor deze academische en andere medische opinieleiders heeft de farmamarketing bijzondere belangstelling: artsen die in de redacties zitten van medische bladen, lid zijn van wetenschappelijke adviesraden, deelnemen aan commissies die richtlijnen of behandelstandaarden opstellen, of die optreden als docent tijdens de nascholingscursussen voor huisartsen.

Voor artsen is nascholing verplicht. Maar de overheid faciliteert die niet, ze heeft er geen geld voor over. De industrie is daar maar al te graag wel toe bereid en die biedt cursussen spotgoedkoop aan, of zelfs gratis. Zo drijft de overheid artsen in de armen van de commercie.

“Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je productkampioenen (mollen, red.) effectief communiceren in jouw belang?”, vroeg Pharmaceutical Marketing zich af. Het antwoord was onthutsend eenvoudig: huur deze mollen in als adviseur. “Dat is de krachtigste methode om dichter bij mensen te komen en hen te beïnvloeden. Het helpt niet alleen bij het bepalen van de inhoud van de nascholing, maar het helpt ook bij het proces van afweging hoe een arts het best kan worden gebruikt.”

Dat blijkt een effectieve strategie te zijn. Neem de mollen – waaronder zes Nederlandse professoren – die de cholesterolverlager Lipitor op een reclame-dvd van producent Pfizer aanbevelen. De vertrouwde cholesterolverlager simvastatine werkt prima én is veel beter onderzocht, maar in de afgelopen tien jaar hebben we in Nederland twee miljard euro méér uitgegeven aan het veel duurdere Lipitor.

Uit de schaarse effectiviteitstudies blijkt helemaal niet dat Lipitor beter scoort. Wel dat het veel meer bijwerkingen heeft, maar daarover zwijgen de mollen op de dvd. Pfizer bedankt hen op de hoes van de dvd hartelijk voor hun ‘heldere analyses’.

Hoe kun je aan een grote reclamecampagne voor een geneesmiddel zien dat het betreffende medicijn nog maar liever niet moet worden voorgeschreven? Heel simpel: een geneesmiddel dat zo’n campagne nodig heeft verkoopt zichzelf blijkbaar niet. Is het een therapeutische aanwinst, dan behoeft het geen reclame. Beroepsbeoefenaren hijsen het gratis op het schild. Dus: wantrouw middelen waarvoor veel reclame wordt gemaakt.

Goed voorbeeld zijn de DPP-4-remmers en GLP-1-agonisten, nieuwe antidiabetica waarvoor miljarden aan reclame wordt gemaakt. Bijna dagelijks ontvangt de Nederlandse huisarts mailings en aankondigingen van congressen, symposia, nascholingen en e-learning over het onderwerp. Lobbyisten zijn op pad en bewerken politici, zorgverzekeraars, toezichthoudende gremia, journalistiek, patiëntenverenigingen, leden van standaardcommissies en vele anderen. Artsenbezoekers richten zich op de beroepsbeoefenaren en hun medewerkers. Dankzij deze campagnes slikken in Nederland nu 50.000 suikerpatiënten Januvia en Janumet.

Onlangs bracht Vrij Nederland de Nederlandse diabetes-mollen in beeld: een handvol hoogleraren met conflicterende belangen die de reclamecampagne ondersteunen. Andere artsen, die waarschuwen voor het gevaar van deze geneesmiddelen, komen in Nederland nauwelijks aan het woord en hun boodschap wordt dan ook niet gehoord.

De diabeteszorg in Europa wordt volledig beheerst door de EASD, de European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Die belegde afgelopen herfst een congres in Berlijn om de nieuwe antidiabetica in de voorschrijfpen te krijgen. Uit 131 landen werden ruim 18.000 artsen ingevlogen. Kosten: 60 miljoen euro. In Nunspeet werd het congres dunnetjes overgedaan. En dat voor middelen die dertig keer zoveel kosten als de gangbare middelen, geen betere regulatie van de glucose geven en onbewezen veilig en onbewezen effectief zijn.

Zelf heb ik – met het oog op de exorbitante marketing – geregeld gewezen op de gevaren van Januvia, waarvoor de Amerikaanse toezichthouder FDA al in 2009 waarschuwde. Een maand geleden bleek uit onderzoeken dat deze middelen binnen enkele jaren de kans op een alvleesklierontsteking verdubbelen en waarschijnlijk zelfs tot alvleesklierkanker kunnen leiden.

Ik zei onlangs in een interview dat patiënten vanwege dat kankergevaar beter hun oude vertrouwde diabetesmedicijnen konden blijven gebruiken. Het blad waarin die uitspraak verscheen, kreeg meteen de advocaten van het farmaceutische bedrijf Novo Nordisk op zijn nek. Als geen ander wist Novo Nordisk dat de feiten klopten, maar het bedrijf probeerde ze uit de publiciteit te houden. Hoe moet je zoiets kwalificeren? Als intimidatie? Bedreiging? Erger?

‘Krachtig wapen’
Het kan ook subtieler. Afgelopen maand besloot ik een kijkje te nemen bij een door de industrie georganiseerde cursus over anticonceptie. Zoals bekend heeft het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum aangetoond dat pillen als Marvelon, Femodeen, Ministat, Diane, Mercilon, Yaz, Yasmin, Qlaria, YAZ en Zoely een verhoogde kans op trombose en longembolie met zich meebrengen. Het Nederlands Huisartsen Genootgenootschap en het Geneesmiddelenbulletin ontraden deze pillen al jaren. Aan leken is moeilijk uit te leggen waarom ze nog steeds niet van de markt zijn gehaald, waarom artsen die pillen nog steeds voorschrijven, en waarom apotheken die pillen blijven afleveren zonder herhalingsrecept.

De fabrikanten van deze achterhaalde pillen zien met lede ogen aan dat hun markt toch langzaam afbrokkelt. Om dat tij te keren grijpen ze naar het beproefde middel dat Pharmaceutical Marketing beschrijft als ‘een krachtig wapen voor promotionele activiteiten door marketingafdelingen’: de nascholing van medici. Dus kregen we namens producent MSD een cursus vol zinnige informatie van een eloquente gynaecoloog.

Ik weet haast zeker dat geen van mijn medecursisten de marketingmisleiding heeft onderkend. Die bestond in het twijfel zaaien over de kans op trombose. Zolang er immers sprake is van een ‘controverse in de geneeskunde’, grijpen toezichthoudende gremia niet in. Zij laten de kwestie eerst door partijen in het veld uitvechten en pas dan komen ze in actie. Zij passen er, niet geheel onbegrijpelijk, voor om zich in de strijd te mengen.

De tweede tactiek was nog geraffineerder. De eerder genoemde pillen zouden volgens onze welbespraakte gynaecoloog vrouwen meer keuze bieden: voor ieder een pil op maat. Wil ze meer libido, snorharen en acne, of juist minder van dat alles?

Wat aan die verkooppraat ontbrak was een onderbouwing. Maar in de wereld van subjectieve beleving van de pil en van door advertorials in damesbladen opgewekte voorkeuren is het goed manipuleren door marketeers. Je reinste misleiding – maar als altijd verpakt in goede en praktijkgerichte nascholing. Mijn collega-huisartsen gingen tevreden naar huis, met veel nuttige tips op zak. Ik ben benieuwd wat ze in hun spreekkamer voorschrijven.

Onafhankelijke nascholing
Aan de uitwassen van farmamarketing moet een einde komen. Ze schaden de gezondheidszorg en ze jagen de kosten enorm op. Een probaat middel is om nieuwe geneesmiddelen pas toe te laten tot de markt als de fase-4-onderzoeken zijn voltooid. Veel middelen zullen die markt dan nooit bereiken en patiënten worden dan niet meer blootgesteld aan de gevaren van onvoldoende geteste medicijnen. Onjuiste claims gaan tot het verleden behoren omdat meer bekend is over de middelen. De duur van geneesmiddelenpatenten zou kunnen worden verlengd met de tijd benodigd voor fase-4-onderzoek. Dat moet de farmaceutische industrie als muziek in de oren klinken.

Deze maatregel kan alleen wereldwijd worden ingevoerd. Ondertussen moeten wij in Nederland met kracht streven naar afschaffing van het merkwaardige fenomeen dat financieel belanghebbenden onze artsen nascholen. Een door de industrie nageschoolde dokter is een dure dokter die verkeerde dingen leert. De patiënt is de dupe. Daarom moet een onafhankelijke nascholing in het leven worden geroepen.

Zolang die er niet is, moet snel het toezicht op de commerciële nascholing worden verscherpt. Ik zeg dat niet zomaar. Zes jaar was ik lid van het College voor Accreditering Huisartsen, dat de verplichte nascholing beoordeelt op haar wetenschappelijke gehalte. Dat college kampt met zeer beperkte middelen om die taak te vervullen. Toetsing en visitatie kunnen maar marginaal plaatsvinden.

De overheid dient het college méér financiële armslag (en ruimere bevoegdheden) te geven. Dat is een investering die zichzelf snel zal terugverdienen.

Hans van der Linde is sinds 38 jaar huisarts in Capelle aan den IJssel. Hij was staf-lid van de Landelijke Huisartsen Vereniging en lid van het College voor Accreditering Huisartsen.


Radio 1 – Heeft de griepprik zijn langste tijd gehad?Gepubliceerd op 29 jan. 2014Op dit moment doet de Gezondheidsraad onderzoek naar de griepprik. Over een paar maanden komen ze met hun advies aan de minister. Huisarts Hans van der Linde denkt dat die griepprik zijn langste tijd heeft gehad. Een gesprek met deze huisarts en een reactie van Arno Heltzel, van Unie KBO, de grootste ouderenorganisatie in Nederland. -uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com


Nieuws & politiek

De gezondheidsraad doet zelf geen onderzoek maar beooreeld onderzoeken van anderen. De minister van gezondheid volgt de adviezen van de gezondheidsraad op. 60 miljoen per jaar kost de griepprik de overheid per jaar. Huisartsen verdienen er €6000,- aan.

De farmaceuten hebben in 30 jaar geen onderzoek gedaan of de griepprik wel werkt.

RIVM klaagt huisarts Hans van der Linde aan voor wegens smaad – Pauw & Witteman

Rechter buigt zich over conflict huisarts Van der Linde en RIVM

De poging om het conflict tussen huisarts Hans van der Linde uit Burgh-Haamstede enerzijds en de Nederlandse Staat en het RIVM anderzijds met praten op te lossen, is vanmiddag mislukt. Van der Linde stond woensdag bij de Middelburgse rechtbank tegenover het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), RIVM-topman Roel Coutinho en De Nederlandse Staat. Tegen Van der Linde was een bodemprocedure aangespannen vanwege uitlatingen die hij in het programma Moraalridders gedaan had over de griepprik en belangenverstrengeling bij het RIVM. In een speciale rechtszitting (comparitie) werd een laatste poging gedaan om deze kostbare procedure te voorkomen en met wat geven en nemen tot een vergelijk konden komen. De rechter zal op 23 mei vonnis wijzen.

Willeke Slingerland interviewt Hans van der Linde: Over pharma-marketing.

Gepubliceerd op 10 jun. 2016  GEABONNEERD 21K  Over pharma-marketing. Van der Linde werkt nog 1 dag per week in de groepspraktijk in Capelle aan den IJssel, waar hij al sinds 1975 praktiseert. Daarnaast is hij minstens zoveel tijd kwijt aan zijn ‘activisme’. De afgelopen tien jaar werd hij bekend om zijn kritiek tegenover de farmaceutische industrie, medische opinieleiders met conflicterende belangen, gesponsorde nascholing en griepvaccinaties. Hij schrijft artikelen, columns en blogs, geeft voordrachten, colleges en interviews, en stuurt wekelijks e-mails naar een adressenbestand van zo’n 2500 mensen. Marketing van de farmaceutische industrie is gebaseerd op het generiek beïnvloeden van de wetenschap, de toelatingscommissies en de medici. Geneesmiddelen worden grotendeels ontwikkeld door de universiteiten, die vervolgens worden opgekocht door de industrie. De patenten die daarop worden verkregen worden vervolgens economisch misbruikt en zijn nadelig voor de volksgezondheid. Van der Linde pleit ervoor dat de patentregelingen worden herzien. Ondersteun ook Café Weltschmerz! NL23 TRIO 0390 4379 13 (Disclaimer: Wij betalen over uw gift in Nederland belasting)


Non-profit en activisme

Huisarts Hans van der Linde, wij staan achter je

Dec 2011

Huisarts Hans van der Linde ageert al lange tijd tegen de griepprik. Grote groepen Nederlanders, bijvoorbeeld ouderen en mensen met longproblemen, krijgen de prik op kosten van de overheid toegediend terwijl het nut nooit overtuigend wetenschappelijk is aangetoond, vindt Van der Linde, die niet de enige medicus is, die bedenkingen heeft tegen de prik.

Dus Huisarts Hans van der Linde twijfelt aan het nut van de griepprik. Dat mag. Het RIVM en Roel Coutinho twijfelen daar niet aan. Ook dat mag. Als hoogleraar werkt Coutinho ook als RIVM-directeur ‘Infectieziektebestrijding’ samen met farmaceutische bedrijven. 

Hans van der Linde heeft dit feit publiekelijk aan de kaak gesteld en noemt dit beestje bij de naam: ‘belangenverstrengeling’. Toen Van der linde, op aandrang van de directeur-generaal van het RIVM, zijn mededelingen niet wilde terugnemen, is hij gedagvaard voor een rechtszaak, waarbij het RIVM niet koos om de rechter een voorlopige uitspraak te laten doen, via een Kort Geding, maar direct een zogenaamde bodemprocedure aanspande bij de rechtbank in Middelburg. Het RIVM en Coutinho kozen voor een soort intimiderende rechtsgang, in plaats van een open discussie. Wat hebben zij te verbergen, vragen wij ons af!

Dit is bovendien een rechtszaak die zich jaren kan voortslepen, waardoor de kosten voor dokter Hans van der Linde kunnen oplopen tot wel € 50.000,- en mogelijk aanzienlijk zelfs meer, kosten die hij uit eigen zak moet betalen. Hij wel, want de Nederlandse belastingbetaler betaalt de kosten van de andere partij, het RIVM. Op zich natuurlijk al een kwalijke zaak..!! Wij van WantToKnow en Wij worden wakker vinden dit geheel onjuist..! Want ook het RIVM zou toch gebaat moeten zijn bij een snelle, zij het voorlopige, uitspraak van een Nederlandse rechter. Betekent dit dat het RIVM het niet erg vindt, als andere artsen en wetenschappers, om maar eens twee groepen te noemen…, op hun beurt de belangenverstrengeling verder onderwerp maken van gesprek..?!

Als het RIVM uiteindelijk de zaak verliest, dan krijgt Van der Linde zijn proceskosten niet terug – alleen een zeer klein deel van de kosten is terug te eisen. Het RIVM en Coutinho hebben die zorgen niet, zij procederen op kosten van de overheid, van ons belastinggeld dus. Een schandalige zaak. En het gaat in deze zaak feitelijk ook nog eens om de vrijheid van meningsuiting, niet eens om de feitelijke inhoud van de belangenverstrengeling…! Elke burger die een beetje nadenkt, concludeert DAT ER SPRAKE is van belangenverstrengeling…! Coutinho spreekt sowieso met twee petten op en de vraag is dan ook gerechtvaardigd of hij niet met een dubbele tong spreekt.

Van der Linde, en met hem een groot aantal artsen, hoogleraren en andere geïnteresseerden vinden dat het debat over nut en noodzaak van de griepprik breeduit in de samenleving moet worden gevoerd, niet voor een rechtbank. 

Hans van der Linde zal zich alleen goed kunnen verdedigen als hij financiële steun krijgt. In ingezonden brieven in de media is afgelopen weken veelvuldig aangedrongen op de vorming van een steunfonds voor Van der Linde. Dat is er nu.

Er is een website opgezet om huisarts Hans van der Linde financieel bij te staan in het proces dat tegen hem is aangespannen door het Rijksinstituut voor de Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne (RIVM) en diens directeur ‘Infectieziektebestrijding’, professor Roel Coutinho.

Help Hans van der Linde in zijn verdediging, help hem zijn kosten voor deze verdediging te dragen en MAAK TEGELIJKERTIJD EEN GEBAAR..!! Hoe meer mensen een bedrag of bedragje overmaken, des te groter het protest tégen het RIVM..!! Dus het gaat NIET ALLEEN om het bedrag maar ook om het aantal mensen dat protesteert.
Verzoek aan de lezers: Maak een kleine bijdrage over naar Stichting steun huisarts in proces, bankrekeningnummer Rabobank Hoe de gelden besteed gaan worden kunt u volgen op de website. Wij hopen dat ook u deze doelstelling onderschrijft, en deze arts(en) met woorden én daden wilt steunen.

Twintig artsen scharen zich achter Hans van der Linde vs RIVM

Het heeft lang geduurd, maar Nederland lijkt langzaam wakker te worden. Nadat een kleine voorhoede van een man of zes, zeven al tien, twintig jaar gewaarschuwd heeft voor de enorme greep van de farmaceutische industrie op de medische sector, lijkt nu het tij te keren.
Al jaren roept Van der Linde dat aan de macht van de farmaceutische industrie paal en perk moet worden gesteld. Een op 9 december gepubliceerd rapport van de Gezondheidsraad stelt hem definitief in het gelijk.
Conclusie van dit rapport: wie betaalt, bepaalt. En wie betaalt? Juist: de farmaceutische industrie.

Van der Linde gaat harde uitspraken niet uit de weg. Volgens hem loopt nagenoeg 100% van de cardiologen aan de leiband van de farmaceutische industrie. En van de huisartsen laat de helft de oren naar de fabrikanten hangen. Dat gaat vaak ten koste van de patiënt, aldus Van der Linde. Want de farma-industrie heeft volgens hem geen gezonde mens voor ogen, maar heeft juist baat bij zoveel mogelijk zieke mensen. En wie nog niet ziek is, moet snel een ziekte worden aangepraat. Want dat levert vette winst op. “Als (potentieel) patiënt ben je onderwerp van winstbejag’’, aldus Van der Linde. “De verkoop van ziekten is big business!’’.

De big farma- industrie heeft volgens hem geen gezonde mens voor ogen, maar heeft juist baat bij zoveel mogelijk zieke mensen. En wie nog niet ziek is, moet snel een ziekte worden aangepraat. Want dat levert vette winst op. ,,Als (potentieel) patiënt ben je onderwerp van winst bejag’’, aldus Van der Linde. ,,De verkoop van ziekten is big business!’’. Van der Linde noemt de hysterie rond de Mexicaanse griep als voorbeeld. Niks pandemie, integendeel. ,,De gevaarlijkheid van dat virus is nooit aangetoond’, zegt Van der Linde. De industrie heeft desondanks enorm veel verdiend aan de vaccinatie. Logisch, aldus de huisarts. Want degenen die de minister adviseren over inenten, zijn financieel afhankelijk van de farmaceutische industrie. Wat vervolgens gebeurt, is dat mensen massaal angst wordt ingeboezemd, zodat iedereen snel een griep spuit gaat halen. De enige die daar echt beter van worden, zijn de aandeelhouders van de       farmaceutische bedrijven. Een van de voorbeelden die Van der Linde aanhaalt is het gedoe om hoge bloeddruk. ,,Heb je geen hoge bloeddruk dan is de kans op een hartinfarct 4 procent. Heb je wel hoge bloeddruk, dan stijgt de kans op een infarct tot 6 procent. De medicijnen doen iets in het gebied daar tussen ’’, aldus Van der Linde. Iets dergelijks geldt  volgens hem, zij het in mindere mate, voor statines tegen te hoog slecht cholesterol. Daarmee verlaag je het risico op een infarct met nog geen tien procent. ,,Als patiënt zou je jezelf de vraag kunnen stellen of je alle bijwerkingen over wilt hebben voor zo’ n kleine marge”, al dus Van der Linde.Het aantal hart infarcten is wel is waar sterk verminderd, benadrukt de huisarts. ,,Dat komt niet door betere medicijnen, maar door een beter voeding’s patroon en minder roken. Met name roken is de grote killer’. 

Waar Van der Linde steeds weer op hamert is, dat de farmaceuten niets moeten hebben van ,,standaarden’. Die worden geformuleerd op basis van langlopend onderzoek dat wel vijf jaar kan duren. Deze onderzoeken moeten aantonen of een medicijn werkzaam en veilig is. Maar omdat de resultaten pas na vijf jaar bekend zijn, en een patent  voor een medicijn tien jaar geldig is, zijn de farmaceuten de helft van de tijd en dus van hun inkomsten kwijt, als ze moeten wachten op de uitslag       van zo’ n langlopend onderzoek. Ze gooien de pillen maar alvast op de markt, zoals gebeurde met de door de patenten erg dure merken Lipitor en Crestor. ,,Deze statines zijn dus niet bewezen effectief en veilig”, zegt  Van der Linde. ,,Dat betekent dat wanneer je als patiënt een nieuw middel neemt, je per definitie een proefkonijn bent’’. De standaarden zijn de vijand van de industrie, weet Van der Linde. Inmiddels is bekend dat de nieuwe statines kunnen leiden tot suikerziekte. Als bijwerking. Kortom: Weet wat je slikt! En wil je dat wel! Dat zijn vragen die elke patiënt zichzelf moet stellen.En dan het wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat ons nieuwe en betere geneesmiddelen moet opleveren. Dat is al decennia lang niet meer onafhankelijk, weet Van der Linde. ,,Elke universiteit moet bij het bedrijfsleven het handje ophouden voor extra geld. Medische wetenschappers zijn daarmee afhankelijk van de geldstroom vanuit de farmaceuten. En dus lopen ze bij die farmaceuten aan de lei band’. s zo’n verstrengeling  tussen bedrijven en wetenschappers te voorkomen? ,, Zo lang er geldstromen blijven lopen, gaan mensen neigen en buigen”, zegt Van der Linde. ,,De bedrijven bepalen wat onderzocht moet worden. Dat staat ook in het rapport van de Gezondheid’s raad. Nieuwe medicijnen moeten vooral veel geld en winst opleveren. Doen ze dat niet, dan wordt het onderzoek stop gezet, ook  al is er een grote behoefte aan zo’ n medicijn. Artsen beginnen wakker te  worden”, benadrukt Van der Linde. En dat is mede aan het enthousiasme te danken waarmee hij jarenlang collega-artsen heeft voorgehouden dat het belang van de farmaceutische industrie niet hetzelfde is als het belang van de patiënt.

