Articles on pregnancy, labour , delivery and child care


Dangers of vaccinating pregnant women

Poor Babies

Poor Baby

Keeping children healthy naturally

Dancing during labour!

Wait before cutting the umbilical cord, say researchers

5 Effective Uses of Herbs During Pregnancy, Labour and Birth

COURT confirms Dr Viera Scheidner’s research , who says : “Vaccination is the most common as well as the most preventable reason for infant mortality” and RULES VACCINES CONTRIBUTE TO AND CAUSE SIDS Deaths

Natural Birthing Centres

Dr. John Bergman

The 21 essential minerals



Articles on diet

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Published by

Anna Elize

I am a writer. My goal is spreading knowledge about becoming and staying healthy naturally, education and sustainable living. I research what top scientists say about it and try to make it easy to read and to apply for everyone. I don't spread my work until it has been checked and approved by Professors in the field I write about. Diet and care is just one of the subjects I often sink my teeth into: I also write about Yeshua's Teaching: And we have an association for sustainable living: To be clear: I don't sell any products I mention and have no personal interest other than feeling the truth should be told. Nothing I discuss is not backed by research. I don't make anything up, but quote what scientists say who have no other interests than telling the truth. I also don't think I'm smarter than anyone else. I just find that there is often a huge difference between what research says is best and what is common practice. That's a gap I try to bridge. And just think about it: who are really pretending to be experts when they aren't? Those who do the research and do and pass on what scientists say? Or the ones who don't and try to silence those who do? Don't judge. Do research. The truth will set you free. I have a Masters in English Language and Literature, and over 20 years of experience with toxin free diet and care.

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