WHO report reveals: Vaccines are made without safety control

Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Arranged for Chinese Vaccine Makers to Avoid U.S. Scrutiny, World Health Organization Report Reveals

by Yelena Sukhoterina | October 19, 2016 86.1kShares  Share  Tweet  Pin  Share  Share

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PHOTO: U.S. Department of State If it wasn’t bad enough that vaccines are still made with toxic controversial ingredients such as thimerosal, many are about to be manufactured in China with no oversight from other countries. https://althealthworks.com/11540/vaccines-will-be-made-in-china-without-u-s-inspection-all-thanks-to-the-clinton-foundationyelena/

Because of a recent classification change, Chinese manufactured vaccines have been given the greenlight to be shipped in bulk to as many as 152 low and middle-income countries and can now bypass any inspection from any other country, including the U.S. — all because of the work of the Clinton Foundation.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that vaccines will be pre-qualified, meaning they are so “confident in the quality, safety and effectiveness of vaccines that are made in China” that other countries will no longer test them for safety.

The Clinton Foundation, which is heavily involved in vaccine programs across the world, has reportedly been working with the Chinese vaccine manufacturers to give them pre-qualification, which was achieved in 2014 with little mention by the mainstream media.

A report by WHO states: “The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) has been working with Chinese suppliers to support their applications for WHO prequalification for several vaccine candidates for the last two years, says Joshua Chu, CHAI’s Director, Vaccines Markets.”

Can we trust China to manufacture vaccines? That may be hard for many people to do after the recent Chinese vaccine scandal.

This Year’s China Vaccine Scandal

Just recently Chinese vaccine manufacturers, wholesale sellers, and buyers came under fire over improperly transported and expired vaccines. The vaccinations were not refrigerated, and sold near their expiration dates, which made them virtually useless.


PHOTO: YouTube

More than 130 people were arrested, (although the article says 37)but most importantly it shed light on flaws within the system.

Another situation occurred in 2013 after 17 children, including 8 infants, passed away after receiving a Hepatitis B vaccine. Officials said the deaths were not linked to the vaccines, but the incident raised eyebrows over the safety of vaccines in China.

There is weak oversight in the process, leaving the vaccine makers and distributors to escape regulation from outside of China even when vaccines are being shipped to other countries. Liability for those who may be hurt from such vaccines shipped across the world is also a bigger concern.

Lance Rodewald, head of WHO’s expanded program on immunization (EPI) in China, had this to say: – “(the new regulations) have made it possible for the United Nations and other agencies to procure life-saving vaccines for countries without the capacity to make high quality vaccines or the resources to purchase them.”

But while many surely do follow the regulations, the lack of oversight is troubling to others, especially considering that more and more vaccines from China could make their way to the U.S. in the coming years.

U.S. Pharmaceuticals Are Already Made In China    An estimated of 80% of major ingredients used in U.S. pharmaceuticals are manufactured overseas, with most materials coming from India and China. This is already a serious problem, as there is a lack of inspections of these ingredients.

When the FDA tests these ingredients, they often do not comply to safety standards. In one instance, the active ingredients for the drug Makena (seven samples were Chinese and three from U.S.-based repackagers) were tested by the drug’s manufacturer, USA Today reported, and the company found that eight samples did not comply, and one Chinese sample was actually just made of glucose. In this new vast global medicine shipping operation, the concern is that mistakes like these are more commonplace than people realize.

Can this happen to vaccines? Because of their new pre-qualification status, they will not require inspection outside of China.

And the FDA rarely visits pharmaceutical manufacturing sites in other countries. According to a U.S. Government Accountability report, “Up to two-thirds of foreign pharmaceutical sites have never undergone an FDA inspection.”

Clintons’ Involvement

Hillary Clinton was a part of the organization (originally started by her husband Bill Clinton in 1997) between 2013 and 2015. The WHO reported China’s pre-qualification of vaccines in 2014.

Clinton, who supports mandatory vaccination laws, recently used Twitter to send the following message:
“The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let’s protect all our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest.”


It’s no surprise that someone who is fond of pushing vaccines despite their well-established side effects and risks of catastrophic events (currently, they contain surprising amounts of heavy metals and additives – billions in payouts have been given to vaccine injury victims since 1986) would allow China, the country unfortunately known for producing some of the most toxic unsafe products on the planet (see here for info on food fraud and questionable and potentially harmful organic regulations) in recent years, to make vaccines with no additional oversight.