Coutinho is directeur van het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Millieuhygiëne (RIVM) en als zodanig een invloedrijke gezondheidsautoriteit die een leidende rol speelt van overheidswege bij de bestrijding van infectieziekten, waaronder de jaarlijkse griepvaccinatie. Daarnaast kreeg hij eerder dit jaar een dubbele benoeming als hoogleraar voor Utrecht Life Sciences, een samenwerkingsverband tussen de Universiteit Utrecht, publieke instanties en het bedrijfsleven.

Roel Coutinho in een bekende pose, wenkbrauwen de lucht in.. “Het is de normaalste zaak van de wereld dat wij bij de farmaceutische wereld op schoot zitten”..!

Coutinho geeft dus als deeltijdhoogleraar leiding, en neemt deel, aan samenwerkingsverbanden waaraan ook de twee grootste farmaceutische bedrijven van Nederland, Glaxo-SmithKline en MSD deelnemen..!! Als dat geen belangenverstrengeling is? En Van der Linde doet niets anders dan wijzen op deze twee kanten van Coutinho’s bezigheden als een voorbeeld van belangenverstrengeling in de zin waarin deze term internationaal wordt gebezigd binnen de medische wereld.

De stap naar de rechter veroorzaakte veel deining binnen de medische wereld. 4 Hoogleraren huisartsgeneeskunde hadden zich al snel achter Van der Linde geschaard; maar nu komen daar nog eens 20 wetenschappers bij. Ze vinden dat het normaal moet zijn, dat artsen discussiëren over zaken als belangenverstrengeling.
Ze vinden het volledig onterecht dat Coutinho en het RIVM naar de rechter zijn gestapt. Diverse fracties in de Tweede Kamer hebben de minister van Volksgezondheid Edith Schippers om opheldering gevraagd over de kwestie.

De nieuwe groep die Van der Linde nu een hart onder de riem steekt met hun open, ingezonden brief in Trouw, bestaat uit 20 hoogleraren, medisch specialisten en huisartsen. Zij roepen het RIVM op de bodemprocedure tegen huisarts Hans van der Linde te staken. Schrijvers van de brief zijn onder anderen Dick Swaab en Douwe Draaisma.

De briefschrijvers stellen dat Coutinho een discussie smoort die moet worden gevoerd: “Wij vinden het beschamend dat Van der Linde’s commentaar wordt beantwoord met een gang naar de rechter door Coutinho en het RIVM. Wij roepen hen op, hun gerechtelijke stap terug te nemen en een open gesprek aan te gaan, niet alleen met van der Linde, maar met het Nederlandse publiek, over de al dan niet aanwezige belangenverstrengeling bij de heer Coutinho”.

De kat op het spek binden, de stethoscoop op het geld.. Niet gezegd dat de kat snoept, of dat de arts door de knieën gaat. Maar vooral het gedrag van Big Pharma toont keer op keer aan, dat zij keihard ‘het spelletje spelen’ en dat zij de/hun medische katten wel heel strak op het spek binden..! Of zoals Hans van der Linde het prachtig verwoordt: “Zolang er geldstromen blijven lopen, gaan mensen neigen en buigen. De farmaceutische bedrijven bepalen wat onderzocht moet worden. Dat staat ook in het rapport van de Gezondheidsraad. Nieuwe medicijnen moeten vooral veel geld en winst opleveren. Doen ze dat niet, dan wordt het onderzoek stop gezet, ook al is er een grote behoefte aan zo’n medicijn’’.

Dat is de koninklijke weg waarlangs de integriteit en de onafhankelijkheid van het RIVM gehandhaafd kan blijven. Wij achten de juridische weg een even grove als vruchteloze wijze om een discussie te smoren die in alle openheid gevoerd moet kunnen worden.” Lees de gehele brief.

Steun aan deze huisarts
Vorige week stelden 4 hoogleraren in de huisartsengeneeskunde al in een open brief aan Medisch Contact, dat het ‘onjuist is om een lopend professioneel discours over de betekenis van mogelijke belangenverstrengeling via een juridische ingreep te beëindigen’. Zij riepen eveneens het RIVM op om de aanklacht tegen Van der Linde in te trekken. Artsen en wetenschappers besloten de huisarts te helpen door bovenvermeld steunfonds in te stellen.


http://www.wanttoknow.nl/nieuws/nog-20-artsen-achter-v-d-linden-vs-rivm/ bron: o.a. Skipr 
Gedeelten uit interview dat eerder verscheen in Hartbrug – Magazine (is daar nu weg gehaald)

Meer over Vaccinatie:
Onthouden van de wereld bevolking geheime vaccinatie congres op de bijwerkingen van : 

Thimerosal en Aluminium verbindingen in alle vaccins van de wereld waarbij naar voren kwam dat het een gevaar vormde voor de volksgezondheid en welzijn van patiënten.Die de top artsen in 2000 hebben ge doofpot voor de wereld.
Geheime Aluminium congres mei 2000 deel 1 http://www.autismhelpforyou.com/AL%20-%201.pdf 

Geheime Aluminium congres mei 2000 deel 2 http://www.autismhelpforyou.com/AL%20-%202.pdf 

Geheim Simpsonwood Memo s juni 2000 http://www.scribd.com/doc/2887572/Simpsonwood-Transcript20Searchable

Belangrijke feiten: web pagina over vaccinatie http://www.autismhelpforyou.com/


Dirre van de Wijk interviewt Hans van der Linde; Farmaceutische industrie misleid

Dirre van der Wijk (11) praat met Hans van der Linde over de macht van de Farmaceutische industrie. Dirre is onze jongste interviewster die het talent heeft nogal vasthoudend gesprekken te voeren. Van der Linde werkt nog 1 dag per week in de groepspraktijk in Capelle aan den IJssel, waar hij al sinds 1975 praktiseert. Daarnaast is hij minstens zoveel tijd kwijt aan zijn ‘activisme’. De afgelopen tien jaar werd hij bekend om zijn kritiek tegenover de farmaceutische industrie, medische opinieleiders met conflicterende belangen, gesponsorde nascholing en griepvaccinaties. Hij schrijft artikelen, columns en blogs, geeft voordrachten, colleges en interviews, en stuurt wekelijks e-mails naar een adressenbestand van zo’n 2500 mensen. Ondersteun ook Café Weltschmerz! NL23 TRIO 0390 4379 13 (Disclaimer: Wij betalen over uw gift in Nederland belasting)


Non-profit en activisme

Er zijn twee toonaangevende tijdschriften op het gebied van geneesmiddelen: Het Geneesmiddelen Bullitin en Het Nederlands Tijdschrift van Geneeskund,,en die hebben gezegd dat de griepprik niet bewezen effectief is. 

Professoren krijgen geld voor onderzoek van de pharmaceutische industrie, en gaan dan vervolgens de middelen van de pharmaceutische industrie aanprijzen. De artsen worden misleid door professoren met belangenverstrengelingen.

De pharmaceuten hebben erg veel geld, kopen vier pagina’s inde Libelle,, en zeggen daar wat ze willen.

Cholesterol is een verzonnen probleem. Het wordt erg opgeblazen. Cholesterol verlagers zijn vaak onnodige medicijnen.

Cholesterolverlagende middelen hebben ernstige bijwerkingen.

https://youtu.be/pcQDWdB3se8?t=766BNR Nieuwsradio

Gepubliceerd op 24 sep. 2018

We slikken met veel te veel medicijnen, terwijl een groot deel van die pillen helemaal niet goed werkt. Dat zegt oud-huisarts en epidemioloog Dick Bijl. Hebben we een ‘pillenprobleem’? Te gast: Hans van der Linde, huisarts en oud-lid van het College voor Accreditatie Huisartsen. Hij schreef het voorwoord van Het Pillenprobleem. Frans de Loos, biotechnoloog en mede-oprichter van het bedrijf FairMedicine.

De pharmaceutische industrie verdiend wereldwijd 1200 miljard Euro per jaar. 150 miljard daarvan gaat naar marketing. Daardoor kunnen ze alles sturen. 


Medicijnen worden in de handel gebracht als keuringsinstanties vinden dat een middel meer werking dan bijwerking heeft. Maar meestal zijn die geneesmiddelen helemaal niet goed onderzocht, of alleen bij een heel kleine patiëntengroep. Eenmaal in de handel worden ze op grote schaal gebruikt door honderdduizenden patiënten. De farmaceutische industrie vaart daar wel bij, maar geldt dat ook voor de gebruikers van deze middelen? Epidemioloog en voormalig huisarts Dick Bijl stelt in Het pillenprobleem zeer kritische vragen over het gebruik van een aantal zeer veel gebruikte medicijnen. Is het wel nodig en verstandig dat zoveel mensen zoveel medicijnen gebruiken? Wat zijn eigenlijk de bewijzen voor de werkzaamheid van die middelen? En wat is werkelijk bekend over de bijwerkingen? Is minder medicijnen eigenlijk niet veel beter? De farmaceutische industrie haalt alle trucs uit de kast – en bedenkt steeds nieuwe – om hun middelen mooier voor te stellen dan ze zijn. Dick Bijl in Skepterhttps://www.bol.com/nl/p/het-pillenprobleem/9200000099303578/?c2a=borrow#product_titleDodelijke LeugensGepubliceerd op 2 okt. 2018  

Huisarts Hans van der Linden in dit fragment van RTL Late night op 1 oktober 2018: “Er is geen bewijs dat de griepprik werkt.” Van der Linde zegt dat er al gedurende 30 jaar om goed onderzoek wordt gevraagd. Dat is nota bene in het voordeel van de farmaceutische industrie, want bij een positieve uitkomst wordt heel Nederland gevaccineerd. Maar dat onderzoek komt er maar niet. Dat geeft te denken…. Zie ook hier: https://www.dodelijkeleugens.nl/nl/videos/griepprik-zonder-bewijs/

Appendix 220 Huisarts Hans van der Linde: Het Pillenbedrog )

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Dr. Hans Moolenburgh MD

NVKP lezing dr Hans Moolenburgh 2012

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X093a9NxJ-oGepubliceerd op 9 jan. 2014

Hans Moolenburgh lezing tijdens NVKP dag 2012. Huisarts in ruste dr. Moolenburgh sr. (88 jaar) is arts, auteur en spreker. Als hoofd van de anti-fluorideringsbeweging heeft hij (na een heftige strijd met de regelgevingsautoriteiten, die uiteindelijk ongelijk hebben gekregen) ervoor gezorgd dat wij geen neurotoxisch en kankerverwekkend fluoride in ons drinkwater hebben gekregen!

Voor meer informatie over onze evenementen en activiteiten en ons Centrum Zonnewijzer (en GezondZijnsHuis te Aalsmeer!) zie http://www.centrumzonnewijzer.nl (geef je gratis op voor onze nieuwsbrief: http://centrumzonnewijzer.nl/centrum-zonnewijzer/)

Werk mee aan de invulling van een groot GezondZijnsHuis! http://www.wanttoknow.nl/inspiratie/gastcolumns/het-gezondzijnshuis/

Voor ons werk, zie http://www.healingsoundmovement.com/news , http://www.worldpeacechild.com en zie onze agenda met evenementen (Centrum Zonnewijzer: Centrum voor Bewust, Gezond en Wel Zijn’) hier: http://www.centrumzonnewijzer.nl/agenda/

All interviews, editing, montage, production by Drs. John Consemulder (neuropsychologist, author, lecturer, research journalist, music/events/radio/TV producer) for HealingSoundMovement TV (check updates at: http://www.healingsoundmovement.com/news)

HealingSoundMovement TV: The (r)Evolution WILL Be Televised!”
HealingSoundMovement is a truly (r)Evolutionary online LiFe TV-program, which is centered about 5 central pillars in the broadest sense. These main themes (and many related subsets and subjects of interest) are:

• (Non-local and infinite) Consciousness,
• (Natural, bio-energetic and bio-electromagnetic) Healing and Health,
• (New and true) Science,
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Moving the Minds and Hearts of Others (and Our Selfs), that is what we are about! Like a caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly, that is the transformation process we would like to assist…

We look for unity based solutions but also expose limiting and controlling factors, that might slow down the spiritual evolution of man. Important information and insights that might lead to a change in our perception and therefore a change in our reality. Everything related to a Better, Healthier and more Sustainable World, because “We are the Ones we,ve been waiting for!”

Themes and topics might vary from natural health & homeopathy, radionics & bio-electromagnetic healing, to spiritual healing & shamanism, the musical-, holographic-, and multidimensional reality, to soundhealing and mucis, our evolution and our heritage, to human belief systems, conditioning and religions, intention & heartcoherence, to ESP, psycho-neuroimmunology & mind into matter, psychology and sociology, to banking & new economics, money as debt & the new world order, mind-kontrol & propaganda, to vaccinations & natural immunity, electromagnetic radiation & protection, to sustainable buildings & ecology and permaculture, to superfoods, natural herbs & biological farming, to cosmoplanetary & space weather information, and more…

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X093a9NxJ-oGepubliceerd op 15 mrt. 2016

Huisarts dr. Hans Moolenburgh en auteur van verschillende boeken, waaronder ‘U kunt meer dan u denkt’, heeft veel gezien en meegemaakt in ruim vijftig jaar artsenpraktijk. Hij zag klachten ontstaan en veranderen en ontdekte de invloeden van onze maatschappij. Op 30 januari 2016 gaf Hans Moolenburgh een lezing in Amersfoort waar hij zijn kennis en visie op onze gezondheid, ziekte en tendensen deelde.



Vaccinatie beschadiging

Uit: Similia Similibus Curentur 28/3 (1998):

Door: H.C. Moolenburgh (arts te Haarlem)

Al onze baby’s worden tegenwoordig vanaf de derde maand ingeënt tegen difterie, kinkhoest, tetanus, polio, haemophilus meningitis, mazelen, rode hond, bof en dat tot en met de veertiende levensmaand. Later volgen de herhaal-vaccinaties.
Hier en daar wordt tegen deze praktijk gewaarschuwd en een toenemende literatuur is over het onderwerp ontstaan, waarvan het baanbrekende werk ‘Vaccinatie’ van Viera Schreibner speciale vermelding verdient. Zij toont uit de wereldliteratuur aan, dat vaccinatie een medische aanval op het prille immuunsysteem van onze kinderen is.
Sinds het uitkomen van het boekje ‘Het Post Vaccinaal Syndroom’ van Tinus Smits, waarin hij beschrijft hoe hij veel kinderen met vaccinatieschade heeft kunnen helpen door middel van nosoden, in de potenties 30K, 200K, MK en 10MK, heb ik zijn therapie sedert 1997 in mijn uitgebreide kinderpraktijk toegepast. Ik heb tot mijn verbazing met deze therapie veel kinderen goed kunnen helpen. Hierbij zal ik niet spreken over genezen kinderen, die leden aan gevarieerde aandoeningen als chronische verkoudheden en bronchitis en recidiverende pneumonie, astma en eczeem, vaginale afscheiding en vermoeidheid, maar me beperken tot klachten van het centrale zenuwstelsel. Hierbij volgen 16 beknopte voorbeelden. 2 ervan gaan over volwassenen, omdat ze zo interessant zijn.

Boris, Geboren 1993
Als hij drie maanden oud is eerste bezoek wegens dauwworm. Snelle verbetering op koemelkeiwitvrij dieet en het vermijden van fluoride tabletjes. Als hij opgroeit blijkt hij tamelijk stijf te zijn en vertoont hij een spraakachterstand. Op 23 september ‘997 krijgt hij eerst BMR- en later DKTP-nosoden. Reeds na twee maanden zegt de juf op school: ‘Het is een ander kind’ (een veel gehoorde uitdrukking). Hij vliegt vooruit en begint te spreken; in J998 praat hij gewoon. Zijn stijfheid is verdwenen en hij voetbalt. De laatste keer kwam hij bij mij binnen met twee kapotte knieën en erg stout kijkend, precies zoals hij hoort te zijn. Boris is genezen.

Arthur. Geboren 1995
Als hij twee jaar is zie ik hem voor het eerst. Hij vertoont een onhandelbaar gedrag, is geweldig driftig en praat nog niet. Het blijkt dat hij op zijn zevende maand begonnen is met chronische verkoudheid en benauwdheid; na de derde DKTP-vaccinatie dus.
Naast een algemeen anti-allergisch dieet geef ik hem DKTP nosoden. Tijdens de eerste serie is hij erg ziek: koorts, slap, enorme driftaanvallen. Bij de tweede kuur een maand later geen bijverschijnselen. Sindsdien zijn de driftbuien weg, is hij vriendelijk en gezeglijk en kwebbelt hij zijn moeder de oren van het hoofd.

Cindy. Geboren 1988
Zij heeft sinds 1996 kindermigraine. Eenmaal per maand een aanval, die twintig minuten van tevoren wordt voorafgegaan door uitvalsverschijnselen: bijna onverstaanbare spraak, prikkelen in de armen en de mond. Ze is daarbij erg onrustig en spuugt. Neurologisch onderzoek waaronder een EEG levert niets op. Uit de anamnese blijkt dat ze vreemd heeft gereageerd op haar BMR vaccinatie met dikke, opgezette oogleden.
Ik zie haar voor het eerst op 4 september 1977: BMR nosodenkuur. In november zijn de sinds een jaar bestaande migraine-aanvallen weg en ze zijn sindsdien weggebleven.

Noortje. Geboren 1984
Brugklasser. Ze heeft sinds 1996 aanvallen van flauw-vallen en regelmatig aanvallen van een onbehaaglijk gevoel alsof ze flauw zal gaan vallen. In april 1997 komt ze voor het eerst op spreekuur. Uit de anamnese blijkt dat ze na een BMR vaccinatie in 1985 erg ziek is geworden, mat en apathisch. Ze bleef hierna lange tijd somber. Na de BMR nosodenkuur leeft ze op. Na twee maanden is ze veel beter, het gaat weer goed op school en ze voelt zich fitter. Juni 1997 is ze van alle klachten af. Sindsdien is ze nooit meer flauwgevallen.

Heer H. Geboren 1967
Opleiding tot piloot. Komt juni 1997 op spreekuur met emstige dagelijkse hoofdpijn met druk op de slapen, misselijk en sterreijes zien. Zeer vermoeid. Studie bijna onmogelijk en dat is naar, want die studie zit vol met tijdslimieten, waarbinnen je de tentamens gehaald moet hebben. Hij gaat niet erg vooruit op mijn therapie. Dan vertelt hij me onder de aanvallen woorden te missen. Hij blijkt nu, vlak voor zijn opleiding begon, DTP vaccin te hebben gekregen. Hij krijgt DTP nosoden en bij de MK potentie wordt de hele wereld vaag om hem heen. Op straat loopt hij bijna onder een auto. Direct daarna is hij van alle klachten af. Zijn studie gaat nu goed.

Floor. Geboren 1995
Naast allergische klachten van de tractus respiratorius heel onrustig, veel te weinig slapen, ligt steeds met haar hoofdje te bonzen. Op 26 maart 1997 zie ik haar voor het eerst samen met haar vermoeide ouders. DKTP nosoden. Op de derde dag veel huilen. Meteen daarna wordt de slaap normaal en het kind dat altijd wat bedrukt was, begint ineens veel te zingen. De ouders zeggen: ‘Er is een wonder gebeurd’.

Rick. Geboren 1992
Een der ergste eczeem patiëntjes die ik ooit zag. Hij komt al bij me sinds 1993 en ik heb weinig succes. Juli 1997 geef ik hem DKTP nosoden. Hij vertoont een enorme reactie met diarree, koorts en een verkleuring van de ontlasting. Daarna is zijn gezichtshuid ineens veel beter. Maar de reden dat ik dit geval vermeld is dat de moeder zegt: ‘Hij is plotseling veel slimmer geworden’ en ook: ‘Hij zit beter in zijn vel’.

Heer L. Geboren 1945.
Was vroeger in mijn huisprakrijk

Komt 2 maart 1995 op spreekuur. Hij heeft een opgeblazen rood vlekkerig gezicht, een opgezette nek en sleept zich voort. Geen gevoel meer in de benen en een naar gevoel in de handen. Doodmoe. Gevoel of hij dood gaat. Internist: ‘Je mankeert niets’. Hij blijkt net uit Bosnië te zijn teruggekeerd, waar hij behoorde tot de kwartiermakers. Had minstens vier maanden lang alleen blikvoeding gegeten uit voorraden uit de zestiger jaren, die het leger nog had liggen. Diagnose: Beriberi. Na een jaar therapie als enige van 200 zieke militairen aardig opgeknapt, maar met nog een hinderlijk klachten: vaagheid in het hoofd. Aangezien hij voor zijn vertrek naar Bosnië was gevaccineerd, begin 1997 nosoden DTP gegeven. Hij krijgt hierop eerst een enorme verergering met hoge koorts (39), dikke nek en handen, spierpijnen en doodmoe. Na een week is hij weer opgeknapt en nu blijkt zijn hoofd helemaal helder te zijn geworden. Hij kan alle legeroefeningen weer meedoen en is weer volledig werkzaam.

