Cayenne’s Healing Power


Millions of people from many cultures around the world enjoy the flavor and fire of hot foods. After all, chilies are the second most common spices in the world, following salt. Few people, however, realize the many health benefits that chili peppers offer.

Cayenne’s healing power

AKA: Capsicumannuum, Capsicum frutescens



What are the active Ingredients?

Capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayenne peppers, is what gives them their medicinal properties.

It also gives them their hot taste. In fact, how hot a cayenne pepper is depends on its capsaicin content. The more capsaicin it contains, the hotter it is.

Capsaicin has been associated with many cures that include lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol and warding off strokes and heart attacks, speeding up metabolism treating colds and fevers, preventing cancer and pain control.

Capsaicin is a flavorless, odorless chemical concentrated in the veins of chilies and peppers. The seeds grow next to the veins and absorb the chemical. Contrary to popular belief, the seeds are not the hottest part of a chili. Rather, the greatest heat is found in the capsaicin oil, which is in the membranes and near the stems of chili plants. Removing the seeds (and especially the veins) can reduce the heat by up to 50 per cent. Otherwise, capsaicin is virtually indestructible. It can withstand freezing, cooking and time.

One tablespoon (5 grams) of cayenne pepper contains the following (1):

Here are 8 science-backed benefits of cayenne pepper.

Research: Hot peppers (including chili or cayenne) are good for the heart and blood vessels.

In addition to cayenne pepper’s popularity for its natural healing abilities, there is documented evidence from the American Association of Cancer Research indicating that cayenne is a cancer repellent. Studies from Japan also endorse this, and capsaicin, the main ingredient of cayenne pepper, is also effective against prostate cancer.

In een Reuters artikel van 16 maart 2006 getiteld: “Hot Pepper Kills Prostate Cancer Cells in Study“, verklaard Dr. Soren Lehmann van het Sedar-Sinai Medical Centre dat capsaicin een diepgaand effect op menselijke prostaat kankercellen heeft. Bij testen op muizen wer-den 80% van de kankercellen gedood en werd de groei van tumoren aanmerkelijk geremd! Mogelijk is datzelfde effect ook van toepassing op meerdere en/of….. andere kankersoorten.

In a March 16, 2006 Reuters article entitled, “Hot Pepper Kills Prostate Cancer Cells in Study,” Dr. Soren Lehmann of Sedar-Sinai Medical Center said capsaicin has a profound effect on human prostate cancer cells. When tested on mice, 80% of the cancer cells were killed and tumor growth was significantly inhibited! The same effect may also apply to several and / or ….. other cancers.

In recent years, over 1,300 scientific studies have been conducted on cap-saicin, the most active substance in cayenne.

What does Cayenne Do?

Cayenne or chili pepper is a pungent spice and is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-viral, as it literally burns away these microorganisms. In addition, the substance capsaicin in cayenne pepper is anti-cancer and blood-purifying. Blood clots and impurities are therefore literally burned away.

Cayenne pepper is also known for stopping heart attacks within 30 seconds and should be included in any first aid kit. Cayenne acts as a catalyst and is also rich in vitamins A and C, has the complete complexes vitamin B and very rich in organic calcium-potassium, which is also … one of the reasons why it is good for the heart. Read on here.

Cayenne pepper is also known for stopping heart attacks within 30 seconds and should be included in any first aid kit.

Cayenne also works as a pain killer, Read on here

Causes Cancer cells to self-destruct

“Hot chili peppers not only fire up your food, they may also put the heat on cancer cells and force them to self-destruct.

A new study shows a natural substance found in chili peppers kills cancer cells by starving them of oxygen.

Researchers tested the chili pepper substance (known as capsaicin) along with a related compound (resiniferatoxin) on human skin cancer cells to analyze how the cells reacted. Both compounds are natural substances known as vanilloids. They found that the majority of the skin cancer cells exposed to the substances died.

The researchers say these substances seem to kill cancer cells by damaging the cell membranes and limiting the amount of oxygen that reaches the cancer cells.”

Prostate cancer: A study in the March 2006 issue of Cancer Research showed that capsaicin significantly inhibited the protein involved with prostate cancer cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo.

Pain Relief

Experts believe that capsaicin acts on and desensitizes nerve fibres that carry pain signals throughout the nervous system. Repeated and high doses of capsaicin prevent sensory nerves from replenishing their chemical stores and they basically run out of neurotransmitters (the chemical agents that transmit the message of pain to a nerve or muscle). When taken internally, capsaicin stimulates circulation sequentially, from the internal organs to the skin surface and subsequently throughout the entire body. When applied externally and once it penetrates the skin. capsaicin increases circulation to the site where it has been applied.

Capsaicin has been proven to be highly successful in relieving symptoms of arthritis, sports injuries, other kinds of chronic joint and muscle pain and certain kinds of itching. Cream made from cayenne was originally used to treat the intense pain of herpes zoster (shingles). which is a nerve infection caused by chicken pox and usually afflicts adults.
Medical studies have shown that capsaicin significantly lowers cholesterol and is a factor in warding off strokes and heart attacks. It has also been medicinally proven to aid in the human body’s process of digestion and protect against stomach ulcers and the ravages of alcohol. Contrary to popular belief that ulcer sufferers should avoid spicy foods, a report published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences concluded that capsaicin increased blood flow in the stomach’s mucous lining, which may help in healing of the stomach tissue. [Herbal pioneers John Christopher and Jethro Kloss have been saying this for years!-Editor] Chili eaters develop fewer peptic ulcers than those who eat plain foods. Chili peppers also protect against the side effects of aspirin. Also. rates of stomach cancer are unusually low in countries where hot peppers are part of a regular diet. as capsaicin appears to neutralize some carcinogens.