Clinton has also been taking the most money from the pharmaceutical companies compared to the other presidential candidates, which could mean the industry is betting big on her winning the election to continue outsourcing their operations.

Unfortunately rather than focusing on “greening our vaccines” and removing or at least further studying the additives that have been causing serious health problems, those who support the pharmaceutical industry continue to focus on profit over safety and accountability.   Even though Hillary herself once questioned the safety of vaccines (including a possible link to autism) in this quote included in a campaign questionnaire: “(we are) committed to make investments to find the causes of autism, including possible environmental causes like vaccines,” her namesake foundation has now paved the way for China to become one of the top vaccine manufacturers globally.

Currently it is not known whether Chinese vaccines are making their way to the U.S. or not, but huge pharmaceutical companies such as Merck have facilities in China and are already establishing partnerships with Chinese companies.

For now, the only way to know for sure is to ask plenty of questions (and be sure to read the full insert before considering a vaccine as well).


Still have questions about vaccines? Don’t miss this year’s biggest and most important event, the investigative 7 part docu-series: The Truth About Vaccines, playing FREE online August 17-23, 2017. Click HERE To Watch Now. 


Recommended reading:

Trump’s Decision to Study Vaccine Safety with Controversial Activist Backed by Undeniable Evidence

Not Going to Back Down:” RFK Jr., De Niro Call Out Mainstream Media at Press Conference, Offer $100,000 Challenge Over Controversial Vaccine Additive<div data-rows=”3″ data-cols=”3″ class=”rc-wc rc-bp rc-uid-7403 rc-g-dl ezfound” data-rcp=”eyJ3IjoiNzQwMyIsInQiOiJyY18xOTAiLCJjIjoiMTUxOTA0MzQ4MjY3NyIsIndpZHRoIjoiMTM2NiJ9″ data-rct=”9″ data-rc-g-dl=”9″ data-rc-g-d=”9″ data-rc-g-t=”9″ data-rc-g-p=”6″ “=”” data-id=”7403″ data-original_load=”eyJzcG9uc29yZWQiOlsyMDY4Mzc3LDI2Njc4NDIsMjAzNTIxNSwyNzE0MjE4LDI3Nzk0MDUsMjcxNDIxOSwyNzY5ODk0LDI2NzIzOTgsMjQ1ODk0OF19″ data-refresh=”” data-refresh-int=”60000″ data-view=”iqStNi0A6SDjSLpuU3CT3iKmZtlQBBOK8m2hsnRBKdJPpa5SZwQ1E5c59iXrGLegqXilcCO76n30PHwjRKALv0HDEMlNmWMCntoRR21x9Iu%2BYLxxFpN89TEyr%2FbevsF0hwzb1tz17AgAIzeAYPaTCMaN%2BzulZAFxswmo%2BOSCaCHKYqSx8Wdbd%2FCah8A7yjh91y3fOGMOZi9%2FYU7oFwiRW6O8O8vcgo2t5xgJZH7irhh7yw8JvTmuUvlgpvxsS%2F%2Fzu%2FjwFd4xuR9L2jD6bGrGT2L7C3TrDBrVLEfuGxFdoaZZDDU2sT19DEojWAxwCFO1ELu7aY3VRRcGtn7WjAu9Pq4UWbLUFhzERxoscRPwiypK2wgRlaBxb23Tc27IIOtP5jXRew80EQAKvbHPQG5lDRab5Mm2WF58B7de%2BNiB6GL8HooZY1A%2Bd6mgADQI6uh7pEMN3Bcg3YPrELCqV2i8UXFucoQcJRl2xnRzfkNBb61NJepNvBnjID9x%2F5U%2B%2FuP8c0kAsL86DTYLGEu0eHxuXEqQIIy521C1A1EA0lsVmSxiOQrKGuDaA4K6orYW01YwSOi5%2FNM9TsGUJXL5TGNGWSwcN5JoISTC0FtiDyn6MGi9657IZJ3c5m8TCuZf%2FtShL3e%2F%2BYpfMZ4eOPOHIBavZBiZokq4wygiPuHS5O9aH7m8Ah43jWEiumiQVwB76ml7rRrysoN2u1dE1Ov45ulXqJP9SDRsgj%2FI6bqWVShpN28jNqGvzP3oiqnAoEQm9%2BT2648vly3CX6UkreY1gRV2RT1Yyntq4G7ZjWO1NA3JDd0NqqrKdI%2BDcJYiLFq4H0N39Ouu1Bkgak7Ex%2Bznz%2FIuXRJuSOAhAcBQ4A9GnJJk8kG%2F5YXSi9diXVHlYyuJDkv2m3Mwp5Rh61A%2FFhBvOzF4dCBsPDP1K2PNHX6KiMY6mVt%2F%2BTyYEO8l7CdP1vLIbW%2BDfIQS5AHaXR6E56fK8%2BopnaO1VL5UrihxcHz1KMQM2D2SBvFH0gXTqjCWo2beLxj0GyOsCepyZPXUTd33Wgd10KYIqsr9x6nvf3Q0NW3guYcdjH6y%2B9c9syoza2cx5AQRQTQdkcV%2Bt1cFaOLI5CAAhuBkRdws2t0mEtwe%2B2xPDFNwfuaRzqa8eO9CDT8xdVLoYwEifYT9SOhCuSNusfW2c%2FVt68sMy%2FSmYDH5FqXRB%2FPGuPG29E5XTpXTmmGvRkBmsOypdvAUkv5j0m7lbdFXp3xvb5rXbyxdLoWV5Ygd6a8FH7C32xcVHogL8J%2Bt4hX3sOs4TGfo2MoY3HBn7QOd2Wyy1gSg4N%2B8dYMXustqaTUfDfIzP7mOipY5VmRqMdySubkvPqzpM67POuC7RozBp9dzE3hTtM3lfh4JckznuNX0UxGOtfneAR%2BzO8kK7HRC3ku10kCJ%2BmDWNkhsQGUYADB0y2oGa8xyekyyv%2FZtXianquucK9Db0C2EbAgtfJtjknpMvepzgoXL0omOTNj5IPqmLi%2Fkmie9rE6oYwSWI1%2FLf4mCA80D2BhFX9TXcoZM4yBvPWm96KDyCrsfqJlTFLZmlH%2BT4UNdikAaPYtgJRJU%2Fh4%2FUgR0BwkYqh0ZGbiolN3tQ5m9gBB4yQ7k17kXLuQd7hgmiOiTMwt2NFJ7EPGkFJA9IBipFfxpZRNz8t27eXNl6SjV3db%2BEO4ktyHFoJMLnyyTOzukyTQ6VK3WrArD8ZwqTw%2B9YbRevNIbh3cdWvS0GzU7GsubqlKGYikroo9B4FixfN6A%2B7JRLU6jafbsJ99aUarZhbhUWPu4CMzj7olZPjiFeJo1ajbRy%2FDUYVGMyJhwit2JtbLo7L9sHM9byjQSkGKZEznC639gfh9JYvj9y%2Bw%2FWlEDfzZsHk9E6JtGTVzXGUA4y2wmLv2%2F8nF1MU6z5tZuO1AK3mJyqNRa7Y4IN8J9VjBsI%2Bd2yApRr%2Fni79pygZ%2BVLZKuTVdefoqtzkBgS57exLQX4xALdmLJ3guzrOd1gKsRzkx7bbo7PQ%3D%3D” style=”box-sizing: border-box; overflow: visible; position: relative; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; visibility: visible;”>    Ads by Revcontent 