Johan. Geboren 1985
Altijd gejaagd, slechte concentratie, agressief, steeds negatief reageren, gestoorde grove en fijne motoriek. Januari 1997 eerste bezoek bij mij. Uit de anamnese blijkt dat hij convulsies heeft gehad na de DKTP vaccinaties. Zowel BMR als DKTP nosoden gegeven. Na drie maanden geheel veranderd. Gaat goed, behaalt op school goede resultaten en ‘kan niet meer boos worden’. Geen terugslag gekregen.

Tim. Geboren 1993
Ik zag hem voor het eerst in 1994 wegens een allergisch eczeem. Het bleek een gevolg te zijn van de fluoride tabletten; bij weglaten genezing. In 1997 zag ik hem terug. Bleek zien, moeilijk concentreren, hoofdpijn, moe. Hij staat stil in zijn ontwikkeling.
Ik geef hem DKTP nosoden. Meteen krijgt hij kleur, wordt minder moe, zijn concentratie keert terug en zijn hoofdpijn is over. De genezing was blijvend.

Bas. Geboren in 1992
Ik kende hem vanaf zijn 5de maand wegens chronische verkoudheden, die tenslotte na een jaar genezen na Orthiflor medicatie. In januari 1998 zag ik hem weer terug. Hij had al een tijd KNO klachten met glue ears. Steeds hoesten en buikpijn, dag in dag uit. Diarree. Onredelijk gedrag. ‘5 Nachts erg bang. Na enig navragen bleek alles 5 maanden geleden te zijn begonnen na een BMR enting. Ik gaf BMR nosoden. In maart 1998 waren alle klachten over. Op de 200 K had hij met een griep achtig beeld gereageerd.

Michael. Geboren 1993
Al twee jaar slaapproblemen en een (spraak)ontwikkelingsachterstand van een jaar. De logopediste trachtte hem op gang te krijgen. BMR nosode gaf geen verbetering. DKTP nosode: enorme gedragsstoring, wild, onhandelbaar. Daarna ging zijn spraakontwikkeling ineens zeer snel vooruit. De vooruitgang zette door.

David. Geboren 1996
In een intuïtieve flits rende zijn moeder naar boven en redde hem van een wiegendood. Volgens Viera Scheibner is vaccinatie doodsoorzaak nummer één van een wiegendood.
Juli ‘997 eerste bezoek bij mij. Kind ligt nog steeds ‘5 nachts aan de monitor. Het is ziek en slap en hoest veel slijm op. Heeft veel krampen met drinken. Ik geef een koemelkeiwitvrij dieet en DKTP nosoden. Op de eerste nosoden kuur geen reactie, maar bij de tweede kuur gaat in de nacht verscheidene keren het apnoe-alarm af. Daarna knapt het kind enorm op. Als ik het na twee maanden terug zie is het ongelofelijk goed. Heeft ‘praatjes voor tien’ en ‘zit lekkerder in zijn vel’. Thans is het kind een brok gezondheid (mei 1998).

Maurice. Geboren 1996
Begint vanaf 6½ maand ‘s nachts onbedaarlijk te gillen.
Het is opmerkelijk hoeveel kinderen na de tweede DKTP vaccinatie chronische klachten gaan vertonen.
In januari 1998 zie ik hem voor het eerst. Hij praat nog helemaal niet en de moeder maakt zich ongerust. DKTP nosoden. In mei is huilen over. Hoogstens nog een keer per nacht hoort zijn moeder hem even. Hij maakt geen angstige indruk meer, zoals voorheen. Verder leert hij snel woordjes. De verbetering heeft zich doorgezet.

Erwin. Geboren 1987
Komt 11 maart 1997 op spreekuur. Hij heeft al een half jaar dagelijks hoofdpijn boven op het hoofd. Men kan de oorzaak niet vinden. Vlak voor alles begon in het afgelopen najaar kreeg hij een herhaal vaccinatie DTP en BMR. Hij krijgt nosoden. In mei had hij geen hoofdpijn meer en was blijvend genezen.

Tim. Geboren 1991
Hij is altijd moe. Zijn fijne motoriek is gestoord. Kijkt altijd de kat uit de boom. Is verlegen, laat zich door iedereen in de hoek dringen, heeft erge angst voor zijn gymnastiekleraar, hangt aan moeders rokken. De moeder zegt: ‘Thuis en op school is hij een plat geslagen pannenkoek. Hij verzet zich nooit. Op melkvrij dieet wordt hij veel actiever, maar zijn angstige, volgzame, weinig alerte karakter blijft hetzelfde.
Nadat ik hem van november 1995 tot september 1997 had behandeld, kreeg hij DKTP nosoden. De moeder belt me in paniek op. Hij is ‘stapelgek’ geworden. Vertoont macho-gedrag. Valt andere kinderen aan, scheldt de gymnastiekleraar in zijn gezicht uit. Op school leveren andere ouders en de juf commentaar: ‘Dit is een ander kind’. Sindsdien weer normaal, maar het machogedrag is gebleven. Hij voelt zich gelukkiger en wordt in een paar maanden tijd groot en sterk met een breed blozend gezicht en tintelende stoute ogen. Helaas is er nog een fikse leerachterstand en zal hij naar de L.O.M. school moeten. Het is jammer als je zo’n kind niet in het eerste of tweede jaar krijgt.


1. Al deze kinderen kwamen bij me nadat ze eerst door de huisarts en soms door de specialist waren behandeld.
2. Zes van de patiënten werden door mij eerst uitgebreid met een andere therapie behandeld, voor ik de nosoden inzette. Deze gevallen zijn het indrukwekkendst, omdat daar de zuivere nosodenwerking het beste te voorschijn kwam.
3. Negen van de patiënten toonden indrukwekkende eerstverergeringen. De meesten na de tweede – of derde gift, sommigen pas na de tweede kuur.


Elk van de zestien gevallen is op zich genomen anekdotisch. Zijn echter zestien gevallen nog anekdotisch? Of zijn we bezig een gehele generatie kinderen ziek te maken? Zijn de statistieken, die zo langzamerhand door onafhankelijke onderzoekers gemaakt worden over de bijverschijnselen van vaccinatie ook anekdotisch? Hoeveel van die anekdotische gevallen zijn er eigenlijk? Duizenden? Tienduizenden? We weten het niet want de orthodoxe geneeskunde erkent alleen die bijverschijnselen die vlak na de vaccinatie optreden. De late effecten zijn daar onbekend.
Hoeveel ouders krijgen nog steeds te horen: ‘Het gaat vanzelf wel over’, ‘Het zit tussen de oren’ of ook ‘Gaat u maar eens met het riagg praten’.
Wat gaat er gebeuren als we dit najaar de baby’s niet meer vanaf de derde maand enten, maar vanaf de zesde week. Prof. Gorter zei altijd: ‘Ent niet voor de negende maand’. In Japan enten ze pas na het tweede jaar wat o.a. vermindering van de wiegendood heeft gegeven.
Wat staat ons te wachten als we nog meer vaccinaties toevoegen, zoals bijvoorbeeld hepatitis? Zijn we met z’n allen gek geworden?
Ik hoop met deze zestien gevallen te hebben gedemonstreerd dat er een aanval op de hersenen van onze kleintjes plaatsvindt, die zijn weerga niet kent in de menselijke geschiedenis.

Aanbevolen literatuur

  • Chaitow Leon. Vaccinatie en immunisatie. Ankh Hermes.
    DeCava Judith A. Vaccination. Examining the Record.
    Brentwoord Academic Press; 4000 Beallwood Avenue, Columbus, Georgia 31904 USA.
  • Hirthammer. Impfungen, der unglaubliche Irrtum. ISBN 3-88721-085-9.
  • Gunn Trevor. Mass Immunisation. Cutting Edge Publications. p.o. box 32, Kendal, Columbia, LA9 4AR. UK. ISBN 0 951 17657.
  • Schreibner Viera. Vaccination. 100 Years of Research shows that vaccines represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System. Publ.: 178 Govetts leap Road, Blackheath, Nsw 2785. Australië. ISBN 0 646 15124 X
  • Smits Tinus. Het Post-Vaccinaal Syndroom. Smits Vanhove. Vincent van Goghlaan 6, 5581 JM Waalre

Let ook op de Nederlandse Vereniging Kritisch Prikken. Adres: Postbus 35, 6170 AA Stem. Tel.: 046-4337859.


(formerly Bijlage 141 NVKP lezingen dr Hans Moolenburgh)

Hans Moolenburgh: ‘Ik krijg graag gelijk’

Door: Dana Ploeger − 27/08/16, 22:01

© Merlijn Doomernik. Hans Moolenburgh: ‘Als je een kind verliest, kom je daar nooit echt overheen. Je past het in je leven in, maar bent blijvend geamputeerd.’

Levenslessen Oud-huisarts Hans Moolenburgh (91) strijdt al zijn hele leven voor een natuurlijke aanpak van ziektes. Terwijl de alternatieve geneeskunde net weer ter discussie staat, ziet hijzelf een omslag in denken. ‘Maar we zijn er nog lang niet.’

  • In de wekelijkse rubriek ‘Levenslessen’ vertellen bekende en minder bekende Nederlands over de dingen die zij in het leven geleerd hebben.

Les 1: Maak wat van je geleende tijd
“De oorlog heeft een enorme impact op mij gehad. Ik was vijftien toen ons land bezet werd. Mijn moeder was inmiddels gehuwd met mijn tweede vader mr. L. de Blécourt, hij was officier van justitie. Tijdens de hongerwinter bezocht de Gestapo de arrondissementsrechtbank aan de Prinsengracht in Amsterdam en vroeg naar mijn vader. Hij bleek door een NSB’er op een fusilleerlijst gezet als represaille voor sabotagedaden door het verzet. Omdat mijn vader er die dag niet was, grepen de Duitsers rechter W.J.H. Dons die wel in huis was en schoten hem even verderop dood. Ik was geschokt.

Dat bewuste fusilleerdocument heb ik later in handen gekregen en het ligt hier nog altijd in huis. Kun je je dat voorstellen?

December 1944 omsingelden de Duitsers Haarlem en pakten tijdens die zogeheten Sinterklaasrazzia honderden jongens en mannen op. Terwijl de Duitsers bij ons op de voordeur bonsden, ontsnapte ik samen met een vriend via de achterdeur. We renden op blote voeten het besneeuwde Naaldenveld in. Ik nam toen ineens een gekke slingerweg. Ik had het idee dat ik werd geleid, alsof ik niet zelf rende. Door die slingerweg ontweken we exact de Duitse wachtposten, bleek later. Een wonder. Ik heb daarna altijd het gevoel gehad dat ik leefde in geleende tijd. Ik moest wat van mijn leven maken. Ik was niet voor niets gespaard.”

  •  Na mijn dochters overlijden wist ik pas wat mijn patiënten werkelijk voelden.

Les 2: Door eigen verdriet kun je anderen troosten
“In datzelfde laatste oorlogsjaar werd ik verliefd op een jonge vrouw. Jaren eerder had ik haar al eens als meisje ontmoet en dacht toen al: wat een lief kind is dat. Niet vermoedend dat zij later mijn vrouw zou worden. Dit jaar zijn we 65 jaar getrouwd. Ik heb ongelooflijk met haar geboft; zij brengt mij warmte en we kunnen samen ontzettend lachen. We hebben vijf kinderen gekregen, dertien kleinkinderen en twee achterkleinkinderen. In 1999 hebben we verdrietig genoeg onze enige dochter verloren aan kanker, ze was nog maar veertig en liet drie kleine kinderen achter. Ze was onder behandeling van een regulier oncoloog, maar ik kon haar ook met alternatieven ondersteunen, zodat ze geen pijnbestrijding nodig had en tot het einde toe helder was.

Als je een kind verliest, kom je daar nooit echt overheen. Je past het in je leven in, maar bent blijvend geamputeerd. Mensen zeggen weleens dat zo’n verlies na een paar jaar minder verdrietig wordt. Ik ervaar dat niet zo. Afgelopen zomer trouwde haar oudste dochter. Naast de feestvreugde was er bij ons, haar broers en haar drie kinderen het diepe verdriet dat onze Elisabeth dit feest niet meer mee kon maken. Ze wordt blijvend gemist.

In mijn leven heb ik oneindig veel mensen getroost bij verdriet en narigheid.

Het is denk ik ook eerlijk dat ikzelf door zo’n enorm leed ben gegaan. Na mijn dochters overlijden wist ik pas wat mijn patiënten werkelijk voelden. Sindsdien sta ik meer naast de ander die verdriet heeft. Ik heb me altijd een mens met een bestemming gevoeld. Mijn opdracht is volgens mij zo goed mogelijk andere mensen helpen. Niet alleen bij hun gezondheid, maar ook met hun geloof en verdriet.”

Les 3: Mensen zijn hardleers
“Zolang ik niet uit het zadel word geschoten, ga ik door met mijn strijd. Tijdens lezingen vertel ik over de gevaarlijke tijd waarin we leven. Ik ben geen wanhoopsprofeet en wil mensen zeker niet bang maken, maar ze realiseren zich te weinig dat onze vervuilde aardbol hun gezondheid aantast. Onder andere door de vele straling waar we aan worden blootgesteld en ons drinkwater, waar nog altijd medicijnresten in zitten.

Mijn archief zit vol wetenschappelijke artikelen hierover, maar die verschijnen nauwelijks in reguliere medische tijdschriften, omdat reguliere artsen het lichaam puur chemisch bekijken en niet vanuit het brede holistische perspectief, zoals ik.

Toen ik begin jaren vijftig als huisarts begon, doorliepen kinderen alle bekende kinderziektes en bouwden zo hun weerstand op. Dat hoefde je als arts maar een beetje te begeleiden. Zo’n dertig jaar geleden veranderde dat beeld. Doordat de omgeving ongezonder werd en steeds meer kinderziektes werden weggeënt, zag ik een vloed aan allergieën en intoleranties ontstaan. Lees er ‘Vaccinatie’ van dr. Viera Scheibner maar op na over hoe vaccinatieprogramma’s het immuunsysteem van kinderen aantasten. Jarenlang heb ik deze kinderen begeleid en vaak was aanpassing van hun voedingspatroon al genoeg om klachten te verhelpen. Vooral suiker is een grote boosdoener.

Nu zie je steeds meer mensen suiker uit hun dieet bannen, dat adviseerde ik dertig jaar geleden al. In 1972 verscheen het boek ‘Pure, White and Deadly’ van prof. John Yudkin over de gezondheidsgevaren van suiker, maar niemand luisterde. Gelukkig zien ouders dat nu wel in en geven hun kinderen gezonde alternatieven. Overigens wees Hippocrates, de grondlegger van de westerse geneeskunst, omstreeks 400 voor Christus al op het belang van gezonde voeding; dat uitgangspunt zijn reguliere artsen een beetje kwijtgeraakt.”

Tekst gaat verder onder de afbeelding.

  •  © Merlijn Doomernik.
  •  De huidige geneeskunde doet slechts aan symptoombestrijding.

Les 4: Dwarsliggen helpt
“Al tijdens mijn studententijd zocht ik naar meer biologische manieren om bijvoorbeeld kanker aan te pakken. Ik was niet erg onder de indruk van de kankergeneeskunde van die tijd en wilde weten wat de werkelijke oorzaak was van die ziekte. Begrijp me goed. Ik doe geen cent af aan de verworvenheden van de huidige wetenschappen met moderne medicijnen, fantastische operatietechnieken en diagnostische methoden. Maar ik vind de huidige geneeskunde te veel lik-op-stuk. Het is allemaal symptoombestrijding en daar pak je de oorzaken van ziektes niet mee aan.

Langzaam maar zeker ben ik een van de nestors van de niet-toxische tumortherapie geworden, waarbij de eigen afweer van de patiënt wordt versterkt door gezonde voeding en aanvullende preparaten en vitamines. In die tijd werden huisartsen nog vervolgd als zij kankerpatiënten complementair behandelden. Ik ben nooit aangeklaagd. Met de toenmalige staatssecretaris van volksgezondheid had ik een heldere afspraak: wij mochten ons werk doen zolang we de huisartsenvereniging volledig op de hoogte hielden van wat we deden. Ik hield patiënten ook niet weg bij reguliere oncologen. Ik was meer een gezondheidsexpert die mensen preventief adviseerde en vertelde hoe ze niet opnieuw kanker konden krijgen.

In 1968 begon ik een andere strijd. In dat jaar besloot de regering fluor aan het drinkwater toe te voegen. Ik schreef een stuk in de krant waarin ik waarschuwde voor de toename van kanker. De Inspecteur voor de Gezondheidszorg van Haarlem riep me op het matje en verbood me zo te schrijven, ik zou de bevolking ongerust maken. Ik gaf aan dat ik het als burger had geschreven, niet als arts. Later bleek dat Den Haag hem die opdracht had gegeven. In 1976 werd fluor in water officieel verboden.

In die tijd werden mijn ideeën vaak geridiculiseerd. Gelukkig zie ik nu een omslag. Steeds vaker zetten artsen complementaire middelen, aanvullende therapieën of voedingsadvies in. Het is fijn dat meer mensen kiezen voor biologische voeding, en suiker – dat funest is voor veel kinderen – in de ban doen. Ja, ik krijg graag gelijk.”

  •  In de VS zijn klokkenluiders op medisch gebied op raadselachtige wijze overleden.

Les 5: Wees niet bang voor vijanden
“We zijn er alleen nog lang niet. Deze natuurlijke visie wordt gigantisch tegengewerkt, vooral vanuit de farmaceutische industrie. Vorig jaar verscheen het boek ‘Dodelijke medicijnen en georganiseerde misdaad’ van de Deense hoogleraar geneeskunde Peter Gøtzsche. Het gaat over de farmaceutische industrie die tot alles in staat is om maar woekerwinsten te maken.

In de VS zijn verscheidene klokkenluiders op medisch gebied op raadselachtige wijze plots overleden, onder wie vorig jaar mijn goede vriend Nicholas Gonzalez. Hij was een van de beste artsen op het gebied van biologische kankerbehandelingen. Er wordt gefluisterd dat deze klokkenluiders zijn omgebracht. Keiharde bewijzen heb ik niet, maar ik heb wel begrepen dat de hartvaten van Gonzalez bij de autopsie zwartgeblakerd bleken. Zoiets hebben collega’s die ik erover sprak en ikzelf nog nooit gezien bij een sectie.”

Les 6: Laat je leiden (door God)
“Ik heb diep vertrouwen in het leven. Ik weet dat deze wereld door de goede God is geschapen en dat hij ons liefheeft en wil helpen. Van toeval is geen sprake; ik word geleid. Dat vertrouwen mis ik bij jonge mensen, zij zijn zo pessimistisch. Zelf groeide ik op als enig kind bij mijn moeder, zij ging scheiden toen ik een half jaar oud was. Dat was heel wat in die tijd. Ik was een eenling, maar wel een gelukkige eenling. Mijn moeder was een enig mens en nam me mee naar tentoonstellingen en muziekvoorstellingen. Ze heeft een grote rol in mijn leven gespeeld.

De vaderfiguur in mijn leven was mijn grootvader. Hij woonde bij ons om de hoek en nam me mee de natuur in en leerde me alles over bloemen, planten en vogels. Ik kan zijn stem nog horen als ik nu door de natuur wandel. Ik was dol op leren en las alles wat ik kon krijgen. Op mijn zesde wist ik twee dingen absoluut zeker: ik wilde dokter worden en ik wist dat God bestond. Best merkwaardig voor een knul die nog nooit in de kerk was geweest. Op mijn twaalfde kreeg ik bij een christelijk zomerkamp het Nieuwe Testament. Het gloeide in mijn handen, ik wist dat ik een pareltje had gekregen. Bijbelverhalen hebben me mijn hele leven begeleid; ik heb ze zestig jaar lang bestudeerd en ze zitten nog mooier in elkaar dan ik al dacht.”

Les 7: Luister naar je opdracht
“Op 31 augustus 1981 hoorde ik midden in de nacht een stem, die me vertelde: ‘Jij gaat vanaf nu iedere patiënt in je praktijk vragen of die ooit een engel heeft gezien.’ Ik vond het een vreemd voorstel, maar vertrouwde die stem en vroeg de eerstvolgende patiënt die ochtend of zij ooit een engel had gezien. ‘Zeker dokter, gisteren op tv’. Dat was natuurlijk niet wat ik bedoelde. Nadat ik die vraag aan vierhonderd patiënten had gesteld, had ik genoeg stof voor mijn boek ‘Engelen als beschermers en als helpers der mensheid’. Dat boek en ook het vervolg ‘Een engel op je pad’ werden onverwacht internationale bestsellers. Die boeken hebben mij zo veel gebracht. Niet alleen kennis over engelen, maar ook bijzonder veel contacten en correspondentie met mensen van over de hele wereld. Ik ben daardoor zelfs mijn haat tegen Duitsers kwijtgeraakt, omdat ik in die tijd Duitsers ontmoette die mij vertelden hoezeer zij zelf geleden hadden tijdens de oorlog.”

Hans Moolenburgh
Dr. Hans Moolenburgh (1925, Haarlem) werkte zijn hele leven als huisarts in Haarlem, 48 jaar met dezelfde assistente. Hij woont al 63 jaar met zijn vrouw in hetzelfde huis. Hij specialiseerde zich in de natuurlijke behandeling van kankerpatiënten en van kinderen met vaccinatiebeschadigingen en overgevoeligheden voor voedsel en kunstmatige kleur- en smaakstoffen.

Zijn boeken ‘U kunt meer dan u denkt’ (over kanker), ‘U kunt veel meer dan u denkt’ (over kindergeneeskunde), beide uitg. Leminiscaat, en ‘Op je gezondheid!’ (uitg. VBK Media) zijn nog steeds gewild. Hij geeft lezingen door het hele land. Moolenburgh schreef twee bestsellers over engelen en ‘Is toeval echt toevallig?’ (uitg. AnkhHermes). Vorig jaar verscheen ‘Het boek Openbaring als baken voor onze tijd’ (uitg. Lemniscaat).