Research has proven that adding chili peppers to your foods can help your body burn calories faster (up to 45 calories more per meal than if you eat bland dishes) and speed up your metabolism. Chili peppers are an incredible replacement for the fat and salt in your diet, as the flavors of the foods are enhanced sufficiently with the ingredients themselves.

When people eat hotter peppers, they experience pain in their mouths and throats. The nervous system reacts to the pain by releasing morphine-like endorphins. Endorphins create a sense of euphoria similar to the “runner’s high” that some people get from exercise.

Fresh chilies offer the highest source of vitamin C available from any vegetable. Surprisingly, fresh, uncooked green chilies provide at least twice and up to eight times the amount that is available from citrus fruits. They are also a good source of Bèta Carotene. As chilies turn from green to red and when dried, they lose much of their vitamin C but gain Bèta Carotene through increased amounts of carotene. Bèta Carotene content increases 100 times in dried peppers.

Reduces Pain and Itching

It can help reduce pain and itching by temporarily decreasing levels of substance P, a chemical involved in sending pain sensations along nerves.

Reduces Pain from Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia

Capsaicin-is used to relieve joint, muscle, nerve and back pain, and fibromyalgia (a musculo-skeletal pain and fatigue disorder).

Topical capsaicin is considered a safe and effective way to reduce pain from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and neuralgia (nerve pain).

A review of human studies published in the December 2002 issue of the American Journal of Orthopedics found capsaicin to be one of several effective treatments for osteoarthritis pain when compared to placebo.

Capsaicin also significantly reduced knee pain associated with both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in a double-blind study published in the May/June 1991 issue of Clinical Therapeutics.

Capsaicin is also used to relieve joint, muscle, nerve and back pain, and fibromyalgia (a musculo-skeletal pain and fatigue disorder).

May help ease rheumatic pains.

Cools Joint and Muscle Pain

May help relieve stiff joints.

Capsaicin, the compound that makes cayenne and other chili peppers hot. It can help reduce pain and itching by temporarily decreasing levels of substance P, a chemical involved in sending pain sensations along nerves

Weight loss:

Consuming cayenne may help suppress appetite. When a group of men and women took 900mg of cayenne pepper a half hour before meals, they felt fuller and reduced their calorie and fat intake, according to a study appearing in the June 2005 issue of International Journal of Obesity.

Hair growth

How Does Cayenne Pepper Help In Hair Growth? | Hair care recipes, Natural  hair care tips, Hair nutrition

How to use

To be used as a spice over your food. It is even nice in your hot chocolate from raw cocoa.

Cayenne tea (infusion): Pour 1 cup of boiling water over ½1 tsp. of cayenne powder, and steep for 15 minutes. Mix 1 tsp. of this infusion in water or vegetable juice, and drink three times daily.

Or you could just use it as as a spice for your food. For idea’s about that , see the e4dc


Capsaicin creams: Rub cream into the affected area three to four times daily, or according to package or doctor directions. Wash your hands after use, unless you’re using capsaicin cream for joint pain in the hands, In that case, leave the cream on for at least 30 minutes before washing, being careful not to touch your eyes, open cuts, sores and other sensitive areas. (If capsaicin gets in your eyes, gently flush with cool water.) Use for at least two to three weeks for maximum pain relief, as the effects are cumulative rather than immediate.

Here is the recipe for homemade Capsaicin cream


Capsaicin creams may cause a mild stinging or burning sensation, although this usually disappears with continued use. Although rare, topical preparations can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. To test for sensitivity, apply the cream to a small area.

Oral use of capsaicin can cause burning of the mouth and throat. People with heartburn, gastritis, ulcers and similar conditions should use caution when taking cayenne extract or including it in food.


Don’t use capsaicin creams or supplements if you are allergic to chili peppers.

You can put cayenne pepper in most abything, even your chocolate milk from raw cocoa and water, sweetened with honey.

We also put it in our tea once a week. It blends very nicely with the fruit tea we dring on Saturdays.

Sources aside from the links already given:

By Amber D. Ackerson, ND‹ Cat’s Claw (herb) (Uncaria Tornentosa)Clodronate ›


RED HOT CHILI PEPPERSSubmitted by prokopton on Tue, 2009-01-27 19:19.


Linda Matthie-Jacobs is a best-selling writer, confirmed chili lover and believer in the curative power of peppers.
By Linda Matthie-Jacobs

Further reading:
Substance in Cayenne can lead to new pain killer…… Lees hier verder.
Cayenne and Cancer and arthritis (vertaling)…….
Cayenne the healing power (Nieuwe Dokters)………..
Cayenne lowers blood npressure (4-8-2010)……………

Cayenne ook een gunstige invloed op kanker……………..


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Anna Elize

I am a writer. My goal is spreading knowledge about becoming and staying healthy naturally, education and sustainable living. I research what top scientists say about it and try to make it easy to read and to apply for everyone. I don't spread my work until it has been checked and approved by Professors in the field I write about. Diet and care is just one of the subjects I often sink my teeth into: I also write about Yeshua's Teaching: And we have an association for sustainable living: To be clear: I don't sell any products I mention and have no personal interest other than feeling the truth should be told. Nothing I discuss is not backed by research. I don't make anything up, but quote what scientists say who have no other interests than telling the truth. I also don't think I'm smarter than anyone else. I just find that there is often a huge difference between what research says is best and what is common practice. That's a gap I try to bridge. And just think about it: who are really pretending to be experts when they aren't? Those who do the research and do and pass on what scientists say? Or the ones who don't and try to silence those who do? Don't judge. Do research. The truth will set you free. I have a Masters in English Language and Literature, and over 20 years of experience with toxin free diet and care.

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