( formerlyAppendix 193: WHO report reveals: Vaccines are made in China without safety control )

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Anna Elize

I am a writer. My goal is spreading knowledge about becoming and staying healthy naturally, education and sustainable living. I research what top scientists say about it and try to make it easy to read and to apply for everyone. I don't spread my work until it has been checked and approved by Professors in the field I write about. Diet and care is just one of the subjects I often sink my teeth into: https://scentses4d.wordpress.com/naturally-happily-healthily-toxin-free-diet-and-care-e4dc/ I also write about Yeshua's Teaching: https://intelligentdevotion.wordpress.com/what-is-intelligent-devotion/ And we have an association for sustainable living: https://oor4uguilde.wordpress.com/2016/05/15/blog-post-title/ To be clear: I don't sell any products I mention and have no personal interest other than feeling the truth should be told. Nothing I discuss is not backed by research. I don't make anything up, but quote what scientists say who have no other interests than telling the truth. I also don't think I'm smarter than anyone else. I just find that there is often a huge difference between what research says is best and what is common practice. That's a gap I try to bridge. And just think about it: who are really pretending to be experts when they aren't? Those who do the research and do and pass on what scientists say? Or the ones who don't and try to silence those who do? Don't judge. Do research. The truth will set you free. I have a Masters in English Language and Literature, and over 20 years of experience with toxin free diet and care.

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