Bijlage 145 Interview Trouw met Dr Hans Moolenburgh )

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Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, Molecular Biochemist

Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, is a research scientist with the Neural Dynamics Research Group, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Colombia. She has extensive experience investigating the safety of vaccine adjuvants. The following are her contributions to the medical safety advocate’s arsenal:
Risks Associated with Vaccines

Vaccination: Why the ’one size fits all’ vaccination argument does not fit allForced

Vaccinations: For the Greater Good?

How trustworthy are vaccine manufacturers?

Is Vaccine Safety Evidence Rock Solid?

Herd Immunity: Can Infectious Diseases be Prevented by High Vaccination Coverage?

What are the consequences of pushing poorly tested vaccines?

Statement by Dr. Tomljenovic to Vermont House of Representatives regarding mandatory vaccines. 
Is Vaccine Safety Evidence “Rock Solid”?

Click to access Lucija-Tomljenovic-PhD-letter.pdf

The Quality of Existing Vaccine Safety DataDemonstrated Toxicity of Vaccine ConstituentsThe Biological Basis for Vaccine ToxicityVaccines and AutismAluminum Adjuvants: What is Known About Their Safety?Mercury (Thimerosal): Unresolved Safety ConcernsHerd Immunity: Can Infectious Diseases be Prevented by High-Vaccination Coverage?Vaccine- or Hygiene-Preventable Diseases?Benefits from Naturally- versus Vaccine-Acquired Immunity

… the fact is that vaccines and vaccine adjuvants stimulate only the antibody-based immune response. This fact is the reason why vaccines do not work long-term against many viruses, because it’s the humoral immune response that confers long-term immunity. And you don’t get that with vaccinations.

The problem is that people are being brainwashed into this idea that high antibody titers equal protection against diseases, and it’s simply not true. A proof of that are so many cases where you get outbreaks of infectious diseases in fully vaccinated populations.

Over 95 percent vaccinated, and they still get the disease. The other side will always say, “We need to increase the boosters.” Does it ever occur to these people it’s maybe because they’re not doing what you think they should be doing.

— Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, Molecular Biochemist

Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD

Lucija Tomljenovic holds a Ph.D in biochemistry and is currently a senior research fellow at the University of British Columbia School of Medicine in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Her research focuses on neuro- and immuno-toxicity of vaccines. In particular, Tomljenovic investigates mechanisms by which vaccines and their ingredients may induce neurological and autoimmune disease, with a particular focus on autism and related neurodevelopmental abnormalities. She also works on developing novel biomarker-based protocols which would enable determining whether some serious post-vaccination adverse events are causally linked to vaccinations. Her work has been featured in top-ranking medical journals including Lancet Infectious Diseases, Annals of Medicine, Journal of Internal Medicine, Journal of American Medical Association, Immunological Research, BMC Infectious Agents and Cancer, American Journal of Public Health, Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics, Current Pharmaceutical Design, Current Medicinal Chemistry, Vaccine and Lupus. Tomljenovic also serves as a peer reviewer for Vaccine, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Lupus and Surgical Neurology International.

HPV Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Issues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ByqAYuoFes

Should the CDC and Merck’s claims of efficacy and safety about Gardasil be accepted without scrutiny? Dr. Tomljenovic explores available data suggesting that there is no indication for this vaccine in the setting of Pap smear efficacy, that claims of vaccine efficacy are without an evidence base, and that risks including death and permanent disability have a known scientific mechanism. She asks, “Is it ethical to put young women at risk of death or a disabling autoimmune disease at a pre-adolescent age for a vaccine that has not yet prevented a single case of cervical cancer, a disease that may develop 20-30 years after exposure to HPV, when the same can be prevented with regular Pap screening which carries no risks?” ~ Vancouver, 2015

GMO Free News Interview Excerpt:
Vaccinated vs. Un-vaccinated, Immunity Through Breast Milkhttps://youtu.be/XUmxHgqv_nc

Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic is an early career postdoctoral fellow. She was awarded a PhD in 2009 in Biochemistry, from the Comparative Genomics Centre at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. In 2010, she joined the Neural Dynamics Research Group at the University of British Columbia (Chris Shaw’s lab) and is currently researching the neurotoxic effects of aluminum vaccine adjuvants. Tomljenovic has recently become an Associate Editor of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. She values open-minded discussions on controversial topics and the pursuit of truth in research endeavors, wherever they may lead.
GMO Free News Full Interview with Dr. Tomljenovic ~ May 8, 2015https://youtu.be/8KAbAhtd0Sc

Additional Interviews with Dr. Tomljenovichttps://youtu.be/HVJkzWXG6CQhttps://youtu.be/9ByqAYuoFeshttps://youtu.be/KRF4fGaQXYchttp://www.vaccinechoiceprayercommunity.org/lucija-tomljenovic-phd.htmlLive gestreamd op 8 mei 2015

Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic is an early career postdoctoral fellow. She was awarded a PhD in 2009 in Biochemistry, from the Comparative Genomics Centre at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. In 2010, she joined the Neural Dynamics Research Group at the University of British Columbia (Chris Shaw’s lab) and is currently researching the neurotoxic effects of aluminum vaccine adjuvants. Tomljenovic has recently become an Associate Editor of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. She values open-minded discussions on controversial topics and the pursuit of truth in research endeavors, wherever they may lead.

Kathleen Hallal, GMO Free News Host
Rachel Linden, GMO Free News Co-Host
Zoey O’Toole, Thinking Moms Revolution
Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic
Jack Olmsted, Producer

Dr. Tomljenovic Power Point Presentation

Dr. Mercola Interview with Dr. Tomljenovic: How Vaccine Adjuvants Affect Your Brain

HPV Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Issues: Dr. Tomljenovic’s in Vancouver, 2015.

Question List:

Dr. Tomljenovic: Regarding the questions, if there are no comments it means I will answer these questions during the show:

Which vaccines cause the antibodies to attack the brain?

Are some vaccines/adjuvants more prone to do this? Why or why not?
Comment:That is the million dollar question that no one knows the answer to because this issue has not been studied well enough. Even the pharma admits that they do not know exactly how the adjuvants work. I can give some quotes from the pharma experts.
Just wanted to let you know that I cannot answer this question any better than this.

Did you test OTHER body tissues, or just the brain?

Why would the phenomenon of mimicry only work on the brain tissue?
Comment: It does not work only on brain tissue, it can work on any tissue where there is mimicry between the antigen of the virus/bacteria and that of the host

Have you tried immunizing mice at reduced rates (fewer boosters, like they do in Scandanavian countries) and if so, do they have much fewer issues with autoimmunity?
Comment: We have not immunized the mice (we did not inject them with vaccines), we have only given the mice aluminum in the amounts equivalent to that given to children via vaccinations in the US and Scandinavia. At the time we did this study, we did not look for any autoimmune markers, only behavioral outcomes as well as gene expression in the brains of these mice. In both parameters there were abnormal changes (i.e. abnormal behavior and increased expression of certain pro-inflammatory genes in the brain as well as reduced expression of AChE = acetylcholinesterase which has anti-depression/anxiety effect. Low AChE activity is associated with deficits in neurodevelopment)

HOW CAN THIS BE REVERSED? Can the damage to the immune system possibly be corrected?
Comment: I cannot answer this, as I am not a medical doctor and I am not well acquainted with treatment methods.

Please explain about the two types of immunity: Humoral or Cellular
Please explain which one of these would be most active in autoimmune issues?
Do you feel any vaccines are necessary/safe, or do all vaccines need an overhaul?
Do you know how the polio vaccines given in Africa are actually causing polio in some cases?
Which vaccines would still have traces of Thimerosal?
Are there any vaccines that do not contain mercury or aluminum? Which ones do?
Which types of autoimmune illnesses might this type of reaction be linked to in humans?
What type of reaction?
Would this also affect behavior, then? Mental health?


Administration of aluminium to neonatal mice in vaccine-relevant amounts is associated with adverse long term neurological outcomes


Etiology of autism spectrum disorders: Genes, environment, or both?

Postcast: Dr. Rima interviews PhD biochemist Dr Lucija Tomljenovic about HPV & other #vaccines and brain health (1 hr 44+ mins)


Dr. Tomljenovic xplains why vaccines cause autism.

Vaccine trials only include healthy individuals, while they are required for everyone, regardless of medical condition.

They cherry pick results, and are generally of very poor quality.

Aluminum accumilates in the brain.

115 dosis of virusses of bacteria by the age of 2.

116 immune reactions.

( formerly Appendix 164 Molecular Biochemist Dr.Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, explains why vaccines not only don’t work, but are extremely harmful and can be lethal as well)

Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic Ph.D

HPV Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Issues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ByqAYuoFes

Click to access Lucija-Tomljenovic-PhD-letter.pdf

Higher rates of autism in countries where vaccination rates are higher.

-gave the equivalent of aluminum to mice that children get, and found heightened anxiety and lower social interaction, just as in autistic children.

-found reduction of neurotransmitter, which is associated with depression.

There is a link between immune system and brain health.
When you overstimulate the immune system, you are going to inflict irreversable damage on the brain.



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Dr Judy Wilyman, PhD on exposing vaccine industry

Australische vrouw promoveert op het ontmaskeren van de vaccinatie-industrie

Donderdag 21 januari 2016, 09:50 uur

Een Australische doctorandus heeft voor controverse in de medische wereld gezorgd door haar proefschrift te schrijven over allerlei zaken die volgens haar niet kloppen aan het vaccinatieprogramma en de farmaceutische industrie.

Zeer tot ongenoegen van het establishment heeft de universiteit haar scriptie nog goedgekeurd ook.

Zo is Judy Wilyman, een prominent antivaccinatie-activiste, sinds kort de trotse bezitster van een PhD (de Angelsaksische evenknie van een doctorstitel).

Stellingen “verdedigbaar” bevonden

Voorstanders van het vaccinatieprogramma voor kinderen reageren als door een adder gebeten en hebben de Universiteit van Wollongong verzocht om haar geval opnieuw te beoordelen. De universiteit geeft echter geen krimp, omdat ze haar stellingen zeer goed verdedigbaar vinden. Ze bekijken andere PhD-toekenningen wel opnieuw, maar niet die van haar.

In haar proefscrift toont Judy Wilyman, drijvende kracht achter de organisatie “Vaccination Decisions and Vaccination Choice” (“Vaccinatiebesluiten en Vaccinatiekeuze”), aan dat wereldwijde instanties zoals de Wereld Gezondheids Organisatie (WHO) op grote schaal met de farmaceutische industrie samenspant om immunisaties te bevorderen.

Ze diende haar proefschrift eind vorig jaar in, met als conclusie dat de vaccinatiepolitiek van Australië niet het resultaat was van onafhankelijke beoordelingen, maar eerder het gevolg van de druk van de farmaceutische industrie op de WHO.

Verschillende medische onderzoekers en mensen die zeggen de volksgezondheid te verdedigen, hebben het PhD-proefschrift – dat door het School of Humanities-instituut van de universiteit wordt toegekend – verworpen. Hierbij roepen sommigen op om het geschrift opnieuw te laten beoordelen door de Academische Raad van de universiteit.

De universiteit weigert tot dusverre om aan enige eis tegemoet te komen.

Stellingen uit het proefschrift

Wilyman’s ongebruikelijke proefschrift bevat onder meer de volgende stellingnames:

  • Er is geen sprake van streng toezicht op tegenstrijdigheden in, of evaluatie van, de effectiviteit van vaccinaties voor de bevolking die belangrijke gegevens zouden verschaffen voor wat betreft de effecten op de bevolking.
  • De WHO lijkt geen enkele binding te hebben met mondiale samenlevingen en wordt gecontroleerd door de belangen van corporaties en de Wereldbank.
  • Het is niet gebleken dat de ziekten waarvoor vaccinaties geadviseerd worden, een serieus risico vormen voor de meerderheid van de Australische kinderen.
  • In de promotiecampagne voor het baarmoederhalskanker-vaccin werd een verkeerd risico op HPV-infecties en baarmoederhalskanker bij vrouwen in verschillende landen weergegeven. Dit werd met opzet gedaan om zo een markt voor de baarmoederhalskanker-vaccinaties te creëren.
  • De “varkensgriep”-pandemie in 2009 werd afgekondigd door een geheim WHO-comité dat banden heeft met farmaceutische bedrijven die zich inspanden om enorme winsten te behalen uit de pandemie.

In de storm van kritiek die Judy Wilyman en de Universiteit van Wollongong nu ten deel valt, valt op dat vrijwel geen enkele criticaster ingaat op de door Wilyman aangedragen stellingen.

In plaats hiervan concentreert men zich voornamelijk op het besmeuren van de reputatie van de universiteit en het zwartmaken van Wilyman, die een “anti-vaccinatie gekkie” genoemd wordt.

Bron: Truth Kings, Nederlandse vertaling: Marja.


Some people excite me. And some people really excite me! And then there is the case of Judy Wilyman, an Australian anti-vaccination proponent who wrote a thesis calling out the vaccination and pharmaceutical industries, and ended up getting her PhD based on it. She’s a whole new level of awesome in my eyes. The University of Wollongong issued her a PhD and has also refused to review the case (they are reviewing other PhD cases, but not hers). People are in a total uproar over the matter, calling for the University to rethink its position and strip Wilyman of her PhD.

The University of Wollongong has accepted a PhD thesis from a prominent anti-vaccination activist that warns that global agencies such as the World Health ­Organisation are colluding with the pharmaceutical industry in a massive conspiracy to spruik immunisation.

Judy Wilyman, the convener of Vaccination Decisions and Vaccination Choice, submitted the thesis late last year, concluding Australia’s vaccination policy was not a result of independent assessment but the work of pharmaceutical industry pressure on the WHO.

Several medical researchers and public health advocates have slammed the PhD thesis — to be awarded through the university’s School of Humanities — with some calling for it to be sent to the university’s academic board for review. (source)ADVERTISEMENT

The University is refusing, so far, to meet any of these demands. Her thesis was pretty incredible and right on the money. Here are some excerpts:

There is not stringent monitoring of adverse or evaluation of the effectiveness of vaccines in the population that would provide meaningful data on their effects in the population.

WHO is perceived to be out of touch with global communities and it is controlled by the interests of corporations and the World Bank.

The diseases for which vaccines are recommended have not been demonstrated to be a serious risk to the majority of children in Australia.

The promotional campaigns for HPV vaccine misrepresented the risk of HPV infections and cervical cancer in women in different countries. This was done in order to create a market for the vaccine.

The “swine flu” pandemic in 2009 was declared by a secret WHO committee that had ties to the pharmaceutical companies that stood to make excessive profits from the pandemic.

The people who are attempting to have her stripped of her PhD just go to show exactly how baseless their own arguments are. If you are confident in your own beliefs, you wouldn’t fear other beliefs being equally shared. Trying to subjugate opposing perspectives is intellectually shoddy and weak and a tyrannical slippery slope.

A thesis is really an assertation and must be something which can be defended. It was reviewed by scholars as all thesis arguments are and those scholars decided that what she asserted was defensible. That’s how it works. Her paper was subjected to the same similar criticisms that other papers are subjected to. How can anyone support burying other perspectives? It has been proven time and time again that attempting to create societies that don’t allow for free thought only leads us into atrocious circumstances.

A writer from Science Blogs apparently shares such Nazi sentiments, as well as basic confusion over how things work.

I bring all this up mainly because I’ve just learned of a PhD candidate who really, really needed to have some very uncomfortable questions asked by her thesis committee and at her thesis seminar and defense, questions that apparently were not asked. [Note added: I’m informed in the comments that Australian universities don’t do the traditional public thesis defense done in the US and Europe, but rather the thesis has to be read by two experts external to the University and the supervisor gets to make the call. Ugh.] Most supervisors take that responsibility carefully. Some, however, apparently do not. I’m referring to the case of Judy Wilyman, a prominent antivaccine loon from Down Under, whose PhD thesis has apparently been accepted by University of Wollongong:

In his scathing piece, he has to add an addendum after the fact because clearly, he didn’t understand the subject matter of which he was writing. And the source? A random comment. Meaning commenters on his article had to educate him on how the process of reviewing a thesis for a PhD works. He didn’t know, but that didn’t stop his scathing attack. He accuses Wilyman of being uninformed, the irony is not lost on me. His second point is a fallacy: “some, however, apparently do not (take the responsibility in reading a thesis serious).” Where is his evidence in this? His evidence is merely that he, the writer, doesn’t agree with the perspective, so it must be wrong. That’s a fallacy. If that were in a thesis, it would be indefensible and it would thereby fail to pass the logic test.

The real issue at hand here is that some people aren’t comfortable living in a world where everyone doesn’t agree with them. And that’s not the kind of world I am comfortable living in.
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University of Wollongong Thesis Collection

A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy

Judy WilymanUniversity of Wollongong



Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


School of Humanities and Social Inquiry

Recommended Citation

Wilyman, Judy, A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, School of Humanities and Social Inquiry, University of Wollongong, 2015. http://ro.uow.edu.au/theses/4541


Vaccination policies in Australia need to be scrutinised because the use of a medical intervention in the prevention of infectious disease has serious health and social implications. Deaths and illnesses to infectious diseases were significantly reduced due to environmental and lifestyle reforms prior to the widespread use of most vaccines in the mid-20th century. Mass vaccination campaigns were adopted after this time as the central management strategy for preventing infectious diseases, with many new vaccines being recommended in the National Immunisation Program (NIP). The implementation of mass vaccination programs occurred simultaneously with the development of partnerships between academic institutions and industry. The Australian government’s NIP, like all member countries of the World Health Organisation (WHO), is recommended by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI). This is a partnership with the WHO and UNICEF that includes the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations Development Fund (UNDF) and other private research institutions. All members of this public-private partnership influence the development of WHO global health policies.

It is important that independent research is carried out to assess whether all the vaccines being recommended today are safe, effective and necessary for the protection of the community. It is also important to have comprehensive evidence that it is safe to combine multiple vaccines in the developing bodies of infants. The framework for undone science is used to analyse the Australian government’s claim that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks. Whilst the government claims serious adverse events to vaccines are rare this is not supported by adequate scientific evidence due to the shortcomings in clinical trials and longterm surveillance of health outcomes of recipients. A close examination of the ‘Swine Flu’ 2009 vaccine and the vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), intended to prevent cervical cancer, shows shortcomings in the evidence base and rationale for the vaccines. This investigation demonstrates that not all vaccines have been demonstrated to be safe, effective or necessary. It also concludes that the government’s claim that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks cannot be sustained due to the gaps in the scientific knowledge resulting from unfunded research and the inadequate monitoring of adverse events after vaccination.Download


Since January 10, 2016




Judy Wilyman – Holy Spirit College

I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work at Holy Spirit College in a job share situation for the last 4 years. As a working mother of three young children I can highly recommend the benefits of job share. Prior to the job share I worked as a permanent part time science teacher for six years trying to juggle childcare for different hours across a five-day week. Most childcare centres don’t operate on a flexible basis and therefore become an expensive option, defeating the purpose of part-time work. Some people have a good support network, which can relieve this, however for many, this doesn’t exist.

Job share enabled me to balance my work commitments with those of my family with time left over for myself. This is important in relieving the tensions and guilt experienced when the load is too high. Children benefit from a relaxed family environment where they are not being rushed from one venue to the next. This can be stressful to young children. I feel the benefits to my family life have been tremendous but also to the school as well. The benefit to the school is that it gets twice the amount of energy and creativity for the price of one teacher. We are able to arrive for our classes fresher and more enthusiastic for our two or three days than if we were coming in five days of the week. Each of us has different talents that can be utilised by the school for extra curriculum activities.

Students experience different teaching styles and with good communication and support for each other the job share can be very effective. We have aimed to give the students continuity in the topics we teach and consistency with the running of the classroom and discipline. The best partnerships require goodwill and respect for each other’s interests when decisions are being made. Guidelines for the job share should be based on individual situations and should be discussed fully before the arrangement is agreed to. I have gained job satisfaction from this arrangement while still maintaining a mostly sane and happy household. It also means that when unexpected family events happen such as sickness we are still able to cope. By entering into job shares the schools will retain more experienced qualified staff members and hence provide a better service.


 Bijlage 119 Judy Wilyman, PhD on anti vaccination )

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Medical Doctors and PhD’s Speak Out Against Vaccinations

Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren’t safe or effective.

For a list of their reasons why. see
The case medical doctors and PhD’s make against vaccines

More about Immunologist, Tetyana Obuknanych, Phd

Below is a list of videos (and some articles) where medical doctors and PhD’s come forward to discuss the unhealthy effects of vaccines. Each professional presents documented research, facts and statistics to prove,  when taken in its’ totality, that 1) vaccines aren’t safe 2) vaccines aren’t effective 3) vaccines haven’t been proven to increase immunity or resistance to disease and 4) that vaccines only decrease the health of the people they’re injected into. Vaccines are also proven and documented in many cases to kill instantly and cripple for life. The situations of instant child death and permanent injury, due to vaccination, are well documented in the linked information.

Some of the professionals below are straight to the point and some are a little more withdrawn about coming forward to present the exact opposite of what they were taught in medical school and by their society in general. The medical and science professionals listed have nothing to gain and literally everything to lose by speaking up within a system that’s designed to punish anyone who moves against the accepted medical standards of care and generally accepted community standards, within our culture.  The theme of each presentation is eerily similar, with the common ground always being that this information regarding vaccines being ineffective, unhealthy and dangerous…..is already well documented within the journals of medical science but it’s ignored full stop because something else is going on.  The weight of the evidence is not only found to be firmly planted against the use of vaccines, due to their unhealthy effects, but the government itself is the very entity spear heading a corrupt and illegal attack upon its’ own citizens…..by forcing science, medicine and government policy to keep driving fraudulent vaccine claims and toxic vaccines themselves, deeper into the public at large. This is for parents who want to know more, in order to do the best for their children.1. Dr. Nancy Banks – obstitrition and gynocologist: “I found that what the FDA and the CDC were telling parents is different from the truth. If you look at the ingredients of vaccines, they have elements that are neurotoxic and that give auto immune recations, which is what is causing the wave of autis, allergies, ADD . ADHD. Diseases have never been irradicated by vaccines. They have been erradicated by hugiene, education and nourishment. Medical schools promote eugenic ideas. Doctors do not go to the literature with the studies.They do not examine what they ae doing. They have been trained, not educated.  Its papal in nature. They ae not scientists but propagandists.The drug companies have so much invested in vaccines, that they take the tobacco way out.”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F_yj1T8Qu8 or http://bit.ly/1Ip0aIm  and https://www.nancybanksmd.com/
2. Dr. Russell L.  Blaylock – M.D. board certified neurosurgeon. “I cannot think of anything more insane than vaccinating pregnant women.”  Appendix 90: Dr. Russel Blaylock \

3. Dr. Shiv Chopra – PhD microbiologist, former vaccine researcher for Health Canada (the Canadian FDA) , WHO fellow, former vaccine maker, whistle blower.  “There are absolutely no good vaccines anywhere. They are dangerous for health. There is no science behind vaccines. They cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent, plus a host of other diseases, like AIDS.  No vaccines are necessary, all vaccines are a hoax. ”       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0kf3W6z0ts  , 

4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries
6. Dr. Larry Palevsky – http://bit.ly/1LLEjf6

Contact Info


7. Dr. Toni Bark – Dr Toni Bark, MD Speaking to the Washington State Legislature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX7fiAjNmiY
8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield – http://bit.ly/1MuyNzo

Dr Andrew Wakefield discovered the link between gastrointestinal symptoms and autism spectrum disorder, a link that is now officially recognized.

He also found that the gastrointestinal symptoms in autistic children, specifically Crohns disease, was caused by the measles virus, that is injected with the MMR.

9. Dr. Meryl Nass – http://bit.ly/1DGzJsc
10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin – http://bit.ly/1G9ZXYl

May be an image of 1 person and text that says '"Natural immunity is the only true immunity. ~Dr. Ray Obomsawin Everything else is an artificial attempt to cheat nature And nature is never cheated"'

11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot – http://bit.ly/1MrVeUL
12. Dr. Robert Rowen – http://bit.ly/1SIELeF
13. Dr. David Ayoub – http://bit.ly/1SIELve
14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD – http://bit.ly/1KsdVby
15. Dr. Rashid Buttar – http://bit.ly/1gWOkL6
16. Dr. Roby Mitchell – http://bit.ly/1gdgEZU
17. Dr. Ken Stoller – http://bit.ly/1MPVqLI
18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein – http://bit.ly/1LLEqHH
19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD – http://bit.ly/1OHbLDI
20. Dr. David Davis – http://bit.ly/1gdgJwo
21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych – http://bit.ly/16Z7k6J
22. Dr. Harold E Buttram – http://bit.ly/1Kru6Df
23. Dr. Kelly Brogan – http://bit.ly/1D31pfQ
24. Dr. RC Tent – http://bit.ly/1MPVwmu
25. Dr. Rebecca Carley – http://bit.ly/K49F4d
26. Dr. Andrew Moulden – http://bit.ly/1fwzKJu

The late Dr. Andrew Moulden produced a three part series in 2008 called Tolerance Lost. These videos explain the science of vaccine injury.

Dr Andrew Moulden was a neurologist saw that post vaccination, because of Aluminum in vaccines, children had the equivalent of a stroke after the vaccine, losing language and showing signs of autism.

He explains how the immune response after vaccines blocks capillary blood vessels because white blood cells are bigger than red ones. Then red blood cells are blocked as well causing oxygen shortage and Ischemia.

Dr Andrew Moulden Every Vaccine Produces Harm


27. Dr. Jack Wolfson – http://bit.ly/1wtPHRA
28. Dr. Michael Elice – http://bit.ly/1KsdpKA
29. Dr. Terry Wahls – http://bit.ly/1gWOBhd
30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff – http://bit.ly/1OtWxAY
31. Dr. Paul Thomas – http://bit.ly/1DpeXPf
32. Many doctors talking at once – http://bit.ly/1MPVHOv
33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz – http://bit.ly/1OtWG7D
34. Dr. Jane Orient – http://bit.ly/1MXX7pb
35. Dr. Richard Deth – http://bit.ly/1GQDL10
36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic – http://bit.ly/1eqiPr5
37. Dr Chris Shaw – http://bit.ly/1IlGiBp
38. Dr. Susan McCreadie – http://bit.ly/1CqqN83
39. Dr. Mary Ann Block – http://bit.ly/1OHcyUX
40. Dr. David Brownstein – http://bit.ly/1EaHl9A
41. Dr. Jayne Donegan – http://bit.ly/1wOk4Zz
42. Dr. Troy Ross – http://bit.ly/1IlGlNH
43. Dr. Philip Incao – http://bit.ly/1ghE7sS
44. Dr. Joseph Mercola – http://bit.ly/18dE38I
45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet – http://bit.ly/1MaX0cC
46. Dr. Robert Mendelson – http://bit.ly/1JpAEQr47. Dr. Garth Nicolson – http://bit.ly/1OQVJsF

48. Dr. Marc Girard – http://bit.ly/1iw0smT

49. Dr. Charles Richet – http://bit.ly/1G5GG7j

50. Dr. Zac Bush – http://bit.ly/1LS19OZ

51. Dr. Lawrence Wilson – http://bit.ly/1kcdirf

52. Dr. James Howenstine – http://bit.ly/1iNyFOy

53. Dr Burton A. Waisbren, Sr., M.D. – http://bit.ly/1Nj8LRe

54. Dr. Hans Moolenburgh 

55. Dr. Bonnie Dunbar – http://bit.ly/1N5DXNi

56. Dr. Judy Mikovits – http://bit.ly/1QIzmHU

57. Dr. John Bergman – http://bit.ly/1KYv1yY

58. Dr. Rima E. Laibow – bit.ly/1RmW73C

59. Dr. Lee Hieb – http://bit.ly/1VElDUv

60. Dr. Daniel Kalb – http://bit.ly/22FPmxv

61. Dr. Rachel Ross – http://bit.ly/1r7Doik

62. Dr. Kathryn H Hale – http://bit.ly/2erDoW9

63. Dr. Gibson – http://bit.ly/2sLlNSt

64. Dr. Anthony Phan – http://bit.ly/2squqxN

65.  Dr. Daniel Neides – http://bit.ly/2xdg2vz

66. Dr. Christiane Northrup – http://bit.ly/2vWOdqi

67. Dr. James Neuenschwander – http://bit.ly/2gCsl1w

68. Dr Pam Popper

69. Dr. Sam Eggerton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LB-3xkeDAE&feature=youtu.be

70. Brandy Vaughan, Ex Merck employee, who spoke out against vaccines, and was found dead by her ten year old son December 8 2020.


71. Dr. Helen Ratajczac

May be an image of 5 people, including Ramon Walter, child and text that says '1 Herd Mentality Made Easy "Omdat er menselijk DNA in vaccinaties zitten, en de ontvangers gers ook mensen zijn, is er een probleem met de homologe recombinatie. Het DNA wordt samengevoegd met het DNA van de persoon. Waar komt dit het meest tot uiting? In de neuronen van hersenen. Nu heb je een lichaam dat de eigen hersencellen doodt en er is een voortdurende ontsteking. Het houdt niet op, het gaat door gedurende het hele leven van dat individu." Helen Ratajczak farmaceutisch onderzoekster'

Review J Immunotoxicol

. Jan-Mar 2011;8(1):68-79. doi: 10.3109/1547691X.2010.545086.

Theoretical aspects of autism: causes–a review

Helen V Ratajczak 1Affiliations expand

Full text linksCite


Autism, a member of the pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs), has been increasing dramatically since its description by Leo Kanner in 1943. First estimated to occur in 4 to 5 per 10,000 children, the incidence of autism is now 1 per 110 in the United States, and 1 per 64 in the United Kingdom, with similar incidences throughout the world. Searching information from 1943 to the present in PubMed and Ovid Medline databases, this review summarizes results that correlate the timing of changes in incidence with environmental changes. Autism could result from more than one cause, with different manifestations in different individuals that share common symptoms. Documented causes of autism include genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis following vaccination. Therefore, autism is the result of genetic defects and/or inflammation of the brain. The inflammation could be caused by a defective placenta, immature blood-brain barrier, the immune response of the mother to infection while pregnant, a premature birth, encephalitis in the child after birth, or a toxic environment.


Corruption in Big Pharma

Hundreds more doctors testifying that vaccines aren’t safe or effective, in these documentaries….
1. Vaccination – The Silent Epidemic – http://bit.ly/1vvQJ2W
2. The Greater Good – http://bit.ly/1icxh8j
3. Shots In The Dark – http://bit.ly/1ObtC8h
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth – http://bit.ly/KEYDUh
5. Vaccine Nation – http://bit.ly/1iKNvpU
6. Vaccination – The Truth About Vaccines – http://bit.ly/1vlpwvU
7. Lethal Injection – http://bit.ly/1URN7BJ
8. Bought – http://bit.ly/1M7YSlr
9. Deadly Immunity – http://bit.ly/1KUg64Z
10. Autism – Made in the USA – http://bit.ly/1J8WQN5
11. Beyond Treason – http://bit.ly/1B7kmvt
12. Trace Amounts – http://bit.ly/1vAH3Hv 
13. Why We Don’t Vaccinate – http://bit.ly/1KbXhuf

14. Autism Yesterday – http://bit.ly/1URU2A7

15. Denmark Documentary on HPV Vaccine – http://bit.ly/1AJI0dx

16. Vaxxed – bit.ly/1qackPC

17. Man Made Epidemic – http://bit.ly/1XsOi0R

18. 50 Cents A Dose – http://bit.ly/2c0h07P

19. Direct Orders – http://bit.ly/1ivShHg

20. Dtap – Vaccine Roulette http://bit.ly/2dBnc3u

21. Truthstream News: About All Those Vaccines – http://bit.ly/2gCMa4o

22. Hear The Silence – http://bit.ly/2g7NYpd

23. Cervical Cancer Vaccine – Is It Safe? – http://bit.ly/2h3Dvsh

24. Vaccines Revealed – https://www.vaccinesrevealed.com/free/

25. The Truth About Vaccines – http://bit.ly/2mX4Tyc

26. Vaccine Syndrome – http://bit.ly/2phXCKt

27. Injecting Aluminum – http://bit.ly/2qPkFwo

28. Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror – http://bit.ly/2qT0X3j

29. Sacrificial Virgins –http://www.vaccinetruth.org/doctors-against-vaccines.htmlhttp://drtenpenny.com/dr-sherri-tenpenny/andhttps://www.jchristoff.com/medical-doctors-and-phd-scientists-speak-out-against-vaccinations-2/

Quotes from Doctors Regarding Vaccination

Dr Tony Morris, MD

“There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good.” “The manufacturers of these vaccines know they are worthless but they go on selling them anyway.” – Dr J Anthony Morris, PhD (Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist, US FDA)

Dr Bernadine Healy, MD

“There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety… No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge.” “I think public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as irrational without sufficient studies of causation.” – Dr Bernadine Healy, MD (Former Director, National Institute of Health and Former President, American Red Cross)

“Crib death was so infrequent in the pre-vaccination era that it was not even mentioned in the statistics, but it started to climb in the 1950s with the spread of mass vaccination.” – Dr Harris L Coulter, PhD

“Vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths.”- Dr Viera Scheibner, PhD

“The only safe vaccine is one that is never used.” Dr James A Shannon, MD (Former Director, National Institutes of Health)

“We are setting up the younger generation for a potential calamity. Vaccines build up only one line of your immune system (the antibody system) but put the main immune system (cellular immunity) to sleep. You need both for fully developed immunity.” – Dr Robert Rowen, MDhttp://vaccine-injury.info/

“The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective.” – Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz 

“The public is woefully uninformed on vaccine risks due to government and mainstream media censorship.” – Dr. Mark Geier, MD 

“The chief, if not the sole cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination.” – Dr. Robert Bell, once Vice President, International Society for Cancer Research at the British Cancer Hospital 

“Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio.” – Dr. Allen Greenberg, MD 

“In my medical career I’ve treated vaccinated and unvaccinated children and the unvaccinated children are far healthier than the vaccinated ones.” – Dr. Philip Incao, MD 

“I found the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instances of these diseases you will realize that this is not so.” – Dr. Archivides Kalokerinos, MD 

“It is dangerously misleading to say that vaccines make us “immume” or protect against disease, when in fact that is the exact opposite of the truth. Vaccines only drive disease deeper and cause us to harbor it chronically.” – Dr. Richard Moscowitz, MD 

“The vaccinations are not working and they are dangerous. We should be working with nature.” – Dr. Lendon Smith, MD 

“There is no scientific evidence that vaccinations are of any benefit, but it is clear that they cause a great deal of harm.” – Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD 

“All vaccines are and have been causing ischemic (impaired blood flow) damage – to all – creating a plethora of chronic illnesses, disease, and in some instances, death. The injury from vaccination is additive; each vaccination further injures.” – Dr. Andrew Moulden MD, PhD 

“When you impair the brain blood flow by vaccination you can impair the respiration control center which can result in death. We call it SIDS.” – Dr. Andrew Moulden MD, PhD 

“Vaccination is the most dangerous medical practice in the history of classical medicine.” – Dr. Sladjana Velkov (Macedonia) 

[With vaccination] “what in reality is prevented is not the disease but the ability of our cellular immune system to manifest, to respond to and to overcome the disease! There is no system of the human being, from mind to muscles to immune system, which gets stronger through avoiding challenges, but only through overcoming challenges.” – Dr. Philip Incao, MD 

“I have lectured all over the world… I have always had a special interest in newspapers. All of them have one thing in common, there is always some reference made to some epidemic in some part of the world. For instance, two years ago, one paper referred to a polio epidemic in Holland. For the past three years, our newspapers have commented on the diphtheria epidemic in Russia. By these means, the population is constantly threatened with epidemics, they have been made to fear them, and the reports always conclude: “Go and get vaccinated.” – Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD 

“To create fear among parents to strengthen their motivation to vaccinate is an important part of the publicity used to promote vaccinations. A whole branch of research is examining the question: What level of fear needs to be created to appear as convincing as possible?” – Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD 

“In 1866, an English physician described a very strange illness. Children looked like Mongols. His name was Down. That’s why we call it Down’s Syndrome today… I should add that this syndrome is a result of the vaccinations carried throughout England by Jenner in 1796… It (Down’s Syndrome) is probably the first congenital disease caused by vaccinations. In Germany, the first child with evidence of Down’s Syndrome was reported in 1922. Today, one in every 700 newborns has it.” – Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD 

“There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons of any age.” – Dr. Paul Frame, MD, Journal of Family Practice 

“Only after realizing that routine immunizations were dangerous did I achieve a substantial drop in infant death rates.” – Dr. Archivides Kalokerinos, MD 

“I’ll talk about vaccines. Number one, vaccines make people sick. They don’t work. They don’t protect. The use of vaccines is totally wrong! It’s perfect nonsense based on fear. They are dangerous. One child out of five has overwhelming disabilities from vaccines – neurological problems, seizures. I’ve got a whole list. There are plenty of books on this subject. Doctors don’t even read about this.” – Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, MD 

“During those 30 years I have run against so many histories of little children who had never seen a sick day until they were vaccinated and who, in the several years that have followed, have never seen a well day since. I couldn’t put my finger on the disease they have. They just weren’t strong. Their resistance was gone. They were perfectly well before they were vaccinated. They have never been well since.” – Dr. William Howard Hay, MD 

“Nobody needs to be confused but everybody better be darn well frightened about taking any vaccine, under any circumstance, for any reason, at any time in their life.” – Dr. Daniel H. Duffy Sr., DC (retired air force officer – 21 yrs., family doctor – 28 yrs., vaccination researcher – 49 yrs.) 

“I vaccinated both my children with the MMR jab, but this was before I started my research into the problems associated with it. Knowing what I know now, I would not vaccinate my children and run the risk of them getting diabetes, asthma, eczema, becoming more susceptible to meningitis and ending up chronically disabled.” – Dr. Jayne Donegan, GP, Homeopath 

“Had my mother and father known that the poliovirus vaccines of the 1950s were heavily contaminated with more than 26 monkey viruses, including the cancer virus SV40, I can say with certainty that they would not have allowed their children and themselves to take those vaccines. Both of my parents might not have developed cancers suspected of being vaccine-related, and might even be alive today.” – Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz, PhD, CEO, CSO and co-founder of Chronix Biomedical 

“Childhood vaccines are giving us a world of chronic illness: autism, developmental disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome, brain tumors, leukemia, cancers, information processing disorders, impulsive violence, allergies, asthma, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, intestinal disorders, are just some of the vaccine associated disorders.” – Dr. Tedd Koren, DC 

“I am no longer trying to dig up evidence to prove vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence. This debate is not scientific but is political.” Dr. David Ayoub, MD 

“There are at least seven laboratory studies, clinical studies, of blood, cerebral, spinal fluid, biopsies of autistic children which show huge differences between autistic children and normal children in terms of the presence of things like measles vaccine virus in their intestinal tract, for example, or their neurons. So, there’s one line of evidence. Another, of course, is that we have data from thousands of parents who testify, often with videotapes and photographs and eyewitness reports, that their kid was perfectly normal. And they can demonstrate it, as I say, very conclusively with tapes, until after the vaccine. The kid retreated into autism. There’s just converging evidence from many, many directions.” – Dr. Bernard Rimland, PhD, Founder and Former Director of the Autism Research Institute 

“When the link between the use of unsafe, mercury-laden vaccine and autism, ADHD, asthma, allergies and diabetes becomes undeniable, mainstream medicine will be sporting a huge, self-inflicted and well-deserved black eye. Then will come the billion-dollar awards, by enraged juries, to the children and their families.” – Dr. Bernard Rimland, PhD, founder and former director of the Autism Research Institute 

“The greatest threat to our health today is the medical community, and one of their most dangerous tools is vaccination – particularly the horrific procedure of injecting foreign protein into newborn infants!” – Dr. Daniel H. Duffy, DC 

The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization… There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease.” – Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD 

“We are taught by the authorities that vaccines protect us against eventual aggressive viruses and microbes, and, therefore, prevent contagious illnesses and epidemics. This lie has been perpetuated for 150 years despite the ineffectiveness of vaccines in protecting against illnesses.” – Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, MD 

“My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others.” – Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD 

“Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin Polio Vaccines, being made from monkey kidney tissue, have been directly responsible for the major increase in leukaemia in this country.” – Dr. Fred Klenner, MD 

“As a clinician, my current belief which guides my practice with these children is that any child given the Hep B vaccination at birth and subsequent boosters along with DPT has received unacceptable levels of neurotoxin in the form of the ethyl mercury in the thimerosal preservative used in the vaccine. In any child with a genetic immune susceptibility (probably about one in six) this sets off a series of events that injure the brain-gut-immune system. By the time they are ready to receive the MMR vaccination, their immune system is so impaired in a great number of these children that the triple vaccine cannot be handled by the now dysfunctional immune system and they begin their obvious descent into the autistic spectrum disorder.” – Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless, MD 

“In 1976 I was working in the Gulf Country around Cape York, in an aboriginal community of about 300 people. The Health Department sent around a team and vaccinated about 100 of them against flu. Six were dead within 24 hours or so and they weren’t all old people, one man being in his early twenties. They threw the bodies in trucks to take to the coast where autopsies were done. It appeared they had died from heart attacks.” – Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, MD 

“As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals and learn nutrition, herbal medicine and other forms of natural medicine unless you are fortunate enough to have a naturopathic physician available. Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio. Most surgery is unnecessary and most textbooks of medicine are inaccurate and deceptive. Almost every disease is said to be idiopathic (without known cause) or genetic – although this is untrue. In short, our main stream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be.” – Dr. Alan Greenberg, MD 

“According to the records of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, from 1911 to 1935 the four leading causes of childhood deaths from infectious diseases in the U.S.A. were diptheria, pertussis, scarlet fever, and measles. However, by 1945 the combined death rates from these causes had declined by 95% before the implementation of mass vaccine programs.” – Dr. Harold Buttram, MD 

“I would consider the risks associated with measles vaccination unacceptable even if there were convincing evidence that the vaccine works. There isn’t. …. In 1900 there were 13.3 measles deaths per 100,000 population. By 1955, before the first measles shot, the death rate had declined 97.7 percent to only 0.03 deaths per 100,000.” – Dr. Mendelsohn, MD 

“Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860 and 1965, because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, and measles, occurred before the introduction of immunizations and antibiotics.” – Dr Archie Kalokerinos, MD 

“What the vaccinators don’t tell you is that communicable diseases have been declining at a steady rate for 150 years and that there is no relationship between the various diseases and the onset of immunization. Without exception, the vaccine program for each of the childhood diseases was inaugurated after that paticular diseases had begun to disappear. Contrary to what you have been told, this includes polio. What the vaccines have done is cause the various childhood diseases to become adulthood diseases – with far more serious implications, mumps in men and rubella in women for example.” – Dr. William Douglass, MD 

“For thirty years kids died from smallpox vaccinations even though no longer threatened by the disease.” – Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD 

“I am and have been for years a confirmed anti-vaccinationist. Anti-vaccination has no backing from the orthodox medical opinion. A medical man who expresses himself against vaccination loses caste. Tremendous pecuniary interests too have grown around vaccination.” – Mahatma Gandhi 

“I have no faith in vaccination; I look upon it with the greatest possible disgust, and firmly believe that it is often the medium of conveying many filthy and loathsome diseases from one child to another, and no protection whatever against smallpox. Indeed, I consider we are now living in the Jennerian epoch for the slaughter of innocents, and the unthinking portion of the adult population.” – Dr. W.J. Collins, MD, BS, BSc, MRCS 

“What people don’t know about vaccines –what most doctors don’t know– but well demonstrated in medical literature, is that vaccines shift your immune system to an immune suppression type of state called the “TH2 shift.” That’s what most vaccines do. They shift your immune system to a weaker, antibody type immune system… If you’re injecting people with so many vaccines that your keeping them in this constant state –that now your switching everyone to this TH2 immune suppression– then everyone becomes more susceptible [to infectious diseases]… and no one is talking about that. Now, a lot of scientists know that, but they are afraid to speak out because their careers would be ruined.” – Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD 

“Using kids as guinea pigs in potentially harmful vaccine experiments is every parents’ worst nightmare. This actually happened in 1989-1991 when Kaiser Permanente of Southern California and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) jointly conducted a measles vaccine experiment. Without proper parental disclosure, the Yugoslavian-made “high titre” Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine was tested on 1,500 poor, primarily black and Latino, inner city children in Los Angeles. Highly recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), the high-potency experimental vaccine was previously injected into infants in Mexico, Haiti, and Africa. It was discontinued in these countries when it was discovered that the children were dying in large numbers.” – Dr. Alan Cantwell MD 

“There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway.” – Dr. J. Anthony Morris, Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, US FDA 

“My own personal view is that vaccines are unsafe and worthless. I will not allow myself to be vaccinated again. Vaccines may be profitable but in my view, they are neither safe nor effective.” – Dr. Vernon Coleman, MB, ChB, DSc (Hon) 

“I once believed in Jenner; I once believed in Pasteur. I believed in vaccination. I believed in vivisection. But I changed my views as the result of hard thinking.” – Dr. Walter Hadwen, MD, LSA, MRCS, LRCP, MB 

“Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with at least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.” – Dr. W. B. Clarke 

“No long-term safety testing for the influenza vaccine has ever been done. They are experimenting on our lives and our children. Influenza vaccine is an experimental vaccine. ” – Dr. Mark Geier, MD, PhD 

“There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good.” – Dr. J. Anthony Morris, Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, US FDA 

“The only safe vaccine is one that is never used.” – Dr. James A. Shannon, MD, Former Director, National Institutes of Health (1955-1968) 

“Belief in immunization is a form of delusional insanity.” – Dr Herbert Shelton, MD 

“I don’t think measles poses any risk to a healthy child.” – Dr Jay Gordon, MD 

“I sincerely believe that vaccines cause more harm to the health of the individual than the “protection” and “benefit” they are proclaimed to provide. Staying healthy without vaccines is not only possible, but being vaccine-free is the only way to maintain a lifetime of real health.” – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO 

“Nothing but the natural ignorance of the public, countenanced by the inoculated erroneousness of the ordinary general medical practitioners, makes such a barbarism as vaccination possible. Recent developments have shown that an inoculation made in the usual general practitioner’s light-hearted way, without previous highly skilled examination of the state of the patient’s blood, is just as likely to be a simple manslaughter as a cure or preventive. But vaccination is nothing short of attempted murder. A skilled bacteriologist would just as soon think of cutting his child’s arm and rubbing the contents of the dustpan into the wound, as vaccinating.” – George Bernard Shaw 

“The more it (vaccination) is supported by public authorities, the more will its dangers and disadvantages be concealed or denied.” – M. Beddow Bayly 

“One vaccine decreases cell-mediated immunity by 50%, two vaccines by 70%… all triple vaccines (MMR, DTaP) markedly impair cell-mediated immunity, which predisposes to recurrent viral infections, especially otitis media, as well as yeast and fungi infections.” – Dr. Herman Hugh Fudenberg, M.D., Ph.D. (Immunology) 

“Autism may be a disorder linked to the disruption of the G-alpha protein, affecting retinoid receptors in the brain. A study of sixty autistic children suggests that autism may be caused by inserting a G-alpha protein defect, the pertussis toxin found in the D.P.T. vaccine, into genetically at-risk children.” – Mary N. Megson, M.D. 

“Probably 20% of American children -one youngster in five- suffers from ‘development disability’. This is stupefying figure we have inflicted on ourselves…’development disabilities’ are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the USA and other industrialized countries is the childhood vaccination program. To be specific, a large proportion of millions of US children and adults suffering from autism, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia… owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.” – Harris Coulter PhD, Author, “Vaccination, Social Violence & Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain” 

“Childhood diseases are a far less serious threat than having a large fraction of a generation afflicted with learning disability and/or uncontrollable aggressive behavior because of a crusade for universal vaccination…” – Association of American Physicians & Surgeons 

“We look at these unvaccinated kids as bright and chipper, and they have good personalities, and they’re easy-going and easy to get along with, and we look at them like they’re just something magical. … When really that’s what normal is supposed to look like.” – Sherri Tenpenny, DO 

“Recent evidence indicates that routine childhood vaccinations contribute to the emergence of chronic allergic problems such as eczema, ear infections, and asthma. A growing number of scientists and physicians maintain that most standard vaccinations permanently disturb the developing immune system, setting the stage for hypersensitive reactions to foods and other common substances. In fact, childhood illnesses such as measles, mumps, and whooping cough may actually reduce the risk of allergy.” – Konrad Kail, N.D. 

“The incidence of asthma has been found to be five times more common in vaccinated children.” – The Lancet, 1994. 

“Provocation polio. That is the truth about those outbreaks of polio. And I offer a well considered personal opinion that polio is a man made disease.” – Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. 

“Public health regulators’ main interest is preserving the notion that vaccines help more than they harm. Anything else is blasphemous. For the rest of us, though, a recent review in immunology literature should give pause. It states: ‘To date, more than 80 systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases have been defined, and their cumulative burden is substantial, both medically and financially. Furthermore, the burden of autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases is rising, making these diseases a ubiquitous global phenomenon that is predicted to further increase in the coming decades.’ An autoimmune storm is rising. The role of vaccines in it is emerging and will one day be crystal clear. The question is, how far off is that day, and who is going to pay while we wait for it?” – Celeste McGovern 

Dr. Gary Kohls, MD has warned that advocates for [mandatory vaccination] were doing so “without acknowledging –or perhaps even being aware of– the large amount of recent neuroscience-based evidence from scientists worldwide that should be modifying the outdated CDC mandates.” “Big Pharma and the CDC have very profitably generated and then propagated the myth that their overpriced and very poorly researched vaccines are both effective and safe,” added Dr. Kohl, a retired physician who had a 40-year family practice career and now tries to sound the alarm on vaccine dangers. “The safety and efficacy of all vaccines has been disproven (including the 270 new ones that the industry is currently developing and planning to market), but the word has not broken through to the large clinics like the Mayo Clinic.” Source: The New American 

For links to more websites with quotes from doctors regarding vaccines, see VacLib.org


12 Educated Doctors Speaking Out About Vaccination

By Kelly Winder in Health & Lifestyle. Updated: September 6, 2017

12 Educated Doctors Speaking Out About Vaccination

Please note: this article is aimed at allowing wider access to the full range of opinions in the vaccine debate, in order to help individuals make informed decisions. The aim is not to encourage parents to either vaccinate or not vaccinate their children.

Find any conversation about vaccination, on social media, and you’re guaranteed to see an interaction which goes something like this:

“Are you a doctor? Because unless you are, your opinion is invalid”.

Ironically, the ‘Are you a doctor, and what is your qualification?’ accusation tends to be blurted out by those who aren’t doctors either.

Clearly, they don’t realise the inference in their statement. They are not doctors, by their own admission, and therefore, by their own definition, they have no capacity to make, or even understand, any statement on the matter.

Therefore, I have sought out highly qualified medical doctors and specialists to share the other side of the debate on vaccinations.

Doctors Speaking Out About Vaccination

Given there’s such intense, continuous media coverage about vaccination – all of it condemning those who don’t vaccinate, (without ever interviewing parents who say their child was injured by vaccines) – it might be hard to believe there are, in fact, plenty of medical doctors and other health professionals who have serious concerns about vaccination.

And no, they’re not simply professionals with a PhD to their name, nor are they ‘alternative’ doctor types either.

In fact, most, if not all, started their medical career being pro-vaccine, and once proudly vaccinated their patients.

Some of those doctors even admit to being pro-vaccine bullies, and egosistical in the past, prior to having big realisations about vaccines.

The number of doctors with questions and concerns has been growing over time.

So much so, organisations have been forming, such as Physicians For Informed ConsentThe International Medical Council on Vaccination, and Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines. Private groups also provide a safe haven in the face of bullying, trolling and attacks.

In Australia, doctors, nurses, midwives, chiropractors, and other health professionals who participate in such groups, risk being reported to the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency), courtesy of dedicated, witch-hunting groups who troll the Internet, and delight in every single professional they can report.

The healthcare providers’ details – including their photo, medical registration information, and their place of work – are then slathered across blogs and social media. Members of these groups will even go so far as to pick up the phone to call the hospitals and other places the targeted health professionals work, and make complaints about them.

Australian Doctors – Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Australia’s health professionals are caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to questioning the current way of thinking – especially when it comes to vaccines. Many were too nervous for me to interview them, as they have been bitten before. They worry that eyes, and insider ‘plants’ are everywhere.

I was given this explanation from an Australian GP, on the more complex issues of speaking out:

“There is a split here between the AMA [Australian Medical Association] code of ethics and the Medical Board of Australia code of conduct. The former specifies that one must state clearly whenever your opinion is not consistent with the consensus of the profession. What that really means is that whenever one utters an opinion that does not fit within that consensus, one is speaking as an individual, not as a doctor. Therefore, by extension, your opinion can safely be ignored, as you are just a ‘lone nutter’.”

Unfortunately, speaking out about vaccination guarantees health professionals will become targets for bullying and harassment (from within their industry, as well as from the public). It might also risk their registration and, therefore, their ability to earn an income, and continue along the career path they love and enjoy.

The Appalling Treatment Of Australian Surgeon, Dr Gary Fettke

You only have to look at what happened to Tasmanian orthopedic surgeon, Doctor Gary Fettke, who was reprimanded by AHPRA for telling his diabetic patients about the LCHF (low carb, healthy fat) way of eating.

Doctor Fettke spent many years performing limb amputations due to diabetic complications, and of course, Doctor Fettke wouldn’t want his patients to have to go through that if it could be helped.

However, Doctor Fettke was reported to the AHPRA by a dietician. Because he was not seen to be qualified in nutrition, he was gagged from offering any nutrition advice to his patients, or on social media.

His wife (who is not a doctor) was able to continue running his Facebook page, but only after Doctor Fettke’s name was removed from it.

To give you an idea of the absurdity of the whole situation, recently, a GP in the UK won a prestigious award for her work advocating the same LCHF lifestyle Doctor Fettke does.

To add even more salt into the wound, the CSIRO (Australia’s national science agency) recently released a cookbook dedicated to low carb recipes.

Why should it matter to you?

Because when the media, or other sources, tell you to talk to your doctor (as they always  do) they know very well your doctor is obliged to give you information that is compliant with one way of thinking; otherwise the doctor puts career and livelihood at risk.

I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather hear what my doctor genuinely thinks, about my individual situation, based on his or her own research and experience, without the fear of backlash.

After all, vaccines have been said to be unavoidably unsafe.

“The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act acknowledges that vaccine injury or death may be “unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and accompanied by proper directions and warnings.” 42 U.S.C. 300aa-22(b)(1). The “unavoidable” language in the Act is from the Restatement (Second) of Torts that applies to “products which, in the present state of human knowledge, are quite incapable of being made safe.” Restatement (Second) of Torts Section 402A, comment k (1965).”

But I digress…. Back to the topic at hand.

While this article contains 11 videos of medical doctors and thoughts from an anonymous Australian doctor (the GP wishes to remain anonymous due to attacks and calls for deregistration of such Australian doctors at the moment), I’ve also added links to even more medical doctors and paediatricians at the very end of the article.

I can assure you I have spoken to – and have been made aware of – plenty of doctors (including GPs, paediatricians, neurologists, obstetricians, and others), as well as nurses and midwives, who have serious concerns about the side effects and safety of vaccination. In fact, a couple of them have had vaccine reactions themselves.

12 Medical Doctors Who Decided They Could No Longer Keep Quiet About Vaccination

These are just 12 of many doctors who have similar stories. They all graduated from medical school, and received very little information about vaccines – apart from being told vaccines were safe and effective, and they should follow the schedule.

Working in their own practices, the reality was quite different. They all noticed a worrying trend: vaccine reactions were increasing at a fast pace, along with the increasing number of vaccines in the schedule.

The doctors featured below were driven to do their own research and education, which amounted to much more than they were ever taught in medical school.

Some of these medical doctors are now also researchers, specialists, educators and professors.

There are more concerned medical professionals than you might imagine. Most of them fear retaliation, if they were to speak out – one of the reasons you won’t see these stories on mainstream news channels and websites. Some do speak out.

I think it’s important to be as brave as these doctors are, in saying what they think.

Two doctors are speaking under oath.

#1: Professor Alvin H Moss, MD, Nephrologist, West Virginia University

Professor Alvin Moss has taught medical ethics for over 25 years, and is the director of the Centre For Health Ethics and Law at West Virginia University.

You can find out more about his own journey, as he speaks out about vaccines and vaccine-related injury, in this video.

Professor Moss says many physicians are well aware of what’s going on with vaccines.

His neighbours are physicians; their son regressed on the night of his vaccines – and hasn’t been the same since.

One of the questions Doctor Moss answered before the Senate was about the billions of dollars paid out in the National Children’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program; another question was about aborted fetal cells in vaccines.

He states, “In 1986, the US Congress established the National Vaccine Childhood Injury Act (NVCIA), because the vaccine manufacturers had come to them and said we have so many lawsuits we’re going to go out of business, because we cannot afford to pay for vaccine related injuries for which we’re being sued. So they passed the National Childhood Injury Act, and in it they created the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation program, and they also created the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has, as of March 1st, paid out $3.6 billion for vaccine related injuries, since 1986. 2016 was the year in which they reported the most injuries and the most vaccine compensations. In 2016 alone, $250 million was paid out to 800 individuals, which works out to be around $300,000 per person”.

An interesting point in his testimony is that the flu vaccine is resulting in the most compensation payouts. In another video, he mentions Gardasil, a HPV vaccine, is also fast becoming a big one.

#2: Dr. Ramon Ramos, Paediatrician

Doctor Ramon Ramos is a paediatrician of 36 years. When he first started out in medicine, there were not that many vaccines. For example, the Hepatitis B vaccine was not available, nor was the injectible polio vaccine. The MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine was available separately too.

Doctor Ramos worked in a hospital for 10 years before he worked in private practice. When asked if he ever saw autism in the early days while he worked in hospital, he said that if he saw one autistic child, it was a lot.

“We did not see autism. If we did, we did not see them as a paediatrician. They would be seen by a psychiatrist or psychologist as a psychiatric disorder.”

When asked if he saw parents coming to him saying their child has been injured by vaccines, he said he didn’t notice it – not before 1995 anyway.

“Now it’s just mind boggling how often I encounter parents that complain of their child suddenly becoming ill and having some neurological… what they feel is neurological insult following vaccines.”

What does he think of newborns being given the Hepatitis B vaccine on the first day of life?

“I think it’s senseless. There’s just no reason whatsoever that a newborn, a one month old, a six month old should be vaccinated against a disease that is basically sexually transmitted or bloodborne. It’s just senseless.”

He would not give the HPV vaccine to any of his daughters, nor would he recommend it. Find out more in the video below.

#3: Dr. Bob Zajac, MD, Pediatrician

Doctor Bob Zajac has 15 years of medical and specialist training under his belt.

He’s a board certified pediatrician, has a 4 year degree in child development and has a phD in special education (which also took four years). Doctor Zajac is also a father of eight children.

In the video below, Doctor Zajac shares his experiences being a specialist for children with special needs, and says that he’s been reading about vaccines since 2009, about an hour per day. He admits that some parents he has seen have been more educated than he was about vaccines.

A truly fascinating video, well worth the watch.

#4: Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MD, Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist)

Doctor Suzanne Humphries admits she used to be one of those doctors, who bullied and ‘guilted’ patients into getting vaccines.

But it wasn’t long before she saw, with her very own eyes, multiple vaccine reactions – especially in her kidney patients. The reactions mostly occurred in hospital, immediately after vaccination, with no other possible explanation.

When she noticed the pattern, she faced a huge wall of resistance from other doctors, who didn’t know anything about vaccine reactions, the contents of vaccines, the history of vaccination, or the medical literature on vaccination.

Doctor Humphries has given up everything, including a very highly-paid job as a medical specialist, and has spent the last eight years of her life researching vaccines, immunology, the components of vaccines, and their effects on the body.

As she explains, even if we have a 100% vaccination rate, there will still be outbreaks of diseases like measles, if they are brought in from another country. This is because the vaccine is simply not effective enough. Many recent outbreaks – for example, the measles outbreak in California, and the ongoing outbreaks of mumps across the US – were mostly among vaccinated individuals.

Merck is currently being sued by scientist whistleblowers for conducting fraudulent studies of its MMR vaccine, in order to “report efficacy of 95% or higher, regardless of the vaccine’s true efficacy”.

Doctor Suzanne Humphries is the author of an intriguing book which is recommended by many of the doctors who know there is a problem with vaccines.

Her book is titled, Dissolving Illusions – Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History, and is well worth reading.

#5: Dr. Paul Thomas, Paediatrician

Speaking at Doctors For Accountability In Medicine, Doctor Paul Thomas delivered a highly interesting and eye opening presentation, based on his years of experience as a paediatrician, where he would see 100 newborns every year.

In the late 1980s, he noticed only one out of every hundred children would have autism.

But as time went on, kids started to become sicker.

Today, he believes a major contributor to our kids being sicker is the bloated vaccination schedule. He recommends no vaccines during pregnancy, no Hepatitis B vaccine at birth, MMR after three years of age, and chicken pox at school age. If your child has a reaction to any vaccines, he suggests you stop vaccinating, because it’s a sign from your child that vaccines aren’t going well for him.

Doctor Thomas says we don’t even know whether vaccinating women during pregnancy is making a difference, because there are no long term studies. But we do know the flu shot is causing problems, because a study found an increased risk of autism in the first trimester.

He compared the data of children in his practice, and found the unvaccinated children were the most healthy. See also https://youtu.be/aNQVdOx87Ak?t=210

In the video, Doctor Thomas’ talk starts at about seven minutes in, but Del’s introduction is also well worth listening to.

#6: Dr. Franz, Paediatrician

When she started medicine, children would receive two vaccines at a time. She began to see some problems early on, after just two vaccines. By the late 1980s, the number of vaccines had started to increase. Since the vaccination schedule is only a recommendation, and because she had already recognised there were issues, Doctor Franz continued to give her patients no more than two vaccines at a time.

As the years went by, she saw an increasing number of autistic patients, whose parents all said the same thing: after vaccination, they had seen a significant change in their children. That was when she started to read up on vaccine ingredients, and what they do in the body.

Doctor Franz says the children she sees today are sicker. They receive four times the number of vaccines, compared with when she started her career. They now receive a total of 117 antigens, by the time they are five. The DTaP vaccine, for example, contains three antigens (diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough), and it is given a total of five times, making up 15 of the 117 antigens.

One of the most telling answers Doctor Franz gave was in response to being asked about autism cases 30 years ago. Given she has been in medicine so long, did she see autism as often then, as she does today, and have doctors simply become better at diagnosing it?

After confirming she was able to diagnose autism, she responded, “It just wasn’t there. It wasn’t… we’re getting better at diagnosing because there is more of it”.

#7: Dr. Patricia Ryan

Doctor Patricia Ryan is a family doctor, who has been studying the vaccine “problem” as she calls it, for some time. She attended a screening of Vaxxed and, as she says in the video, she feels the documentary’s producer, Del Bigtree, is well informed, and has done a great job.

From the time she was a graduate out of medical school, Doctor Ryan always vaccinated her patients. She was simply taught that vaccines helped prevent diseases, especially those that were crippling, like polio and encephalitis.

She began questioning vaccines when more and more were added to the schedule, and her patients were getting sicker as years went by.

Doctor Ryan is a mother, and she also vaccinated her own children. More doubt about vaccines crept in when her youngest child screamed the whole way home after her two month vaccinations. She described the screaming as “abnormal”. Her motherly instinct kicked in, and she made the decision never to give her daughter another vaccine.

She also recalls one of her patients, who had twin girls. The twins were perfectly healthy, normal girls, who were diagnosed with cerebral palsy after their MMR vaccines. Doctor Ryan stopped giving patients vaccines in 2004.

#8: Dr. Terry Wahls, MD, Professor (US)

Doctor Terry Wahls is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, in Iowa City, where she teaches internal medicine residents in their primary care clinics. She also performs clinical research, and has published over 60 peer-reviewed scientific abstracts, posters, and papers.

In this short but fascinating clip from the documentary, Bought, Doctor Terry Wahls discusses the hypothesis that important messaging might be going on – from early childhood illnesses (caused by bacteria, parasites, and viruses) which then speak to immune cells, helping to regulate a healthy immune response; then, later in life, there is less auto-immunity.

She also says that most vaccines are effective with a live agent, but more risky; most vaccines, therefore, use dead infective agents. The disadvantage is the body knows they are dead, and doesn’t stimulate the immune system very well, so additives – for example, aluminium – are needed in the vaccine.

In safety trials, vaccines are usually tested individually, but are later lumped together with other vaccines, for which no safety research has been done.

Aluminium is a well known neurotoxin; however, most vaccine safety trials do not include aluminium or other toxic ingredients in their vaccines. So it makes it difficult to know how safe, or toxic, these vaccines really are.

#9: Dr. Jim Meehan, MD, Former Medical Journal Editor

Doctor Meehan took to Facebook to announce that he’d stopped vaccinating his children, and why.

You can see the post on his page, else here it is below:

I will no longer vaccinate my children…

… because I am a well trained medical doctor and former medical journal editor that has studied the vaccine research and analyzed both sides of the evidence.
… because I know how to read the medical literature, recognize bias and discern characteristics of good and fraudulent research.
… because I know that too much of the science supporting vaccines is fraudulent drivel bought and paid for by the vaccine manufacturers themselves.
… because I understand the risks of vaccination as well as the benefits of my children and grandchildren encountering and overcoming the wild type diseases naturally.
… because I know that diseases like mumps, measles, and chickenpox aren’t dangerous and untreatable diseases that justify the risk of injecting toxic ingredients into the tissues of my children.
… because I have seen the evidence of neurotoxicity from ingredients like aluminum, polysorbate 80, human DNA and cellular residues from the human cells lines upon which many of the live viruses are grown.
… because I’ve seen vaccine manufacturers like Merck promote what they knew was bad medicine for profit, kill 60,000 patients with Vioxx, and I have no reason to believe that they wouldn’t do the same thing with vaccines, especially when you consider they can’t be sued when their vaccines maim or kill children.
… because I believe the vaccine industry has thoroughly corrupted the science and safety of vaccines.
… because I recognize the aggressive and unreasonable tactics of a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry desperately working to maintain the illusion of vaccine safety, keep consumers consuming, grow their markets, and increase their profits.
… because I have met so many families whose children were stolen from them by the battery of vaccines administered at pediatric vaccine visits.
… because I believe the U.S. vaccination program has become a progressively dangerous assault on the health and lives of the children of America.
… because I am awake and aware, I will not vaccinate, nor will I remain silent as the pharmaceutical and medical industries pretends that vaccines are safe and effective.

#10: Dr. Rachael Ross, MD (US)

Doctor Rachael Ross is a co-host on the Emmy® Award-winning talk show, The Doctors, a practising board-certified family medicine physician, and a sexologist.

Before producing the Vaxxed documentary (which is a best selling DVD on Amazon), Del Bigtree was a producer of The Doctors. When he was alerted to a story about a vaccine whistleblower at the CDC, he reached out to other doctors who, he thought, would be keen to hear about it.

Doctor Rachael Ross was one of the doctors featured in Vaxxed. She almost fell off her chair when she read the information Del presented to her. It triggered a massive shift in the way she saw vaccination, and the way she practised medicine. Since then, Doctor Ross has attended vaccine rallies, and supports families who choose not to vaccinate.

She even wrote an apology letter to parents, which you can read here.

#11: Dr. Sam Eggertsen, MD (US)

In a presentation designed to help doctors understand why some parents refuse to vaccinate their children, Doctor Sam Eggertsen, a family physician for 35 years, does a great job of explaining parents’ biggest concerns, without bias, and in a way that educates parents and other physicians.

He covers many common, key topics, including Hepatitis B vaccination at birth, herd immunity, flu vaccines, Gardasil (HPV vaccine), aluminium in vaccines, Doctor Andrew Wakefield, autism, and more.

It’s a long presentation that runs for an hour, but it is often recommended to doctors, by other doctors, and well worth watching.

#12: (Name Withheld), Australian Doctor

It’s time to share the story of a brave Australian doctor, who had a reaction to vaccines himself.

What did he learn about vaccines in medical school?

“They very briefly touched on vaccination, mostly basic instruction on how they work, but that was really all that was said. After three years, the focus was more about looking after hospital patients”.

When this doctor began his practice in the 1990s, there were always some patients who were concerned about vaccines. But there was a lack of information – the Internet wasn’t used as much as it is now – and he didn’t know much about the issues.

Informed consent, however was always very important to him. This was what led him to investigate, and learn more about vaccines, because he felt that he wasn’t able to give his patients proper reassurances, or ask for informed consent.

In the next decade, more vaccines were added to the schedule, and some of them made no sense to him – for example, Hepatitis B for young babies (see our article about Hepatitis B vaccinations at birth), chicken pox, and HPV (despite zero evidence that it actually protects against cancer; pap smears are the best way to detect it).

I asked him if he thought we had become better at diagnosing autism, or whether something else was the issue.

He said, “No, I don’t think it’s an issue of getting better at diagnosing it. There has been some increase, and awareness; however a Danish study revealed at least 60% of the increase in autism is not related to better diagnostics”.

What are his biggest concerns about vaccines?

This doctor believes there are too many vaccines nowadays, and the intense pressure to get the annual flu vaccine, creates a never-ending, ever-increasing load on the system. Aluminium worries him the most, as well as the cumulative effects of all these vaccines.

His advice to other doctors and everyone else?

“Do your research. Suzanne Humphries’ book is a great place to start. It’s very comprehensive, well structured, and she’s well qualified”.

More doctors will be added to the list at the very end of this article.

Recommended Reading/Watching:

Kudos if you’ve read this far! If you’re still skeptical about vaccine reactions, you won’t be after seeing this one.

Three triplets ‘shut off’ just hours after a vaccine – a response that their geneticist called “impossible”. So, there is only one explanation left.

Watch the story of the McDowell triplets, who all regressed into autism the very same day. Bring tissues.

More Doctors Speaking Out About Vaccination

I’ll add more to this list when I have more time. To make it clear, I am not saying they are anti-vax, they are simply expressing their concerns about various aspects of vaccination.

  • Doctor Jay Gordon MD, FAAP
  • Doctor Kelly Brogan, MD, Board Certified Psychiatrist
  • Doctor Anthony Phan MD – a doctor of 22 years. This clip contains his touching story about why he became a doctor, skip to 5:30 minutes for the vaccine talk.
  • Doctor Neville Wilson, Ob/Gyn, Master of Science (Nutrition and Exercise).
  • Doctor Robert Sears, Board Certified Pediatrician
  • Doctor Daniel Neides, Director of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute. Being part of a clinic, the decision was made to remove his comments and apologise, however his comments included this statement: “Does the vaccine burden — as has been debated for years — cause autism? I don’t know and will not debate that here. What I will stand up and scream is that newborns without intact immune systems and detoxification systems are being over-burdened with preservative and adjuvants in the vaccines.”
  • Doctor Mark Hyman (he wrote about thimerosol – a form of mercury – which is still in some multi dose vial vaccines like the flu vaccine)
  • Interview with an Emergency Room Physician (A doctor who witnesses vaccine reactions)


Kelly Winder is the creator of BellyBelly.com.au, a writer, doula (trained in 2005), and a mother of three awesome children. She’s passionate about informing and educating fellow thinking parents and parents-to-be, especially about all the things she wishes she knew before she had her firstborn. Kelly is also passionate about travel, tea, travel, and animal rights and welfare. And travel.


  1. Brenda says:April 16, 2017 at 10:27 pmYes, there are many doctors in Australia I’m sure, that realise about vaccines but dare not speak out. I know of one and he has been hounded by the Victorian Health Minister. When I asked him about other Drs all getting together to speak out as a group, he said they are too scared. It would be the end of their medical license, as it looks like his is, because he came into the firing line of Jill Hennessy. There is also a female Australian Doctor who has lectured on the HPV vaccine and has done extensive study into it being passed for use based on very shaky science.Reply
  2. A Carole Milroy says:April 18, 2017 at 3:45 amTry GCMaf it has been brilliant for autism!!Reply
  3. Kat says:May 3, 2017 at 12:52 pmGreat article, thank you!Reply
  4. Katie says:May 18, 2017 at 2:46 pmI love you and your work Kelly Winder, this is another important article highlighting the fact that many intelligent, discerning practitioners have profound concerns regarding vaccine safety, efficacy and the huge vaccine load that children of today are expected to metabolise.The fact that the only Australian Doctor who was willing to be interviewed by you has still requested to have his name withheld speaks measures as to the level of fear, bullying and blatant ignorance that is endemic in Western culture and especially in Australia in regards to vaccines. Like you I am a doula and a childbirth educator, I am horrified at the extent to which my clients are bullied into accepting vaccines in pregnancy, vaccines that by their own admission caregivers recognise as having had no accurate or long term safety studies completed ? Why is this ? because there are simply not many pregnant women walking around with their hands up saying ” test me , inject my baby with your antigens, adjuvants and preservatives” anyone with an understanding into the development of the human body knows that in order to activate an effective immune response , a fully online and functioning immune system is required. A developing baby in utero does not have a fully functioning immune system, injecting pregnant women with untested vaccines is extremely dangerous and in my opinion serves a higher agenda aimed at training parents to be compliant with government mandates and relinquishing the medical sovereignty of their children from even before their birth.I applaud and thank you for your tenacity and courage in drawing much needed attention to this issue Kelly.Reply
  5. Chris Savage says:May 18, 2017 at 5:17 pmI stood up for parents who lost their babies after vaccines and the hierarchy of the QPS hunted me and in the end I left the police service. 22 years witnessing the carnage caused by vaccines was enough to convince me that vaccines are poison and help no one. Several parents spanning 22 years all parents said the same thing. That their child was eating and sleeping normally until receiving the vaccine and then convulsions, seizures, sleeplessness and screamed in agony before dying. I am now going to speak up until this insanity and cruelty endsReply
  6. Crystal says:May 18, 2017 at 5:26 pmKelly you should be SO proud of this article. Thank you for having the guts to speak up, you are the voice of many. XxReply
  7. Carmel says:May 18, 2017 at 7:45 pmThis is a great article . Thank youReply
  8. Pamela says:May 18, 2017 at 7:59 pmLove this article, thank you for posting it. Ive also studied both sides & know of people who have had reactions after a vaccine. I hope more & more people become aware so that we can stop poisoning our children & maybe start working on building up their immunity & or developing vaccines without all the crap in them.Reply
  9. Katie says:May 18, 2017 at 8:37 pmGreat article. Thank you.Reply
  10. Sue says:May 18, 2017 at 9:48 pmYou quote one unnamed (allegedly) Australian doctor? Where are the interviews from the overwhelming majority of GPs, paediatricians, immunologists, early childhood nurses and public health experts, all over the world?The author displays a lack of understanding on so many levels. For example, the AMA is an association for doctors, with an advisory Code of Ethics. It doesn’t say what you claim it says.The Medical Board of Australia is a statutory regulatory authority, with a Code of Conduct that is compulsory.Is the author aware that there is aluminium in breast milk? Babies absorb it into their blood streams, and excrete it through the kidneys, just like they do from the tiny amount in vaccines.As a Doula, would the author discourage breast feeding on the basis that babies absorb the aluminium?Reply
    1. Kelly Winder says:May 21, 2017 at 6:28 pmHey Sue!Are you aware of the differences between injected adjuvant and oral aluminium? And do you know about the concerns about Interleukin6 activation?Your idea about my alleged lack of understanding about the two codes of conduct is just a projection on your part. These sorts of pointless arguments are typically used to deride and distract when the poster has nothing more useful to say.How many doctors are aware of the limitations of the data search used by ATAGI in their preparation of the Australian Immunisation Handbook?Also, how many Australian GPs could do anything more than say “well the handbook says that these are the guidelines, so that must be true”.Ta.Reply
      1. Nicole says:March 7, 2019 at 5:56 amKelly Winder – you are extremely intelligent, thank you for speaking up for all of us that aren’t as good at it as you are! And for those of us that are not as composed as you are in pressing situations (as demonstrated in your highly dignified response above). Thank you for this article and may God bless you!Reply
    2. Kelly Winder says:May 21, 2017 at 6:53 pmOne more thought, about the codes of conduct: does that mean you would support a doctor publicly voicing her concerns about vaccination (provided that they referenced it and commented that their opinion was not mainstream)? Of course, we both know they’d be slammed, named and shamed by certain individuals from certain groups, who you and I both know.Reply
  11. Katherine says:May 18, 2017 at 10:34 pmGreat to finally have an article speak honestly about what’s going on within the medical communityReply
  12. Fiona says:May 19, 2017 at 12:55 amGreat article. Thanks for sharing the word.Reply
  13. Peace says:May 19, 2017 at 2:59 pmThanks Kelly for speaking out in support of vaccination choice in Australia!!! I’ve never followed this site before, but I will now because of this! Thanks a lot you champion Mumma!!!Reply
  14. Tina Brock says:May 19, 2017 at 7:36 pmThis is timely. Around half of all medical professionals in Australia do NOT vaccinate their own families…many many more would speak out about the many many reactions they see if they were not afraid of persecution.
    There is so much evidence of harm from vaccines, and it’s time to be honest and consider the very real risks of this procedure.
    The industry has NO transparency. NO vaccine is ever independently safety tested and the results of all safety and efficacy trials that the manufacturer does do NOT have to be disclosed, meaning they can pick results they like and bury the rest.
    The industry is safe from the normal safety checks on other industries because it was about to have to shut down production due to so many sucessful law suits against it in the 1980s, so the Vaccine Injury Compensation Scheme was created.
    This means that the US government has paid out over 3 BILLION dollars in vaccine injury compensation and the industry has paid nothing since.
    Vaccines have NEVER been tested on babies, pregnant women, old people or anyone who is ill or immunocompromised in any way.
    There has NEVER been a safety or efficacy trial of ANY vaccine that compares subjects who are vaccinated against unvaccinated ones, trials only compare a group with the whole vaccine against a group with every component of the vaccine except the antigen.
    Every vaccine contains aluminum because without it they don’t work at all (that’s what an ‘adjuvant’ is). There is no absolutely safe limit for Al ingestion and certainly not for direct injection. Al is a known neurotoxin. Hundreds of times the estimated tolerance limit for Al is injected into babies at every vaccination.
    Al works in the vaccine by creating a massive generalized inflammatory response; an incredibly dangerous state of affairs that is linked to autoimmune disease and other damage.
    I personally know literally hundreds of vaccine injured children and families, and was made so ill as a child by thr measles vaccine that my parents stopped vaccinating.Reply
  15. Tan says:May 26, 2017 at 1:32 pmExcellent article. After having an adverse neurological reaction to a vaccine I became aware of how vaccine injury is routinely denied by the medical profession – publicly – but privately some GP’s (and nurses too) have told me they too have concerns about the safety of vaccines. And how can laws now exist in Australia that make it mandatory – i.e.no choice – but to vaccinate your kids to receive government childcare benefits or access to childcare, or vaccinate yourself if you work or study in any health profession?Reply
  16. Michael says:May 26, 2017 at 4:14 pmI think we should stop referring to ourselves as anti-vaxxers…when we do so we show that we are drinking from the same cool-aid dispenser that the pro-vaxx lobby drink from. When I get called an anti-vaxxer I say that I’m not anti-vaxx, that actually I pro-science and that I can direct people to 126 scientific studies linking vaccines to neurological/brain damage and 68 scientific studies showing a link between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders…then I ask how many studies they can show me to back up their opinions….and the answer is generally NO STUDIES! This is a slam dunk!Reply
    1. Plum Remson says:October 16, 2017 at 12:42 amAgreed that “anti-vaxxer” is a term made up by those who wish to marginalize anyone with any criticism of any vaccine formulation, schedule, use, or policy. Many of those who have experienced harm from a vaccine and so have discontinued use, refer to themselves as Ex-vaxxers. Many of those who have carefully researched the risk/benefit profiles of various diseases and the vaccines meant to prevent them, and have opted not to make use of one or more available vaccines have adopted the descriptor “vaccine-risk aware”.Reply
    2. Shawn Siegel says:October 16, 2017 at 1:32 amIn truth, what we espouse is maintaining intact immune systems. We’re immune system intactivists, which includes, but is not limited to, being adamant anti-vaxxers.Reply
  17. Rachael says:July 8, 2017 at 8:16 pmGreat sources. Thank you.Reply
  18. Jane Jones says:July 9, 2017 at 5:06 amSimply–Thank you!Reply
  19. Kathleen Breault says:August 27, 2017 at 1:13 pmThis is excellent. Thanks so much for pulling it all together.Reply
  20. Sonja Hardy says:October 16, 2017 at 12:25 amGreat article, thank you. Yes, the situation here in Australia is bad, and quickly getting worse. Laws have recently been passed to stop parents receiving tax benefits and welfare payments if children aren’t fully vaccinated, and in some states children can’t attend childcare or kindergarten if not fully vaccinated.The government banned Polly Tommey from returning for 3 years, after she took part in the “Vaxxed” tour, and recently they barred Kent Heckenlively from coming here to give talks on vaccination. The media here is rabidly pro-mandatory vaccination, and the ‘medical mafia’ is very powerful. When Dr Sherri Tenpenny was scheduled to do a lecture tour two years ago, the venues were threatened and the tour had to be cancelled. As a result, venues for the “Vaxxed” tour had to be kept secret till two hours prior to each screening.A holistic doctor once told me her greatest frustration is that though she is now completely against vaccination, by law she is unable to advise patients against being vaccinated.Reply
  21. Kelly Guenoun says:October 24, 2017 at 3:33 pmI am trying to find a doctor to get an exemption for my two girls (2yrs and 4month old) as I need to go back to work but won’t be able to afford childcare if they aren’t injected this poison. If I can’t get an exemption we will end up paying my whole fortnightly salary on child care fees ($1700). I can’t afford to not work as we have a mortgage to pay and I won’t be able to afford going to work and paying full price daycare fees.
    Where are our human rights to affordable child care with an unvaccinated child? This is financial blackmail and the government knows that people like us are screwed and will be forced to inject our children. This is not consent. This is vaccination abuse.
    If anyone knows of a doctor in Brisbane that will provide an exemption, please contact me rgkg2010 at live.comReply
  22. Khanfir Maytionbias says:July 23, 2018 at 6:01 pmThanks for tHis article, you have a clear evIdence here of exactly what I wanted to See from my google search. i wish that others out there would Be able to see how these 12 people who Understand vaccines prove that every other doctor is on big pharma’s payroLL.if vaccineS were good for you tHen the chIldren wouldn’t cry when They get them!!!!!we also need to stop feeding children processed foods, humans used to eat raw meats and vegetables before fire, even stop with the chlorinated water, medications, and just go back to NATURE!Reply
  23. June says:January 6, 2019 at 4:22 pmCan someone please provide the name of an anti-vax holistic doctor in Sydney for an exemption. Etc for the 4 yr old vaccinations?Reply
    1. shell says:February 10, 2019 at 10:19 pmAlso looking for an integrative GP who does not mandate vaccines in SydneyReply
  24. Gerry says:March 4, 2019 at 11:04 pmThanks Kelly, terrific article. If only all doctors were willing to speak up then we wouldn’t have an issue.Reply


November 29, 2015 by Joel Edwards
Last updated on: November 29, 2015

Stories of vaccine-injured children often start the same way. “I trusted my doctor. I didn’t know about vaccines then. I only wish I knew then what I know now.” Those with firsthand experience with vaccine side effects tend to learn a great deal about vaccines. Parents of vaccine injured children account for a large proportion of the anti-vaccine movement.

Many scientists are opposed to vaccines. Just like lay people, whether or not they are opposed to vaccines depends a great deal on how much they know about them and whether or not their livelihood depends on the vaccine industry.

Brian Hooker, PhD, PE

Brian Hooker is both a parent of a vaccine injured child and a vaccine researcher. As a scientist, he has devoted many years of his life to studying vaccines and corruption within the CDC.

Dr. Brian Hooker currently holds the position of Associate Professor and serves as the Math and Science Division Chair at Simpson University in California. He graduated from Washington State University in 1990 with a PhD in Chemical Engineering and is a licensed professional engineer in Washington. He is known for fighting against the CDC to reveal the data used in their studies on vaccines and helping to expose how the CDC has hidden data.

You know the CDC’s plan, not only their historic plan, but their ongoing plan, to absolve vaccines and vaccine components from anything related to the autism epidemic. You know, we don’t know what causes autism do we? But we know for darn sure tootin’ that it isn’t the vaccines and it can’t be the vaccines. Okay, which is completely illogical. There is no logic. If you don’t know what causes it, then it’s very, very, difficult to say that something doesn’t cause it.

Peter Fletcher, PhD

Dr. Peter Fletcher is a retired Chief Science Officer with the Department of Health in the United Kingdom. He also serves on the Committee on Safety of Medicine where he helped review drug safety trials and decide if new drugs, including new vaccines, were safe.

It appears that we are stuck with the term “autism” even though it is impossible to define with any precision. I suppose it does not matter as long as everyone understands that it is not a single abnormal condition but a cluster of different disorders having some signs and symptoms in common.

There is little doubt that what we might call “old fashioned” autism, as it was before 15 or so years ago, probably had predominantly genetic origins although even then other factors may have triggered the disorder.

There is absolutely no doubt that in the USA and the UK the number of cases of autism being diagnosed has reached epidemic proportions.

… The observed increase in autism in such a short period of time (15-20 years) therefore has to be real and to have external causality.

… It is of the utmost urgency that wide ranging research, with the aim of identifying possible external causal factors, be initiated without delay on an international basis.

… Instead of repeated denials of parents claims, could the skeptics of vaccination/toxic substances/immune challenge being causal discontinue their entirely negative attitude and give us something more positive? I could accept their disbelief if they supported it with convincing alternatives, but none have been forthcoming.

Shiv Chopra, PhD

Dr. Shiv Chopra has been working in Canada for decades within the field of food safety. He holds a PhD in Microbiology from McGill University in Montreal. Dr. Chopra is known for his part in the successful fight to have bovine growth hormone banned in Canada. He continues to speak out on matters of public health including food safety and vaccines.

…the first vaccines that landed on my desk were rubella and later on, mumps, and some later versions of measles. I objected to it. I said, ‘I see problems in these because these are minor diseases and most people get immune by age 15. Why are we going to give these vaccines that have never been tested?’

I knew they were made in monkey kidney tissue and we have had problems with the polio vaccine…

My suggestion was, why don’t we test women at the age of 15 and 16? Those who are not yet immune then may be given the vaccine?

Of course, the companies didn’t want that. They wanted 100 percent or at least 80 percent of the children vaccinated. That was the only way they were going to make money.

 We now know from history that those vaccines have been used for more than 40 years and the diseases, all of them, are still here. Meanwhile, autism, diabetes, and all kinds of autoimmune diseases have increased.

We don’t know what damage we’re doing — actually we know that in association with those vaccines, chronic diseases in children have increased. But nobody is paying attention. Everybody is denying that.

 Ironically, those vaccines have never been removed from the ledgers and DPT was never talked about. Again, medical people know, a lot of scientists know, the CDC, U.S., FDA, other departments, medical departments, medical professionals, they are all denying that all these infectious diseases had started to decrease in the early 1940s.

 Veterinarians are effectively toxicologists.

Unlike medical people, we learn comparative medicine. So therefore, this is a way to compare and see what species do. The law is that every drug, any product that directly or indirectly gets into the human body, must be tested in at least two species of animals, one of which must be non-rodent. It must also be tested in pregnant animals. Then it also must be tested to see whether it produces cancer by lifetime studies in rats and mice and so forth.

[Recently] the United States Supreme Court said that if people get damaged, if the children get damaged due to vaccine, they can’t sue either the government or the companies — by what right?

Who is to decide to shove vaccines into people who don’t want it?

Theresa Ann Deisher, PhD

Dr. Theresa Ann Deisher holds a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University. She has worked as a research scientist for more than two decades and currently presides as the President of the Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute and as the CEO of AVM Biotechnology. Her research over the years has focused on human therapeutics.

Vaccines manufactured using human fetal cells contain residual DNA fragments (50-500 bp) (Table I). It is possible that these contaminating fragments could be incorporated into a child’s genome and disrupt normal gene function, leading to autistic phenotypes

…Not only damaged human cells, but also healthy human cells can take up foreign DNA spontaneously. Foreign human DNA taken up by human cells will be transported into nuclei and be integrated into host genome, which will cause phenotype change. Hence, residual human fetal DNA fragments in vaccines can be one of the causes of autism spectrum disorder in children through vaccination. Vaccines must be safe without any human DNA contaminations or reactivated viruses and must be produced in ethically approved manufacturing processes.

Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD

Dr. Obukhanych holds a PhD in Immunology from Rockefeller University and completed postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School as well as Stanford University.

I hold a PhD in Immunology. I am writing this letter in the hope that it will correct several common misperceptions about vaccines in order to help you formulate a fair and balanced understanding that is supported by accepted vaccine theory and new scientific findings.

Do unvaccinated children pose a higher threat to the public than the vaccinated?

It is often stated that those who choose not to vaccinate their children for reasons of conscience endanger the rest of the public, and this is the rationale behind most of the legislation to end vaccine exemptions currently being considered by federal and state legislators country-wide. You should be aware that the nature of protection afforded by many modern vaccines – and that includes most of the vaccines recommended by the CDC for children – is not consistent with such a statement.

… IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) cannot prevent transmission of poliovirus (see appendix for the scientific study, Item #1). Wild poliovirus has been non-existent in the USA for at least two decades.

… Tetanus is not a contagious disease, but rather acquired from deep puncture wounds contaminated with C. tetani spores.

… Vaccinating for diphtheria cannot alter the safety of public spaces; it is likewise intended for personal protection only.

… In summary, a person who is not vaccinated with IPV, DTaP, HepB, and Hib vaccines due to reasons of conscience poses no extra danger to the public than a person who is. No discrimination is warranted.

How often do serious vaccine adverse events happen?

It is often stated that vaccination rarely leads to serious adverse events. Unfortunately, this statement is not supported by science. A recent study done in Ontario, Canada, established that vaccination actually leads to an emergency room visit for 1 in 168 children following their 12-month vaccination appointment and for 1 in 730 children following their 18-month vaccination appointment (see appendix for a scientific study, Item #5).

When the risk of an adverse event requiring an ER visit after well-baby vaccinations is demonstrably so high, vaccination must remain a choice for parents, who may understandably be unwilling to assume this immediate risk in order to protect their children from diseases that are generally considered mild or that their children may never be exposed to.

… Studies of measles outbreaks in Quebec, Canada, and China attest that outbreaks of measles still happen, even when vaccination compliance is in the highest bracket (95-97% or even 99%, see appendix for scientific studies, Items #6&7). This is because even in high vaccine responders, vaccine-induced antibodies wane over time. Vaccine immunity does not equal life-long immunity acquired after natural exposure.

… elimination of vaccine exemptions, currently only utilized by a small percentage of families anyway, will neither solve the problem of disease resurgence nor prevent re-importation and outbreaks of previously eliminated diseases.

1)…due to the properties of modern vaccines, non-vaccinated individuals pose no greater risk of transmission of polio, diphtheria, pertussis, and numerous non-type b H. influenza strains than vaccinated individuals do. Non-vaccinated individuals pose virtually no danger of transmission of hepatitis B in a school setting, and tetanus is not transmissible at all; 2) there is a significantly elevated risk of emergency room visits after childhood vaccination appointments attesting that vaccination is not risk-free; 3) outbreaks of measles cannot be entirely prevented even if we had nearly perfect vaccination compliance; and 4) an effective method of preventing measles and other viral diseases in vaccine-ineligible infants and the immunocompromised, immunoglobulin, is available for those who may be exposed to these diseases.

Taken together, these four facts make it clear that discrimination in a public school setting against children who are not vaccinated for reasons of conscience is completely unwarranted as the vaccine status of conscientious objectors poses no undue public health risk.

Stephanie Seneff, PhD

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is employed by MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory as a Senior Research Scientist. She holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT. Her research has largely focused on nutrition and health through computer analyses of large datasets.

I’m a computer scientist so I can go look at the number crunching, looking at the words, statistical distributions and whatnot. You can find a lot of things out, looking at VAERS.

…I confirmed in my studies on VAERS database that MMR is associated with autism. I wrote a paper on that and I proposed at the time that possibly, and it was something that somebody else had also proposed, which was that the acetaminophen, it was given just to control the fever, kids are often given that around the vaccine, and that can become toxic to certain kids who can’t metabolize it properly.

… the glutamate in the vaccine that’s causing the problem and that the glutamate is much more toxic now because of the glyphosate. So all this is connecting up. And the same thing is true for the aluminum in the vaccines as well and people have talked a lot about the mercury and the mercury certainly is an issue and its very toxic. I look at the aluminum because that’s the one that’s gone up quite a bit. We have a lot of aluminum containing vaccines now that we didn’t have before so that fits with what’s going up in step with the autism increase, lots more aluminum containing vaccines. For example the HPV, which has just been introduced, the Gardasil they’re giving that to these kids, teenagers. That’s loaded with aluminum. And that’s a very nasty vaccine. I’ve looked at that one too and it has much, much more severe reactions to that one than to other vaccines that these kids https://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/more-scientists-against-vaccinesare getting. Its a very toxic vaccine and totally unnecessary in my opinion and they can’t even prove that its actually doing what its claiming to do because its like 60 years later when you’re going to get this cervical cancer that its supposedly protecting you from, you know. I don’t know why anyone would think it’s a good idea to get that vaccine. Young girls’ lives are being destroyed. People are dying or they’re getting some debilitating autoimmune disease, you know, from that vaccine. It’s very clear from the data.


When researching scientists’ recommendations for public health policies in regards to vaccines, it is surprising how few of them support vaccination unless they work for the pharmaceutical industry.

In order for vaccines to be truly safe and effective, adverse reactions would be rare and breakouts of vaccine-preventable diseases among vaccine compliant populations would be rare or non-existent. Clearly, neither outcome is reality. The science does not support the statement that vaccines are safe and effective. This is not a scientific finding. This is a marketing slogan taught to doctors in medical school. If vaccine damage is a concern of yours, check out How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children

Further Reading:


June 13, 2015 by Joel Edwards
Last updated on: June 21, 2015


The vaccine debate is a debate that has been framed by the mainstream media as a debate between parents and doctors. It’s much more than that. It is an ongoing debate among scientists. There are a number of scientists who are against vaccines, others who are against the current vaccine combinations, and others against the current vaccine schedule.

Harris L. Coulter, PhD

Harris Coulter is a medical historian and scientist. He has completed extensive research in homeopathic medicine and he is considered the leading homeopathic historian of the late 20th century. Coulter’s work details the schism in medicine since the time of Hippocrates to the present. His four-volume work Divided Legacy: A History Of the Schism in Medical Thought has detailed two opposing schools of medicine. Coulter documents the suppression of homeopathy by allopathic medicine. His dissertation is titled Political and Social Aspects of Nineteenth-Century Medicine in the United States: The Formation of the American Medical Association and its Struggle with the Homeopathic and Eclectic Physicians.

Coulter has also done research on cancer and the dangers of vaccines. He co-authored the books DPT Shot in the Dark and Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality with Barbara Loe Fisher. Coulter has also served on several medical advisory panels and boards.

Coulter is also an accomplished linguist fluent in German, French, Spanish, Latin, Russian, Hungarian, and Serbo-Croatian.

Probably 20% of American children-one youngster in five— suffers from ‘development disability’. This is a stupefying figure. We have inflicted it on ourselves.. “development disabilities” are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the USA and other industrialised countries is the childhood vaccination program. To be specific, a large proportion of the millions of US children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other shoots or branches of the hydraheaded entity called “development disabilities”, owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.

Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920’s. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful. And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks.

“Crib death’ was so infrequent in the pre-vaccination era that it was not even mentioned in the statistics, but it started to climb in the 1950s with the spread of mass vaccination against diseases of childhood. It became a matter of public and professional concern and even acquired a new name, “sudden infant death of unknown origin,.” or, for short, SIDS. This name is significant, in the light of subsequent controversies, since “of unknown origin” means exactly that. So, when the medical establishment assures us that SIDS is unrelated to vaccinations, the obvious response is, How do you know?, if it is defined as “of unknown origin”? At this (as with most common-sense questions about vaccinations) the medical establishment prefers to retire from the debate in dignified silence.

So we have witnessed a steady rise in the incidence of SIDS, closely following the growth in childhood vaccinations. But information on the progress of this epidemic has been radically suppressed in the official literature. Whereas in earlier decades – up to the end of the 1950s – the medical establishment could recognize the fact of death after vaccination, more recently, as the official position has hardened, the earlier concessions have been withdrawn, and vaccinations of all kinds are now declared absolutely safe at all times and in all places. This has required some fancy footwork with the epidemiologic statistics, as we will see below. And since no physician or scientist with a normal IQ could really believe this “epidemiology,” one is forced to conclude that the medical establishment, in its wisdom, has decided that 7000-8000 cases of crib death every year are a reasonable price to pay for a nice steady flow of vaccines with all their concomitant benefits for the public health (except, of course, for these same 7000-8000 babies each year who have already enjoyed all the possible advantages of childhood vaccines).

After all, they say to themselves, you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. But the eggs being broken are small, helpless, and innocent babies, while the omelette is being enjoyed by the pediatricians and vaccine manufacturers. Death after whooping-cough vaccination was first described by a Danish physician in 1933. Two Americans in 1946 described the deaths of identical twins within 24 hours of a DPT shot (on the background and history of SIDS see H. Coulter and B. Fisher, DPT: A Shot in the Dark). E. M. Taylor and J. L. Emery in 1982 wrote: “…we cannot exclude the possibility of recent immunization being one of several contributory factors in an occasional unexpected infant death.” But the early 1980s were a turning-point in the official line. In that same year of 1982 matters came to a crisis when William C. Torch, M.D., Director of Child Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Nevada School of Medicine, at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, presented a study linking the DPT shot with SIDS. Torch concluded: “These data show that DPT vaccination may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential benefits. A need for reevaluation and possible modification of current vaccination procedures is indicated by this study.

Dr. Boyd Haley

Boyd Haley is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky. He is an experienced biochemist and researcher. He is also the co-founder and scientific advisor of Affinity Labeling Technologies, Inc. a biotech company that specializes in nucleotide photoaffinity analogs for biomedical research. In addition, Dr. Haley is a member of the Autism Think Tank of the Autism Association and he is on the board of the Swedish Foundation for Metal Biology.

Dr. Haley has also pioneered a diagnostic marker for Alzheimer’s disease that is currently being developed by others. Dr. Haley has testified before several different government agencies on the effects of mercury toxicity from both dental amalgams and vaccines. Haley is not in favor of using mercury in medicine at all.

Dr. Haley’s research has led him to take a professional stance against mercury and thimerosal in vaccines. For many years, Haley has studied the biochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease. This research prompted him to identify mercury toxicity as a major contributing factor, and possibly a causal factor in developing Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Haley was the first scientist to argue that the preservative thimerosal widely used in vaccines was the most likely environmental toxin contributing to our rising rates of autism. Haley has even followed that research with additional work that demonstrates that several substances such as some antibiotics, and the hormone testosterone, actually increase the toxicity of thimerosal; a concept known as synergistic toxicity. In addition, while in collaboration with others, he has shown that mercury analysis of birth-hair reveals that autistics represent a genetic subset of the population who cannot effectively excrete mercury.

Dr. Haley has challenged vaccine advocate Paul Offit M.D. to numerous public debates about vaccines. Dr. Offit has always turned him down. Dr. Haley is also an outspoken critic of a great deal of the vaccine research that is funded by the pharmaceutical industries, calling much of it fraudulent.

Dr. Haley has testified before numerous government agencies on the effects of mercury toxicity from dental amalgams and vaccines. He has testified twice before congress and before the legislative committees of Maine and New Hampshire. He has testified before countless other government bodies. He also gives lectures on mercury toxicity and neurological diseases in conferences all over the world.

We should all consider that there are two top priorities in the vaccine/autism issue every American should be concerned with. We need to develop a safe vaccination program, and we need to find the cause of autism and eliminate it if possible. I have been a strong proponent of investigating thimerosal as the casual agent for autism spectrum disorders based on the biological science that shows thimerosal to be incredibly toxic, especially to infants. I know of nothing remotely as toxic as thimerosal that numerous infants would be exposed to before 3 to 4 years of age.

  1. Autism was not a known, described illness until about 1941-3, 8 to 10 years after the introduction of thimerosal and similar organic thiol-mercury compounds in biological mixtures used in medicine and other areas. This argues against autism being a genetic illness.
  2. In 1977, 10 of 13 infants treated in a single hospital by topical application of thimerosal for umbilical cord infections died of mercury toxicity. This same topical was used on adolescents without obvious ill effects which strongly supports the concept that infants are very susceptible to thimerosal toxicity. 
  3. The recent increase (starting about 1990) of autism spectrum disorders correlated well with the advent of the CDC mandated vaccine program, which increased thimerosal exposures with increased vaccinations. Due to its toxicity, thimerosal would have to be suspect for causing autism. 
  4. As expected by science, extensive searching for a genetic cause of autism has not turned up a significant find that would explain the recent increased rate in autism. The latest genetic find, at best, might explain 0.5% of autism causation. Most agree that a genetic predisposition is likely (like those that lead to low glutathione levels), but that a toxic exposure is absolutely needed. Consider also, that this increased toxic exposure would have had to occur in all 50 states at about the same time as all states have reported similar increases in autism rates. Only something like the government recommended vaccine program fits this need for a time dependent, uniform exposure of a toxin throughout all the states.

There is no safe level of mercury and no one has actually shown there is a safe level.” – Dr. Friberg MD, Ph.D. Former Head of Toxicology WHO”

Viera Scheibner, PhD

Dr. Viera Scheibner became interested in vaccines in the mid 1980s while studying babies’ breathing patterns with her late husband, Leif Karlson, who developed the Cotwatch breathing monitor.

Following vaccinations, babies’ breathing patterns often triggered alarms, and indication of stress. This is what prompted her interest in vaccines. She then began extensive research of medical papers dealing with vaccinations. To date, she has collected and studied more than 100,000 pages of medical papers published over the last century. From her research she has concluded that there is no scientific evidence that vaccines are anything other than harmful. She says that vaccines increase susceptibility to the very diseases they are intended to protect against, and they make the recipient more susceptible to disease of all kinds – infectious diseases and the newfound modern ills of childhood such as diabetes, auto-immune diseases, cancers, and developmental disabilities along with other health problems.

Her research into vaccination has produced two books and numerous papers published in a variety of scientific and medical publications. She also conducts frequent international lecture tours to present the results of her research to parents, health and medical professionals, and anyone else who is interested. She has also been an expert witness for court cases relating to deaths and injuries caused by vaccines that are attributed to other causes such as the so-called “shaken baby” syndrome.

It is officially admitted that all cases of polio in the US, since the introduction of the vaccine, are caused by the vaccine. The same has been seen in Australia and other countries like England. So the occurrence of the same phenomenon all around the world would be asking too much of coincidence.

In the USA in 1978, they mandated vaccination and it resulted in a three fold increase in the reported incidence of whooping cough.

During a 3-year period, November 1964 to December 1967, 124 lots of human kidney cell cultures were examined, and seven viruses (6%) were isolated. These included two measles viruses, two foamy viruses, one reovirus, one adenovirus, and one myxovirus. One measles virus isolation was made from a lot of human kidney cell culture from a 3-year old child who had been exposed to measles and had been given 0.6 ml of gamma globulin at the time of exposure. The child died 2 weeks later. The presence of measles virus in this child’s kidney cell culture would not have been recognized if the kidney cell cultures would not have been kept for 33 days after planting. This example illustrates the standing problem in research of not keeping the cultures used for whatever reason for a sufficient period of time. A lot of viruses (and other organisms) and their cytopathic effects simply escape detection. Herpesvirus group viruses were isolated in monkeys of the Old World species represented by herpes B or Herpesvirus simiae produced a naturally occurring mild infection. However, most human cases of B virus infection have been fatal. Hull and Nash (61) showed that 10% of newly caught rhesus monkeys had antibodies to the B virus, and the percentage rose to 60% to 70% when the monkeys were confined in “gang-cages”. Other studied indicate that 100% of the experimental monkeys showed B virus antibody rise when the monkeys were housed together over a period of 6 weeks. Vaccine cultured on their kidney were contaminated by all these viruses and then injected into millions of infants all over the world. It is a real horror story. Just how much longer are we going to let the vaccine producers get away with destroying the human immune system and even the genetic code, and literally get away with murder?

Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD

Dr. Buchwald is a specialist in internal medicine and lung diseases. For many decades he has relentlessly worked for civil rights in regards to access to vaccine information and freedom of choice regarding vaccines. Dr. Buchwald has given over 500 lectures and has authored more than 200 scientific papers regarding vaccines and the damage caused by vaccines. He has also provided around 150 medical assessments of cases of vaccine damage. He is one of the world’s foremost experts on vaccines.

Vaccines have never had the proclaimed preventive effect on infections. The regression of infectious diseases started over 200 years ago, which means long before the introduction of vaccination, and it was due to the improved social conditions of the population: nutrition and hygiene.

Contrarily to general belief, the vaccinations have had a negative influence on the decrease of the infective maladies and mortality. Statistics started off at a period when the infectious diseases were already on the downgrade. Careful studies over a period of many years have revealed that each introduction of a mass vaccination has obtained only one result: the immediate recrudescence of the malady that the vaccine should have prevented, but which it has solicited instead. The temporary but immediate isolation of infected patients has each time proved sufficient to prevent an epidemic.

After every flare-up of an infection due to vaccination, the maladies have resumed the downward course which existed already before the vaccination. In general and over a period of many years, every vaccination has caused more casualties than the infection it was supposed to prevent. This happened for instance with the smallpox vaccination in Germany and many other countries… Vaccines don’t protect, but do harm. A scientific proof of their usefulness has never existed, whereas the severe, sometimes fatal damages they cause are a proven fact.

There is a growing body of scientific research that links vaccines to all kinds of health problems and adverse reactions. Some of these problems include but are not limited to:

  • Encephalitis (brain inflammation)
  • Unexplained Infant Death (SIDS)
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Chronic Illness
  • Vaccine Contamination
  • Gut-Brain-Immune System Connection and Malfunction
  • Vaccine Failure
  • Vaccine Disease Transmission
  • Paralysis
  • Autism and other Neurological Disorders

It is difficult to find objective research that isn’t in some way tied to the pharmaceutical industries. When the research is truly independent, a different picture emerges. For instance, many of the studies that “prove” vaccine safety are done with only two groups, those who receive the vaccine and those that receive the placebo. The problem is, the placebos contain all of the toxic ingredients that the vaccines do, only minus the attenuated virus. So still full of toxins like mercury, aluminum, genetically modified yeast, antibiotics, aborted fetus cell lines, etc. So is it any wonder that those who receive the placebo are not any better off than the others in the experiment?

There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good.” – Dr. J. Anthony Morris, Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist U.S. FDA


Science is ultimately self-correcting, but this self-correction can take some time. When large sums of money are involved, and research is primarily funded by industry, at least for a time it is possible to obscure many of the results. You’ve probably heard about the thousands of studies “proving vaccine safety”. There are enough of these industry-funded studies to fool some of the people, some of the time. It doesn’t however fool all of the people all of the time. The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines prevent disease, when in fact they cause many diseases such as autism. No lie can live forever. While the pharma-funded, mainstream media claims the debate is over, these and other scientists are raising the alarm. The debate is far from over, and the dangers of vaccines are becoming better known.

Further Reading:

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